
Friday, February 10, 2012

Just a bit of Florabunda---

Last evening I got the hankering to take the Florabunda blocks that I’ve done so far, give them a good pressing and lay them out.

I’m a bit more than half way --- there are currently 37 blocks done out of 72.

The first thing I noticed is that there isn’t a lot of interesting ones yet…

Right now it looks more light than it does dark or vibrant in the yellow department, but when I looked at what fabrics I have still to sew, I saw that I still have a lot of the darker ones to go into the mix yet:

florabunda 006

These are pairs of triangles and pairs of strips ready to be chain fed through the machine for the next dozen or so blocks…I was going to sew those last night, but well --- you know how it goes! I was clearing off the cutting table to straighten things up a bit and, before I knew it….I had taken a small pile of scraps that had already been pressed for cutting into bow-tie pieces and instead of herding this pile of already pressed scraps from one section to another, I simply began to cut them….and I ended up with THIS:

florabunda 008

Which really isn’t a whole lot of anything at all, but there are about 20 more sets for bow-ties here, all from really unruly “can’t really be worth saving” scraps.

Also on the table was the rest of the Florabunda strip sets, with the wider rectangles ready to be cut into half square triangle units:

florabunda 007

These strip sets are even brighter/darker yet, so I’m hoping they will balance out the very light ones that were at the top of the pile and are already sewn. I’m hoping that what I have thrown together will closely resemble the original:

fljune2011 188_thumb[1]

I know that I had “MORE” variety in the value of my background yellows, but at the same time I wanted to clear these out, and several pieces that were 1/4 yard or so are now completely gone thanks to this quilt. I also know that I have many more “light light” ones than the original antique quilt, but in the spirit of “Use It Up” I think it’s going to be great.

This is a quilt I want on my guest room bed Spring through Summer….that is if I can push it to done and get it quilted and bound and ON the bed…I’m planning it for an every day use-it-and-wash-it-and-use it-and-wash-it kind of cheery quilt, much like the circa 1950-1960 one in the above picture was.

I know not everyone loves yellows ---I’ve gotten comments of things like “That is the ugliest color combo I’ve ever seen” ((Thanks to it being so easy to express yourselves anonymously in the blog comments….we speak quickly without thinking of how it is going to come out or come across!)) but I love the 1950s/60s fabrics and how splashy they were ----I make no excuses, I make what I like for the reasons I like them, and it’s going to look great on the bed!

The big florals remind me of the quilter bathrobe that my Grannie used to wear with I stayed with her over the summers as a teenager. It had BIG roses on it, and I loved seeing her padding out of her room in the morning wearing this floral robe and her pink terry slipper-slides.

FloridaJune2011 191

Original fabrics closer up….wish some of those age spots weren’t there! I love the white-ish paisley at the bottom right! And that one yellow that is almost green!

florabunda 009

Emmy Lou giving her approving step-test on the blocks on the floor ----Yep, mom, I think this will do JUST FINE!

I’m back off to the chiropractor again this morning. No adjustment yesterday, just xrays and “tingle” therapy. Today….we’ll go at it again. I’m going to need a few adjustments before things start feeling better. Thought I’d go for a walk yesterday afternoon, but could barely make it to the top of the driveway without hurting so gave up on that idea….And into another day we go!


Helen in the UK said...

I know that not everyone thinks the same things are nice or the same things are ugly - and thank goodness the world is full of these differences. HOWEVER, why do people feel the need to voice such negative comments, even if anonymously. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all :)

Becky's Bees said...

I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well, I hope your doctor will be able to give you some relief soon. When I go to my chiropractor for an adjustment I always tell him to "make me square with the world again"...LOL

Your Floribunda quilt is coming along quite nicely. I especially enjoyed seeing the pic of Emmy Lou giving her approval. My cats like to perform the same "step test" on most everything I am working on, especially right where I am working...LOL

Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

I read an article about a young man who gave up the social network, cell-phone, etc. He mentioned in the article how people "say" things that are so rude while social networking because one doesn't face the other person he or she is talking to. I see that in my students. I am thrilled to see so much yellow. It makes me think of my daffodils as they are in full bloom right now and that yellow of the quilt and the flowers is a positive statement to joy and happiness. Good choice of colors!

You buddy in So Cal

PeggyB said...

I am looking forward to seeing the finished quilt! We all must follow our own Muse and do what pleases us! Right after reading this post I read this blog and was struck by the similar colors in her quilt http://aquiltcomplex.blogspot.com/2012/02/i-am-so-excited.html

Anonymous said...

