
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Afternoon Edition–Free Kindle Book!

I have 3 days to get all done that I need to before leaving for Dallas on Friday! DH is coming along with me.  His brother and family are from Wiley, and he hasn’t seenh is brother in at least 8 years. 

I really feel that we are “of an age”  ((Don’t you hate that term?!)) where seeing far-away-family is CRUCIAL.  It’s not convenient to find the time or the funds to go visit family across the country, but the memories are priceless, and it is just something we HAVE to do.  So I treated DH this Christmas with tickets to Dallas to come with me over New Years.

I’ll be teaching classes,  he and his brother can pal about and spend time together, even for 2 days.  It’s worth it.  How can you put a price on that?

So, once again, I’m PACKING!  DH also loves to read, and I thought this was a good one for the kindle app on his toshiba tablet for the flight:

Retirement Can Be Murder by Phil Edwards is free today in the Amazon Kindle store, and has received an average user rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars based on 50 customer reviews. 
Category: Mystery 
When Jake Russo is transferred from a New York City beat to sunny Sarasota, his reporting life slows down. Instead of covering life in the big city, he’s stuck writing puff pieces about bridge games and shuffleboard. His biggest challenge? Sticking to his diet.
That all changes when an older resident mysteriously dies on the beach. Jake has to figure out why and how she died. With the help of his bumbling octogenarian cameraman, Jake will have to overcome his lack of confidence and find the truth. He’ll discover love, conspiracy, and surprising secrets in Florida’s retirement communities.
Light as a day at the beach, this playful mystery is an early buffet of flirtation, intrigue, and senior citizens gone bad.
And yes, I know this sounds like a funny genre for DH to want to read, but he LOVES the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich!  We can hardly wait until that movie FINALLY--- after over a decade of wishing ----will be in theaters in 2012!  And I thought this would kind of be the silly slapstick kind of stuff he finds in the Stephanie Plum books. Good enough for a flight to Dallas and back :c)
And – if HE thinks it’s good --- then I guess I’ll have to read it too!
I’ve been reading Rena’s Promise – Slowly.  It’s moving.  It’s horrifying.  It’s true.  And it’s hard to swallow.  It’s tough enough for me that I have to read something ELSE after reading that, just so I can get to sleep.  Seriously.   I’ll never be the same.  This didn’t happen during MY life time, but it happened during my parent’s life time --- and I’m haunted.
Did you ever give thought to what your life would be like if you could not READ!?  If you CAN read – do!


Anonymous said...

I "am of that age" where my aunts and uncles are of the greatest generation, and we lost three of them this last year with several more ailing. You need to treasure every moment you can beg, borrow, or steal with family members. Stories are being lost daily as people go home to heaven!

cityquilter grace said...

katherine heigl as stephanie and sherri shepard of the view as lula, should be goooood! i like them too, they don't give me nightmares.

Kelly said...

I haven't read Rena's Promise, but I felt the same way about The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - and that was during our lifetime!

I'm of that same age, Bonnie. I agree that we need to take advantage of every opportunity to see our extended family. If it gets to extend your holiday time with DH, so much the better! Enjoy your last few days before you get back on the traveling merry-go-round. Time sure does fly!!!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie - What is the source of your great free Kindle books? Do you get them from a particular website? I just got a Kindle Fire and have been enjoying downloading your recommendations!

Kathleen said...

Bonnie - you are right - the Holocaust wasn't really THAT long ago... my father was in the Army, and his unit went into one of the camps, to liberate it. He talked about that being the most haunting memory he had of the whole war...

If you ever get the chance to teach in the Berlin area, grab it - the history of the Wall and the war is unbelievably compelling... both horrifying and inspiring... it's important we remember.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie you are such a giving person. I think you could be come a saint. Always thinking and planning how to give and give when others would quite. And you tell us everything you do, it makes it even more special. Your a beatiful woman I think your giving the the rest of us a high moral standard to live up to for the new year.
Your perfect your DH is so lucky I only wish my wife could be exactly like you. Please pray for me.

Amy Laura said...

Oh my goodness, your home time is almost done! It is amazing how fast the time goes, isn't it. Time to try to keep track and play "Where in the world is Bonnie?" Enjoy your time in Dallas, I'm sure DH will enjoy reconnecting with his brother!

Lynne's Quilting Adventures said...

Thank you for posting the free book recommendations. Santa brought me a Kindle so I can now take advantage of them. Enjoy your trip to Dallas.

Lynne (MB)

limpingalong said...

Got a new Kindle for Christmas. I plan on enjoying it bunches and gobs. I'm at jesswe2@att.net

Paul said...

I just downloaded this book last week!

Looking forward to reading it!


Sandy Beach Sewing said...

Oh Bonnie....I cannot beleive that DH's brother lives in Wiley. My daughter lives the next town over in Royce City. Both of those towns are so little I bet they know each other. How cool would that be!?!?! Have fun in Dallas, I just moved (3 months ago)from West Texas to Knoxville.

Anonymous said...

I JUST finished Rena's Promise! Amazing book. most everyone's life is a cake walk compared to that.

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