
Thursday, November 03, 2011

Zuckerwatte Quilt & Curved Bindings!

This tutorial is being written as an extension of a Quilt pattern that recently appeared in the September 2011 Patchwork Gilde Magazine in Germany! Remember I showed you the back of this quilt?


I was unable to show you the FRONT until it appeared in the magazine! And the Magazine is HERE!

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Zuckerwatte is the German name for Cotton Candy, and this quilt, with its pinks and purples just have a Zuckerwatte feel to me! Are you surprised that there are more STRINGS in this quilt? I’ve been on a bender to use as many strings as I can in as many different ways that I can this year!

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You can find the pattern in the Patchwork Gilde Magazine! It’s the September 2011 issue, and it just arrived in my hot little hands this week! Yummy!!

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Along with the pattern for the quilt, is an article/interview from my workshop at Nadel und Faden in Stuttgart!

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I have such fond memories of being in Germany!! I wish I could read the text---but it is all in German! But look close at the right hand page….do you see what the underlay image is?

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It’s a very very light wallpaper effect of my traveling hexagon quilt! Yep, that went to Germany with me too! ((If this quilt could talk ---huh?))

If you would like to win a copy of Patchwork Gilde Magazine, leave a comment below and I will be drawing 2 winners!! Let’s leave this open for a while. I’m leaving on a cruise and I won’t be back until the 13th to draw --- but we will draw when I get home!

Now..the whole reason why this post is here --- there wasn’t room in the magazine to do the whole tutorial on the curved binding. And it is directing people to my website to find the tutorial! And I need to get it up here-----

Adding Gently Curved Bindings!!

The first thing you need to do is hop over to the Cutting Bias Bindings Tutorial to get your bias binding ready!

After quilting, stay stitch close to the edge of the outer border and trim the excess batting and backing away.Do not cut your curves yet! We'll mark the border, draw some lines, use the lines to place our binding, and trim later ----

Paper Templates!

I know there are many “tools” out there for getting even scallops, but all I need is a small plate and some extra paper!

Corner Template!

This is the first template we need to make, and because our borders were cut 5.5” before adding them to the quilt, we can do this out of a 6 1/4” square! If your border is wider or narrower than this, adjust the size of the square as necessary.

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Start with a 6 1/4” square and fold it in half. Find a plate/saucer that will fit in the corner and give you the size of corner curve you would like…I just hit my china cabinet to come up this one. Lay the plate, pot lid, circle in the corner over the fold and draw a partial circle.

Decide “HOW” shallow your scallops are going to be….the shallower they are the easier they are to bind without cupping.

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I wanted my scallops to be less than one inch deep and used that measurement to extend the line from my partially traced plate curve out to the edge of my square. Fold the square back in half, and cut out your corner template…..then snip a little 1 1/4” square out of the bottom corner of the paper square. This is where your template will line up on your inner border…

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This is how your paper will lay in the corner! You can adjust it as needed by refolding and trimming as desired.

Side Template!

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Cut a 5” X 6.5” rectangle from scrap paper. Fold it in half. Using your plate, draw a gently curved edge at the top of the paper, and extend your shallow curved lines to the edges, wherever you think you would like your depth to be. Fold the paper back in half, and cut on the line. These are my two paper templates. You can see where I corrected that too-deep line on the corner by folding and trimming! Because the corner and the side piece are separate from each other, we can fudge the distance between scallops as needed when we draw the lines on the quilt border!

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I know I’ll be using these again, so I went and cut them out of left over template plastic! My first line wasn’t quite round enough and my corner piece was corrected when I trimmed. You can do it!

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Using chalk, a blue marker, or a pigma pen ---Yes, I used a pigma pen!!--- Trace your corners on to your quilt, and then using the side template, trace your curves on each border, adjusting the template to fit by sliding it closer together or farther apart as needed. This is very forgiving! If you want, you can start at both ends and work toward the center of each border length to keep things more symmetrical.

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Starting at the TOP of a scallop, part way down one quilt side, lay the folded bias binding with raw edges up against your drawn line. Start sewing, leaving about 4” of tail on your binding unsewn behind the presser foot. We’ll fix that later!

I use my regular presser foot to do this…the quilt is already quilted well, and my walking foot obscures my view for sewing a 1/4” binding. Stitch slowly, and try not to stretch the binding around the curves as you go. Think only a few inches ahead of where you are. Deal with each curve as you get there. You might have to lower and raise your presser foot to readjust the binding to fit easily around the curves. Don’t race! Take your time…it’s worth it!

