
Friday, December 16, 2011

Best Laid Plans….

…….Are sometimes best with they are THROWN OUT!!

This afternoon I got a ping on my phone from Jason saying that he and Kim ((!!!)) were headed to Charlotte to go see a concert, and they wanted to come a bit early and would I meet them at Ikea for some shopping and visiting?

Why --- yes! Of course I would!

Charlotte is about half way between Winston Salem and Columbia, and I'll take whatever chance I can to spend time with my son.

We wandered and browsed and laughed at the idea of some of the decorative items as in No --- there is no way in HECK I would hang a 6 ft round ball of flowers mimicking itself as a lamp over my dining room table or my bed! And some of the lamps are made of little more than paper, and while they give off a nice ambiance as far as light goes…when you have playful cats…no….shredded is what they would become in no time at all!

But Ikea is always a great place to go for storage ideas….I took note of several things I’d like ----but when it came down to it, all I left with was a set of Queen sheets for the guest room --- they are PINK. Pink and on CLOSE OUT – so I got the set for $19.99, used a coupon/receipt that got me another $4.75 off….

Why can I never SPLURGE?! I grew up with a yard sale/thrift shop/don’t buy it unless it’s on sale mentality, and – I just can’t make myself just SPLURGE without a reason. I'm not sure if this is good or bad. Let's just say that most of the stuff I think I want, I let continue to live at the store until I find a reason I need it MORE than I think I do, and if I don't....well...it just never comes home.

Jason found some stuff for his apartment….and we had a snack at the snack bar. Did you know you can get a Swedish Smorgasbord at Ikea for EASTER DINNER?! Honestly. It’s not top of the list of places I want to go for Easter Dinner --- but….we sure enjoyed our afternoon treat and a visit at the comfy table by the big picture window looking out over the parking lot ;c)

On my drive home, it was raining, there was tons of traffic, and I had to go really slow ---it took an hour and a half to go 70 miles, but that was okay by me. I finished listening to “The Winter Garden” by Kristin Hannah on my MP3 player --- I downloaded it from my library free, and it is a WONDERFUL story. It’s not an amazon freebie --- but check it out of your library in either digital format or in paper if you can. Go for the digital ---or CD ---the narrator does a WONDERFUL Russian accent that just would be lost without it being in audio….I cried all the way home ----a good cry!

The Whitson family is rocked by the sudden death of patriarch Evan, a warm, loving man who doted on his two adult daughters, Meredith and Nina, and his reserved Russian wife, Anya.

Meredith, who runs the family business, and Nina, a photojournalist whose job takes her to war zones around the world, have never been able to connect with their cold, forbidding mother.

When Anya begins to act strangely, Meredith thinks she belongs in a nursing home, but Nina decides to try to fulfill her father’s dying wish and get her mother to tell her and Meredith the elaborate fairy tales she used to share with them.

Anya is initially reluctant, but once she begins, Nina realizes these tales are actually the story of Anya’s life in Stalinist Leningrad. Meredith and Nina decide to attempt to uncover the truth about their mother’s tragic past in the hope of understanding her, and themselves.

Though the novel starts off fairly maudlin, it evolves into a gripping read, although it’s a tearjerker. Hannah’s previous books, including Firefly Lane (2008) and True Colors (2009), are tailor-made for book clubs, and her audience should find plenty to discuss in this equally enthralling entry. --Kristine Huntley

No affiliation with anything, just an avid reader/listener and wanting to share!

I got home at 6pm, it’s been dark since a bit after 5pm --- it feels like bed time and I’m not sure what I’m going to do with myself tonight. I still have binding waiting….but I’d love to sew…options options options!

Whatever you get up to, enjoy your Friday evening!


Anonymous said...

How far is Charlotte from you? My granddaughter is moving to Charlotte from Fl. on Sunday. I just might get there one of these days. I have told her about the antique mall and now Ikea!
I have Step 4 done and started on Step 5 this afternoon. I like what I'm seeing! Thanks.

Margaret said...

I'm still working on my red strippy squares, watching the little pile of triangle pairs get higher and higher...Being out of town for 3 days immediately following the start of Step 4 kind of put a crimp in my quilting (but I *loved* the time I spent with my daughter so it's worth it to be busting my buns now!)

Samantha said...

My friday night is going to be a "finish it or DIE friday". I am making piano key borders for this one last thing I have to finish before Christmas. I listen to books while I sew so I'll have to check this one out! Thanks for the recommendation. :)

Julie said...

Thanks for the book recommendation. I just ordered it from my library!

Becky Clay said...

Bonnie, just wondering..do you ever do other Quilters mystery or challenge quilts? Not to be nosy, just inquiring.

beaquilter said...

where is the closest ikea?

debbie m said...

I read that book...or listened to it, lol. I'm not sure, it was more than a year ago. I also enjoyed it. Wish I could drive a few hours and see my son...MD to TX!!! Need a time machine or Scotty to beam me there!
I've been working on a sampler quilt that came in a kit. I'm afraid that I will get the pieces mixed up so I'm doing it one block at a time. Very little chain piecing sure makes it take much longer...but I do have a nice pile of 4-patch leader and enders blocks.
Enjoy your weekend. It sure started nice.

Elaine/MuddlingThrough said...

Thanks. I'm downloading it right now.

JustPam said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your son. Thanks for sharing an audiobook. I tend to stick with mysteries and I think I might branch out and see if this book is in my libraray.

Kathy in FL said...

I read this book when it first was released and I loved it! I was crying my eyes out at the end, too. All of Kristan Hannah's books are excellent.

Sally Langston Warren said...

Bonnie, is your mother doing the Orca Bay mystery? WOuldn't that be neat?!

Jason and Kim? Oh, hope these are happy days again.

Granny Stitch said...

Bonnie, I completely understand the not being able to splurge syndrom! I do the same thing....leave it in the store because I just can't convince myself I need it bad enough to spend the money and bring it home. I guess that's not all bad though.....more funds for fabric is how I see it. That book sounded really good. Never tried an audio book but just may have to do it.

Mickierae said...

I grew up with the same mentality. I'm 67 and have not be able to shake it completely yet. I break out once in a while and go "whole hog" as they say - an iPad or a new do everything iPhone and then I won't buy thread unless it is on sale. I'm having great fun with Orca Bay - about a third of the way through part 5 and finished 1 - 4. I may actually be making a dent (even if a small one) in my scraps! Thanks for a fun mystery.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Sometimes the best times are those that pop up spontaneously... I'm glad you found that time!

Laura said...

Bonnie, I totally understand your mentality because I am the same way! I very, very rarely splurge, but when I do, it seems to be in a big way, like new bedroom furniture after my divorce lol. But you know what, by saving up the "splurges", when I do splurge, it is for something that I really, really love and I don't regret spending the money or making the purchase.

Glad you had such a fun day! Getting away on the spur of the moment is a splurge too, especially with the schedule that you keep!

Me and My Stitches said...

I just finished reading that book - it definitely is a good one. Glad you had a great day!

Lucy said...

aah Ikea, do you remember that we went to it here..

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