***NOTE!!** This Give-Away has ended! Jan is the winner of the magazine and the charm pack from me. Congrats, Jan!
My buddy Pat Sloan and I were talking about being so glad, EVER SO GLAD that February had one extra day in it this year.
I mean, February with its short span of 28 days always leaves me feeling short-sheeted. It arrives right after January ends, and in the blink of an eye, bam! It’s gone! But this year, we get an EXTRA DAY---Today!
Let’s make a gift out of this extra gifted day, why don't we?
Pat had this great idea that we play a bit more on this extra day, and spread some friendship around! Of course that means there is a fun Give-away involved, directly from our stashes!
Your job is to tell your friends to come join in, via facebook, via email, via phone call -- however you choose it! You leave a comment to this post for the Quiltmaker magazine issue and the Moda Summer Breeze Charm pack, and then you head over to Pat’s Blog and leave her a comment for the Aurifil thread and the honey bun roll!
Remember, if you are commenting as anonymous, or if your profile does not include your email address, you must leave your name and email at the bottom of your comment to be eligible for this drawing.
If it is your first time commenting on my blog, let me know! Welcome, welcome! I’m so happy you stopped by! And if it is your first time visiting Pat’s blog – let her know as well.
This is a fun pic of Pat and I together as we took a batch of crazy quilters on a Carribbean cruise this past November! ((The shirtless guy with lots of hair belongs to neither of us -- just sayin'!))
If you are a member of my Quiltville Friend Page on Facebook, go give Pat a like too on hers! You won’t want to miss her radio interview posts with other Quilt Divas and the other fun Quilty stuff she is up to with the Learning Center.
If you are here because you read about it on Pat’s Facebook page or blog, would you give me a like too? I’d like to get to know you better! There is a Facebook widget over there in the right hand side bar..just click LIKE!
Get involved, get to know some quilters you may not have met before, laugh lots, share lots, and quilt lots more!
Let's run it down one more time!
- Use the 'Share' feature at our Facebook Posts to spread the love to your own Facebook Wall!
- tell your forum/yahoogroup/message board buddies about the give-away!
- shout it out at your flickr groups!
- and chat it up on your blogs!
- the more quilters the better we say!
We will both be choosing our winners the evening of March 1st – so be watching for that, and good luck and HAPPY LEAP DAY to everyone!
BONUS!! If you are new here, I've got another give-away going on that will be drawn for on Friday! It's for an issue of "On Track" Magazine, the publication of the International Machine Quilter's Association. You can go HERE to read more about it and leave a comment there for that Give-Away too!
Don't forget that SATURDAY is the first Saturday of March, so it's also YARD SALE SATURDAY. You'll want to come back -- if you have a blog, blog about quilty things you want to sell, and come link up to my post and let's move this stuff out to new homes. Last month it was a lot of fun.
leap year pictures
1 – 200 of 481 Newer› Newest»Can you believe it? I'm the first to make a comment!!! Great give-away, Thanks Bonnie!
What a fun giveaway for Leap Day. Thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks Bonnie and Pat for the chance to be a winner!
I read you all the time. Love to check and see what my friend Bonnie is up to. Thanks for thechance to win. Laurie in Casper, WY laurieh@bresnan.net
Great giveaway! Count me in.
Great idea, Bonnie! Take advantage of the "extra" day - what a great attitude! I'm headed over to tell Pat the same thing. Thanks.
I'm in! Love your blog, Bonnie, especially the free Kindle books. My library is getting pretty big because of you. Thanks!
Hi Bonnie thanks for the chance to play in some leap year fun
Love you both. Took a class from Pat at a show several years ago.
If I win, the magazine is going to a friend who quilts.
I am going off to look at your fist book and pick another quilt to start.
How can it be the end of February already! I'm with you Bonnie, it goes by so fast. I plan to enjoy this "extra" day quilting with friends. Yahoo!