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Here is a whole length of binding attached to the quilt, and the edges will be trimmed later!

Continue around the whole quilt until you reach a few inches from where you began. To join the ends of your binding, follow my directions on my straight edge binding tutorial HERE! You’ll have a nice invisible join with no lumps or bumps!

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Here is the binding, with the quilt edge trimmed 1/4” from the seam line! I’m ready to begin the handwork of stitching it down!

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I bind my quilts using the “ladder stitch” --- making the stitches completely invisble when finished! To do the ladder stitch, take a small side-ways stitch in the fold of the binding. Directly below where the thread exits the binding, take a small side ways stitch just below the machine stitching line. Move the needle back up directly above where the needle exited the quilt backing, and do another side ways stitch hidden in the fold of the binding.

Ladder Stitch:

You’ll notice that the quilt backing is facing me…and my fingers roll the binding down and over the edge of the quilt. I don’t even use those “hair clip” binding clips or pins!, I don’t NEED them….My fingers do the work for me! Pins and hair clips are just one more thing for me to lose ;c)

Zuckerwatte will be making its appearance in ENGLISH as a feature in my next book due out in July 2012. Copies of Patchwork Gilde are available across Germany, perhaps you can find someone who can pick you up a copy!

Or, you can leave a comment below to win one of two free Giveaway copies! I’ll draw for them upon my return from the cruise with Pat Sloan ---but give me a couple days to rest up, I think I’m going to need it!


Ellen said...

Another absolutely gorgeous quilt! Thank you for another terrific tutorial.

The Cozy Quilter said...

The front and back of this quilt are both wonderful! Just leave a comment on my blog if you draw my name. Gail

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

Love the quilt! It would be interesting trying to make a quilt with the pattern in another language!

Cokie K said...

Love the quilt. My daughter is in Germany with her Army husband. Thank you for the give away.

stitchinpenny said...

I would love to have a copy of any magazine with a quilt pattern by you.

kfr14819 said...

This is breathtakingly beautiful!! It would be so awesome to make.

Marj said...

Loved the tutorial, I have a rose hexagon quilt that has been waiting for it's curved border. It would be fun to have a German magazine in my collection. Thanks for the chance to win one.

Anonymous said...

I like purple so this quilt is a hit...and the magazine....I would love to see the whole magazine...

beaquilter said...

wow GUTEN TAG! that's so cool.
never knew the word for cotton candy, but I can read it, it's sugar cotton :-) ( or watting) ha ha

Carol C said...

What a wonderful quilt. It's beautiful. I would love to add this magazine to my quilting library. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

You sure has a lot of pink and purple pieces. It turned out just beautiful, like all of your quilts. I am still trying to tame all the scraps people keep giving me.. cutting and sorting sizes is keping me busy. I need a good magazine to read. dltquilt@juno.com
Donna, LEH,NJ

Anonymous said...

I would love to win ANYTHING with a quilt pattern of yours in ANY language. I challenged myself this year to use what I have and have made several quilts with many stash fabric (like RRCB). Thanks for being you. Laurie

cindyann said...

Love the quilt and tutorial. I hope you have a great time on your cruise.

Diane said...

Nice quilt and beautiful binding! And, as always, easy to understand instructions!! I'd love to win a copy of the magazine (even though I'm guessing instructions will be "auf deutch"), but if I don't win, I will certainly be looking forward to the instructions in your next book. Have a nice time on your cruise! (Who takes care of you animals while you're gone?)

Kay said...

I'm in love! The Pinks and Purples are beautiful! Thanks for the tutorial. I sure would love to win!

Anonymous said...

How terrific that you're published in Germany! How exciting is that!! Now if I could win the mag that would be terrific, too. Sorry I missed being here for your workshop in ABQ. It truly is a wonderful city of many different cultures founded in 1706.
Anita from Abq. NM

Fernanda said...

Always love your quilts! Thanks for a chance to win!

Jo said...

Hey Bonnie...
I love the quilt...but that is no surprise. :) I am so glad I got addicted to strings in last year's (is the apostrophe in the the right place?) mystery. Thanks so much for doing the curved edge. I have wanted to try one but have been a bit chicken...you'll inspire me to do it! Enjoy your trip.

Robert said...

Beautiful quilt - have already printed and filed your tutorial in my Bonnie file. Thanks.

Carla said...

Another great looking quilt, Bonnie. I will be refering to your tutorial for a small quilt I am assembling, love the curved edge look. Thank you!

http://thankfullga447 said...

Great quilt and would love to read the article, I can read some German, I can speak it.

Anya said...


Jill said...

