
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Presenting: Quilt Retro!! ((And Give-Away!))

I am really lucky to work with some amazingly talented people. People who quilt, people who write, people who do BOTH and walk ((And SEW!!)) along on this journey with me!

My editor at Kansas City Star, Jennifer, has released her new book called Quilt Retro, and I’m tickled to be a part of her blog tour!

You might recognize Jenifer also as the author of 42 Quilts! She’s linked over there in my sidebar.

Recently she has been showing ways that “traditional” blocks can go modern! She’ll present the Modern way on “Modern Monday”—the traditional on “Traditional Tuesday” and it’s lots of fun to see what she comes up with.

I am so tickled to present to you Jenifer’s “LINOLEUM FLOORS” quilt from Quilt Retro!!


Isn’t this FUN!? I love the fresh updated look of the colors. My eyes just want to travel the whole thing and back again. And never fear…..don’t be over-whelmed! You don’t have to drop everything to start this immediately even if you want to! Plan it out! You can build this quilt with leaders & enders in between the projects you already have going.

I also love the wide open areas for showing off some really fun quilting.

Here’s a bit from Jenifer herself on how this quilt came to be:

What started out as a simple chain quilt turned into a scrap-fest-lolla-palooza! I have no idea how many different fabrics are in the quilt, but I know it grew exponentially from the original plan.

Let me back up. The inspiration for this quilt came from an old quilt book I saw one time. The topic of the book was quilts that survived WWII from Norway. In that book was a simple chain quilt. It was one of those old quilts that was faded badly from over-washing and use. What caught my eye, was that despite the poor condition, an incredible energy came from simple chains of colored squares strung together. I couldn’t shake it from my mind, so I knew I’d have to recreate it!

Originally, I wanted to use all white for the background. As I was playing with this on EQ, I realized that it was pretty stark done up that way. So I started throwing in random light neutrals here and there. Well that gave the background so much depth, I knew I was on to something. I kept adding in different shades of fabrics until I got what I wanted. Next, I looked at the chains of color – all running in the same direction. I wondered what would happen if I made some of the chains go in the opposite direction. With a few clicks of the mouse it was done, and so was the design! Perfect!

So where did the name come from? The fabrics used for the chains of color are from my retro collection. I believe I used fabrics from the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, and today – that’s 50 years of scraps if you’re counting! When it was all laid out, it reminded me of an old-fashioned linoleum floor – maybe because of all the old fabrics.

Could she have chosen a better quilt for me to reveal to you? I don’t think so! I’ve now got a purpose for all those vintage calicoes that showed up in my mail box a few days ago!

The book features 11 fun quilts all made with different techniques to keep you going and trying new things.

From the back of the book:

“These contemporary, often quirky designs evoke nostalgia, ‘70s vintage fabrics and graphics as well as organic designs. They’re easy to make with today’s popular solids and big prints.”

To order, find the book here

Leave me a comment below this post, and I’ll put in you a drawing for a free copy signed by Jenifer herself! I’ll draw for the winner on Saturday, October 8th ---I’ll be traveling to Maryland, but will make it a point to choose a winner that day!

SOMEONE will win it, it may as well be you, and you can’t win if you don’t enter by leaving a comment!

If you comment as Anonymous, please leave your name and email address at the bottom of your comment so we can reach you. If you are a blogger user that does NOT have your email address visible in your settings, you must also leave your name and email address for us to contact you.

Here is the whole line up of the blog tour ---- Be sure to hit them all to comment with your chance to win a copy of Quilt Retro, or whatever other goodie/giveaway is being offered that day on the blog being featured! This way you get to see ALL the quilts featured in the book ---love them all!

Day 1 – Oct. 3

Alissa Haight Carlton

Day 2 – Oct. 4

Bonnie Hunter

Day 3 – Oct. 5

Tammie Schaffer

Day 4 –Oct. 6

Jenifer Dick (Author)

Day 5 – Oct. 7

Angela Walters

Day 6 – Oct. 10

Jacquie Gering

Day 7 – Oct. 11

Deb Rowden

Day 8 – Oct. 12

Kathy Mack

Day 9 – Oct. 13


Day 10 – Oct. 14

Jenifer Dick (Author)


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 318 of 318
Sherill said...

What a beautiful quilt, perfect for leaders and enders! I would love to win the book!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win this book! Love the quilt you've shown too! BTW, I am not seeing your blog on FB any more now - the only thing that I am seeing is your regular comments. Pick me for the book!

Catherine Simmons in SW IN

Patti said...

Wow, that looks like a really great book. Can't wait to see all the patterns.

GeeMa said...

What a neat concept! Thanks for an opportunity to win the book.

What Comes Next? said...

