
Thursday, January 26, 2012


A quickie post from my iPhone---

Jeff picked me up at the airport and we headed straight to a "new to us " Chinese place in Greensboro.

We both had to laugh at my fortune cookie---

It seems even the fortunes are making fun of the fact that I've turned 50!


stitchinpenny said...

Fortune cookies seem to have an uncanny appropriateness sometimes. Just remember no matter how old you are you are only one day older than yesterday and all of your yesterdays had value, so you are just the perfect age.

SubeeSews said...

This old "broom" knows where all her dirt is too! HA!
Glad you made it home safe and sound.

Anonymous said...

And there's nothing like an old broom! They're broken in and easy to use. lol

Angela said...

LOL! I have not gotten that one yet. The most disconcerting one I've had was actually one my daughter got that said "You will move into a new house within a year" or something that definite. It did not come true, but if it had, I would have been weirded out.

Oh My, Jan! said...

You've "Got the dirt" on that!!!! 8-) Too funny!

MaryLu said...

Oh, goodness! That's my new motto!

Stacey said...

ROTFL!!! My worst one was "Pick another Fortune"

Paula Z in AZ said...

Fortune cookies do have a way of making you stop and say 'ummm'...

My broom is in the corner and it's older than 50 ... just don't forget to shake the cobwebs out once in a while, hahaha

50 is not old!! "You are only as old as you feel." I refuse to grow up :D There are too many quilts to make :D

Glad you got home safe and sound.

Anonymous said...

welcome back and don't fret it's just another fortune cookie!

Mary Grace McNamara said...

I like that fortune! Be proud of your age and all the experience you've gathered throughout your life! How's this for a great fortune: You'll be hungry again in two hours! Who writes these things? :)


Marsha B said...

I take that to also mean wise and foxy!

Anonymous said...

Best one I ever got (which I've kept taped to my computer) goes: Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. Wise advise. My 50's were sooooo much fun but not has much fun as my 60's have been ... ENJOY THEM AND DON'T LOOK BACK. Enjoy your happiness .... NOW!!

Debra said...

oh, that's a good one ;-)

Lynne in Hawaii said...

That is too funny!

Wanda said...

LOL! I love it. This old broom knows where all her dirt is also.

Nane said...

Thats funny!

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