What a pretty quilt! The tutorial is fantastic and will be a great reference for me. Thanks for posting it and sharing this quilt with us.

Coloradolady said...

amazing, amazing quilt!! I am going back to read about the edges....very inspiring Bonnie as always. Have a fantastic trip!

dwynette said...

Bonnie, your quilts are so original! I just love this new one. Thanks for sharing.

Peggy said...

I would love to win this magazine and send it to my dear German friend, who now lives in Washington State. I live in Connecticut and we both became friends and learned to quilt in small quilt shop in Katy TX in the 1990's. She made 30 quilt tops in her first year of quilting, one more beautiful than the other. Our lives separated in 2003 when we both moved to different sides of this country. She still has difficulty reading English and I know would be thrilled to get a German quilting magazine. Thanks for another beautiful quilt and a great tutorial.

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy of this magazine and the chance to win it. I am so into pinks/purples..purple especially. It used to be that all my quilts showed at my guild meeting had purple in them. I've had to modify that a bit the last couple of years. I learned that there were OTHER COLORS.
Diann Smith kyquiltymama@hotmail.com

Laura said...

I love this quilt! If I don't win this magazine, I'll get your book in July.

Patty said...

Congrats to you! This is awesome and I really appreciate your help with this curve concept. Something else I must try. I would LOVE the magazine. My son speaks German, so I have a system to decode. HA.

Jan said...

Love the scalloped binding. Have never done that but it's beautiful!

Penny from S.C. said...

Love all your quilts! This one is no exception. I'd love the magazine. Thanks

sosarahsew said...

I would love to win a copy of this magazine!! What a cool quilt - front and back - a wonderful way to use, use, use so many pieces from a stash. Have fun on your cruise... time with husbands is priceless.

Carol said...

Love those scallops! That looks great with the string border.

SubeeSews said...

As usual, you show me a new quilt design and I want to sew it! EZ rulers have a new scallop tool. I did buy it in anticipation of a curvy binding future!

sue said...

I just wanted to say thanks for the scallop border tutorial. I love them but have never actually pushed myself to complete this. Maybe now, with your visuals, I will have a little more confidence. Keep up the good work! Can't imagine how you accomplish everything with your travel schedule.

Carlene Foster said...

I use freezer paper to create a curved binding for a specific quilt. You can iron it to the quilt top, reposition it if necessary, and then iron it down again so that you can cut out the curve.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's gorgeous! I love both the front and back and can't wait for your next book to be published. Congratulations on the magazine publication.

Linda H said...

As always, a beautiful quilt!! And another great tutorial. You're the best Bonnie! Please count me in for the giveaway!

Mary Burn said...

Would love to have copy of magazine. Have a glorious time on your cruise.

Sue said...

Love the edge!

Anonymous said...

Blogger won't let me sign in so here we go! I love your quilts and am amazed at the amount of quilting you are able to get done with your busy schedule. As usual you have created a beautiful work of art.

Anda W said...

Your quilt is breathtaking! I have only been quilting a year but would definitely be more than happy to tackle this stunning quilt with a little more experience under my belt!

Anonymous said...

Interesting article. You make it sound so simple to make a scalloped binding. I play cards
with a woman from Germany so we can both share the magazine.

Julie Kaye from KS said...

Another lovely quilt. I can't wait for the new book to come out.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! My grandaughter would absolutely love that pink and purple combo!

Jackie said...

Beautiful quilt! I really appreciate the tutorial on the curved binding - I'd like to try that on my next quilt. And I'd love a copy of the book!

MJinMichigan said...

I'd love to win the magazine even though I don't read German. The quilt is lovely and I love the curved edge. Thanks for the tutorial.

laquaqltr said...

I just might have to try this one day!

JoyceT said...

I surely would love to get a copy of Patchwork Gilde to add to my collection of Bonnie Hunter stuff. Thanks for the tutorial on curved binding and ladder stitched binding.

Pam in KC said...

It's a beautiful quilt and looks like it would be the perfect home for all of the pink and white HST units I pressed and counted last week!I'd love to win a copy.

Aileen said...

Lovely, Lovely quilt. Does remind me of Candy! I have made quilts with rounded corner but was to chicken to do it on the sides. Will try it on next mini quilt!

skye said...

Beautiful, beautiful, Bonnie!! You have knocked it out of the park again!!! Thank you so much for the tutorial (,#) & for the chance to win a copy of the magazine. I would be thrilled! Have a great time on your cruise!!

Karen S. said...

I LOVE your blog! Thank you for all you do!

Charlsey said...