I love the mixing of traditional with modern - and this is a gorgeous example. Can't wait to get my hands on this book, either through theis giveaway if I'm lucky, or at my nearest retailer!

Becky Clay said...

Pick me pls...I need something new and some more inspiration!

Sherill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Natalya H said...

Great book! Would love some new ideas for quilts. Thanks!

Rose Prairie Quilts and Farm said...

Please put me in the pool. I'm keeping my fingers cross

Robin Love Lehr said...

LOVE the "linoleum floor" quilt!

Karyn said...

This looks like fun! Of course, I'll need to break down and buy Leaders & Enders (Really, just waiting for the excuse/justification/weak moment)....

Thank you!

Loretta said...

Oh...I NEED THIS BOOK!!! :) Seriously, this is sooooo me!

aorlflood at comcast.net

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm interested in winning!

Tina O. said...

I am loving this blog tour. I already got The Block Party book and an loving the quilts. I'm sure I will love the quilts in the book also. I would love to win it to add it to my library.

Vivian said...

Would love to win this book!!!

Anonymous said...

What a fun quilt! Thanks for the giveaway!

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

That sounds like a wonderful book. Please put my name into the hat for it.

And best wishes for good blood test results!

(Although Type 2 diabetes is largely genetic, the fact that you normally exercise so much is to your advantage.)


Cyndi said...

If I don't win I'll stomp my feet...and go buy it!

Rose E. Glasses said...

hidey ho....love reading your adventures, in travel, life and quilting.

Junk It Folk said...

Great book! Great ideas! Great give-away! Thanks!

Kathryn said...

I totally dig on mod quilts. I've been really impressed with how colors make simple quilts astounding. I'd love to play with this book!

woolywoman said...

i love blog tours! It's like meeting the friends of friends!

The Nifty Stitcher said...

Count me in Bonnie - looks like a great book.
I live not far from a town called Kirkcaldy in Scotland which was famous for making linoleum.
The whole town used to stink when it was in production ! Just a childhood memory and a useless fact!

The Nifty Stitcher said...

Count me in Bonnie - it looks like a great book.
I live not far from a town called Kirkcaldy in Scotland that was famous for making linoleum.
The whole town used to stink when it was in production. Just a childhood memory and a useless fact !

The Nifty Stitcher said...

Count me in Bonnie - looks like a great book!
I live not far from a town called Kirkcaldy in Scotland that was famous for making linoleum.
The whole town used to stink when it was in production. Just a childhood memory and a useless fact !

The Nifty Stitcher said...

Count me in Bonnie - looks like a great book !
I live not far from a town called Kirkcaldy in Scotland that was famous for making linoleum.
The whole town used to stink when it was in production. Just a childhood memory and a useless fact!

The Nifty Stitcher said...

Count me in Bonnie - lloks like a great book.
I live not far from a town called Kirkcaldy in Scotland that was famous for making linoleum.
The whole town used to stink when it was in production. Just a childhood memory and a useless fact!

The Nifty Stitcher said...

Count me in Bonnie - looks like a great book.
I live not far from a town called Kirkcaldy in Scotland that was famous for making linoleum.
The whole town used to stink when it was in production. A childhood memory and a useless fact!

The Nifty Stitcher said...

Count me in Bonnie - looks like a great book.
I live not far from a town called Kirkcaldy in Scotland that was famous for making linoleum.
The whole town used to stink when it was in production. Just a childhood memory and a useless fact!

Betty said...

Great quilt and the books looks interesting. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.
bettylooms at hotmail dot com

Fleurette said...

Looks like a wonderful book. Thank you for the opportunity. Beautiful quilt! love the modern twist.

Kerry said...

What a great quilt, such a fun looking pattern. Thanks for the give-away.

Mara said...

What a beautiful quilt. Great inspiration.

trillium said...

The pattern reminds me of pop-bead necklaces from my childhood. I do hope I can win this book.

Please enter me.

The Nifty Stitcher said...

Count me in Bonnie - looks like a great book.
I live not far from a town called Kirkcaldy in Scotland which was famous for linoleum.
The whole town would stink when it was in production. Just a childhood memory and a useless fact!

The Nifty Stitcher said...

Count me in Bonnie - looks like a great book.
I live not far from a town called Kirkcaldy in Scotland, which was famous for linoleum.
The whole town used to stink when it was is production. Just a childhood memory and a useless fact !

Anonymous said...

And the winner is.....Oh pick me!

...so we added chickens said...

This book is looking more and more intriguing! Thank you for sharing and have a great trip to Maryland!

Jill said...

