
Sunday, September 25, 2011

On the Dock of the Bay ---

The Cordova Waterfront!

Sara and I took some time to walk along the waterfront and take a look at the boats, and just look out across the water. It hadn’t started back raining yet and we were making good use of the time we had been given!

In the harbor is a statue dedicated as a fisherman’s memorial, a quiet place dominated by artist Joan Bugbee Jackson's sculpture The Southeasterly (1985).

The statue of the fisherman at the wheel took my breath and instantly brings on a reverence thinking of those who made fishing their livelihood –and often lost their lives to it in the process.

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I loved looking at the boats –the colors of their paint jobs, the different names on the hulls, some quite funny!

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And gosh, I love it when the photos turn out good enough to show the reflections in the stillness of the water!

Someone emailed me yesterday and asked what kind of camera I use. I use my iphone 4. I don’t have a lot of room to travel with big fancy cameras. I’ve killed more than one camera dropping it out on it’s extended little lens ---you know the kind that the battery moves out and in as you turn it on and off ((How is that for a technical description!?)) and this phone takes good enough pictures for the web. I wouldn’t do “portrait” kind of fancy photos with it…but for my every day use it is fine.

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Isn’t this so picturesque?

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Yes, I’m still having “pinch me!” moments!

Searching through google for info on the Fisherman’s Memorial I found this youtube video! It’s a great one! Seeing it in all seasons is …..WOW to say the least.

We even had time to drive down by the ferry docks and check out the Sea Otters. Oh, they are SO CUTE!!

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Yeah, they look like logs in the water…and zooming in is one thing that this phone doesn’t do….pics get grainy if you zoom. But we watched them rolling around out there. Diving down, coming back up. I think my favorite ones were the mamas with the babies on their tummies….


Who can resist that face?!

I even tried my hand at a little youtube video. You still can’t see much, but you can hear our voices discussing the otters…

It’s not real great, remember I’m doing this by phone…but this is as close as I can get to getting you here!

We are filling each day jam packed with little adventures. I love the sense of community here. Just love it!


Lucy said...

I'm in ohh and aahh Bonnie

quilthexle said...

Thanks for sharing these pictures !!! Sea otters are my favourite animals ... hey, you should try to teach at Monterey, California, so you could go and see the Monterey Bay Aquarium! That's were I fell in love with those cuties. Oh sweet memories ;-))

Marsha said...

Thank you for the photos. Awesome! Otter is sooooo cute. Those sweet little eyes.

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Your photos may just push us over the fence in our desire to move to Alaska. I want an otter, or otters :)! They certainly know how to enjoy life. They seem to be such happy critters.

Marj said...

Thanks for the videos I enjoyed the trip to the harbor. The sea otters were very cute, I have loved them ever since I lived in California. Maybe the next generation of the iphone will have a zoom. Thanks for sharing.

Janet O. said...

Alaska is one place I really hope to see before I am too old to enjoy it. Your visits just reinforce that feeling!

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

We went scuba diving once in Monterrey Bay, and we came in to shore for lunch, a sea otter got on top of our tiretube dive flag marker we left out there, for his own lunch. By the time we were done and swam out there, it had deflated due to a puncture wound the sea otter gave it. That was a glorious trip too.

Not Lucy said...

Thanks for sharing pictures of your travels. The video gave me a voice to put with a face but I expected you to sound differently. Not exactly sure what I expected, but different nonetheless! I have been to Sitka AK twice while my daughter went to college there and hope I get a chance to do more exploring up there sometime.

Anonymous said...

You are exactly the type of person I want to share some on my Fit-T-States. You could easily do this. My goal is to visit all 50 states, do a physical acitivity in each and eat a healthy realted meal at a "local" place. Love your fb and blog! You were in KS, wished I would have been able to come and meet you. I love to quilt. Thanks for sharing!!

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