There are a handful of quilters/sewists ((I like to call them SEAMSTERS, it sounds better than sewers!)) who’s careers I have followed since I first set up house back in the ‘80s. Household names, if you will! Think back over the past 30 years or so. I’m sure there are names that are just as familiar to you as members of your own family.
I remember when Georgia Bonesteel first published books on lap quilting. I remember the first log cabin quilt book I bought from this “new” publisher who said I could make a “Quilt In A Day”! ((Thank you Eleanor Burns!))
The first quilting book I ever bought was called “It’s Okay If You Sit On My Quilt” – and I still use this book ALL the time. Thank You, Mary Ellen Hopkins!
Nancy Martin, Judy Martin, Gwen Marston – the 3 M’s who have shaped my love of traditional scrappy yet quirky quilts.
And then there is Nancy Zieman! What a classy lady! Oh how I poured over her “Nancy’s Notions” catalogue every time it showed up in my snail mail box!
Her “Sewing With Nancy” episodes on public TV made me realize that I could do anything that I set my mind to, if you just broke it down into steps, and did one step at a time!
So now Nancy has released her NEW book! It’s called “Nancy Zieman’s Sewing A to Z” – Your source for sewing and quilting tips and techiniques.
I was contacted and asked to review a copy, and I was thrilled to do so. I had an ulterior motive! I wanted a copy for my OWN library! The picture you see at the beginning of this post was made by me, playing with different "vintage-y" filter settings on my camera. Here is the professional graphic!
I love that the book is hard bound. My books get used hard and heavy. And it has a spiral binding for laying flat where I need it to without breaking the spine.
Look at the great graphics! Here she is demoing how to do mitered borders. There is LOTS of quilting info in here, as well as things from several different methods of Applique to info on clothing construction: Hems, Facing, Plackets to Pintucks, Pleats & Pocket Flaps!
I’m glad to add this book to my library and I know I’ll use it.
If you’d like a copy, I even saw it running at 30% off on the Martha Pullen website. It’s not too early to start thinking of those who might enjoy this book as a Christmas gift…..
Nancy has also put together an amazing grand prize package worth $450 for one lucky reader. Visit Nancy’s blog and comment on her blog tour post for your chance to win, and be sure to follow Nancy’s blog tour for more fun; I’ve listed the other dates below at the bottom of this post for your reference.
((Note, When you go to Nancy's blog to comment….you’ll have to scroll down the page a ways to find out WHERE to comment, but it’s worth it!))
AND..Let's do a Give-Away right here on My blog! Just leave a comment at the bottom of this post! One of our commenters will win a copy of Sewing A to Z by Nancy Zieman! I'll draw for the winner on Thursday morning, August 25th! **NOTE** If you comment as anonymous, or don't have your email address visible in your blogger settings, you MUST leave a name and email address for me to contact you!
Click the links below to visit the other blogs in the blog tour!
- 15-Aug Nancy Zieman’s blog
- 16-Aug Whipstitch
- 17-Aug Sew Mama Sew
- 18-Aug Diary of a Quilter
- 20-Aug Amy’s Creative Side
- 22-Aug Quiltville
- 23-Aug Crap I’ve Made
- 24-Aug Eileen Roche’s blog
- 25-Aug I’m Just a Guy Who Quilts
- 26-Aug The Free Motion Quilting Project
- 27-Aug Sew Serendipity
- 29-Aug Lazy Girls Designs
- 30-Aug Pat Sloan Blog
- 31-Aug Tallgrass Prairie Studio
- 1-Sep True Up
- 2-Sep Sew News
- 6-Sep Off the Cuff Sewing Style
- 7-Sep V and Co.
- 8-Sep The Cottage Home
- 9-Sep Colette Patterns
1 – 200 of 331 Newer› Newest»I love to read your blog and 'follow' you on your travels, leadres and enders have been in my life for such a long time...mostly made into quilts for linus.
I watch Nancy on the internet, she always has something interesting to say.
I love it when reference and crafts book can lay flat! It's so helpful. Can't wait to check out this book - it looks like it will be a really great addition to my crafting library! Thanks for doing the giveaway and bringing attention to the latest from Nancy Zieman!