Leap Day is a good day to laugh a little more than usual; love to read both of your posts; I've known Pat for over 10 years since she taught at our Guild when I was Program Chairman....I'll get some more friends involved in hooking up with you both
I just love your leap year pictures. I'm hoping you get all you want accomplished on this extra day.
SueW Upstate NY
I just love your leap year pictures. I'm hoping you get all you want accomplished on this extra day.
SueW Upstate NY
Yeah last day of February! Thanks for the fun giveaway! New to your site.
How fun--thanks for the chance to win!
What a great way to celebrate this extra day! Thanks for the give away!!
Count me in Bonnie! Not only the giveaway looks like a fun package these items will surely turn into some beautiful projects by using one of your patterns! Thanks for the chance to win :)
LOVE the items in the giveaway. The Summer Breeze and Summer Breeze II fabrics are my favorites. Thanks for doing the giveaway and making everything you do so much fun!
Don't have flickr, twitter or a blog but have shared the FB post and have emailed all my quilting friends.
Thanks again!!
Good morning Bonnie, Thank you for a chance to win on this wonderful "extra" day. I follow your blog and will get to meet you face to face in Little Rock on March 13. ((very exvited))
And I am headed to Ms. Pat's page now.
Enjoy your Leap Day......
Angela. asmith65@windstream.net
Hi Bonnie and Pat! What a generous offer. happy Sewing!!!
Lynnell J Rowe
Yeah, leaping into it. :)
Love a giveaway! Wendy weakley, wweakley2002@comcast.net
I would love to win this special give away from two special quilting friends. Thank you.
Oh YES! Count me in on this one! I'm a long time fan!
I would love to win.. I read your blog every day.
Fun, Fun giveaway! Love the blogs! Probably spend more time than I should reading....instead of sewing! lol
Wishing next time we could move leap day to June or July and make it a holiday. A no work all play day in the summer would be wonderful. Thanks for having the giveaway. Jan jtquilts@frontier.com
Thanks for entering me in the giveaway. Love your blog!
Great Blog, Great give-away. Thanks for the chance Bonnie, first time commenter, long time follower of you and your work.
Bonnie. I am aFaithful reader. I am motivated by your energy; you accomplishso much in your quilting. your patterns are great. I am a scrap quilter, really enjoy the variety in my quilts petersjd@xplornet.ca
Happy Leap Day!
I pop in at least once a week. Not on facebook - I like to remain a person of mystery and I like to shut myself away like a hermit and sew after work.
Hi Bonnie! Read your blog every day and love the inspiration. Spending today teaching my kids (we homeschool) and taking my oldest to get her learners permit. Yikes! Would love to win the giveaway! Kathy Peters 6peters@windstream.net
What a lovely giveaway! Star Struck STILL not done from the class last June in Houston..........LOL!!!!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Happy leap day!
I hope this applies to Canadians as well! I love your blog Bonnie! It is so informative and funny :) Thanks for doing all you do for the rest of us!
Yay! A give-away! I'll be home sewing all day today, it's the perfect Leap Day activity!!
Karen Lieberman
Bonnie, your FB page and blog are so much fun. I never miss a post, or a giveaway either! Thanks for keeping the fun in my days. Would love to win something. Cheri cuffmail@aol.com
Not new to either of you- I read both blogs each morning with a fresh cuppa. Perfect start to the day- and a little inspiration to get going!!!
I hope to get in some extra leap stitching after work today. Great giveaway, thanks!
you two look like you are having great fun on that cruise
Thanks for the great giveaway! Happy Leap day!
What a nice Leap Day surprise! Thank you for sharing!
Raining here in Georgia so I plan to spend a good part of the day making blocks for a new quilt. If I win a charm pack I have an idea for a cute little quilt.
Thanks for the giveaway - I'm hosting one too (although nothing like as glamousous as yours!) - all welcome at plumquilts.blogspot.com!
Thanks for the chance to win and thanks for the info on the free books. I now have more books than I'll ever have a chance to read. Of course I have more quilt patterns than I'll ever be able to make also.