Hey Bonnie! First thing I noticed was the lighter blocks and thought WOWOWOWEEE! I would take those and make a pattern within the quilt top. You know what I mean? Like an X, or streak of lightening, or use them to form a large open square or oblong in the center area. THIS HAS POSSIBILITES galore! As far, I am really liking it. Can not wait to see the finished top.

Sorry you are feelng puny. Seems you have been given rest where you like the idea or not. Probably means you are DUE for a good rest. Happily, we can quilt when we are not feeling terrific.
Take care, stretch alot and smile.
HUGS from TN

Barbara O. said...

Why do people always have to criticize??
I do not like yellow, either, but it's not important at all.
I love the florabunda pattern and I absolutely ADMIRE your precision! It is impressing and awe inspiring how precisely your piecing comes out. Not to mention your quilting...
Thank you so much for tons of inspiration, so many helpful instructions and tutorials!
I would have stopped sewing if I hadn't come across your blog, because all my piecing turned out extra wonky and I could not handle piecing in centimetres at all, but your instructions offered a solution! Since reading your Scrap Users's System I really make use of my fabrics, even the tiniest bits.
Best wishes, Barbara from Munich/Germany

Carolyn S. said...

My thoughts exactly!

Janet O. said...

Sorry you are in pain. No fun! Hope the chiropractor can give you some serious relief!
Floribunda is going to be beautiful. (That was the first pattern of yours that I made and I still love it!) I think once the light and dark yellows are evenly mixed up throughout the quilt the whole thing will just dance! That is how mine worked out. I'm not a floral gal and yellow isn't a "go to" color for me, but when a quilt speaks to you like this one did me, it becomes The.Quilt.That.Must.Be.Made. (Resistence is futile. You will be assimilated!!)

stitchinpenny said...

The fact that someone else doesn't like a color combination has nothing to do with whether or not you should like it. We are all different and creative in our own ways. They are different quilts for different people and that is what makes it interesting. I may not like a pattern or color combination someone has, but no matter what I will be inspired in some way. I may say to some quilters that the colors they used aren't my favorite, but only if I have gained something good from the quilt and mention that also. I can easily refrain from commenting and as Thumper's mom said "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

Sara said...

So much fun to see these blocks coming together; it is almost like Christmas with all the surprises! I am making bow ties and each one is like a "big reveal" to me when it comes together. Thanks for sharing your "big reveals!"

Kim said...

How old do you think that quilt is? I love yellow and red, sometimes together! And like you I sew for my own pleasure :0).
I hope you are feeling better by the end of the day.

Happy Sewing

regan said...

Doesn't like yellow!?! Thinks the combo is ugly!?! WHAT!!?!! This quilt ROCKS! And I am putting the last of the joining seams together today.....I can't wait to have it done and on a bed! I LOVE IT! WOOHOO!!!!

regan said...

Oops....forgot to say.....Hope your chiropractor can make the big fix and you are feeling like yourself again! You, not being able to go on a walk....yep....something's wrong! :o(

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Helen, you hit the nail on the head!!
Faye in Maine

Anne said...

Sorry to hear your not in tip top condition! Glad to know we are all individuals and like different things, however when one disagrees they could say it in a positive way. Love your quilts and I am glad you chose yellow!

Anonymous said...

Hoping your chiropractor works his magic on you, not fun with back issues.
The 'dissing' on your quilt must come from someone who never ventures into the realm of "What If?". Too bad, cuz "What If"s have proven, time and time again, to be the mothers of invention!!
Never was a big fan of yellow myself, but after seeing HOW you use it makes a big difference to me when I think about planning a quilt now. However, I am really liking orange a lot more; it was my mom's favorite color and I am understanding why.
Feel better soon.
Faye in Maine (on vaca in FL!)

YankeeQuilter said...

Thank you Helen! Sometimes I wonder what are those folks thinking? They must be very unhappy folks...

YankeeQuilter said...

I was told yesterday that as we get older we see orange and yellow better than other colors...maybe that commenter was just to young to truly appreciate it? or maybe they were a jerk....whoops was that my out-loud voice?

Hope the leg is feeling better...btw my jacob's ladder went to my nephew and his new wife...they love it!

qltmom9 said...

I love the yellow...it makes me feel good. I hope your pain is RELIEVED soon.~


Joann said...

