
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Movie Madness!

I’m a movie goer!

I have always loved the feeling of escaping to the darkness of a theater, a big bucket of popcorn in my lap and a huge diet coke in the cup holder of the arm rest by my side.

Last night DH and I headed out to see “We Bought A Zoo!” because I loved what I saw in the trailer ---

Let me tell you that it did NOT disappoint! It is a great family movie….and I have to admit that I sure like the way that Matt Damon has grown up. LOL! Man, that man!

And DH will probably roll his eyes at me if he reads this, but...oh well! Some of us *ahem* DO get better with age, right?!

Here’s a quick peek at the trailer if you haven’t seen it:

What we’ve found when seeing different films, is that the previews for the up and coming movies are kind of tailored to the movie you are sitting there to watch…meaning…if you are in a blow up everything spy thriller, or in a slash-em-gash-em vampire thing, you may miss out on other previews for future movies of a different genre that look REALLY GOOD!

We saw a preview about Chimpanzees that we want to see next year when it comes out, and one about a family of whales being stuck under ice --- true to life stories but lots of drama, and yeah, I love anything with animals in it!

I also saw a preview for the new Snow White that has Julia Roberts playing the wicked queen! It looks Wicked Funny! Gotta add that to the list.

This afternoon we are sneaking off to another matinee to see Tower Heist with Eddie Murphy:

Weekend matinees are my favorite, because they are usually fairly empty, and I feel like I’m playing hooky in the middle of the afternoon and getting away with it!

It’s a good thing to get me out of the basement for a while!

I’ve finished quilting the LAST QUILT for the book…the binding is on…only the hand stitching is left to do! Yeah! Any progress is good progress, right?


Anonymous said...

With everything you get done, I don't belelive you have time to even think of going to a movie!!!! I have spent last night and today cutting tris...yes I am a bit behind.....I don't even have time to look out the window!

Katney said...

You will love Tower Heist, too. Lots of great stars working well in ensemble and hilarious situations.

We saw Hugo yesterday, so saw all the upcoming kidflick previews. Some looked like a lot of fun. (I am looking forward to the Lorax.) Hugo is based on a very thick young people's book in which much of the story is told in pictures--wonderful detail drawings--so my husband thought that he had already seen a movie of it.

Leeanne said...

Thank you Bonnie these both look great! It will be a wee while until they arrive here in New Zealand...but I will go see them.I have finished clue four...I love making those string blocks, my orange/gold/terracota blocks are too cute!
just gotta finish clue one :-)

Leeanne said...

P.S I look forward to your new book as I Love your others.

Mary said...

Thanks for the preview, I had only seen part of it. I'll have to get some of the girls together to go see Matt Damon, I agree with you!

Mary Ann harpe said...

Movies are a great escape! Tonight is movie night at our house after I sew up some Boy Scout pillowcases for a present for my son, the Eagle Scout!

Lynette said...

We are a movie family. :) Love the theater escape. In fact, I'm feeling super weird because this is THREE weekends in a row that we haven't gone to see one! But the lights are on the house now, so it's all good. And I'm NOT MISSING SHERLOCK HOLMES next weekend! ;D (yeah - that Snow White does look intriguing, doesn't it?)

Lynette said...

ooo - AND Mission Impossible :) We may just live at the theater next Saturday ;D

cynthia said...

I agree--Matt Damon is a fine looking fellow, but what makes him even more appealing is what a decent human being he is. And how entertaining are the movies he chooses to make.

Leah said...

Hey, thanks for the review! I hadn't heard about this movie until a week or two ago, and it looks great! Glad to hear it's as fun as advertised.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie dear, I really really don't imagine how you can get everything done, AND travel all over the country, and somehow design and make new quilts. plus giving mystery quilts to us once each year. Thank you... and I hope you'll just enjoy every moment of your 'down' time at home over the holiday season... Kate (the Quilting Professor)

AnnieO said...

Matt's interviewed in Parade mag this weekend--what a down to earth dad, very funny too. I'm wondering where the zoo movie was filmed--we have a wild animal training program in our county, which is next to L.A. Will have to look it up! DH and I rarely go to movies but we love them too. Enjoy!

Aileen said...

Matt is yummy. Even when he was a puppy. I would be very disappointed if he ever got bad press. He seems so wholesome.

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