
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Who is THIS?!

I looked out my kitchen window this morning to find a stranger looking back at me!

I have NO CLUE who this half-grown kitten belongs to, but we have seen him time to time in the trees of our front yard. But this was as close as he had ever got! The top deck at the BACK of the house!

Not only that, when I ventured out onto the back deck to check HIM out…it seems that he had cornered Chloe behind the BBQ grill…and SHE was not too happy about it!

Still, he allowed me to pet him and became very affectionate. I’m guessing he is maybe 9 months old or something?

((Yes, I had to inspect….it is a HE!))

I sent a picture immediately off to Jason and Kim, because he looks so much like their orange tabby, Cambria!

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I just can’t resist out-stretched kitty bellies!! I knew I was in trouble as soon as he rolled over at my feet!

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He was inspecting EVERYTHING…including rubbing his chin/scent on every railing and rung along the deck. Chloe wasn’t happy about this either..he was leaving his mark on HER territory!

I also sent a ping off to DH to see what his response was ---

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Chloe was growling loudly, but he was NOT afraid of her – more curious and wanting to play than anything!

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The big STARE OFF! Another quick inspection of our new friend told me he HAS to belong to someone close by. He’s declawed in the front…which is also good, it makes him and Chloe more evenly matched as she doesn’t have front claws either…((Look at that motion of his tail flipping! He wanted to PLAY!))

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Still, she holed herself up under the hot tub steps and was raising quite a growling ruckus! Good grief, Chloe, get over it! She is just NOT a nice cat….pretty to look at, but boy is she a wicked witch..LOL

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This little guy did NOT seem to care or give her much mind at all, no matter how big and fluffy and fierce she was!

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Shhhhh! Don’t tell DH that I fed him either! I don’t mind if he likes us enough to come for a visit now and then!

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I mean, look at that face! Could you resist? Could you REALLY!?

He didn’t stay long, and then he was down the stairs and gone, and who knows when we’ll see him again. I’m glad he stopped by. It forced me out of my “must do must do must do” long list of a morning and made me take time out to smell the roses pet the kitties! I smiled and laughed at their antics, and it was a nice interlude!

I’ve got great news….the contract for my next book has arrived! I’m tickled and panicked all at the same time. I’ve kitted up stuff to take to TN with me tomorrow for my workshops with the Ritzy Thimble Quilt Guild of Oak Ridge, Tennessee---

I’m planning on some hotel sewing time to get these last two quilts for the book done so we can get the writing process under way. I’m feeling the time line crunch!


regan said...

Congrats on the next book contract! Yay! That is exciting.....we'll all be crazy waiting for it you know! :o)

Brita said...

What a handsome little guy! Chloe is so not happy about the intrusion, she looks like she's just too dignified to get involved in silliness :-D Is she a Ragdoll? She looks a lot like mine, Annabella.

Janet O. said...

Moments like this are a good break from our routine. Love the attitudes the cats displayed.
Very excited about the new book. Just bought more shirts at the thrift store today, so I am "armed" and ready!

http://thankfullga447 said...

Congrat on the book, can't wait to see it. Don't panic it is just another day at the office. Love your house guest.

Pat said...

My son and his family recently moved into a new house. The house apparently came with an orange tabby that looks a lot like your little guy. He does not come in, none of the neighbors know where he came from, but he appears semi-domesticated. The three kids feed him, and have named him -- are you ready??? -- Cheddar! Now he has a girlfriend, a ferrel kitty named Brie, who is in a family way. Once the kittens are born, my son is going to try to corral the whole crew and take them off to the SPCA. He is OK with keeping Mr. Cheddar, but not only after he can get him neutered.

sandra said...

Who can resist a kitty who comes to visit. It is always nice to take a little break and cuddle your kittie. Kate Spain shows the sweetiest kittens and their antics on her blog on Fridays and it always give me a good laugh for the day.

Anonymous said...

If he is declawed, he is probably neutered too.
He is just being a male kitty. I have one cat who is sooo beautiful to look at, loves people yet hates just one of my own cats. Pearl just gets a peek at MaggieMae and she does the most deep belly terrible yeowl. MaggieMae simply ignores her.
Have a safe trip!
BTW...today I finished my Smith Mountain Morning. It still needs to be quilted. I will fire a photo to you tomorrow. Early to bed tonight...clean sheets...yummmmm

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Congratulations on your new kitty....grin.

Becky said...

A lot of cats that get declawed will refuse to use a liter box and end up as dumps for someone else to deal with. One reason I'm against declawing.

Katie said...

Looks like he's playing the "I'm not touching you" game - my youngest male does the same thing to his oldest sister. :)

Kim said...

I was wondering if there was a new book in the works! Congratulations Bonnie.
I look forward to keeping my Bonnie Hunter Library current.

Happy Sewing

Cheryl said...

Oh he is sooo cute.....gotta love those kitties. I have a picture of my kitty, all stretched out as my desktop background....I pet her tummy with my cursor...hehe
congrats on the future book....it will be great I'm sure.

Jan said...

So happy to hear about your next book. I'm sure you know we were all hoping for another!
Cute kitty. He reminds me of my daughter's cat Edgar (named for Poe).

Miss Jamee Quilts said...

I just love your blog. and i love kittens. just remember, if you feed a cat, it is yours! congrats on your expanding family. chloe will just have to chill!

Teresa in Music City said...

Isn't he handsome! And what a polite, friendly neighbor. I have human neighbors I'd trade for him in a heartbeat!!! My Gypsy does the same thing with any cat that gets near her, including her sister Sable who is the sweetest cat alive. They've lived together for 15 years now and Gypsy STILL hates her. Go figure!

Can't wait for your new book! Of course, I'm still working my way through your current ones, so maybe it's a good thing I can't get my hands on it today, right? Congrats!!!

Beth said...

What a sweet looking kitty. Nice that the cats provided you a bit of time to stop and pet the kitties.
Look forward to the next book. I am sure it will be a hit.

Momkat said...

We had an orange tabby hanging around outside our house once. His name is Charlie and he now hangs around on the "inside" of our house ! He is my bestest buddy and sewing assistant!

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