Thanks for the heads-up about this book. It looks like a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

Love those Kansas City Star quilt folks! Uh, Bonnie, my birthday is this Friday, Oct. 7th, so...just sayin' ;-D

Shirley in Rose Hill, KS

The Nifty Stitcher said...

Count me in Bonnie- looks like a great book.
I live not far from a town called Kirkcaldy in Scotland that was famous for making linoleum.
The whole town used to stink when it was in production. Just a childhood memory and a useless fact!

alwayssewin said...

I love this quilt and the giveaway. Thanks for the chance. Tammy

Jo said...

This looks like lots of fun..I'd love to check out the book.

Sarah said...

What a fun quilt! I'd love to win a copy of the book.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't everybody just "need" a new quiltbook now and then? And to have the chance to get a signed copy makes it even more of a "must have". So count me in and thanks for the opportunity.
Lotte van der Linden

Anonymous said...

Doesn't everybody just "need" a new quiltbook now and then? And to have the chance to get a signed copy makes it even more of a "must have". So count me in and thanks for the opportunity.
Lotte van der Linden

Carolyn in Kentucky said...

I love this quilt, if all the others compare, I really would love to win this book. Please enter me in your drawing.

Chelsea said...

I love the Lino floor qUilt you've posted!

Sally Langston Warren said...

Well, this will be my last attempt to post a comment. None of my previous 4 attempts have shown up yet! I love the Linoleum Floor quilt.Very fresh, yet traditional too. WOuld love a chance to win a copy of Jenifer's new book. It looks very inspiring! Thanks, Sally jspwarrenataoldotcom

Anonymous said...

Love Jenifer's Linoleum Floors quilt. Would like a chance to win a copy of her new book.Looks very inspiring. I've had a horrible time trying to post this. Tried all kinds of things, made sure I was unchecked with the keep me signed in, tried posting anonymously (which I'm going to try again now). Have not had a problem with posting on the other blogs.Love your blog, Bonnie, and especially enjoy the slideshows from your workshops.LIke to see the different sewing machines everyone uses, as well as their fabrics and piecework. Sally jspwarrenataoldotcome

audreypawdrey said...

Love this quilt! Thank you for the chance to win!

Linda said...

I love Jenifer's Linoleum Floor Quilt. I would love to win her book. Thanks. I just joined her quilt-along today. A great scrapbuster project. One block a week.

Unknown said...

I love the quilt, it is so fun. I love the colors too. The book looks really fun too.

Nancy said...

Love that quilt! (send me the book, please?)

Yorkshire Quilter said...

What a great looking book - I don't think you can ever have too many ideas for using up scraps!

Reena said...

Love the retro Modern- that's the style I do!

Sue said...

Love the look of the book and would love to have a copy down under. So many wonderful books never make it to oz, buying on amazon is sometimes the only way to get them

Anonymous said...

This book looks like great fun. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. Love your blog!


Karen L. said...

Hey Neighbor Bonnie, Thanks for doing a giveaway. And what a great book to win!!! Put me in the pot. I just finished reading your post on tobacco fields and it sure brought back memories of when I moved to NC from NJ. We lived in our first house here for just three years then moved to a "farmette" of 13 acres. There were tobacco fields all around us and I also found it facinating to see how they planted, weeded, picked and transported the plant. Love those little wagons! We also had cows behind us the first year but the neighbor sold them all because he was travelling too much. They would sometimes get out of the fence and wander into our backyard. Fun! I told him I wanted to see some calves born and he promised to call me, day or night, when the happened but then they were gone. Life can sometime be so interesting .... but then you already know that, don't you?

Heather said...

The quilts in this book look amazing. I like that it also includes applique (which I need help with!)

Mindy said...

I would love to win this book! Thanks for the giveaway.

Kate said...

This looks like a great book! I love the quilt you chose to showcase. Thanks for the chance to win!

SewCalGal said...

I wasn't aware of this book. Thanks for sharing insights. Linoleum floors is very cute and such a fun name for a quilt too!


hueisei said...

Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous book!

Catskill Quilter said...

Thanks for hosting this giveaway! The book looks fabulous!

Jittina said...

How do you say it: third time's a charm? Keeping my fingers crossed I can finally enter the giveaway. And yes, this is the third day I'm trying! (Every time I hit "Preview" the commentbox goes empty and after 10 attempts I gave up for the day)

I love "Linoleum Floors". It's so simple but really beautiful. Hope I win a copy of Jenifers Book so I can maken my own "Floor"!

JoyceLM said...

I'd love to win a copy of this new book. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Lynne said...

The book looks very interesting and a novice can never collect too many resources, can she?

Jody said...

Love that pattern! Thanks for letting us all know about this book--I'll have(!?!) to get it!!

Debbie said...

Love this pattern and the clean look of it. Would love the book. enjoy all things about your blog.

