
Thursday, January 12, 2012

For The Birds!

I took so many pictures at Balboa park that the only way to get this all down, all this COOL stuff – is to break it into smaller chunks! 

Those poor folks on slow connections and dial up --- I’ve gotten complains that my long posts take too long to load. I hear you!  I know my posts can be picture heavy, but I love the photos so much….

On our exit through the park we stopped near an area where the San Diego Bird Rescue folks had set up bird perches….all kinds of birds!

The volunteers were so pleasant and so informative – and I was captivated by these sweet creatures, and horrified at how they ended up in the bird rescue in the first place.

One sweet cockatoo, named Sugar –was given to the rescue by a family that could no longer keep her or care for her –and it turns out that Sugar was in pretty bad shape.  She had completely plucked her self bald from too much stress. The story went that her previous owners fought with each other bitterly and loudly --- and the tension in the home distressed Sugar so much that she pulled out all her own feathers because she was so unhappy.

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Here’s Sugar, who took a great liking to Sandi, and would even say her name when Sandi said “Hey, Sugar!” --- and she’d reply…”Sugar” in a sweet and soft timid little cockatoo voice!  What a sweet girl!  She is currently up for adoption. Did you know these birds can live 50 to 85 years? At this rate, they are going to out-live ME!

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Sugar is a lot happier now, and her new feathers are growing in.  And they ITCH – so she was constantly preening…I hope she leaves it alone long enough that those feathers get a chance to grow in. There is nothing sadder than a bald Cockatoo!

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The other birds enjoyed their perches in the sunshine and just watched on. I loved the coloring of this one!

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The conures were quite friendly and look at their coloring too!  They love to preen people’s hair…and will walk right up your arm, onto your shoulder, and start right in on giving you a new “do!”

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They gave kisses too!

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They even got into MY hair!  This little guy is growing new feathers too.  He was so cute I would have loved to take him home ---but don’t worry.  I didn’t.  My bags are already at weight limits!

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It doesn’t take much to make me happy. A walk in the park on a beautiful sunny day --- and time spent playing with birds.  Simple things in life!  And a good friend to do it all with!  Memories ---

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Do you see the blue and green on this one…beautiful!!  And yes, that’s MY finger!

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I think the bird rescue is doing a wonderful job of caring for these magnificent birds and finding them homes where they will be loved and cared for!


Teresa in Music City said...

Awwww... how cute!!! And what personalities! Just think, if that kind of family fighting can do that to a bird, just imagine what stress it would put on a child! No wonder we have a lot of broken adults in our world today. It's nice to know there is a place with caring people for these birds. And San Diego is just about a perfect place for a home too - just sayin'!!!!!

Margy T said...

I LOVE the pics! Keep them coming!

Katie said...

sO FUNNY how they just sit right there next to your face without being scared.

Rosa Robichaud said...

Hi Bonnie!

Thanks for the HUGE "Hug", yesterday evening.... via my friend Cyn Forrest!

I received it this morning and I was tickled pink! *grin*

LOVE reading your blog and doing your Orca Bay Mystery quilt!!!


Rosa Robichaud
Saint John, New Brunswick

Nancy quiltin' momma said...

Oh Bonnie!! I absolutely love birds!! I'm so happy you visitied and posted pictures of these special little creatures!! I have 4 birds of my own, they have all been hand raised and are just sweet creatures. Thanks for sharing and happy quilting!

Jo said...

Hubby and I went to Sand Diego two years ago...I LOVED it! The pictures bring back great memories.

Angela said...

You have truly had so many interesting adventures! I love that you take pictures and share, and I hope it encourages all of us to bring a little more adventure into our own lives. I love the colors of the birds -- so, so beautiful and creative!

Beth in TN said...

I have made several quilts based on the colors of tropical birds that I took pictures of at the zoo. I figure that color combination was no accident; why not borrow such a perfect mix?

Anonymous said...

Well I have never been to Ca. but now I'd like to go. Wonderful pics. Thanks for sharing. I'm a bird lover too. It's snowing hard here now and the wind is picking up. Just think what you're missing Miss Bonnie!!!

Janet O. said...

What a fun "walk in the park". Love the birds!

Vic in NH said...

I love all the photos! They are what make our stories come alive. The best is when you share a slide show of one of your workshops so I can feel as if I am right there with all the gals that are having such a ball!

sandra said...

I love all of your photos and long blogs and they take me to beautiful places I will never get to see. These people who complain need to get better service.

Wanda said...

I love all the pictures. I also love that they are rescuing the birds. We had birds for many years and they are such a joy. Ours were cockatiels. They had free rein in the the house. One use to have a fun time getting the baby kicking by knocking on my belly when I was pregnant.

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