
Monday, September 12, 2011

A Little Bit of Winfield, Kansas!

Hello Everyone!

It’s a beautiful September morning in Winfield Kansas! I flew into Wichita on Saturday, and was promptly picked up by Carolyn and Diane…who happily fed me at Panera and off we went quilt shop hopping! I did just a bit of damage-- Just a few FQ’s and some aurifil thread I was in need of….I’m behaving myself! So far, that is!

What was funny was the REASON we were shop hopping. These shops had been told I would be in town and they were eager to have me stop by and sign the books they had in their store. So we got there…only to find that we were TOO LATE! The books had already sold out WITHOUT signatures! I was happy and sad all at the same time--More are on order, but they won’t get in before I leave….so I’ll have to catch them next time around!

I’ve never been to this side of Kansas before, and not knowing a whole lot about Blue Grass music, was soaking up all I could info wise as I was informed about this being the 40th anniversary year of the Walnut Valley Blue Grass Festival! Very fun stuff! We even drove by the location at the fair grounds. The festival is this coming weekend and the place is filling up with campers and tents and the sound of music being played everywhere you turn…but we’ll get to more of that later.

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Binding happened Saturday evening while watching some NCIS in my room! I’m about 1/2 done, but should get it finished today.

Yesterday, Sunday afternoon, was our half-day Star Struck workshop. I had the morning to myself as we were meeting in the afternoon. A funny thing happens when you travel and forget that the clock on your laptop reflects the time at HOME, not the time zone you are actually in! I had more time on my hands than I thought I did….so on with the running shoes, and out for a walk down some peaceful country roads near the hotel--

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I love autumn! And autumn in the Midwest just smells so good. I love seeing the big round bales of hay in fields!

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Quail Valley Fun Barn!? Doesn’t this look like an interesting entrance way? I have no idea what it lead to, but I couldn’t resist taking a pic! Toto, I don’t think we are in the Caribbean any more!

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Gorgeous morning on a lonely empty road! And it’s not exactly COOL TEMPS out there yet either..but fall is just around the corner, I can feel it!

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We had a full class with 26 students for our workshop! It was fun to meet with ladies I’ve emailed back and forth with over the past 3 years we’ve been waiting for this date to arrive!

Everyone’s blocks turned out SO great and SO different! We really had a great time, and the 4 hours flew by like no body’s business.

Today? I’ve got two trunkshows with this guild..the day time one at 1pm, and the evening one at 7pm. Of course, I’ll be treated out to lunch AND dinner before those…I have a feeling I ought to throw on my running shoes and head back out to pre-burn off some calories before tying on yet another feed bag!

Happy Monday everyone!


Mary said...

I saw a man in your slideshow. How fun to sew together then they get you for two Trunk shows. Lucky women and man. Say hello to Kathy T for me. I'm jealous!

Elsie Campbell said...

I see some of my friends from 30 years ago on there! (Hi, Sue Roy!) Enjoy them all, and tell them Hello from me.

Kate said...

Ha! I know EXACTLY which Panera you went to - we almost always stop there when we fly out of Wichita. Wish I could make it up there, but I suppose someone has to pick the kid up from school.

Lane said...

Okay, so leave it to me to notice the "background" stuff and right in the front of the picture of the work room is a Bernina 930, just like mine. She must have wanted to go to class real bad to lug that 38 pounder in. Glad you had a good trip. Take care. Lane

Leeanne said...

Bonnie I have just finished making star struck for my nephews 21st, I love it, it will be hard to give away....I now need to quilt it.

Beth said...

Great blocks as always. Fun to see all the different fabrics. Also fun to see all the ste ups different quilters bring to the workshop.

Louise said...

Interesting blocks...thank you, again, for sharing! I like Kansas & feel a strange kinship...some of my ancestors lived there. I could just smell the warm prairie grass when I saw your picture!

Kristin said...

Great Kansas pictures- the blue sky in the sunflower picture is just perfect.
Just had to share that the last picture made me giggle- the way the picture is tipped, it looks like all those ladies are all on the Titantic, and their sewing machines are just about ready to slide off the table! :-) lol~

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