The quilt is stunning and the tutorial is wonderful. Thank you for the precise and detailed tutorial. Looking forward to seeing the magazine.

Marilyn said...

Love the quilt, but not sure if I would attempt the curved binding for fear I would mess it up. Thanks for the chance to win the magazine. maruvolo@gmail.com

Janice Stewart said...

Another wonderful quilt. Just love the colors. Thank you for the tutorial.

Judy said...

Oh, Bonnie, I just HAVE to have this magazine. I LOVE the quilt, and my sister-in-law is German, so she can translate the text. Thanks so much.

Kathy said...

Beautiful quilt! I can't speak German, either, but the magazine looks great. Congratulations!

Sunny Slope Farm said...

This is a great post. I'd love to have the magazine for my daughter who taught German for 2 years and is a budding quilter. Keep using those strings! Rita

Janet said...

I can't decide which I like better - the front or the back :0) I don't suppose you include the pattern for the back in the magazine - lol! I'd love to win this magazine - thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

my kind of colors , i might actually have enough scraps to do the strings (that are actually scraps and not made scraps!) always fun to see the new twists , maybe I will have show and tell when I see you in Va in March and April.............Bonnie in Suffolk VA

Anonymous said...

Please Bonnie. I must have that pattern. I have been making your quilts for a while. Like all quilters there are ideas in the back of my head that should get done. With my little girl getting older I though it was comming soon that I needed to make her a quilt. This is that quilt it is so absolutly perfect I can't stand it. Love the pink and the curves.

Nicole P.

Kristina @ withaKquilting said...

What a great tutorial on curved bindings. Thank you. I love the quilt...and the back just as much as the front. Even though I took german in high school and college (many moons ago) I don't think I could read the magazine either, but it would still be fun to have. Looking forward to your new book.

Anonymous said...

Have a blast on the cruise. Thank you for the tutorial - it will be used by all of us I'm sure. As for the quilt - loved the back then scrolled down and my jaw dropped all I could say was WOW! OH MY! I've never been a pink person, but I've just become a convert. Absolutely beautiful. If I had only one word to describe your quilt it would be "Awesome". Thank you for sharing your life with us. P.S. I vote for Edith to win the mag for her German friend out in Washington State (great friendship). Thanks again. Gina @ wvcelt@yahoo.com

Sandra said...

Love the pinks and purples. Lovely quilt. Count me in for the drawing.

Judy in Michigan said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win the magazine. I can read most German and my friends can help me with what I don't understand. What a wonderful quilt and a wonderful memory of such an amazing chapter in your adventures!!

Pauline said...

Beautiful quilts, the cotton candy is one I'll dream about making! The patchwork is stunning and most unusual. I sure hope my name is drawn for one of the magazines!

Janet O. said...

I love this quilt and look forward to the book!!

Shifra G. said...

I have been following you for quite some time now and love reading your blog and learnng so many things. Pink and purple are my favorites and I'd love to win. (mandmgold@yahoo.com)

Jeanne in Ohio said...

I love your quilt designs and this one really rocks! I'd love to win a copy of this magazine.

Glenda in Florida said...

Great tutorial, and a lovely quilt! Would love to win the magazine, but if not, I'll be first in line to buy the book next summer.

Ida from Central PA said...

I would love to win a copy of this magazine. I'd create your Cotton Candy quilt in a heartbeat. I love pinks! :)

I have a quilt on my wall waiting to be finished that I call the "German Quilt" because in order to make it, I had to translate all of the instructions from German. :)

I hope that the randomizer picks me. :)

Anonymous said...

Great quilt! Reminds me of the pink quilt I made for my MIL (who survived breast cancer)and which I have TONS of pink fabric leftover from! Maybe this would help use some of it up! Thanks, Bonnie! (morrowrj@telus.net)

Lynn said...

Beautiful quilt - would love to win a copy of the magazine. Your tutorial on the curved binding is good and will have to give it a try sometime.

Marianne said...

what a beautiful quilt! I would love to win a copy of the magazine. i'll work on it with one of my german speaking friends. and thank for the tutorial. I will definately try it!


quilt cookie said...

I would love to win the magazine and your quilt is absolutely beautiful.

Mom2RyandSis said...

Would love a copy of this book, your quilt is wonderful!!! Enjoy your trip :)

Smeek said...

WHat a great quilt and thanks for the wonderful tutorial. I have been having problems hiding my stitches so can't wait to try this method.

regan said...

Yep....another gorgeous quilt! Yay! Love all the string piecing on it.....can't wait to make one! Thanks Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous as usual Bonnie love it !!! Would love to win it too.

