
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

More Backing Fun!!

I SERIOUSLY needed to get on the ball and get some stuff done when we returned home. Deadlines were looming, so much needed instant attention….but we returned home Saturday evening, and I decided that all “ELSE” ((Aka- BIZ STUFF!)) Could wait until Monday. I was continuing my vacation through the weekend, and that was all there was too it!

Let’s face it – I had spent the past 10 days watching 50+ other people taking turns on their days with the machines on the cruise, watched them enjoying their sit n sew time in the evening….did I get to sit and sew at ALL!? Well, only by the grace of my hexies that is!

Here I am stitching in one of the lounge areas during the second group's morning make it and take it time! Yeah...still plugging along on this! Each piece added is a victory, right? Or so I keep telling myself. I did get some work done on this during the cruise, but not as much as I had hoped I would!

I worked on bindings all the way to/from Baltimore and when daylight ran out, that was IT for the hand stitching time ----

Remember me whining about the Orphan bin and what a mess it is? Of ALL the things in the world I could have chosen to do, that was the one Sunday thing that got done…I tackled the orphan bin! I sorted blocks into categories by size. I put them all in large ziplocs by size…and some stuff…I PITCHED! Yes. I did. I don’t know why I have saved some of this stuff over the years, but there comes a time when it’s not even worthy of passing on into a dog-bed stuffing.

And before you say “save it or ship it to someone who might want it”….that SHIP has already SAILED! The trash went to the curb this morning….GONE, Baby, GONE!

Somehow, putting that mess of blocks and parts in some semblance of order was just the ticket ---in just this one small area, I was in essence taking steps to put my life in order. I'm home for 6 weeks now. Traveling is done for the year, and I have 6 weeks to put it all in order, including finishing a book manuscript that I really need to be done by the end of December.

It's time to put it all my ducks in a row!!

While sorting, I knew I needed a backing for yet another quilt for the next book….and I dug. And I found…and combined….several different sets of block quarters from Boxy Star blocks that have been sent to me over the years from all 4 corners of the globe. There was enough for 8 blocks total! Enough to start me thinking of piecing them into a backing…..

I dug into stacks of squares that had been gifted over time as well….some were 10.5” left over backing squares people sent my way, some were 9.5” --- and some…8.5”?! How can we make all of these work together and get them out of here?

backings 007

Piece them into panels, that’s how…let them run the length of the quilt, and join the different panels together, letting seams fall where they may, until you have a backing big enough! The only thing these fabrics have in common is the color blue. There is every kind of blue from plaids to florals to batiks and geometrics. There are old calicoes in there…remember the white hearts on williamsburg blue?! It’s in there. And it’s now GONE! Anyone have that blue plaid with watermelon slices on it? Egad! It’s gone too!

backings 008

Lots of stars in all different varieties and sizes, swirls, leaves….you name it. I figure I cleared out about 7 yards of unwanted stuff in this backing. GONE! Now I can’t wait to load the quilt and get it going too….

8 stars might not be enough for a quilt TOP…and who wants to make more? It’s the perfect way to use them, down the back of a quilt, clearing out another space in the orphan bin and keeping me from having to go out and BUY 7 yards of something at full retail prices just to back a quilt that was made out of humble scraps to begin with!

backings 010

All through the photography Chloe was being her pissy self and hiding out under the picnic table on the deck. Nope. Still can’t pet her….she runs away. I guess I interrupted her sunbathing in the warm sunny spot on the deck. I just don’t GET her at all…free belly rubs? And she turns her nose up at the idea and runs away! Such a huffy girl!

I'm about to load this backing on the machine...along with an undisclosed top that has been sitting around unquilted for far too many years too!

Happy Scrappy Evening, Everyone!


YankeeQuilter said...

