
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rainy Saturday Afternoon Edition–Free Kindle Book!

When I first started posting these, I thought, as an avid reader, that some out there might like the same things that I am reading.

I figure, if we like the same kinds of scrappy quilty things, we might like the same kind of food things ((Hence recipes every once in a while when I decide to cook!)) and book things! I’m always up for passing on a freebie.

So many have asked how I find these…there really is no secret. Just go to the search engine on amazon.com and type in “free kindle book” in the search box. That’s all there is to it.

There are all kinds of genres ----self help, cooking, how to manage your retirement funds, way too much pushy religious stuff if you ask me.

Things I don't have an interest in are horror, fantasy, or sci-fi --- but you can find them if you look.

I generally stick to mysteries, humor, and some romance, but not explicit stuff. I like life stories and dramas that span decades, stuff I can sink my teeth into. I like LONG books that take me deep into the characters thoughts and lives and might take me a long time to finish. I like true stories of amazing times and even more amazing people. These are the things I post.

The thing is, the books are out there, but you have to search through all the riff-raff to find something good. And I hope my postings here make it easy for you to find something good.

DH and I are out the door to go see a movie! It’s rainy, it’s dreary and we love escaping to a Saturday Matinee when I have a Saturday at home, so that’s our plan.

Since you aren’t coming with us..I thought you might find THIS funny! It was still free when I clicked it just a bit ago.

Never Buried by Edie Claire is free today in the Kindle store.

Book Description:

"A funny, fast-paced, clever, and unusual mystery that will have readers clamoring for more. Sheer delight." --Carolyn Hart

"A thoroughly delightful debut. Bright, breezy, and witty. I couldn't put it down."—Tamar Myers

The truth about what happened in 1949 went to Paul Fischer's grave... Too bad his body didn't!

Advertising copywriter Leigh Koslow doesn't pack heat--just a few extra pounds. And she doesn't go looking for trouble. When she moved into her cousin Cara's refurbished Victorian house, she wasn't planning on discovering a corpse--certainly not one that had been embalmed ten years before. But as anyone in the small Pittsburgh borough of Avalon could tell her, her cousin's house has a history attached. A history dating back to two mysterious deaths in the summer of 1949.

Someone wants Leigh and Cara out of the house--someone who has something to hide. But that someone doesn't know Leigh's impetuous cousin, and when Cara digs her heels in, Leigh looks to her old college chum, local policewoman Maura Polanski, for help. But the answers the trio find only point to more questions. Were the scandalous deaths of fifty years ago really an accident and a suicide? Or were they murder?

The nearer the women get to the truth, the more desperate someone becomes. Because some secrets are better off kept. Especially when they hit close to home!

Originally published in mass market paperback by NAL/Penguin, Putnam, Inc. in 1999. Large-Print Edition published by Thorndike, 2002.

About the Author

Novelist and playwright Edie Claire has published five mysteries in the Leigh Koslow series and two Romantic Times "Top Pick" mystery/romances. When not writing novels or scripts for church theatre, she can be found acquiring new pets, teaching childbirth classes, herding her three children, acting on stage, volunteering, avoiding housework, or sneaking caramels. Please visit her website at www.edieclaire.com!


Carol said...

I really appreciate your book reviews. Right now I'm reading Rena's Promise to my 92 year old mom -- thanks for steering me to it!

Laurie @ ... And In My Spare Time I Quilt said...

Check out Pixels of Ink, http://www.pixelofink.com/, a daily listing of free and bargain Kindle books. You can even have it delivered right to your mailbox!

SubeeSews said...

I am loving my new Kindle Touch 3G.
And I appreciate all the free books you steer us too.
I like that I can just prop it on a pillow and my hands are free while reading. And it only needs the tiniest touch to get the page turning.
XOXOXO Subee in sunny but cold Indiana

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that one sounds interesting, I think almost every time you post about a freebie I get it! I have found a lot of freebies I like and a lot that were poorly written - but for free what the heck you can always delete them off the device if you want to.
I just saw on your side bar the trip to Bali and batik Factory, I am so jealous! I would love to but I'm afraid it is not in the budget.

