
Friday, November 25, 2011

Afternoon Edition! Free Kindle Book ---

And the fun continues! I love long holiday weekends….still cleaning out closets here! The pile of stuff to be dropped off at the goodwill donation center is growing, and it feels so good to CLEAN IT OUT!

Do you go through this same kind of re-adjustment when the Holidays start to settle in? I’ll go for months without having anything bother me, then all at once..BAM! I can’t leave it alone and have to ream out everything! DH and Jeff are keeping a wide berth!

DH’s latest obsession is his tennis ball machine. It should be named “Who needs a partner?!” But he charges up the battery on that thing, and goes to the tennis court to hit balls. I’m going in a bit to go walk the walking track WHILE he is hitting balls, because watching a man hitting balls shooting out of a machine is only a spectator sport for a limited amount of time!

The weather here has been just LOVELY the past few days ---today’s high is 68 with sunshine. Yes, there are reasons why I love living south, and this is one of them!

Oh yes, and the reason for this afternoon interlude ---

Liberation of Alice Love by Abby McDonald has received an average user rating of 4 out of 5 stars based on 15 customer reviews.

Category: Contemporary Fiction

Book Description:

Mousy London lawyer Alice Love gets her identity stolen and finds her true self in this rocky tale of trust, personality makeovers, and a lying globe-trotting thief.

“She didn’t leave me any worse off, in the end,” Alice says of Ella, a work pal who makes off with Alice’s credit card info to set up a new life in Hollywood. But before the ruse is over, Alice retaliates by morphing into a compulsive stalker, taking on Ella’s identity, and discovering that a lot of little lies add up to a whole lot of fun.

The transformation nearly costs her the love of a good man, but Alice comes (nearly) to her senses by the time she corners her arch-frenemy. McDonald (The Popularity Rules) keeps the pace brisk, but a plot busy with an international chase and Alice’s many reinventions proves on occasion too much to handle, and Ella, paradoxically, proves a more intriguing character than Alice.

What works best is what lies beneath all the frantic action: a good old-fashioned romantic page-turner.

I’m still fighting the holiday thing. My favorite radio station just went Christmas 24/7. UGH! It’s just too much to handle! Boy am I ever glad I found that ipod!

As for the book --- check before clicking that it is STILL free – these things are offered for a limited time only, and I have no clue how long it will be offered. What is free now might not be later!



Debbie said...

Thank you Bonnie for another heads up on a Kindle freebie. I just got a Kindle Fire for my birthday on Wednesday and love it! Much better than the app I was using on my iPod. :)


Elisa (AKA scrapcat) said...

Bonnie, do you get the daily newsletter from http://ereadernewstoday.com/category/free-kindle-books/ ? I've downloaded 5 great books in the last week :)


my first attempt at a quilt was a fence rail--or rail fence and that belongs to my daughter--it was my first attempt at machine quilting (HAHAHA), also--if I can get a picture will post to my FB page :-) *~*CAROLE*~*


what was I thinking--that post was to go to the other page :-) sorry about that!

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