
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Birthday Surprises!

I made it home from California last night!  It was 11pm by the time I was home and in bed…and that bed never felt so good!

I didn’t even bother to unpack the suitcases ----they are still there waiting for me to do that today, but first things first!

I was gone 10 days….and this morning I walked into the dining room to find a HUGE stack of mail…and BOXES!!

Of course I went for the biggest one first!  On my goodness!  There is something “squishy” in here!  And a letter at the top….I try to be patient, and read the letter first…..here’s an excerpt:
Dear Bonnie,
I have made a large number of quilts and given them to everyone in my family and to friends.  None of them would appreciate this particular quilt as much as you would.  I am sure you recognize it as a 1930’s era quilt.  The only information I have about it is that we found it (with others) in a closet at my mother-in-law’s house after she passed away and we were cleaning out her things. My husband tells me that his mother had friends from the church in to help sew and quilt at her home, and he remembers hiding under the quilting frame as they sewed.
I am at the point in my life when I need to find new homes for some things I have treasured.  I realize you must have a large number of quilts in your collection and I hope you think this one is worth keeping, at least until you have to decide where your quilts will go when that time comes for you.
((Insert note from me…….she says this as I am turning 50 on Monday, and feeling that time already closer now that I am OVER the HILL!?? LOLOL!!! I love her sense of timing!!))
Bonnie, I know you will accept this gift in the spirit it is given.  I am fortunate that I met you when you still lived in Waxahachie TX and you quilted several quilts for me, two over a weekend while I went to a dog show!  Keep on doing what you are doing, live life to the fullest, and keep on quilting!
Mary Ann P

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Here’s a closer up of the corner of this quilt ---I think this is a “birds in the air” variation, and I just love the softness of the 30’s fabrics and the muslin ----and what a great inner border!

Mary Ann, I can’t thank you enough for your generosity!  This may turn out to be the best birthday yet! 50 can be MORE than nifty!  At least I’m going to MAKE it so!

And that wasn’t all….I can’t believe how generous quilters are as a whole!

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The River City Quilt Guild sent a box with lots of wonderful teas, scraps and more!

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I removed the teas, found strips, and bags of scraps and…..even….

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A couple of gorgeous 100% cotton shirts to add to my shirt fabric collection!  Thank you thank you!!

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These strips are going to find a happy home in amongst all my other strips!  Can’t wait to start sewing with them!

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“Auntie Em” sent along a box of bonus triangles for my crumb bins, a fabric business card holder that she made, and a roll of batting seam tape!  I guess she is tired of me taking the time to zig zag that batting and wants me to give this a try..LOL!  Okay! I’ll try it --- Thank you Emily!!

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When I was at Sandi D’s in San Diego, she was showing me how her Bloc-Loc rulers worked for trimming units down…..and here is one in my mail!  The funny thing is, it didn't come from Sandi, but from from Tracy!

She says:
Hi Bonnie,
I hope this package gets to you.. I wasn't sure if this was your home address or a busniess.  I feel a bit like a stalker --- sorry!!
((LOL! This cracked me up!)) 
I just wanted to thank you for brightening my days and stretching my creativity, but mostly for helping me find ways to reduce my stash.  I just finished Orcas Bay today.  I am going to quilt it after Road 2 California.  I had a lot of fun sewing with the quiltvillechat group, and I am proud to say I kept up with each step.
I've enclosed a ruler that I use to help square up half square triangles and quarter square triangles.  I really found it to be a great help.

Tracy --- Thank you so much!  If you haven't used this ruler before, the little carved out groove in the back of the ruler locks onto your seam allowance where you have pressed to the dark side, and makes trimming easy! I’m anxious to give this a try too…..

I’ve got so much to catch up on at home it isn’t even funny.  I’ll get a load of laundry going in a minute, and start working on the to-do list that is about as long as both of my arms.  I’m taking it kind of slow – I’ve picked up a bit of a cold over the past week, and I do not want this to settle into bronchitis, so I’m babying it along!

The one thing I wish for?  Time to SEW!!  I’m going to crank through the chores and see if I can carve myself out some time ---

Happy Thursday Everyone!


YankeeQuilter said...

Your mail is wayyyy more fun than mine!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Happy Birthday, my friend, and welcome to the GOLDEN years. ;)

Freda said...

Happy 50th Birthday Bonnie. Looks like it isn't bad so far.

Anna said...

Great presents Bonnie! Glad you are home safe and hope you feel better soon!

pcflamingo said...

Happy Birthday! From someone who has passed the 60 mark - 50 is only a number! Getting old isn't for sissies! Are you tough enough? Are you strong enough? We know you are :D

Nanette said...

I am looking for your advice, seeing the picture of the shirts reminded that you use clothing to make quilts with. My Mom passed away last week, and I have planned to take her t-shirts to make a t shirt quilt for my brother, alot of them are Orlando Magic shirts and that is something they did together. Mom and I quilted together, last summer we went to a quilt retreat in OH and had so much fun.
But my question is when making a memorial quilt from clothing, alot of Mom's clothes were t shirt knit type fabric, some cotton weaves, probably not 100% cotton, since I would be using different fabrics in the quilts, how would you suggest I handle the stretch and differences of fabrics. Should I maybe do foundation piecing?


Anonymous said...