Pat B. pbollman@gmail.com
Hi Bonnie, It's so much fun that you and Pat are doing this fun thing on Leap Day. Thank you both!
man i needed a bonus day, i've been motivated to tackle all my sewing projects. hope i don't have spend the day running to the basement because of nasty weather. 62 degrees! read your blog daily as well as pat's. have a good leap day!!
Thanks for some leap day fun!
Thanks for the chance to win! Now I have a new blog to check out too! Happy sewing today Bonnie.
Hi Bonnie,
I am off work for bonus day to do taxes (ugh!), wait on plumber, and get knee therapy started...but excited to see your fun day give away. Love your blog....read it every day!
Happy Leap Day! Thank you for sharing all your great patterns, tips on techniques, book reviews, humorous blogs, and more! You are a very generous girl!
Holly hpbell@verizon.net
February is my birthday month, so of course I am partial to it!
Very fun! Happy Leap Day!
Happy Leap Day! Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the opportunity to win. You rock Bonnie :D!
Count me in
Thanks for the leap day fun, and for the giveaway.
Love your blog and your quilts. I read all the time but I've never commented. Happy Leap Year Day! Denise
Happy Leap. Soooooo! Love your post on Facebook have shared it with all my friends and told them they were missing out on lots of tips and trips if they don't follow along Keep it up. My BIG birthday is March 2 and I would so love to win a birthday present. (65). Big one. Love as always
donnagauch@ hotmail.com
Thanks for the chance to win - good way to take advantage of our extra day
and apparently I don't know how, but I'll learn - Denilayne@yahoo.com
I hope today is a leap for joy day for you.
Happy Leap Day--Leap away!! Love your patterns and your blog which I follow daily!! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!!
I always have trouble posting a comment here. Let me try again. Wow took me three tries to get this far. I love your idea to give away on this EXTRA day. Count me in for some fun. Love Bonnie and Pat and follow their blogs each day. I am Donna at dltquilt@juno.com, because I can not sign in, only anonymous....Did I win?
Nice to see the picture of you two enjoying some sun, as it is a rainy day here and the sun has deserted us. I have some quilted bags to work on today, among other projects. Thanks for the giveaway!
Snow Days all over the place in Wisconsin today. It's SUCH a shame that I'll have to quilt the day away. :0)
Happy Leap Year! Sixteen years ago to day I was 37 1/2 weeks pregnant and was admitted to the hospital with hypertension. I tried to convince them to go ahead and induce me. We love to give our kids a hard time and what could be better than only having a birthday every 4 years? They didn't induce me and my son was born on March 11. This morning I told him Happy 4th Birthday, and I got the obligatory eye roll with a little grin. He is a wonderful young man. Love your Blog Bonnie!
I wanna win! Pick me, pick me!!!! (Do you see me waving my hand in the air at your frantically?) Thanks for the fun giveaway, and enjoy your day :-)
This is my first time to post. Thanks for the opportunity to win! I love reading your posts and hope to win on this Leap Day!
Penny goforitembroidery@yahoo.com
Happy LEAP Year!
So glad Pat sent me LEAPING over to your blog and FB, I'm happy to know another quilter is close by in NC!
c.paints [at] yahoo [dot] com
You gals are LEAPING FUN!
I have enjoyed the Quiltmaker magazine since I found out you Bonnie are featured in it. It's a light and easy read and has fun things to do in it. As for the 5" charm packs - Anything Moda is for me. Talk about user friendly. I have used them to start my granddaughters on their quilting journey.
Like I told Pat Sloan, you gals are LEAPING FUN.
Thanks for the give-a-ways.
"Summer breeze, makes me feel fine,
blowing through the jasmine in my mind"...
Can't get the tune out of my head now.
Don't do Facebook, but I do sing the praises of this site to anyone I come across who is even remotely interested in quilting.
