
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Football Night!

While I was in Kansas I was “informed” that there was an employee football party for DH’s work and we would be going to the Wake Forest vs Gardner Webb game on Saturday night!

More than that – they went all out and rented us a box suite, and we had hotdogs and burgers catered, drinks, etc!

I’ve been to Wake Forest basketball games, and the home team support is HUGE in this area. As we drove to the stadium, there were cars and trucks and vans all with WF flags a’flyin!

Last night was beyond just chilly. It was down right cold and windy --- but I came prepared with my jacket with hood, also waterproof in case of rain, and my scarf.

And can you tell in the pic above that I’m wearing a pair of cute little fingerless gloves that Randy made me for my birthday a few years ago? I love these gloves! ((Yes, and they will be sure to go to Alaska with me on Tuesday!))

My first time to the football stadium, I had to stop and take a picture!

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Pretty nice, huh? But what’s that I see at the top of the steps? Another photo opportunity! And yes, I had to twist DH’s arm to indulge my photo whim. I have a thing for statues, don’t you know? :cD

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When I first moved here and started to become acquainted with local tradition, I have to admit that I thought a “Deamon Deacon” was a mighty strange mascot, when everyone else is having Bears and Tigers, and Panthers, etc.

I had to do some searching, but this is what I found via Wiki:

Wake Forest was founded as a Baptist college in 1834.

In 1923, the Wake Forest football team defeated rival Trinity (later renamed Duke University). In the following issue of the school newspaper, the editor of the paper, Mayon Parker (1924 Wake Forest graduate), first referred to the team as "Demon Deacons," in recognition of what he called their "devilish" play and fighting spirit. Henry Belk, Wake Forest's news director, and Garrity liked the title and used it often, so the popularity of the term grew.

The actual mascot made its first appearance in 1941. As the "Demon Deacon" terminology became more popular, Jack Baldwin (1943 Wake Forest graduate) took the first step and became the first in the long line of Deacon mascots.
"Some of my fraternity brothers and I were just sitting around one evening," Baldwin recalls, "and came to the agreement that what Wake Forest needed was someone dressed like a deacon -- top hat, tails, a black umbrella and all that. We wanted him to be more dignified than other mascots, sort of like an old Baptist Deacon would dress"

Baldwin found an old tuxedo and a top hat, and on the following Saturday, he led the Wake Forest football team onto the field, riding the North Carolina ram. Two years later, when Baldwin graduated, many interested students were willing to continue dressing up as the mascot. Initially, the responsibility to pick new Demon Deacons fell on Baldwin's fraternity, but later it broadened to include all students. Today, special tryouts are held annually for new Deacons, but the competition is very intense.


At the beginning of the game, the Demon Deacon rode out onto the field on his motorcycle!

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This is a shot from where our group was…we had great seats and great eats and lots of fun company!

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The marching band is just coming out to take their places, so is the dance team and flag squad!

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On the side lines, even old Grandma and Grandpa Deacon get into the act….this was a hoot, they were all over the place, in the crowd, down the sidelines…so funny!

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TOUCH DOWN!! This flag is HUGE, and with the wind, this guy was having a hard time dealing with it. It took several shots before I got one where the flag was full out and legible!

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And the Deacon himself, in our box suite…what a fun night!


Great night for the Deacons too – Wake Forest wins 48-5! We headed home to warm our hands around giant mugs of hot cocoa and talk about the evening while enjoying a long soak in the hot tub.

Today? Well….I’ve still not been to the grocery store. DH’s cousins are stopping by for a visit on their way through town. We haven’t seen them in years! Laundry is going, some house upkeep has started…but hopefully they are coming to see US and NOT the house…

I think the only thing I’ll be making for lunch is RESERVATIONS!

I hope you are enjoying your weekend! Anything quilty going on?? Post what you are working on in the comments below!


Sharon said...

I'm working on finding my camera. grrr. Was at a show yesterday and have some great quilts and quilting to show.

Linda said...

Wow! This is the first time I've read about football on a quilting site, and I enjoyed reading about it.
I'm still working on the quilting of my RRCB. Doing this HUGE quilt on my DSM is a crazy thing to do, but I'm gettin' her done. The borders are all that are left to do.
Linda in So. Illinois

Jen said...

I'm working on some baby quilts for a friend who is having twins in a few weeks! Nothing like a deadline to motivate you!

BTW, my guild had their biennial quilt show this weekend and I saw some RRCBs in the mix!

qltmom9 said...

I'm getting over a bad cold...but, I AM recuperating. I sat and cut ALL the squares to finish my bowtie quilt...I've only sewn 2 blocks, but I ~LOVE~ the hot pink I'm using.~
If I continue recup, I hope to finish a simple vintage sheet quilt for a birthday gift needed DONE tomorrow!

