
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Afternoon Edition–Free Kindle Book!

Bring on the good reads!

This one just came across on my radar and I snatched it right away.  It just sounds fun!

Ruby Lake by Sherrill Willis is free today from the Amazon Kindle store, and has received an average user rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars based on 27 customer reviews. 
Category: Humor / Romance
Book Description:
Sydney Myers has been through several failed relationships in the past year, in addition to other trauma’s, and is now giving up on finding her knight in dented armor. When her boss sends her to Ruby Lake, a small, rural town in northern Wisconsin, the last thing she was looking for was love at first sight, not to mention a place in the world where she finally fits.
Add in her city-savvy best friend, a jealous ex-girlfiend, a famous father, and a coffee shop full of off-the wall characters, and it becomes more challenging for Sydney to manage than a spinning plate competition.
When disaster strikes close to home, Sydney is left with the unbearable choice of her family, or the love she has always dreamed of. Come with Sydney on her journey and laugh, cry and rediscover why some choices are not really choices at all, they are simply fate.
Sometimes when picking a book, I’ll go further down the page and read the reviews…this one has GREAT reviews!
This is the one that cinched it for me:
A wonderful fun read comedic love story. Filled with quirky characters that will keep you chuckling and page turning to see what happens next.
There is even a love to hate character masterly portrayed. If you are a fan of Northern Exposure or Lake Woebegone you will enjoy this read.
Ms. Willis brings to life the small town charm of America and weaves the interactions of its characters in a masterful blend, reminding this reader of the genius,wit & humor of a modern day reincarnation of Mark Twain.
Anyone with a sense of humor, guys as well as gals will enjoy the adventures found in Ruby Lake. This reader is looking forward impatiently for more upcoming adventures of the Ruby Lake gang.
You know the drill, double check to be sure it’s still free, and snatch it while you can!
It’s Boring-Regular-Nothing-Extra-Added-Chocolate-Chip-Cookie-Day.  Even though  it is such a no-nonsense, nothing special cookie…why do I still find myself licking the spatula?!


Carolyn said...

I will look this up at the library site. I down loaded "Winter Garden" and just finished it. I loved it. Thank you.

Carolyn said...

I found another title by Kirstin Hannah and downloaded it. "Mystic Lake"

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

Thanks for the tip! Looks like a good Christmas lazy day read!
And there is always something special about chocolate chip cookies :)

Julierose said...

Thank you for what looks like another FAB-U-lous read.....Julierose

Jay said...

Never make excuses for plain old chocolate chip cookies. There's a reason they're popular year 'round!
Now, a question: What list are you a part of that you find out about these free books? I get a daily notice of 99-centers, but never a freebie.

Barb Johnson said...

If you are using raw eggs in the batter for your "Boring-Regular-Nothing-Extra-Added-Chocolate-Chip-Cookie", I would suggest that you don't lick the spatula! A bout of salmonella is not a good Christmas gift!

Barb Johnson said...

If you are using raw eggs in the batter for your "Boring-Regular-Nothing-Extra-Added-Chocolate-Chip-Cookie", I would suggest that you don't lick the spatula! A bout of salmonella is not a good Christmas gift!

Bonnie said...

Thanks for the book recommendation. It sounds like my kind of book. I will think of it as a gift from you and Amazon! Merry Christmas

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