You can't go wrong with a good reference book...it's great to have all the technical stuff to hand and easy to follow...thanks for the opportunity to win a copy...
Bonnie, love your blog and quilts, and I enjoy reading about your travels and quilts. That's a nice book you've got your hands on and I'd love one too! I just found Nancy's show this morning- quite by chance- and then your blog post tonight- she really has some cool and easy techniques. I'm one of those hybrid quilter/ garment girls and enjoy learning to sew clothes almost as much as I enjoy making quilts!
I love Nancy, not only is she incredibly talented, but she is the nicest lady I have ever met. I would love to have her new book!
Thank you for the chance to win. That would be a good book for a library to stock!
Sounds like a book I need. Thanks for the review, and the chance to win!
Having just received your's and Tonya's books, I am still pouring over them! (They are great!) But-- I could always use more!
Thank you for the chance to win!
(Jessica Hall, Tyler, TX, itsnursejessi@gmail.com)
Looks like a great book. would love the chance to win. Thanks Bonnie.
Another book is always welcome in my library.
My first quilting shows to watch were Georgia and Nancy. Still watch Nancy today! My first quilting books were by Georgia, which I still have today.
What memories!!
McKinney, TX
Thank you Bonnie for a chance to win this book. I record Nancy's program every Saturday since it comes on at 6am. Her show and Sandra Betzinger (spelling ?) were the first sewing shows I watched.
Annette Franklin--(annettefranklin37@yahoo.com)
I just love that this wonderful book has a spiral binding! Why are any instructional books published without that?
This is another great book from Nancy.
I would love to have it in my library.
I love the idea behind this book. One of the favorite books on my shelf currently is a quilting encyclopedia of sorts. When I was starting (and still occasionally) I would reference it to see how to do something. Since I am thinking about expanding my sewing beyond quilting I am thinking this would be a great addition to my library.
Thanks for the chance to win a book - I have recently discovered string quilting and am hooked!
We used to get Nancy Z on our PBS station! Learned so much from her!
Thanks for a chance to win!
Thanks for the chance to win this book. I also used to be glued to the TV every time Nancy's show was on. Thanks Bonnie for all you do for us!! Love you patterns, I've made lots of them.
crosscntry @ gmail. com
I would LOVE to win a copy of Nancy Z's new book. I have been watching her show on ETV for 25 years and still look for her early on Saturday morning.
Bonnie, when I read about ALL that you are doing these days, I am very happy that YOU have joined the ranks of Bonesteel, Burns, the 3 M's. Thanks for all you do.
After retiring a year ago and not sewing for years, I have become a quilting nut! This book will help refresh the sewing skills my mother taught me as a teenager. I have learned so much from your website, Bonnie. Thank you!
I, too, have enjoyed many books by Nancy Z. Have several in my library. Wouldn't mind having another. Thanks Bonnie for your generous offer. Have a wonderful week preparing for your cruise.
Faye Bushey
Love a good quilting reference book, you can never have too many. There's always interesting facts and easy ways to do different things in each of them.
Great names of inspiring quilters. I too have enjoyed their work throughout my quilting years. Thanks so much for offering this giveaway.
I so enjoy your blogs and pics! Thanks!
One of my first quilting classes was a log cabin quilt in a day. I would love to add this book to my library! Just leave a comment on my blog if my name is picked.
Hi Bonnie I have to agree with you Nancy Z is one of our best in her field and I watch and tape allot of her shows. This would be a great prize for me....Thank you
Hearing that even you still refer to quilt/sewing reference books, means I don't need any excuse to buy another one. (:
Hi Bonnie Sounds like a great book; I have two friends who are just starting quilting and I would love to have it for them. Thanks for making this possible. Sam sdownes@oceanbroadband.net
Great post...sounds like a super book. I think most 'sewers' have spent time with Nancy. Thanks for the opportunity!
I am haveing alot of trouble getting this to show up, Hi Thanks for a chance to win. I love your quilts, and I also watch nancy and georgia, every week and have for a long time. Thanks again my e-mail is hwright2008@carolina.rr.com
I have followed Nancy on her PBS shows and bought many of her books. She is a very talented person. I would love to win this new book from her.