Oh yes - in all my years I hadn't thought about "celebrating" Leap Year but today I am taking my 5 yr old to the children's museum to celebrate! Your blogs are my grown up celebration!
Thanks for the chance to win! I have a cup of tea and read your blog every morning.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for a great giveaway, I'm on vacation visiting Fam. In NJ will try to do this on the "mobile" try to visit Pat's site too! Thanks for the motivational blog.
Happy Leap Day! I'm going to make it a quilty day!
Thanks for the giveaway. Love your site!
Thanks for a fun leap year giveaway!
Great! Another giveaway. I love that you are sooo generous. Pick me! Pick me!
Great post, Bonnie! Love Leap Year but would hate to be a "Leap Year Baby" ... though I'm 63 this year and if I were a "Leap Year Baby" I'd only be 16!! Something to think about ... LOL
Hello Bonnie, I would love your giveaway and see many others do also!
Caught your giveaway on FB. Thanks for the opportunity to enter into the leap year fun.
ANOTHER reason to love Leap Year! Thanks Bonnie!
Hey Bonnie! I love that you and Pat are teamed up! What could be more fun??? Happy Leap Day!
Thanks for the giveaway! Pick me! Happy 29th!
See you next week! The quilt guild in Tidewater is letting me into your class on Wednesday.
Wasn't Leap Year Sadie Hawkins Day? I'm spending the morning stitching with Paula and some other quilters...good use of a bonus day!
Frist time on your page. Love your page. Thanks for the give away
Gale gigisew@comcast.net
What a fun give away! Thanks Bonnie!
Great giveaways Thank you so much!! I follow fb and blog, don't want to miss a thing....Have a wonderful day!
At work I tried to explain that Feb. 29th should be an automatic holiday - they didn't buy it. So instead of quilting the day away I have to work. I've never commented before but I read you everyday, just finished Lady of Lake Erie (top), and saw you here in ABQ. And....I'd love to win! (I'd also love to go to Bali - but that's going to have to wait.) Jhillm at comcast dot net
Love your work, Bonnie. Thanks for the chance!
Happy Leap Day! Thanks for the chance to win. Will like on Facebook!
I love to follow you on Facebook. You always have such fun things to share. Thanks for all the info and of course for the giveaway!
Have been reading/following since a friend told me about you at a guild retreat. Lots of ideas and great links to other quilter/bloggers.
A give away is fun.
Marcia fuzzy9291@yahoo.com
I follow and will like you on FB too!
Bonnie thank you for sharing Pat's blog with us.... if you hadn't pointed me that way, i may not have found her... and I have followed her designs for along time! I have followed you from a yahoo group before your move to the beautiful Carolinas! Thank you both for sharing your talents with us!
Isn't it fun to link up with friends and do something fun?!? Thanks for the Leap Day giveaway! (Love your Leap Day graphic BTW!)
Just about to share on Facebook. I love reading your blog
Bonnie, I have already "shared" both post's on FB and commented on Pat's Blog so I came over here to do the same. Thanks for the great giveaway you both are hosting!
Thanks so much for the opportunity Bonnie! I share about you and your site to all my quilty friends!
And I've been a long-time "Liker" of your FB page too!!!
What a fun way to spend Leap Day! Sharing it with Quilty friends. Thanks for the fun giveaways and I hope your day is full of joy and happiness.
Love giveaways! Packing for quilt retreat that begins tomorrow, that's how I'm spending my leap day!
Joining in the FUN. I saw this on Pat's FB, and I "LIKE" both of you so I had to SHARE, of course. It is nice to have that 'extra day' this year to finish up a couple of projects, huh? Enjoy your day!
I 'like' you and Pat! Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Wonderful giveaway....I'm a follower of yours but hopped over to Pat's blog as you suggested. Also "liked" Quiltville. Thanks for hosting this fun day!
Thanks for the giveaway chance. This is a really fun idea for leap day.