Not the blue plaid with the watermelon slices...how can you let that one go? LOL

Relax and get in some me time over the next couple of weeks...you deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Chloe says " you don't have to GET me- just keep the warm place and food coming. I am grateful in my own funny little way". She sure is pretty !!!
Enjoy your "time off"- you remind me of the energizer bunny! Joy in Wasilla ,AK (P.S. glad Chloe is enjoying the sunshine. We are at a whopping -2 at the moment. Twas -11 when I got up!) I'm grateful for my woodstove kitties that help me quilt!!!

scraphappy said...

Every new back is an opportunity to move out something from the stash. What a great way to move LOTS of fabric out and away! When do we get to see the front?

Anonymous said...

WOW! I love how you take the "BORING" out of quilt backs! Zap! Bam! Pow! Gone!

merrily row said...

You know, Chloe could be "punishing you" for leaving so much. My Dave wouldn't even look at us for the first few days after we would get back from a trip.

And Miss Bonnie, I am so surprised to see only three comments. The whole blogosphere, yahoo groups (not just yours), everywhere is a buzz with excitement about your next mystery. Wish I could can that energy.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Yeah more room in your orphan pile. I use all my scraps from the front side to make the back side too.

Kristina @ withaKquilting said...

I just finished the backing for my roll roll cotton boll...and guess what...it has all sorts of chunks of stash in it! I can't wait to load it on the frame tonight. It will be finished before orca bay begins I tell you! Thanks for encouraging me to use these pieces up and build backs out of them when all else fails.

Hey ... I'm Lindsay ! said...

Your thought process amazes me, Bonnie ... and I LOVE the idea of the panels of different sizes... I could'a never thought of that myself ... GLAD you had a good time on the cruise, but glad you had some time for YOU as well! :)
Lindsay ~ COF2012Branson (at) gmail (dot) com

GeeMa said...

Love the patchy blues! Gives me an idea for a quilt that I have in progress for my mom who has Alzheimers. It would probably keep her entertained for hours to look at the patchy backing.

Janet O. said...

Hope you have a great holiday season at home--doing what you want to do. Very cool backing. I am slowing learning to piece things together for the backing on my own quilts--I just don't have as much from which to choose, so mine aren't quite so fun.

Sally Langston Warren said...

More backing fun! A nonquilter would think "what the heck?", but us quilters know exactly what you mean!Hope you find some time in the next 6 weeks to do exactly as you please.So cool that you have found a way to make a living doing what you love, and then during your time off, you do more of it and still love it! I call that a win-win. Enjoy your time with family and friends.

woolywoman said...

I know what you mean- sometimes you just have to THROW IT AWAY! If you , the Queen or reuse, recycle, repurpose, couldn't use something, no one could! I sort my orphans by size, too. Makes it easier to use them and find them. Thanks for the great post!

Julie Fukuda said...

Well, Ms On-the-go Hunter, I get tired just reading about your activities. I honestly don't know how you find time for anything ... let alone quilting!

pcflamingo said...

That quilt back is wild enough to be the front! I love it! I have an assortment of orphan blocks and can't wait to use them that way. I have an occasionally-aloof cat, who turns into a craven beggar at the sight of Kitty Crack, also known as his Salmon Flavored Hairball Paste which he just loves. If he sees me with the tube of it he will follow me anywhere and climb right up into my face to get some of it.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Good for you~ in every way; the unloading and the finishing, it's all good... and free-ing like nothing else.

Sue K said...

Wow - how nice for you to have 6 weeks at home. What a treat. I can't even begin to comprehend all the travelling you do. You are sooooo awesome! Enjoy your "down" time - I know you'll still be working - but much more relaxed. Good for you! Sue K

SubeeSews said...

Chloe's attitude is what makes her so beautiful.
I had a cat named Sadie. She had been my daughter's cat but she was biting the kids and eating brwonies from hot pans. You know...daughter had too many children to teach the cat how to behave. I inherited her. SHe lived a good 17 years...was a sneaky biter. Sure come and pet me...yes aren't I beautiful...get relaxed and then I will bite you until I draw blood. We called her "Sado-masikitten". Never understood why she was that way. But she was lucky to have an understanding owner (me!) and Chole is lucky to have an understanding owner (you!)

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