Lucy (in IN)

rcp said...

Another bit of Trivia--Wake Forest University was originally in Wake Forest, NC near Raleigh, NC.

Me and My Stitches said...

I'm working on packing my bags for Florida - leave in a half hour. I have hexies and a small wool pincushion packed to work on along the way!

Anonymous said...

I'm working on my peppermint heart quilt. I sewed the binding on and now I have to tuck in my threads and tack the binding down. I also finished a cross stitch that I've been working on for about a year now.

Bonnie, Have you decided on what you're going to do with your Alaska fabrics? I was on a trip through SD, WY and some states along the way and bought fabric but not sure how I'm going to use them yet.

Anonymous said...

Cleaning out my quilt room ... actually packing it up because we're retiring and relocating so need to get it organized to move. DANGEROUS because DH will probably see how much fabric I really DO have ... LOL Heading to a quilt retreat in WV end of October and need to pull out projects I'm taking while packing at the same time so I don't wind up in WV with NO projects and everything moved to Northern Michigan! Might have to visit a fabric store then.....LOL Flatlander (Linda) Canends@Hotmail.com

Sandra said...

Bonnie, I've got the scrappy bug BAD!!! Spent 2 hours separating my strips by color & couldn't believe the time had flown by. Now, trying to figure out what I want to do with all of them!! Found a pattern in a book that looks like a saw blade. Think that will look good scrappy???

Anonymous said...

A little quilting this afternoon before a birthday party this evening. Working on a football T-shirt quilt for my hairdresser's son.
Catherine in SW IN

Blue Bird said...

I'm working on Logs! It's for an adult ed class I take. You can see it here: http://lynbrown.com/

Carole said...

I'm working on an Advent Halloween wall hanging.
Daughter requested it last year but couldn't find a pattern sooo I have had to design one myself. Now I know why quilt patterns are so costly. A lot of time spent on this and I have to get it to her by Oct 1st. Yikes!!!!

Kelly said...

I'm trying to finish a "Hidden Spools" top. Squares are all together, but the border doesn't want to lay flat. I got so frustrated I had to walk away from it for a while. Not sure what to do next....

stitchinpenny said...

I am working on something sort of quilty. I am trying to make a picture quilt for charity. wish me luck. At least I was smart enough to do it as a mix of applique and piecing, actually more applique than not, but the quilting will be necessary to give it the depth and movement to make it interesting. Appliques are so very 2D so I have to add interesting quilting to grab attention.

Anonymous said...

Two identical wall hangings, one for me & one for friends, and using the leader/ender thing to also accomplish some I Spy type placemats with two inch squares. You know how many two inch squares can fit in one of those little 3 drawer plastic stackers? Me neither, but I bet I could make 10 dozen placemats!! (guess what everyone will get from me for Christmas, eventually...)


Becky Clay said...

Kevin, Susie and I, along with other friends met for our monthly Judy Niemeyer technique of the month class, Glacier Star. After this month, we only have two more months to meet and then put it all together. Everyone's, being different, look SOOOO GOOOD!! I think there are 20 some doing this class on different days and all I have seen are really great (several are doing 2 or more, using different color ways).

I need to find some time to put the borders on RRCB, BEFORE the new one starts! Any hints, Bonnie???

Mayleen said...

This weekend my family was in charge of organizing the Nickel family reunion in my hometown. I spent most of Saturday cooking and baking food for the occasion.

Quilting - Its been a few stressful days and looks like this coming week will be even more so. I'm trying to make a Scrappy Trip Around the World block every day just to help me relax!

Randy D. said...

LOVE the pictures! Looks like a fun (albeit cool) evening!!

Lisa said...

I was busy on Saturday helping our pastor's family pack to move. After church today I visited my recently widowed FIL for a few hours. The only quilting I did all weekend was vicariously through quilt blogs and a new quilt magazine. I have a baby quilt that I was hoping to bind this weekend...maybe that will get done next week.

Janet O. said...

Wow, VIP treatment at the football game!
I enjoyed learning about the mascot.
Nothing quilty this weekend--spent about 13 hours with a fundraiser my daughter put together (for which Randy--your friend-- donated a quilt). Spent the rest of the time recovering and at church.

Debbie said...

I've got 48 little cheddar bowties all done just waiting to be put together. Thanks for the inspiration. I would never have used that color otherwise. I love them.

Vicki said...

When I was a kid I remember the Deacon, we went to all the Clemson home games. He used to be dressed like the statue, top hat and tails. and his real face. not the snazzed up one of today. that was in the mid to late 60's opps telling my age. I know it was fun.

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