
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Home Away From Home!

This is a very disjoined post because I have had a very disjoined day! And I’m writing this to post tomorrow which might even make it seem more disjointed, but when you remember that I have been UP since 3am and it is now 11:15pm as I am writing this..well heck. This is the way things are!

I’M IN FLORIDA!! And it was a freakingly-wonderful 73 degrees today! WHHHAAAHOOOO!

Why am I so happy about this? Because it was a really stupidly foggy 36 degrees when I left Greensboro, NC on my 5:25 am flight that took me up --- for a 17 minute flight, and down again to land in Charlotte, NC where I had to hang around for nearly 4 hours before catching my connecting flight to Florida ---- flights were delayed due to FOG. In North Carolina. Many flights were cancelled, so at least I was able to get to where I was going!

The really DUMB thing? Guess what I forgot?! ((And yes, I guess it is understandable being as we left that house at 3:30am to get me TO the airport –Here, let me best capture it THIS way for you…..My text conversation with Miss Lisa!

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I may have just as EASILY left my shoes….at least I would have had my thimble to keep my fingers busy – and I would have had less to remove and run through the security check-- :c/

OH!! The security check! I forgot! Get this --- I go up to the TSA guy and hand him my boarding pass and my license…..he runs his flashlight over it, looks back up at me, looks back down at my license---and breaks out into strains of HAPPY BIRTHDAY right there in the terminal. COOL! Yeah, I was embarrassed, but everyone was smiling ---beats getting a pat-down, doesn’t it? :cD

I met Betty at the baggage claim and told her of my thimble-less plight. We shop-hopped to a couple of places to find me one, and then stopped by here for lunch:

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Troyer’s Dutch Heritage --- Amish Restaurant! I had to really laugh at the inside of the menu, and I don’t know if you can read it because my pic turned out blurry, but here---catch a glimpse of the “LIGHTER APPETITE” side:

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LIGHTER APPETITE – Amish Favorites:

Creamed Chicken with vegetables and mashed potatoes and biscuits.




What a hoot! And of course you can add the salad bar to any of the above meals for $3.49 but who would have ROOM for salad after all that starch and gravy?

I think they were more talking about the color value of the food being on the lighter side ----than say a spinach salad, which would be on the darker side….you know….mashed potatoes and noodles neutral to dark green?

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This is my digs for the next 3 nights! I’ve got a sweet and cozy 2 bedroom mobile home in a lovely quiet park all to myself!

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I brought my machine with me..and some units to work on as time allows. What more could a girl ask for her birthday than a solo retreat in between other things with other quilters?

Speaking of other quilters….

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Meet 5 crazy gals from the Wilds of Winnipeg, Manitoba area! Oh, and I’m going to blame my tiredness on the reason I can’t remember names right now! The gal to my right lives down here, the gal to my left and the 3 behind all came down from Canada to escape the cold and take a couple workshops with me! AND --- they treated me to my birthday dinner! I was gifted beaucoups of stuff Canadian style --- including a piece of Canadian flag fabric and a great hockey hat! I know the pic is dark and grainy, the flash was off, and our waiter was helping us out with the photos. We had a roaring good time and it’s going to be a fun couple of days down here!

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The birthday key lime pie! YUMMY!!

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And let me tell ya, if you are going to take a pic of me blowing out the candle, I am going to take a pic of you too! LOL!! Love the key lime blouse that matched the key lime booth behind her ;c)

And this is as far as this disjoined but happy post can go….and I’m setting it to auto-post in the morning because I have to be picked up at 8:15 for the workshop, and I’m dragging myself off to bed…

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!


Salem Stitcher said...

I really love that the TSA guy sang to you. Too funny!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Just another day in the life of Bonnie the traveling quilt teacher! So glad you were able to celebrate... you need a thimble that you can wear around your neck.

TDJ said...

Funny I was reading wondering where in FL you were visiting. I lived in the Sarasota area for 17 years and my parents are still there. This summer we popped down there and ate at the same restaurant. hee hee.

Have fun and enjoy your birthday.

scrappy101 said...

Came to Florida to give the quilt tonew grand baby and needed to finish quilting it. Could not find needle and thread. Know when I found it. When it was time to come home. Duh.

HelenMarie said...

What a great treat to be seranaded instead of ....

Ohh and key lime pie! one of my favorites.

Glad you were able to celebrate and have fuN!

laquaqltr said...

always an adventure! Go Canucks!

Sandy Beach Sewing said...

I am so glad that you made it out and got down to Florida. Too funny about the TSA guy. I have to tell you what happened to me on my birthday at the airport. We were taking a cruise to Alaska for our 20th wedding anniversary. My birthday and our anniversary are on 12 days apart. We are at DFW airport waiting for our flight to Vancouver. My Husband says he's going to go ask for an upgrade since it is our anniversary. He comes back and tells me that they have to check. About 10 minutes later they call my name to go up to the desk, and I'm thinking that we did have an upgrade. The next thing I know they are telling everyone it's my birthday and the whole departure area is singing happy birthday to me while I am standing up there in front of everyone. I was one of those embarrassing and sweet moments at the same time. What a great and sneeky husband I have. I think I'll keep him a while longer.

Janet O. said...

Your life is never dull, Bonnie. Enjoy those temps!

LindaR said...

Wow! They really know how to birthday a girl in Florida with key lime pie. I can think of nothing better than being served whipped cream ON the fork! No need to be discreet, eat it first, uhmmm!

beaquilter said...

happy birthday Bonnie! where in FL are you? I used to live in S. FL, don't miss it, I LIKE the NC weather here, that WAS some terrible fog yesterday though, all day! I couldn't see across the street.

NeverBored said...

My birthday is this week too, and I would love a piece of Key Lime Pie instead of birthday cake! Not likely I'll get either but your picture had my mouth watering. Looks like you have ideal housing for this solo retreat/working trip. Enjoy!

Mary said...

Not disjointed at all. Just your day in Pictures. Gotta love auto-posting. Have fun in sunny Florida with all the ladies from all over. I'm still hoping to get myself to a place where you are teaching someday...

Kim said...

Oh gosh I'm tired just from reading about your adventures!
Hey not bad for a 50 year old lady getting all that done in one day!

Happy Sewing and enjoy the Fla. sunshine, but it is 50 here in NY today :0)

kwiltnkats said...

You are off to a terrific start in Florida! You have my permission to eat all the B-Day cakes you are served this week. BIG WINK! Sandi

Christy Horton said...

I think I remember she has one! Didn't she buy that pretty necklace that holds her holy thimble when she got a new thimble a while back? I may have dreamed it....

Anonymous said...

OOPS, not 'holy' I meant to say 'hole-y' because it has a place for the fingernail.

Quilter Steph said...

Hi Bonnie...Happy Birthday. How do you pack your FW for traveling? I want to start bringing mine when I travel, but haven't figured out a way to adequately protect it even though NOT gonna check it. Thanks.

Pinkadot Quilts said...

Looks like you are having fun. Key Lime Pie is a perfect birthday dessert!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

73 degrees....I could get used to that!! You may not want to leave your new digs until about April. And fun ladies to celebrate your birthday with...can't beat that. Hope you slept well after your long day.

Myra said...

Nice seeing a photo of my quilting buddies down there with you Bonnie!! I trust they are having a blast with you!!! Thanks! ;)

Pam said...

Happy birthday Bonnie, I hope your time in Florida is awesome.
Pam M, australia

Mary said...

Bonnie, I live in Sarasota. So glad you are here. The weather has been beautiful! And just in case any of your readers are looking for that Restaurant...it is Troyers not Foyers!

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