
Sunday, September 04, 2011

Cruise Zombies!

I am SO fried!

I guess that is to be expected…but it has been so long since I have had this bad of a sunburn I keep swearing to myself that I will be more protected NEXT time!

But. Wouldn’t you think that applying heavy duty sunscreen 4 times in 6 hours would protect you enough? Not so when the sun is that hot, and the water that reflective, and the salt water just rinses off anything and everything even though it says WATERPROOF?! Oh! And Sweat proof? FORGET IT!

I just wanted to let you know that Lori and I had the BEST time with all the cruiser peeps….and there are posts to come, and pictures to come, and lots and lots of stories to come!

This picture was snapped just as we were getting ready to sail from Port Canaveral, Florida on our week long adventure to the Eastern Carribean for the ports of Nassau, St Thomas, and St Maarten!

But tonight? I’m unpacking. I’m doing laundry. I’m ready to sleep in my own bed. I’m going to love on Sadie and Emmy Lou and maybe watch a movie and eat popcorn in bed because I can, and sleep until I wake up with no alarm and just enjoy a Labor Day weekend!

How DID it get to be September already!?

cruiseAug2011 159

I can’t believe how beautiful this picture turned out. I took it with my iphone! We were at the top of the mountain after taking a tram ride up there……this is St Thomas. This is our ship, the Carnival Dream, docked in St Thomas!

cruiseAug2011 190

This was also St Thomas….oh bliss!

But for now, I unwind!


http://thankfullga447 said...

Glad you had a great trip, now rest. We missed you but what a gr.eat opportunity. You are IN DEMAND!

Nan said...

Welcome home! Glad it sounds like you had a great time and hope your sunburn heals quickly. My Mom used to put us in a tea bath.

Thanks for all the blog posts while you were away! The great, giving kids and the Moms who obviously raised them right were hands down my favorites. :)

Nan in KS

YankeeQuilter said...

Welcome home! Time to rest from vacation....

Becky Clay said...

Take aspirin and use lots of aloe gel!!! A coupla margaritas wouldn't hurt either..LOL!

Granny Stitch said...

Welcome home Bonnie. Love that picture. Did you stop and have a "totty" for the "body" at the great little "libation station" at the top of the tram ride? Great place to take pictures from and I love the red roofs and the contrast between them and the water. Have a great movie night and rest, rest, rest. The sunburn will go away eventually. Tea bath sounds pretty good really. lol

Mary said...

What a view from the Top. I love the clouds and you framed it perfectly, it looks like a postcard!
I recommend the Aloe and maybe a baking soda bath.
You deserve the rest after all that PLAY!

tncottagequilter said...

Sooo glad you had such a great cruise but also SOOOO glad you are back. Your "away" posts were wonderful, but a real dose of "Bonnie" keeps me going each and every day :)

Ruthie said...

Sounds like a wonderful time! I sent you an email regarding a lecture/workshop for our guild.

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures! Love the one of the cruise ship.

cityquilter grace said...

so, i guess you had a great time, right? love that sandy beach!

Janet O. said...

Gorgeous pics--of the scenery and those two beautiful women!
Look forward to more!

Emma said...

Wow - what a view! Oh, and for sunburn, the things that work for me (I am also the type to get burned no matter what I do with sunscreen) are to drink TONS of water to rehydrate your skin and body, and use the Mary Kay after sun gel. It works better than every aloe product I've tried at both making it stop hurting and healing quickly. Aside from that, rubbing alcohol or vinegar are good to apply directly to the skin - as they evaporate off quickly, they will cool your skin quite a bit.

Beth said...

Great pictures! Sounds like you had lots of fun. I am sure a bit of rest and recovery are needed now. (I am sure you will rest for about 5 minutes then be off running again) :).
Look forward to seeing more pics of the cruise.

Anonymous said...

ooooo....beach envy here!

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