
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Hello from Houston!

I’m in between planes --- and have a couple hours of layover time to find a quiet place and plug in to charge my phone and to check email, check facebook, check blogs, check favorite quilt-sites ---in other words, waste  find productive time!

I already power walked the terminal in Dallas for an hour….keeping up with my New Years re-committal to move this ole body as much as possible.  Use it or lose it.  Its important.  The movement you do doesn’t have to be of marathon runner quality or intensity, you just need to MOVE.  I stood while teaching class for 3 days.  I stood to give a presentation last night. Today it felt good to MOVE!

Oh, and special thanks need to go to Regan who suggested that I sing “I am woman, hear me roar!” to get “Delta Dawn” out of my head!  THIS IS NOT HELPING!!! LOL!

Janet said in the car…..that earworms are caused by your brain not being able find the END of the song, so it continually goes ‘round until you reach the end, and then the earworm will go away.  I beg to differ!  Maybe I should be like that “dancing with an ipod guy” and go around through the Houston airport singing “I am woman hear me roar!”  Isn’t that just something you would love to see?

Ain’t happenin’ folks, just ain’t!

Behind the scenes….I’m getting nudgy comments from my bee friends who are having their retreat at Camp Dogwood this coming weekend – Friday, Saturday & Sunday.  I’ve been saying all along how I don’t think I dare go….I’m just returning home from Dallas, I leave for San Diego on Monday----how can I POSSIBLY fit this in?

But how fun would this be to spend a couple days sewing with Lisa, Karen, Mrs Goodneedle, Nane, and everyone?

Because it would be sewing time for ME.  That’s how.  And the book is now DONE DONE DONE! ((All but the resources page, and I can handle that easily)) and I stood there in Plano watching 3 full classes of ladies sew their brains out and I didn’t get to sit at a machine.  Because.  Do I need any more reason than that?  Just because?

Maybe if I go down Friday early ---and come home Saturday after dinner, I can get two full days of sewing in, reconnect time with my own bee gals ((Remember what I was talking about in This Morning’s Post about CONNECTIONS?!)) and still have Sunday with my family and be ready to leave for San Diego on Monday morning.

You know what is going to happen, don’t you?  I’m talking myself into this right now as I type this….Thanks for helping me make up my mind!

I also just came across this recipe, and I think it would be perfect to bring and share for a couple of lunches ---


White Turkey Chili:
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 1/2 pounds ground turkey
  • 2 (4 ounce) cans canned green chile peppers, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ground cayenne pepper to taste
  • ground white pepper to taste
  • 3 (15 ounce) cans cannellini beans
  • 5 cups chicken broth
  • 2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese
  1. In a large pot over medium heat, combine the onion, garlic and ground turkey and saute for 10 minutes, or until turkey is well browned. Add the chile peppers, cumin, oregano, cinnamon, cayenne pepper to taste and white pepper to taste and saute for 5 more minutes.
  2. Add two cans of the beans and the chicken broth to the pot. Take the third can of beans and puree them in a blender or food processor. Add this to the pot along with the cheese. Stir well and simmer for 10 minutes, allowing the cheese to melt.

Instead of the canned cannellini beans, I’m thinking of doing this in the crock pot with small dried navy beans.  I prefer dried to canned any day.

I’ll let you know how it turns out!

One more hour til flight time, gonna have to pull out the hexies!


Lisa said...

Bonnie, Thanks for all the time you spend on your blog as it is a wonderful one! Looks like a good recipe for a cold and windy winter day that we are having here. Is there someway to search your blog? I would like to review the day you showed your machine in a Rick Steves suitcase. I have a machine I need repaired and it will need to fly with me to another city to get that done.

SubeeSews said...

You are like an addict watching others do drugs and you cannot join in!
You so deserve your own sewing time. How else will you satisy your creative urges?

Anonymous said...

GO GO GO Celebrate the finishing of your book!!

Sandi P said...

Time for you is important. I say go, but, of course, I'm not your family and they just might have other ideas - LOL

Quilter Steph said...

Just the way to get these songs out of your head~~"It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small, small world"!!!!

Quiet Quilter said...

Celebrate and sew!

Janet O. said...

Enjoy the retreat! : )

Teresa in Music City said...

Go girl!!! Do not hesitate.... Do not second-guess yourself.... get yourself to that retreat and allow yourself to just relax and get fed for a change. It's so important to put something in if you want to have something to continue giving out to everyone else. Take care of yourself and you'll have more of yourself to give others! ENJOY!!!!

Brenda said...

You have made a very wise decision there Bonnie!!! You have to have some 'you' time and with all you do, you more than deserve to have down time with friends doing what YOU want, because you can!!!

And I know you will be more rested then you would be if you didn't go treat yourself to this break!!

Have tons of fun!!! And thanks for the recipe!!

Misha said...

My answer for getting a song out of your head is to imagine the theme song to I Dream of Jeannie. A friend taught me to do that, they called it The Universal Eraser (UE) because it would get rid of whatever song was stuck in your head BUT (and this is the important part) the UE is not obnoxious enough to get stuck in your head too. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

No one should never miss a retreat! If you post lots of pictures it will be like we all got to go too. See you owe it to all you blog followers to go.

Beth said...

You must go sew with your Bee friends. Just for you. Just because.

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