Leaping Lizards!!! I love your blog! Happy leap day. I share my admiration of you every time I talk quilting.
Thanks for the giveaway and happy leaping day over there. Annaleena
I am a faithful follower of both you and Pat Sloan and remembered listening to her podcast interview with you while I was on the treadmill. I also had the priviledge of attending one of your workshops a couple years ago in Indiana. You will also be at my guild in Plainfield, Illinois in May where I get to take the Night Flight class with you. This is a great giveaway as I have done many of your quilts as well as Pats!!! Thank you!
What a great giveaway! Happy Extra day of the year to you!
Deanna scrappy_nanna@hotmail.com
HAPPY LEAP DAY!!!!! What a great day this is going to be. Right Bonnie??? I wish I could have stayed home and sewed all day long but some of us got to work..lol. Have a fantastic day!
happy day to everyone,,,,,,,great giveaway as always,,,and off to pats to say hi,,,,,,,,,,,,SMILES ARE FREEEEEEEEE, PASS ONE ON,,,
Hi Bonnie, Thanks for the chance to win at your give away. I enjoy your blog and usually check it a couple times a day. Happy Leap Year!!!
I'm going to leap over to Pat's blog also.
I did my part and shared you and Pat on Facebook! Now I have 8 days off from work to quilt my heart out! WooHooooo!
Love your blog and love Pat's blog also. You two are just the best!!! Can't wait to read what you are up to every day (and night). Have a happy Leap Day. Thanks for including me in your giveaway.
Thanks for the chance to win. Happy Leap Day!!!
Great giveaway. Thanks, Nancy nancyk@kenedyrabbitry.com
Follow you both via FB. Love all the information and enjoy following your travels. Ahh the wonder of creativity. Shirley in West Texas .. selaud1953@yahoo.com
Wow what a great surprise for the quilter who wins!
Yes, this is the first time commenting. Love your website and blog, would love to attend one of your workshops. Thanks for the giveaway I want to win!!!
WooHoo. I need something like this to get out of my quilting slump. Count me in.
Aren't you, two nice! Lovely giveaway, and lovely excuse to play! I never realized all the traditions that go along with leap day until this year, yum!
I follow you on FB and have followed Quiltville on website for a long time. My quilty buddies were sharing websites is how I hooked up with you and I have enjoyed the adventures you take us all on both on the web and FB. I love having this playday this year, it gives me one more day before a deadline on a quilt. Yippee Skippee! Have a great Leap Year Day. ninepatch@hotmail.com
Love your blog and quilts, but this is the first time I have left a comment. I have attended one of your workshops and am looking forward to attending another...sooo much fun!
I'd LOVE to be the recipient of this! LOVE quilting and everything that goes with the territory! Special shout-out to my dear friend, Sherry at Quilt-n-Sew Haven!
Been following you via blog for several years. Other quilty friend was sharing blog rolls and I was hooked!
Thanks so much for another chance to win. You will probably have 500 comments before this is over, we Love our Bonnie!!
In the process of basting my Orca Bay. I love how it turned out and how easy it went together. Love your blog!
Hi Bonnie, I love your giveaways! And I'm always sharing your stuff on Facebook. Waiting for this drawing must be like being an Oscar nominee and sitting in the audience whispering, "Pick me, pick me!"
Hi Bonnie! LOVE the idea for a chance to win fun stuff! Thanks so much for this opportunity! You are the greatest!
I have followed you for a long time but I believe this is my first comment. I believe today should be called "FARCH" The merging of Feb and March. Doesn't need a number after all, for there is only one day. C'mon, you want to say it! What a fun word! Happy FARCH Day!
Love, love, LOVE your blog, your quilts, your patterns- you name it!
Kathy kbenson_stb@yahoo.com
Thanks for all your inspiration! I'm quilting for Leap Day!
Thanks for another great month of inspiration. I've linked you and Pat on my blog and facebook. Love your blog and quiltville. You rock!