Midge E. said...

Hi bonnie, love the look of all those curves, I sure would like to win. thank you for all you do!!

cynthia said...

That quilt is so spectacular! How I would love to make it!

Cathy44647 said...

I'd love an original copy - Enter Me!

Linda said...

Definitely enter me in the drawing for the magazine! I love this pattern! Your tutorial is very clear. Now, I need to gather the courage to try making a scalloped border.
Linda in Southern Illinois

Anonymous said...

Another great quilt. You are very good at finding creative ways to use up those strings. I like the controlled color scheme. Thanks for the tutorial. I've never done a curved binding.
Enjoy your cruise!

valekort at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Bonnie I love this quilt and the curved borders. I want to try those sometime. You make it look easy so I will mark this page for when I try it.

This post has brought back so many memories and emotions. I spent 7 months in Schwaback Germany as a bride in 1953 when my husband was sent there a week after our wedding for a years deployment with the Army.

And today your leaving on your quilting cruise. Wishing Arlene and I could be with you. I love boats/ships and the water. My memory is of a cruise to Alaska with my mom. May you have "Fair winds and following seas."

you can e-me at stella_ca2001 at yahoo.com

Jittina said...

I love your quilt (front and back). But with 2 boys in the house (and their dad) pink is outnumbered in my stash.

Enjoy your cruise!

Jo Anne said...

Beautiful quilt and great binding tutorial.

Teri said...

Great quilt and I even made the back. :-) I must have missed the original post where you showed the back. Funny thing is that I just used the rest of one of those fabrics on a back of a quilt this week. Thanks for the tutorial.

kwiltnkats said...

Thanks Bonnie for the tutorial on curved borders. I've got making a curved border in my bucket list! Looks like come July 2012 I'll be checking this off my list. Winning the magazine would be great but I don't read German to use the pattern :)! Sandi

Mary said...

Love all the soft Pinks in the Quilt. Sign Me up to win the magazine, please. I know it will be worth waiting for. Even written in German, the numbers are universal. DANKE!

Mayleen said...

I'd love to win a copy of the magazine so I can make this quilt! I even like it in reds and pinks so I'd probably make it in the same colors.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful article in the German magazine. I would love to win this magazine as I was a German major in college and haven't read any German in a long time. This would be a real hoot!

Marianne in Ohio

Anonymous said...

I love your pink/purple quilt. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. Would love to get one of the magazines - it's been years since I've visited Germany and I've forgotten almost every bit of German I used to know. Still, the magazine would be fun to look at! cuffmail@aol.com

Janet said...

I like that quilt! It is cotton candy-ish. Thanks also for the tutorial on curved binding. I may get up courage to try that someday. I wouldn't be able to read the magazine, but then, I couldn't read the Japanese one I bought either. It is all about the eye-candy!

bingo~bonnie said...

FINALLY - a "Cotton Candy" that won't get my fingers all sticky and caught in my long hair! :P lol

Love the binding tutorial for curves... my mom never knew how to do the mitered corners and would always cut her binding on the bias and curve each corner as she went. She's not around to ask how... so thank you for sharing your tricks of the trade Bonnie.

Hope you have a wonderful cruise! :)

Love from Indiana! ~bonnie

Cherie in St Louis said...

Wow, Bonnie, I LOVE this quilt and how wonderful to be published in Germany :)

Anonymous said...


What a fabulous quilt. I've never posted on your blog before though I've been an avid reader for about 2 years now. I can't wait for your new book to come out in 2012. With RRCB and Cotton Candy it's looking positively awesome.

I have only been quilting for 3 years and was terrified of scrap quilts (since I tend to be a little OCD) until I started reading your blog. I've never looked back.

After showing your blog to my mother and stepmother (who both also quilt), they thought it was a great idea and I started my own blog.

Thank you for sharing your quilting knowledge with the world. You'll never know how many lives you touch and inspire.


Meadow said...

Wow.........loved loved the tutorial and the quilt. Now I know ONE word in German!

Thanks again..Gina

Caroline said...

I love the quilt, But personally I like the back much more than the front. I have never made bias binding, but need to learn. Thank you for the giveaway!

Mary said...

The cotton candy quilt is wonderful, and thanks for the curved edge/binding instructions. I would love to win one of these magazines.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I love that quilt and I am not normally a pinks and purples kind of girl. I would love to win a copy of the magazine; mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut, but I would happily go into translation mode for the first time since college in order to read your article. Tschuss!

kt said...

Beautiful quilt, and great tutorial--thanks for sharing! Would love to win a copy of the magazine--thanks for the chance!