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting about the free books. I think I've gotten almost all the ones you post about.

Brita said...

Yes, I do check out the books you talk about, and frequently download them. If it doesn't turn out to be that great, I don't mind deleting it :-) Thanks!!

Julierose said...

I love your book referrals--scrap quilts and mysteries--yup--that's me, too. Plus a few crossword puzzlers thrown in. We got 6" of S-N-O-W here--aaargh....not a big fan of snow. But for right now, it's pretty out there. P.S. I totally agree with your rant and feel the same.....Julierose

Rita said...

I always get excited when you post about a free Kindle book. Thanks to you, I have built up quite a collection. We seem to have the same tastes in books. Thank you so much for doing this.

Quilter Steph said...

I love your recommendations. I found and just finished "the year she fell"...free on Amazon.

Lisa said...

We could be twins...except I'm older and don't like the color orange! I like the books and type of quilts you like. I search Amazon for free Kindle books now and then but I would rather read or sew than do the search so only do so when I'm out of books to read! Thanks for the quilt/book/recipe mix on your blog. It's just right and makes the site more interesting!

Anonymous said...

I have gotten at least a couple of the books you have recommended in the mystery line. I have a Sony, and the Sony and Kobo stores often have the same books free at the same time. If they don't, then I check out the library, and if no luck there, well, maybe later!

Lisa said...

thanks for the info re Pixels of Ink. I checked it out briefly already and love the Christian Fiction choice in the side bar.

Maureen said...

Here's another source for free Kindle books listed daily: http://www.ereaderiq.com/
Besides listing the freebies, they also let you know of price drops. Thanks for your terrific website. I'm a scrap lover and you are terrific. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


I love your suggestions. I also get free books suggested at the above link, several a day, always check to see if they are still free.
Snowing today, good day to sew, if I get off this stupid computer
Ramona from Maine at sewnsew@live.com

O'Quilts said...

Thank you sooo much for the info on free books. I have my mother's kindle which she got for her 90th birthday. She loved it so much, then in August forgot how to use it..so I am trying it out with the free books you tell us about...

Mary-anne said...

Have you discovered "Pixel of Ink" or "Books on the knob" - you ge a daily email every day with a huge list of free and cheap ebooks for Kindle and others.

krisgray said...

Oh - here I thought you followed Books on the Knob, http://blog.booksontheknob.org/, as your alerts usually coincide with her posts! I have picked up a few that you've mentioned - thanks!

Cyndi said...

I don't have a Kindle--I have a nook. But I also have an iPad, and the free Kindle app allows me to read all these great books you recommend!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I appreciate your book reviews of free books. I have a Sony Reader and sometimes I can find them free in the Sony Bookstore or on Smashwords. I have to agree with you that the Christian fiction comes across as too preachy, yet I love the Yada Yada House of Hope series by Neta Jackson. It's very religious but the story is so good it just sucks you in and somehow it manages to not come across as preachy. Just my opinion.


Thank you so much for the free Kindle book downloads--
you and I agree in our thoughts on reading material!! and because of the free kindle offers that you show is how I found you though someone else's blog list and I am so glad I did--not just for the books==I love your quilting and your adventures--I am now a faithful follower--
Hugs, Di and her kitty--Miss Gracie

Annette said...

Bonnie....I do not know where you find the time to read let alone sew and everything else, thanks for sharing your ebook reviews, I have since found & subscribe to Pixel of Ink...free ebook offers are emailed daily.....in the AM here in Australia.

LindaWI said...

I appreciate the free books for the kindle you post for us. I have almost everyone you've posted, we must have the same taste in books as in scrappy quilts too. Just finished Prairie Sunset by Eric Wilder it was great! I run for my kindle when I see you've posted a new review. Thanks Bonnie for taking time for us.

Jantine said...

I have been checking the books you recommend quite often and do download quite a few of the tips. Until now, I loved most of the books I read, keep going ;-)!

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