
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Evening Edition: Free Kindle Book!

I asked at the receptionist’s counter at the chiropractor if I had won the valentine guessing game for the hershey’s kisses, and she said they won’t know until they count them TONIGHT…and winners will be notified tomorrow.

TOMORROW?! But that’s NOT valentine’s day! What good then is the smelly romantic candle and the sexy romantic music CD and all of those foil wrapped roses tucked in amongst the hershey’s kisses in that vase?!

Gifts like this kind of lose their “ooomph” when the winner is drawn after the fact, don’t you think? LOL! So my next appt is on Thurs, and I’ll find out if I won then --- oh the suspense if it all!

I met up with Jason and Kim at Ikea --- and I was good, really good! We had lunch in the cafeteria and visited before hitting the floor. While they shopped for book cases and shelves and other stuff they needed, the only thing I left with was this:

valentines 023

A 6 plugger outlet!

And I didn’t even buy it. Jason laughed at me when I pulled it out of the cart, leaving all of their stuff behind and he said –”Put that back in here and let me take care of it” It was all of $3 or something like that.

But I felt so special with my Valentine’s Plug-In gift! And then while standing there in the aisle at Ikea, I told him that HE was the BEST Valentine’s gift of all! “Really??” he aked. “Really!” I said. “Just take today and count forward 9 months…” His birthday is November 10th. The light blub moment was priceless. “Oh, mom – you shouldn’t have told me that….oh ewww…you’ve forever warped Valentine’s Day for me, I’ll never be able to think of it any other way!” Revenge is sweet isn’t it? LOL! This just made my day.

I guess I’ll go put the 6 plugger outlet where I need it to be, behind the quilting machine….and spend some time back working on the border units for Midnight Flight. Loving how this is coming together -----and loving that I still have 5 days left at home before I have to go anywhere.

So on to the freebie part of the post:

Camp Follower by Suzanne Adair is free today in the Amazon Kindle store, and has received an average user rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars based on 8 customer reviews.

Category: Historical Fiction / Mystery & Thrillers

Book Description:

A deadly assignment. A land poisoned by treachery and battle. She plunged in headfirst.

Late in 1780, the publisher of a loyalist magazine in Wilmington, North Carolina offers an amazing assignment to Helen Chiswell, his society page writer. Pose as the widowed, gentlewoman sister of a British officer in the Seventeenth Light Dragoons, travel to the encampment of the British Legion in the Carolina backcountry, and write a feature on Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton.

But Helen’s publisher has secret reasons for sending her into danger. And because Helen, a loyalist, has ties to a family the redcoats suspect as patriot spies, she comes under suspicion of a brutal, brilliant British officer. At the bloody Battle of Cowpens, Helen must confront her past to save her life.

Praise for Camp Follower, nominated for the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Historical Mystery/Suspense and the Sir Walter Raleigh Award for Fiction:

“Adair wrote another superb story.” — Armchair Interviews

“Full of details, a unique historical perspective, an elaborate plot, and outstandingly strong characters, Camp Follower is a historical mystery with something to please everyone.” — No Name CafĂ©

“Adair takes her reader on an exciting adventure, filled with historical fact wrapped around an intriguing plot.” —The Midwest Book Review

“The smells, sights, and sounds of the Revolutionary War in the Carolina Back Country have nowhere been better depicted than in this thrilling novel of conflict and suspense. Suzanne Adair is a gifted storyteller, and her latest book deserves a wide audience.” — John Buchanan, author of The Road to Guilford Courthouse: The American Revolution in the Carolinas

I love ANYTHING to do with NC history since I live here ---so I can’t wait to read this one! It was still free when I clicked it a bit ago. Double check before clicking that it is still free for you because this can change without notice ---

Enjoy your Tuesday Evening!


Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks for the book recommendation. I just went & got a copy for myself :)

Denise :) said...

Thanks for the head's up on the book, Bonnie! And I love the story of counting forward nine months -- wish I could have seen his face! LOL! :)

Char said...

That is so funny, I love it. my daughter probably would have said the same thing!

Janet O. said...

Funny story! : )

Caddie said...

Handy hint for your 6 plugger adapter when travelling is to plug all your cords in and then use just 1 converter for the country you are travelling to. Eg Bali Australia England. I use an adapter now here in Australia when travelling. We easy leave 1 phone charger behind. But not a big adapter with 4 chargers plugged in. Besides we can never find enough power points in motels.

RandR Serenity said...

Oh Bonny, you are a card. I remember as a kid thinking yuk Mum & Dad are tooooo old for S E X , now I am their age and it don't seem too old anymore. ;-)
I also love your power board, Such surprised expressions om their faces. Here in Australia ours only have 2 eyes and a nose.

/ \
| See no mouth.

Hugs from Australia and Happy Valentines to you.

Carla said...

Oh Bonnie.... Um, I've had just a few less birthdays than you and I am a November baby. Never thought back 9 months to realize I am probably a Valentine gift too. Funny thing, there are 6 kids in my family and three of us were born within one week of each other, years apart but only days apart, November 16, 20, and 23. I guess there were three Valentine gifts in my family. Thanks for the funny. I need to call my mom!!!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA loved the Valentine story Bonnie, revenge on the kiddos is always sweet!!
Faye in Maine

CARMEN said...

I just got the free Book thanks , I'm traveling to New Jersey , I'm looking for extra reading materiels just in case, by the way I'm visit my Baby !!! His birthday Nov. 04 LOL
don't think he will be reading this.

Jean C. said...

Ohhhh.... too funny.... my birthday is Nov. 9th... I never thought of that b/4... after all these years... LoL.... Just goes to show.. some things are best left unsaid! Or thought of!

Leeann said...

I was pregnant with my first and working out due dates, when I realised my birthday was exactly 9months after my mothers birthday :-)

Anonymous said...

OH BONNIE! Our fmaily fought at Guilford Courthouse as American Patriots. A kinsman letter to Geo Wasington written at GC resides in the Library of Congress. Funny letter. He was bawling out Washington --- telling him if he ever wanted to see provisions arrive ... they were being waylaid for better wagon packing. Sounds exactly like something my own husband would say lolol. John can pack more into any space tightly than anyone I have ever seen. Me? I tend to throw stuff in lol

This novel is a MUST READ! Thanks for posting it.
HUGS JulieinTN

Anonymous said...

My son has a November 9th birthday. He's only two, so it will be awhile before he can make the connection. I hope I remember this story as inspiration when the time comes.

Chris said...

LOL!! One son is my birthday present, the second was my Christmas present. I wonder if they've made the connection??

GeeMa said...

My birthday is 11/11. My sister's birthday is 11/09. We are 363 days apart. I asked my dad what kind of candy he bought for mom on Valentine's Day. He asked why I wanted to know. When I explained it to him, he grinned and said "I can't believe you counted." Well, of course, we do. Enjoy your time at home.

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