Deb A said...

Great tutorial. I'd love a copy of the magazine and can't wait for your next book to come out for that Jamestown landing pattern! Have fun on your cruise.

By Hoki Quilts said...

Winning a copy of the magazine would be wonderful but what I thought was just outstanding was your simple tute on the curved binding - fabulous, thankyou.
hugs - Miche'le

Maureen in Portland said...

Thanks, Bonnie, for a great tutorial, as always. I don't speak German but I do have access to a great interpreter, so I'd love to win the magazine. Either way, I'll see this pattern in your next book in the summer ... looking forward to doing it then. Have a great cruise and come back well and rested!
Maureen in Portland

Anonymous said...

You are so generous sharing your expertise and now some giveaways as well. Thanks!
(can't log in with google for some reason on your blog)

All8 said...

This quilt reminds me of Ocean Waves, which is one of my favorite quilt blocks. I'd love to win a copy. Thanks for the opportunity.

Pati said...

Thanks Bonnie!!! My ToDo list just got longer! You know I love anything with purple in it!! I would love to win the German magazine. But if not, then I will be seeing it in the new book in July! Hopefully it will be in English and not German! VBG :)

Cathy said...

Bonnie, your tutorial on scalloped bindings is wonderful! I have a couple of quilts that would benefit by this application. I will send pics when they are done.

Also, the German mag would be wonderful to have. You are so generous!

Cathy B

Anonymous said...

I love it! Purple is my favrite color and this quilt is magnificent!

Sue Sullivan

Anonymous said...

Pick me, pick me! Thanks for your generosity, expressed in so many ways. I'm in for Orca Bay!

Gina in Missouri

Maria said...

Always wanted to try a scalloped finish and I might actually get round doing one now... :)

Anonymous said...

I have been waiting for this, aha, so this is how it is done. Thanks so much for sharing and explaining. I want to try it.

Suzette said...

Bonnie, thank you for being so generous with your teaching and your patterns.

Anonymous said...

hi Bonnie,

Wish I win this give away. I can read and write German.
Greetings from the Netherlands
Dini Kuijer

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt! Love the pink! Wonderful tutorial. My husband can read German but he is not a quilter!
Carol in KY

gina said...

hello Bonnie, this is a beautiful quilt. I would love to win a copy of the magazine with the pattern. Thank you also for your new Mystery! I am eagerly awaiting the start! thank you again. best wishes Gina in sunny Oz

Katie said...

How exciting for you! Congratulations. It's a beautiful quilt and I would love to have one of the magazines. I'm a complete sucker for pink and purple. :-)

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt. And the tutorial has come at the perfect time for me. Just finishing a quilt from AP&Q which has curves. You have made it look easier to figure it out.

Anonymous said...

I would look to win a copy of this magazine, with this beautiful pink quilt. After all PINK is my favorite color.



Linda said...

Your quilt is beautiful! Love the curved binding. This is something I will try for sure. Thanks! I would love to win a copy of the magazine.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

very cool to have your quilt featured in a German magazine! I would love to win a copy even though I don't speak German~I would need to find someone to translate. :)

Beth said...

HI Bonnie
I am not a pink person, but there is something about this quilt - it is just happy - I think I'll have to re-think pink :) Thank you for keeping us in blog posts while you are gone. I visit every day.

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love that quilt! I am drawn to anything pink...I also lived in Germany for almost 6 years in the 90's. My german is rusty, but I'm sure I would love the challengeof figuring out the pattern if I am lucky enough to win the magazine. My husband is fluent though, so it's a non-issue.
I have been following your blog a year or so- I'm addicted! I'm getting my fabric gathered for the mystery quilt later this month. Have a great time on the cruise...thanks again for all you do!
Terri in St. Louis.

Amy said...

As always, a beautiful quilt! You are so generous to share your talents.

Will Work for Fabric said...

Oh Bonnie! I'm in love...and don't worry about drawing a name until you get back! Maybe I'll have to learn German just to make the quilt. That'll give me a bit more time!!!
Kelli Kramer kellijo1987@gmail.com

Me and My Stitches said...

Oh...love the quilt! And thanks for the tutorial and the chance to win the magazine. Even if we can't read it, it's fun to look at the pictures!

Kim said...

Adorable quilt, thanks so much for the chance to win the magazine.
Have a wonderful time on the cruise :0)

Happy Sewing

Becky Clay said...

This is T.H.E prettiest pinky quilt I have ever seen. You do such great work!!

MaryBeth said...