When you are 65 you will realize how young 50 was -- and wish you could be there again. Enjoy 50 -- it's a great age.
Happy Birthday

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie on Monday. I don't want to forget. 50 is a great number. And do remember it's only a number. You keep on, keeping on my friend. I know you will. I am nearly at the 3/4 century mark and that's my motto. There's still lots and lots to do in my life and many quilts to make. Take care of that cold. Tis the season. Heading to the mole hole for some quilty action myself. It's 6 degrees and too cold for outside today.

sandra said...

Wow what a bonanza you hit. Happy Birthday , 50 is young and you certainly don't look it. Just enjoy everyday that is all we can do no matter our age. Blessings

Lori said...

Quilters are so generous! Love the quilt!!

Cousin Jill said...

I agree with a comment above....my mail is never that much fun! Happy Birthday to you! I turn 50 next Friday....it helps knowing someone else dealing with that dilemma....lol I dont feel any old and dont plan on acting any older! Thanks for sharing you quilting experience with us!

Kim said...

Welcome home!
You see all that quilty love you spread comes back to you!
take care, get some sleep, eat well and rest your voice and enjoy
your home.

Happy sewing

Janet O. said...

What a beautiful quilt! Such a nice gesture.
So much fun in your mail! Happy 50th!
I've seen that ruler on Sandi's blog and it is on my "order" list.

Anonymous said...

Happy BIrthday! OK, so a day early - shot me lol.

Bonnie, I can not think of ANYONE who will treasure the 1930's. Perfectly person to care for what really is a family treasure. I also like that inner border.

Welcome home. Might not be CA but it has it's own lure :)

Lisa Werdel said...

Great birthday presents, isn't it lovely when people listen and try to find things for you that you might need or at least love to have :-)! love the 30s quilt !

sewkalico said...

Wow, you lucky girl!!! I'm hitting 40 this year and not looking forward to it, but it's only a number :)

Jocelyn said...

What wonderful birthday presents!! Keep on keeping on :-)

regan said...

What a gorgeous quilt Mary Ann sent you. And kindof sad that nobody in her family would appreciate it! How can that be? Oh well....their loss, your gain! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Iron the T-shirts onto fusible interfacing (lightweight) before you cut them into squares.

Anonymous said...

Early Happy Birthday to ya, Bonnie. Love the quilt. Dr. advises: get some rest...drink plenty of liquids...sew a bit, repeat.
Glad you made it home safe and sound.
Faye in Maine (where we are expecting snow tomorrow-time to quilt!)

Anonymous said...

There is actually a tricot kind of stabilizer that is usually fused cross grained against the t-shirt fabric. I have never used it, but I heard that the fusing part takes a lot of pressing time.

Mary said...

What a great way to be Welcomed home. Happy 50th! The Quilt is Beautiful.

kwiltnkats said...

What a wonderful gift from Mary Ann. Of course nothing shabby about the other gifts that arrived at your doorstep. Hope you have many more surprises! We love you Bonnie! Sandi

Beth said...

What a wonderful gift, and it landed with the perfect person to appreciate it. Just so I don't forget, Happy Birthday. Enjoy. Take it easy, you need to get over that cold.

Debbie Lou said...

What lovely mail you get. You are very much loved and appreciated. Glad you are back home safe. Take care of yourself. You don't want to be sick on your birthday. Enjoy!

Tanya said...

Happy Birthday dear, I hope I can be as enthusiastic and inspiring when I reach your age. You touch so many people in SEW many ways. What I love most is that you have not forgotten where you came from. You started with small scraps and are still working with them and inspiring others to do the same. Many people out there do not have two nickels to rub together and following your methods could make something beautiful. I hope you'll take this as a cyber hug! I just love what you are doing.

Jeanne said...

Now that is what I would call a GREAT mail day!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Happy Birthday!! You have very generous friends. That Pink & White 30s quilt is beautiful. Take care of that cold. I just lived through one and I think the green tea with honey & lemon and the homemade chicken noodle soup helped a lot....well, that and a lot of Advil Cold & Sinus. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday toooo youuuu!! (You don't want to hear me actually singing to you lol!!) Just tell yourself you are still 39 (with 11 years' experience)!!

Becky in upstate SC

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday! I hit that milestone last August. The only negative part of turning 50 is your first visit to the doctor's office, where he/she will undoubtedly say, "Now that you're 50, you need to have this test and this screening done." Yuck. Other than that, 50 is great!!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to "the club"! I hope you have the best birthday ever! Thanks for all you do...
Tgeesey@ charter.net

Anonymous said...

First, I'm very sorry for your loss. May the love of your family and friends support you in this tough time.
Second, consider watching the video about making t-shirt quilts at
It'll give you good information. There are more videos on the site that may spark ideas too. (No, I'm not affiliated.)
~Jillian in North Dakota

Anonymous said...

Just remember. 50 is twice as sexy as 25. (And per Kelly's comment that you need some procedures done...don't delay. I honestly feel like my life was spared because things were found and fixed. And I'm liking the senior discounts I get at a few places. Discounts are good right?) Happy Birthday.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Wow! Happy Birthday early! What wonderful surprises awaited you on your return. I purchased the large BlocLoc earlier this month. I can't wait to try it out. I think you will really love it.

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you Bonnie! Best wishes for a bountiful and healthy year. Fifty is NIFTY no matter what they say. You have now reached that wonderful age when you can do whatever you want and not care about what anybody thinks!!!!!

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