
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I’m Home from Cordova!

Gosh, what a long travel day. I was so wiped out by the time we hit home last night that the evening simply went in this order:

1. Dinner.

2. Hot tub soak

3. Bed!

I SLEPT 12 hours straight!

And today I kind of feel like a zombie, but I think after a shower and some unpacking things will return to normal…..

There are so many photos to edit down, and I’ve got a lot to do around here, so I’m going to make this a SHORT ENTRY and simply send you over to the Northwind Quilters Blog for the update and pictures of our Cathedral Stars Workshop Day there to tide you over until I can write my own post about it!

Want more? Here is the link for our Blue Ridge Beauty Day!

Click here for pics from the Evening Trunkshow Night!

Oh, I love looking at these pics and seeing everyone’s faces again! After 5 days there, I was finally getting good at putting names to faces and knowing everyone’s personalities….and oh the stories that come from living in a small town! I love this place!

A lot has gone on around home here too….DH took up the old parquet dining room floor and laid the new pergo floor in there! It looks AWESOME! Of course, part of my job today is to get all the china back IN the china cabinet. At least he didn’t try to move the cabinet with the china still in it ;c)

It’s good to be home….well…for a couple days at least! I’m headed to Oak Ridge Tennessee on Thursday! ((But that’s only 4 1/2 hours drive away, and it feels ALMOST like home ;c) ))


YankeeQuilter said...

Welcome home and get some well deserved rest!

Janet O. said...

Looks like you were in good hands among that group of quilters. Thanks for the links to the pics--some of us thrive on immediate gratification! : )
Hope you have time to catch your breath before you are off again!

TheaMinPA said...

so glad you made it home and got some much needed sleep!
looking forward to more of your fantastic travel photos when you are up to it!

Debbie said...

Their pics were all wonderful. The red and white Blue Ridge Beauty was wonderful. Great fun. Thanks for the link.

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