Thanks for the chance to win! I would love to have this book!!
Lisa - - gatesey929(at)aol(dot)com
Nancy has been an inspiration for all of us! To face the world despite what the the world would call a handicap is major encouragement!
It sounds like a great resource. I would love to win a copy!thanks for the giveaway Bonnie!
I too love Nancy Z. Even my family recoginizes her! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Nancy is a role model to all of us. Think of the millions she has helped! And now with her new book she will help even more. I would be delighted to win her new book.
Zel at zzzz11849@yahoo.com
I receive Nancy's newsletters, unfortunately we don't get these type of shows in Oz. Love the chance to win her book, thank you.
Yes Nancy is my all time favorite sewing heroine. She was the first and is still the best and also a very sweet lady.
Thanks for the review. Sounds great!A must have book more for me!
Love her serger books, this would be a great addition. Thanks Bonnie
This looks like a wonderful book for any seamsters library :)
I have a number of Nancy's books and enjoy them a lot. She has a tip, answer or idea for everything!!
This book looks like an excellent resource for fairly new quilters (like me)! I'd love a chance to win it!
I have admired Nancy Z for a long time, and like you, have poured over her catalogs. Your daily doing's come to me in an RSS feed. I enjoy reading what you are doing and where you are going. You inspire me to just keep on keeping on! Thank you.
I'd love to win a copy of Nancy Z.'s book! Hopefully I'll be able to use some of the tips in it when I join your next quiltalong --hint hint... I'm ready for your next quiltalong! Thanks for the chance to win Sewing A to Z even though your instructions are the best.
Nancy Z has long been a favorite. For years her show was a Saturday morning event.
I'm a huge fan of Nancy Z's! I learned so much from her when I began sewing (second era) in the early 90's. I can't believe she's been on the air for nearly 30 years!!! And I'd love to have this book, she has come up with fabulous tips over the years.
I'd love a copy of this book. Our Guild has a large library and lots of new quilters so we could use it well and often! Brenda
Thank you! I've seen this book popping up all over the place and it looks so intriguing and full of good information.
Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!
Bonnie, this book by the fabulous Nancy looks like a must have. I have a similar book by a Minnesota quilter, who taught me to do mitered corners, and I've taught some friends. There's always room for one more to eventually pass on to the granddaughters who are starting to get interested in quilting. My first business cards when I started crafting read "ReKreations by Karen", that was in the 80's when I was painting just about anything I could find to make something new out of old or plain. Love the recycling of clothing and I can never pass up a plaid shirt at a garage sale or thrift shop. Bonnie you are my hero, and I'm not just saying that, I mean it. Karen kmbauer@frontiernet.net
Looks great! Thanks for the chance!
I have watched Nancy for years and love her books - they are so helpful. I enjoyed meeting her a couple of years ago; she is a wonderful lady. I'd love to win Sewing A to Z!
I would love to add a Nancy Z to my library!
Oh - I was on Nancy's blog the other day and saw that and am soo exicted - and hope to win - if not I'd love to win on your blog too! ~Kim
Always enjoy watching Nancy Z shows. For a girl who was introduced to sewing in Jr. High home ec class, she was a great encourager.
Keep up the great work, both of you.
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. :)
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. It seems we were doing the same things. I would love to win the book.
I love Nancy! Would be great to have a copy of her book!
I've always enjoyed watching Nancy and looking at her books. I would love to add this one to my small but growing library of quilting/sewing books. Thanks for the chance to win it.
ooh, pick me, pick me! PLZZZZ! ;-)
Yvonne in Renton WA
I would love to have a copy of Nancy Z's book. I love watching her on our local PBS stations.
Your the greatest Bonnie. You take us on trips far and near, teach us about quilting and entertain us. Keep up the great work.
This is so exciting. My sister has actually been a product supplier for Nancy's catelog in the past. She was the inventor of the 'Seam Stick'.
I'm another fan of NancyZ - would love to win a copy of the book!
I would love another Nancy book in my library. Even when you've quilted and sewn for years as I have, every now and then there is a technique I'm not sure about, and it's nice to have some references to check out "how-to". I have a few standards that I use regularly, and would love to add this book to that shelf.