Love the giveaway. Been following for a couple of years now. Always enjoy it. Got my aunt to start following too.
I have been following your blog for over a year and I just love it. I look forward to reading it first thing in the morning. I would love to win!
Happy Leap Day!! What a great way to celebrate by a give away! Love your blog, I have been following your blog for quite a while.
Can hardly wait for your next book! I'll be going to Pat's blog and getting on facebook.
Laura lbquilts@newwavecomm.net
Bonnie, I am a huge fan. I have been following your blog for a few yrs. Would love to win but not a requirement. I feel I win every morning and evening when I read your blog! Just bought the Quiltmaker's 100 blocks volume 4 to get your pattern Midnight Flight. I love the way your quilt turned out.
Enjoy reading your blog on FB everyday. Learn so much (recent post really helped improve my rotary cutting skills), laugh so much, love to see what others do at your classes. Would be fun to win the prize.
Was hoping to spend day sewing but have a funeral for precious man at our church. Will spend time celebrating his life and his love for his Lord with his wife, family and church family. A good way to spend the extra day the Lord gives us once every 4 years...time with our forever family.
Hi Bonnie-
I found your blog a while back through Pat's blog. I have followed her forever and at her suggestion checked out yours. I haven't ever left a comment for you before so I guess I am a "lurker". I do admire your work very much and am in awe of how much you accomplish! Thanks for the inspiration Bonnie.
Wendy T.
Thanks for the fun giveaway! Love reading your blog!
Nice way to leap into March. Thanks for the great giveaway.
This is the first time to comment but certainly not the first time I've visited your blog!
Have a great day!
Read your blog daily, but don't often comment --- thanks for the opportunity to win a prize. I thorougly enjoy your adventures and your quilts!
Bonnie -- you've inspired me to start a hand-piecing project. Started doing 'Trip Around the World' last night. Haven't done any hand-piecing since I was a kid and my grandmother was teaching me how to sew two blocks together! Thanks for all you do!
Happy Leap Day and thanks for the give away. Pick me!! lol
Pick me, Pick me... I love your Blog! can I be you when I grow up?
I read your blog every day as it makes me happy! As well as inspired, you are so busy!!!! nycbgirl@gmail.com
What a lovely way to end February!! Thanks for the chance...oh and I blogged about your Leap Year Fun!! Check it out!
Take care!
Love the cruise photo and the butter dish story. Thanks for offering a give a way.
Love your Blog and your FB posts! You brighten my day! Thanks for the great giveaway!
A great idea I love Feb 29th, they are special day
Read your blog daily! Missing NC like crazy and FPQG, tell the gals "Hi"!
Hi Bonnie - You and Pat inspire me to stretch beyond my comfort zone in quilting. Thanks for your daily blog - I enjoy it every morning with my cup of tea. And even if you don't pick me, I will still be a fan :)
This is my first time commenting on your blog, but I read it everyday and it inspires me to go up to my sewing room and do a little sewing or even cutting from my scraps.
Thank you for a great give away!!!
great giveaway. yuors is one of the few blogs I read everyday. wish today I could sew today but I'm babysitting today all day so sewing probably won't happen unless I'm lucky enough for the kids to take a nap at the same time, lol
Thanks for the chance to win. I'm not sure if this is my first comment, but I have followed your career for a long time.
I always start my day with coffee and Quiltville! (just added "Quiltville" to my dictionary, lol) I just shared this post on my FB page and am about to head over to check out Pat's blog. Thanks for the giveaway and enjoy your extra day!
This is my first time commenting on your blog, but I do try to read it everyday. Thanks for the inspiration and for the chance to win goodies!
Love your blog. It is a must read every day.
Just found your blog via Aurifil and am so glad I did. Shared it on FB and look forward to reading more of your blogs. Thanks for the giveaway.
Please enter me in your giveaway! What fun! But I do wish the extra day had added to August instead of February! :-)
Up here in the GWN (Great White North), and extra day of February means one more day to wait for Spring :-( so it's great to have a chance to win something to soothe our snowed-up souls. Thanks, Bonnie!