What a fabulous quilt - BOTH sides!!! And thanks for the great tutorial. I sure hope I win your magazine, but if I don't I guess I'll ask my son to find one for me - he's stationed @ Miesau Army Depot in Germany!!

Anonymous said...

I close my eyes and I see that quilt on my guest room bed ... PLEASE pick me for the magazine. I was just at a quilter's retreat weekend and we were talking about the "challenge" of scallop-edge quilts; your tutorial is SO timely. Thanks for all you do! Flatlander (Linda) Canends@Hotmail.com

Mary said...

Awesome quilt! I love the colors and the scalloped edging really sets it all off. Hope you have a wonderful cruise.

Joanne Schlichting said...

I am waiting none to patiently for the mystery quilt. Have still not decided on colors yet.

Anonymous said...

You are so smart. I truly admire your work. The color combo is divine. Thanks Bonnie for all you do for your fellow quilters. Have a wonderful cruise.
Maryella in Maine

Quilting_Chris said...

Oh, Cotton Candy is just as delicious to look at as the treat is to eat. Love the strings you continue to inspire the use of. Really would love to win. Have a terrific time on your cruise.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Wonderful tute on curved binding. I love the cotton candy quilt! Have a wonderful trip and thank you for the giveaway.

KWILEY said...

OH - I sooo love the back and front and front/back :) They both are so lovely! I'd sure love to win a copy of the magazine!!! ANd boy - what will you do when your hexi quilt is complete?!?!?!?

bunbear said...


leu2500 said...

Wow! I love the colors. When the book comes out I might just have to start my 1st takes about a million pieces Bonnie Hunter quilt.

BTW, you should be able to translate the German text using Babel Fish or some other online translator.

qltmom9 said...

Oh, I want to win SOOO much! That is just lovely and colors I love too. Thank you for the chance.


Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

oh that would be fabulous, my MIL could read it to me!

Tamie said...

Love this quilt and your use of strings. Happy sailing.

Rose E. Glasses said...

Woman, where do you get your energy!?! Have fun on your cruise. Inspirational!

Thanks for the chance to partake of your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, that is a beautiful quilt. It really does look like cotton candy. I will eventually get the pattern in your book, but would love to have it ahead of time. Have a great time on your cruise. Sharon

Terri in BC said...

What a beautiful quilt! I can't wait to see your next book - it sounds like it will be filled with fun projects.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the magazine, and I can read the article. Lived in Germany off and on my whole life. (Dad was in the Army, and so was DH and I.)I love your quilts, Bonnie. You are such an inspiration. Thanks Sara@ ohsirius7@hotmail.com

Raewyn said...

The quilt is gorgeous, Bonnie - I'm amazed what you have done with the strings :-) - and would love to go into the draw - thank you. Hope you enjoy your trip!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on more international publishing! I like the look of this one...scrappy but limited pallete! Hope the cruise is going well too! Andee in AZ

Anonymous said...

The Cotton Candy Quilt is GORGEOUS

and the binding tutorial looks really achievable with your tutorial

thank you Bonnie!!

and please add me to the draw

SandraC said...

Love the scalloped border..will be trying this one out for sure!!! Thanks!

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Another wonderful scrap quilt, Bonnie. I would love to win the copy of the magazine to share with my mother who grew up in Austria. She taught me how to knit and crochet and sew, and I would love to share it with her.

Lynne said...

The quilt is gorgeous Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, this quilt is ablsolutely gorgeous! Yummy like Zuckerwatte! I would love a copy of this magazine... I do understand German! ;-)

Amy Laura said...

I love, love, love that quilt! I hope the pattern will come available in some book or on the website some day....unless I win the magazine, I am unlikely to purchase a magazine in german! It really is a gorgeous quilt. Thanks for the tutorial, too!

Janet said...

Absolutely love this quilt. Can't wait for your next book. I would love to win the magazine though. Thank you for all your patterns, books and tutorials.

susan said...

Your blog is brand new to me. My friend Jeri L posted this on my wall, and so here I am. I hope you are having a marvelous time! Your quilt DOES look like cotton candy. Those scallops are beautiful! Thanks for the tutorial!

Anonymous said...

Wow Bonnie!! I love pink and purple. This is a great quilt. I would love to win a copy of the magazine. Looking forward to the book it will be in also. Have a great cruise and get another picture for your next mystery quilt.


CarlaHR said...

Hi Bonnie, Hope you are having a great cruise. I'd love to win a copy of the magazine - I do read German so could benefit fully from it(lol). I need all the reading material I can get as there is no quilting (or anything using my right hand) for the next six weeks - broke my pinky.