Unknown said...

Looks inspiring and really funky...add me to the mix please, I'd love to win!

Frieda said...

This book looks like it has lots of fun things to make. Thanks for having a giveaway!

Lisa said...

The book looks great based on this quilt! I would love to own it.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely give-away I'd love to win for my sewing room & reading past time!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great book.

deborah said...

Avid follower! I'd love the chance to win this book even though I'm hooked on making quilts from your patterns!

deborah said...

Avid follower! I'd love the chance to win this book even though I'm hooked on making quilts from your patterns!

Laurie said...

Well Bonnie, if you're recommending a book, then I DEFINITELY have to have it! :)

I love the Linoleum Floors one. Jennifer should be very proud of having this published.

Carol C. said...

What a fun quilt -- it is beautiful!! The book looks great!

Holly Carter said...

Enjoy your blog. Thanks for the chance to win Quilt Retro

LizA. said...

I love the quilt pictured. This looks like it could be a fun book.

Anonymous said...

I love the "Linoleum Floors" but might do it with multiple dark backgrounds and light lines through it! Sorry the farmer didn't like your tobacco photos, I just saw the very interesting color patterns of the lime green, gold/brown against the wonderful blue sky. I'll do a quilt from that!

Tamara Hampton said...

I would love this book! tamaraboatright at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Pick me please!


Laurie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laurie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laurie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Sew cute! What a great way to use up all the extra fabric I've collected for RRCB (after I've finished that one first). Thanks for the chance, and travel safe!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Looks like a great book to own.

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is like my 9th try. I have tried EVERYTHING you suggested but when I hit post, my comment just disappears and disappears and disappears again.I've run out of witty things to say..but I really do like Jenifer's book and would be delighted to win a copy. I had not heard of her until you posted about her. I'm following the other blogs too and have not had trouble leaving comments on those (yet). Thanks! Sally jspwarrenataoldotcom

Anonymous said...

What fun! This book looks like a real winner. Thanks for the chance to win it!


Vesuviusmama said...

Love it! Thanks for the chance to win the book!

Mary said...

That looks like a fun book to have. Thanks for a chance to win.

Sue said...

Looks like a great book!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you gals got the creative gene. I was absent the day that was passed out. LOL! I'll just continue to quilt 'vicariously' through you all who so generously share your creative genius with the rest of us via your blogs, books, workshops, etc. Thanks!

Sherri in Phoenix

Anonymous said...

I love the quilt that was posted. I am hopping from site to site to view other projects. This book is SO me. I can't wait to get my copy.


Anonymous said...

There is only one thing I do not like at all about this... I have too many quilts already to make and no time at all and yet this needs to be one of them. :D Not too easy to get in quilting time with 3 kids, work and going back to school.

Shelly R
geez bees 75 at gmail dot com

Jeane said...

That book looks so tempting and I am new to modern quilting. If I don't win, I will look for this book when it comes out. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this book. Have a lot of scraps to use up.

Janet said...

Fun quilt! Thanks for a chance to win the book!

Anonymous said...

Great book!! Thanks for the chance!!

Lisa gatesey929(at)aol(dot)com

qltmom9 said...

Thank you for the chance to win. I love retro.~


Anonymous said...

I would love to win the book. I went to Jennifer's site and have bookmarked it now. Her quilts are so different and interesting. (I don't have a blog so...Vivian: plums@comcast.net)

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love these modern quilts. Great book! --Julia
pjgraber at juno dot com

Deb said...

Great looking quilt and book. I would love to have a chance to win. Thanks!

Janet said...

I would love to win a copy of Jen's book. The quilt pic you posted is so adorable.

Rebecca said...

That good looks really cute!

Margaret said...

I love this quilt. It is so simple and elegant.

Margaret said...

Hi Bonnie, this is my second try, I don't see the first one. Love, love this quilt. It is so simple and elegant.

bunbear said...

i love the name of that quilt! reminds me of my grandma's kitchen floor.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to leave my name and email. bayleysm@softcom.net.

Sheila (odysseygirl)

Unknown said...

This looks like such a fun book! I'd love the chance to win...and stay away from that peanut/candy corn mix! Ask me how I know, ha ha...I think it tastes like a Payday bar...and I can't wait for October to indulge!

Beth said...

Thanks for the chance to win this fun book!

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

Patrick said...

Looks like a great book! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt! Love the color. What a fun book!

Karee said...

love the clarity of color and the scrappy "white" bkgd. really lovely. a must do.

Ali Hughes said...

I love this book! It is do fresh and fun! I love the use of solids.

Michele T said...

Ho boy, this book looks awesome!! Thanks for the review and sharing.

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