Bonnie, I love your blog and read it everyday. I also tell everyone I know about it. I love learning historic things about all the places you visit and seeing what people do in your classes.
I read your blog every day. Thanks for the chance to win.
WooHoo, a give away. How generous. Love, love Summer Breeze with the yellow and blues. Also can't wait for Quiltmaker each month. I check it out of the library to keep quilting mags coming. Still lovin' my Orca Bay and try to work on it after caring for my hubby. Woodie Woods, woodsvl@hotmail.com
Thanks Bonnie.
Whoa, turn my back to the computer for an hour or two and look what happens! I'm not on Facebook, or any of the other options, but when I post on my blog later today I will give a shout-out about this.
Thanks for the chance to win! It's my first time commenting! volkmc@cuaa.edu
I plan to use my free day to work on my cruise project. Thanks for the giveaway!
I just discovered your blog a couple of days ago, thanks to a facebook friend, so this is my first post. Love the tips and ideas!
Rosalind Griffith
This is my first blog attempt ever! Happy Leap Day!
This is my first post here. Aurifil sent me to Pat's page where I learned about your blog. I need more hours in the day to catch up with your previous posts. :-)
How much fun is this? I always thought that February 29 should be a holiday! Thanks for the great ideas, Bonnie.
This is my first time here. I LOVE the thread colors!!!!
Thanks for a chance to win a great giveaway! I look at your FB page aleast 3 or 4 times a day.I love every thing you do!!
Thanks Bonnie
I've been reading your blog in GReader for awhile now, thanks for all the info.! Happy Leap Day back at ya!
Happy Leap Day! I visit here every day. Love it!! Hope to win.
Great way to celebrate the extra day! Now I want to go home and work on a quilt - this working stuff is for the birds!!
Andrea from Calgary
iquiltoo at gmail.com
Bonnie, I need a LOVE button, cause I wake up to you every morning! This is my highlight of the day. I also LOVE Pats blog...and I LOVE LOVE the giveaway! I have never won one but I keep trying.....keep up the good work. Jan
Great idea for a celebration! I am working on a "Bonnie" scrap quilt today! I'd love to win! Brenda evansby@charter.net
Happy Leap Day!! Count me in on the celebration and the madness...Enjoy the day!
Happy Leap Day! Thanks for the giveaway and hope you get lots done today!
Count me in on the fun! Love the idea....thank you for sharing and the chance to win.
I've been reading your blog for years. Love to start my day with your smiling face and upbeat messages. What a happy way to celebrate an extra day. Thanks, Bonnie!
Count me in on the fun! Love the idea....thank you for sharing and the chance to win.
What Fun! I've declared today a "ME DAY"! An extra day to quilt.
Love the fabrics and thread! I'm having a fun Leap Day!
Happy Leap Day! Thanks for the great giveaway. What fun! I read your blog every day and love your quilt patterns. Thanks for everything.
Great Idea. I'd love a copy. alaskajoyrn@yahoo.com
I'm splitting the day- visiting an ill friend and working on an (a) UFO!!
Sounds like a lot of fun. Love your blog, lots of ideas and information.
Happy Leap Day give away!
Thank you, Patricia
Happy Leap Day! Thanks for the giveaway!
I am letting my quilting friends know about you. Great fun. Thanks
What a fun idea. Thanks for doing this.
Love to read your blog-thanks for the Leap Day giveaway!
Thankyou Bonnie and Pat - I sent emails to my two overseas (both married) that they should regard this as a "free" day and use it for whatever they fancied. I did n-o-t send my youngest (unmarried) the same message! 'Twould be great to win one of the giveaways. Margaret
Count me in! Would love to win. Thanks for all you do for quilters. Love reading your Blog. It is here for my morning coffee on the West Coast and makes a great way to start the day.
Lela quiltninny@yahoo.com
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