HelenMarie said...

I LOVE your cotton candy quilt and would enjoy making one for myself!

You make the scalloped border look so easy! I'll have to give it a try on one o fmy next quilts.


PS... I was on the road last week with little room to pack along sewing so I made myself a small kit of cheddar and civil war fabric squares and managed to complete 38 bowties... by hand! while waiting and in-between. I am thrilled with the way it is progressing and may just keep it as handwork!.. or maybe start a different version as a leader ender. Either way, thanks for the pattern... I am having lots of fun with it!

Krista said...

Thank you for the tutorial and showing that I don't need to purchase a special ruler. I'm actually looking forward to trying this!

Brenda said...

Bonnie, you make everything seem easy!!
I was scared (uh, still am!!!) That this will be on the new mystery!!! Oh well, feel the fear and do it anyway!! With you behind my back, watching over me, I know I could do this if it was going to be the end of the new project!!!
But saying that - THAT QUILT IS GORGEOUS!!!!!!
Love that!! The colours, the beauty, you have outdone yourself!!!
Question: what happens to the quilt after a magazine has used it?? So, you sent it off to Germany for it's photo shoot, now what happens to it??? just woundering....

I hope you have a very relaxing time on deck with your books and enjoy the cruise!!!

Janine said...

I love the curved binding and the great tutorials. Can't wait to try this.


Anonymous said...

Another beautiful quilt to add to my bucket list! I would love to win the magazine--I can even read German! Caroline Rader in TN
addy: csr_stitch2@yahoo.com

Kathy in GA said...

Hi Bonnie! I'd love to win the magazine...and I have a friend that could translate. I really should learn German as my father was born there! I hope to try the curved binding next year, along with the mystery quilt coming up...wedding sewing still in progress, sigh.

sewkalico said...

I will always remember your (and my) trip to Germany. A very special time indeed!

NikiQuilts said...

Bonnie...your Cotton Candy is sweet, sweet, sweet! Hope I win a copy of the magazine so I can make one too...no calories and a great quilt! Niki

Rebecca said...

I love the pink quilt, just lovely!

Ulla's Quilt World said...

Hi! Greetings from Finland! I love your quilts! You are fantastic quilter! It's so nice to find other quilters all around the world! :)

Leah D said...

A quilt after my own heart. I love the colors. It is bright and light and makes me smile. Good work and congratulations for being published in Germany.

Bekah said...

So cool! I love the curved edges!!!

Louise said...

I really like that quilt and the magazine looks neat. Thank you for the curved edge & binding tutorial!

Béa said...

Me, me, me, pleaaaase Bonnie !!! XOXO

Diane Harris, Stash Bandit said...

Magazines from other parts of the world always intrigue me. I'd love to have a copy of this. The gorgeous pink quilt is in my future!

doris said...

I was transfered back to my youth...Zuckerwatte ...I understand the word ..growing up in Germany.... and it made me smile then I got to see the beautiful quilt and yes it looks like Cotton Candy and the tutorial..... wunderbar
thank you for sharing

Sandy said...

Other than loving the quilt itself, I was actually very excited to see you were publishing in the German magazines! I was born in Frankfurt am Main and came to the US in 1980. I was blessed enough to be able to return in '07 and managed to purchase a Dirndl pattern, as well as some Edelweiss buttons for it. I was surprised to really have to search for fabric shops, as they are not as readily available as they are here. The prices were atrocious! But, I just HAD to make my future grandbaby/grandbabies a Dirndl! I even celebrated my kids' first day of school with the Zuckertuette! Thanks for the inspiration!

Sandy said...

Bonnie, I am so sorry! I forgot to sign in when I last posted (Sandy - and the one who was excited about you publishing in a German Magazine! Gosh, I get so homesick, especially in the Fall, because I miss the Nuernberger ChristkindelsMarkt, the Gluewein, all the food known during the season (Weinbrandtbonnen, Torte, chocolates, Martzipann, lol), and the German traditions regarding Christmas. I still have my grown children put their boots out on Dec 6th! Thanks again for all the info and opportunities (like the magazine) you provide!

Kate Mooers said...

Bonnie I love these quilt and you make the binding tuorial so easy to understand with the pictures Love the colors in this too! Have fun on the cruise !!

Kate Mooers said...

Bonnie I love these quilt and you make the binding tuorial so easy to understand with the pictures Love the colors in this too! Have fun on the cruise !!

Jean from Manitoba said...

Bonnie, you are the reason I am such a fan of scrappy quilts! This method of making a scalloped edge looks very do-able.
Jean from Manitoba

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