
Sunday, January 29, 2012


A view from my ironing board!!

I'm making more 4-patches for the borders on Winston Ways. I need approximately 140 more that finish at 2" and about half that many-plus a few--that finish at 4"

What's on YOUR ironing board?? :-)


Anonymous said...

three projects which equates to NO progress on any...

Quilt to the max said...

Much the same as yours, Bonnie, bits of fabric, strips to iron, certainly no clothes to press, etc.

Hope you had a great birthday week, are you coming down to earth, yet?

All the best, Susan (uk).

starflash quilts said...

pre-washed fabrc I shouldn't have bought that needs a final iron before storage!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Come on, Mimi!! Pick one...just one...put blinders on...get going on JUST ONE...and see the progress! :cD

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Thank you Susan! The birthday bash continues..I'm thinking 50 days for 50 years is a good ratio! :cD

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

But it is always more fun to iron new fabric than it is to iron clothes! :cD

Kathleen said...

lol - Orca Bay borders that are NOT fitting nicely... in fact, they are just not fitting at all... so next I will take the inner border off and go back to the naked top, and then start the borders over again... the body of the quilt went together so nicely, then all heck broke loose with the borders!!! But I will prevail, and it WILL lay flat when I am finished...

Me and My Stitches said...

Fabrics for Lori's Pink Lemonade...I finally caved!

Debbie J said...

There are Jacob's Ladders!!! 2 inch strips and 3 7/8 inch squares. 18 blocks to go.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I need to get my Jacob's ladders out too! I'm in the mood for yellow and spring florals!

Anonymous said...

Yellow string blocks (your blue) for Orca Bay! And little yellow crumb bits that are being sewn into bigger crumb bits...for no reason except it is fun! Also some bits of fabric from a paper piecing project that need go into the bin with the rest of the project for when I fell like working on that. I was counting my yellow string blocks, and I have 67, and no more papers cut. I was sure I cut the right amount, so either I didn't count correctly then, or I'm missing 5. If I don't find them soon, I'll make some more.


Unknown said...

Orca Bay is on my ironing board as we speak. I am in a race to finish the rows and border today. I have sewn the first set of twosies together and now I am off to sew the next of foursies together. Can I get it done before I have to make dinner...only time will tell.

Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Working on four patches and "Peaky and Spike" blocks for a Cathedral Star quilt as I put together an Ohio Star QOV. Busy, busy at the machine on my day off from work....

Pam in KC said...

A stack of quilts to mail out and just pressed units for Ocean Waves. The best news is my niece loves it--which is good since it's her graduation quilt!

neomiann said...

I just finished ironing & snipping the dog ears on my little Orcas!! I get to zip my red squares in half next!! so excited!

Pati said...

Blue shirt pieces that are being ironed and cut into 3 1/2 inch strips for a class that I'm taking at the end of February.

Coloradolady said...

coupons for JoAnn's is on mine.....working on a quilt, but am ripping seams now....UGH!

Debbie J said...

I answered your email, but I think I misunderstood. I didn't get this reply in my email.

Yes, the yellow and spring florals would be great.

Cathy44647 said...

I've got a bunch of fabric threads all over my ironing board - just finished up using most all the blocks that I had leftover from Orca Bay (I only did the lap size quilt) and with a few more blocks made for borders I now have a wallhanging and a table runner on the longarm - will post pics after the binding is on! WHEW!!!!

Anonymous said...

A sleeping cat is on my ironing board! Miss Purrsia loves to sleep there. She is sleeping on a batik that I need to press before I cut a border for one of my UFO's. I counted them and now gasp I feel I need to finish at least some of them before I start something new.... Happy Sunday! Joy in AK

Anonymous said...

A slipcover I'm making for an old stool I found in the basement. Nothing fun.

Anonymous said...

I have a couple of wallets that I am making out of my quilt fabric stash! Made a couple of practice ones before I make one for my friends for her birthday. The practice ones won't go to waste, they will make great little stocking stuffers for my daughter and nieces!

laquaqltr said...

Stuff that doesn't belong is on my ironing board, but I did work on a folded fabric centre piece thingy I'm working on, and pinned together some blocks for a baby quilt.

Dirt Road Quilter said...

WooHoo! The last of the 110 blocks for my Western Scrappy Many Trips are just waiting to be pressed! Then its time to piece the top! Cannot wait!

sara said...

The blades for a Dresden Plate just moved from the ironing board to the sewing machine. The last of the silk neckties to iron rotated to the ironing board.

Always something fun!!

Anonymous said...

Reds and whites.... my favorites. If you don't know what to do with your left overs... please bag them and send them to me in Ohio...I promise to adopt them and give them a good home. Debra :)

Nancy said...

What's laying on my ironing board? A new ironing board cover I just cut out and need to put a drawstring in. I saved the nice long string from the old one. This is one of those table top ironing boards and you can't find those good silver covers for them anymore in local stores.... just real cheapie low thread count cotton for the bigger boards. So...taking time out from fun stitching to make a new cover. :-)

Lynn said...

Everything but fabric! Books to return to the library, target bags that need to be returned to the store. Some yarn I got in the mail. I need to clear it off and get some fabric on it!

Vicki said...

Orca Bay is on mine, top half pieced and border pieces going together. Want to get this DONE!!

Laura said...

Orca Bay is on my ironing board. Maybe I'll finish in Feb.

Anonymous said...

lots of towels, shirts ect. Lot of folding to do ;-(
No quilting stuff alas
greetings, Henny

Sherri said...

right now I have two different pieces of Betty Boop fabric waiting to be made into pillow cases. I don't have anything to match them colour wise to use for the trim around the opening of the case, so I will have to buy something I guess. (AWWW SHUCKS DARN!)

I can't start on them until I finish the 6 pairs of flannel PJ pants. I am waiting to hear back from my sister and SIL with waist measurements for my nieces and nephews. The waistbands are the only thing left to do on them.

THEN a couple coloured denim tote bags and finish up my husband's Harley Davidson quilt...........I only have two rows left to hand quilt, and then do the binding (it's already pre-cut and pressed because I like to just keep moving, so I do that before I start quilting. That way I can just pick it up and go)

...............all before we have to start packing to move at the end of June!!!!!!!!!!

CuddlyQuilter said...

That is what i have had to do Bonnie. I am working on my daughters 21st wall hanging which is in Sept and in the meantime i have added about another 4 projects in between. Some of those finished but a couple extras added now as well ............ Decided last week to put the rest ON HOLD and focus as i will stress myself out if i carry on like this and not finish.

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