I agree with the others that said if you don't have something nice to say then don't say anything at all. Not all people like the same things, so be it. If or when they make a quilt like this they can choose the colors that they want but since your quilt is meant to please you and you are the one to make it, then your opinion on color choice is all that matters. Don't let the negative comments weigh you down...life is too short and there is still too many quilts that still need to be made ;0)

Dar said...

I love the spark of yellow in your quilts. It's what makes them "Happy" quilts. Keep up the wonderful inspirations that you provide to so many of us. Today in Missouri we could use a little sunshine and brightness.

Livin' Blue Quilter said...

I must be stupid or something because I can not for the life of me understand why people feel that they have to make rude and negative comments because they have an open forum. Yes, we have the right to freedom of speech, but there is also a thing called using tact and having some class. As giving as you are with our craft, you can not please everyone, and oh by the way...it is your quilt and I think you can use whatever colors you want...so enjoy your quilt.

Loris said...

I just love watching you create such beauties out of 'scraps'. You are so inspiring. I am praying you start feeling a lot more comfortable soon. Good walks through the forests are hard to live without! Hope the chiropractor finds the right treatments.

kwiltnkats said...

So did you end up quilting Winston Ways instead? Sounds like you pieced... Did you check to see if anyone Birthday Gifted You a Florabunda block? Nice to see your Emmy Lou. I've got some good yellows if you need them--yeah right. Sandi

Sherryl said...

For the record, I ADORE the yellow in this quilt! It's one of the things that really drew me to the quilt when I first sew the picture. I need more yellow in my stash! LOL

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Sorry to read about your need for a chiropractor. Pain is NO fun at all. I've had a pain in the right side of my upper back the last few days. I've decided it came from repetitive motion in cutting fabric strips to make a couple of your patterns (not blaming you, just myself for overdoing). Hope the chiropractor can help you.

Emmy Lou is a typical quilter's cat....lay down so much as one quilt block and she's "testing" it. :)

By the way, I LIKE the yellow...as well as orange & lime green, other colors that some seem to hate. Such bright, cheery colors all.

bingo~bonnie said...

one thing I noticed about the original quilt that you didn't talk about - was how more than once there were "twin blocks" nearly side by side. I counted diagonal twin match ups at least 10 times in the photo above :) and here we quilters stress and stress about not having matching fabrics as neighbors when it comes time to lay out our blocks!

Love from Indiana! ~bonnie

mary e said...

i too like to quote thumper's mom.....with that being said, i really don't care for blue, that's just me. but man i have seen some beautiful blue quilts and may have to make one myself someday. hey quilters, let's keep our glass half full an not half empty! bonnie you do so much for the quilting world, you certainly keep me sewing and scrapping!!! i have 52 non florabunda (no florals for my daughter) blocks done. thank you for the great tute. :>)

Anonymous said...

Helen, I just have to agree 100% with you.

Some folks are either very unhappy in general or completely rude by nature. Either way, they should try to realize colors, styles etc are a personal choice we each are allowed to make.

I LOVE yellow myself. Always brightens up quilts ... but that is only my own opinion.

Haven't we all seen quilts in colors we would not dream of using and fell inlove with them. I sure have lol

Bonnie, just brush off comments like that. You are loved and your ability and kindnesses are very much appreicated!

SubeeSews said...

You all are so right.
We all have different tastes but we also need to stretch our boundries and Our Bonnie helps us with that sometimes painful life lesson.

SubeeSews said...

I hope EmmyLou isn't going to steal a block like Brownie does to Sioban.

Mary said...

I really love the quilt! It's like laying on your back, under a big tree and looking up to see the yellow rays of the sun filtering through on a gorgeous summer day! Your quilt makes me happy!

Anonymous said...
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Christy Horton said...

Don't you just love the delete button? Isn't the mute button on the TV one of the best on the remote?! My favorite is the fast forward that my brother can do through the commercials. I am appalled that people feel free to say hurtful things to others online, and so glad that we can just DELETE them as necessary! Hope the adjustments help soon, Bonnie. You might need to slow down for a little while, or at least take your heating pad with you wherever you go (that is what I do).
Christy in Hunstville

Shirley in Canada said...


nancy fancy said...

looks great. and your cat approves. they are a difficult judge of artistic endeavor. And I shoul dknow, as i have 2 and was NOT accepted into the NQA quilt judge sorority (after years of slave labor at the only 'APPROVED' show) oh well, I still love quilts and quilters and quilt shows.

nancy fancy said...

LOVE it. and so does your cat(a most difficult critic)

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