
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Yard Sale Saturday!

I’m getting another late start this morning….I had one of those nights where you wake up with foot cramps at 3am and the only thing to do is get up and stumble around and walk them out! Does that happen to anyone else?

After that, I lay there thinking of what to do with the Part 4 steps……really…and I have some ideas to streamline things, and I’ll post that in a bit. It will take me making one more block and some more photos! So come back this afternoon for that.

Remember me telling you I wanted to do a Yard Sale Saturday thing? I’m thinking we can use the LINKY and it would be like a neighborhood yard sale!

There will be some ground rules…These items need to be QUILT RELATED. Patterns, Books, Fabric, Notions, Partial UFOs…whatever you want. This is for gently used –white elephant type items, not new-sell-at-retail-stuff or new crafts you have made to sell for Christmas. Understood? Think YARD SALE. When your item has sold, mark it sold on your blog page so people know.

You must link your post back to THIS POST, not the whole blog --- The url to use is http://quiltville.blogspot.com/2011/12/yard-sale-saturday.html

You write the post on your blog, you come back here and link it up. It is up to you to decide how you are going to interact with your buyers. I’m going to use paypal, and the selling price does not include the shipping. The shipping price will be figured depending on where the person lives, and the shipping price will be added to the purchase price.

***Notice!! These blocks have SOLD to Miriam! Thanks Miriam!***

So what did I sell today?

yardsalesaturday 024

How about a set of 16 vintage churn dash blocks! And not just ANY Churn dash block..these are pieced differently than I’ve ever seen!

yardsalesaturday 007 yardsalesaturday 006

Block Front Block Back

She’s used SMALL triangles around a center framed square….it’s really unique! Maybe all she had was smaller pieces to work with and this is what she came up with?

yardsalesaturday 012

This brown one is even more interesting….there are two long bars…and then the corners are added only to one side…Here is the back of the block, I think you can see it better by viewing the seams:

yardsalesaturday 025

By my closest guess ---these fabrics date from around 1900-1910. There are shirtings, ginghams, plaids, double pinks, polka dots, solids, and lovely mourning prints and burgundy resists. They measure just a bit over 10” on average.

Check out ALL the blocks here:

There are stains, some yellowing, lots of wonkiness and loads of character. The blocks are big enough that they could be taken apart, and reassembled or used as an addition to your vintage fabric collection.

I was able to sell my blocks within a couple hours of posting them --- isn't this great?!

Do you have something to unload SELL!? Write your blog post, and link it below! We’ll leave the linky running through The weekend, the entries will close on Sunday at 11:59pm. Monday starts our Mystery Monday Link-Up so be sure to come back for that too!


YankeeQuilter said...

What was that quilter thinking when she made those blocks....I had to go back for second cup of coffee to figure it out! Very fun!

Me and My Stitches said...

I really love this idea! Very fun! Now I need to go through all of my crap....er...I mean good stuff, and see what I can post.

Mom2four said...

Great idea, Bonnie! I can't wait to see the things people will get rid of. Maybe I'll find some treasures I can't live without!

Becky Clay said...

Sounds like a good idea. Next time you get a cramp, wherever, try immediately holding your breath. Usually the cramp will immediately stop and you don't have to hold it until you a blue in the face. Let me know how that works for you.

p.s. Don't ya have any turquoise strings to auction off? LOL!

Christy said...

Yes, I am very familiar with middle-of-the-night cramps, although I get them in my ankles. Really hard place to stretch them out and walk off! Someone told me it's just our age, which I didn't want to hear. And I believe I'm about the same age as you, Bonnie! Christy in Kansas

Debra said...

Yes!! I get middle of the night cramps all the time. In my toes & legs. It's an awful feeling. Sometimes walking doesn't even help!....

By Hoki Quilts said...

Re your night cramps, try taking some magnesium pills. I used to suffer with cramp every night, after taking the pills,no more cramps - yeah. Just saying.

Elaine M said...

Great idea and interesting blocks. I like the pale pink with the brown and gray. A common cause of nocturnal leg cramps is calcium deficiency; sometimes relief is found by taking a calcium supplement at bedtime. Hope you find relief.

Anonymous said...

That is a GREAT idea!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the idea ....You are so full of non-stop-energy. Hope to find some treasures.
Bout holding your breath...., well thats one I've not heard about, but if it works do share. I suffer the same night cramps too, but mostly in the early morning hours, when you want to stretch but find you have to hop out of bed to straigten your calf.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Like hokie quilter said. take Magnesium, that is what my doctor told me to get rid of them, she said 400mg a day. Hope it works for you too.

Wanda said...

Bonnie, the blocks are great and I would have loved a chance to get them, but you post at like 6 AM Alaska time and I am never up that early on a Saturday unless I am rushing to catch a flight. I like the idea of linking up things I might want to clear from my stash of books, blocks, etc....Now to go see what I have that needs a new home.

Mary-anne said...

I have discovered that a magnetic wool underlay, one with strong magnets, works miracles with legs cramps. It also helps with better sleeping - I was a sceptic but am now a complete convert.
Love the Yard sale idea.

Regina said...

Immediate treatment for leg cramps: hot water-a footbath or hot shower.
Prevention: vitamin D and calcium with magnesium and zinc. The vitamin needs the minerals and vice versa to be absorbed by the body.
Good luck!

Idaho Quilter said...

those were wonderful auilt blocks I am curious what they sold for. How do you know how much to ask?

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