Ingrid (imquilter@hotmail.com)
Thanks for the chance to get Nancy's book!
How generous! Thank you
I have watched Nancy Zieman on PBS for years! I met her in Pittsburgh and she was a delightful lady with a great sense of humor. I'd love to receive her latest book!
I'd love a copy for my sewing library. It's where I pick books for night time reading!
Would love to own this book! Thanks for the chance to win!
I don't know if your giveaway is for international participants, but I still comment. Thank you for a most generous giveaway, and a enjoyable blog that I follow regularly :)
I too have followed Nancy for years. I used to make all of my own clothing and then I discovered quilting and there was no turning back! :-) I would love to have her book for reference. I think that you can always learn something new that helps us enjoy what we do even more.
Thanks for the giveaway and everything else you do for us.
Looks like an interesting book!
Hi Bonnie! I would love to win Nancy's new book. I have several of her books in my library and she is one of my favorites! I used to watch her show on PBS all the time! Thanks for a chance to win!!
Thanks for this review and opportunity.....I love having reference books to learn from and recommend to others I am teaching! Lori needlethreadandfabric@yahoo.com
I would love to win this book...I've never mastered mitered corners!
Nancy's book would be a welcome addition to my library. thanks for a chance to win one.
I am new to quilting and loving your blog. I would love to have a new quilt book to set beside my Mom's Georgia Bonesteel book. Thanks for posting so many pics, it gives me tons of ideas!
Count me in big time - love this book and thanks for the opportunity. Also, thank you for NOT having "FaceBook Only comments" as there are some of us that are not on Facebook and I so appreciate your blog and information. Judy C in NC
As a new quilter this book would be a great addition to my small collection and something that I can always refer too.
Andrea Wagner- awagner54982@yahoo.com
'morning, Bonnie,
Your blog is the highlight of my blog reading.
Enjoy traveling right along with you
Have taken advantage your book searches and have downloaded many for my NookColor.
Most of all I enjoy your outlook on living.
Would love to be entered into this great giveaway.
I made my first quilt using Georgia Bonesteel's Lap Quilting book. My dd still has that quilt.
Thank you for the giveaway. I'm only able to catch Nancy's show occasionally and her book sounds wonderful - just like watching her show!
The first quilting book I bought that influenced my quilting was also Mary Ellen Hopkins' "It's Okay If You Sit On My Quilt" and that definitely has influenced my style - I love patches and colouring, and firmly believe that it's better for a quilt to be worn out than sit forever in the cupboard!
Thanks for the giveaway!
As a new quilter, this looks like a great resource. Thank you for having a contest and getting the word out!
I stopped sewing when I started to quilt. When the programs you mentioned would come on I would be glued to the television. I am happy that I had Home Ec in middle school and I was taught sewing basics. They sure come in handy when I want to 'step out of my box' when it comes to quilting. crazeq@aol.com
Hi! I remember excitement of receiving the Nancy's Notions catalog! I'm sure the book is great, as well. Thanks for the giveaway.
Nancy Zieman IS a classy lady and I would love to win her new book. I have never had one of her publications, although I have drooled over a few in the past. Eleanor Burns was where I got my start quilting and I DID make a queen sized log cabin in a day, although I must admit it was a VERY long day. It planted a seed that has grown and grown. Quilting is my love! Carline
Nancy is who got me started quilting. I watched her show and bought her book Quilt with Confidence. It is a great book and when I ran into trouble her sewing advisors were wonderful. I'd love to add this book to my library!
This book looks great!! -- I'd love to win a copy! Thanks so much for the opportunity! I follow your blog daily, and love the inspiration!! I love seeing all your travels!!
I have watched Nancy on TV for Years and Years - she has been such an inspiration to home sewers for so long!! Now the new generation is here: Your BLOG is the best - always interesting and giving great tips and tricks for quilting. We all anxiously await the next posting.
Thank you for a chance to win such a good reference book. Would love to win it! Julie
I'd love Nancy's book to add to my library. I like watching her on TV. Thanks
What a great book - I would love to win this book and give it to a great friend of mine who SWORE she would never quilt.....and now she started and she's hooked big time -- Whoo Hoo!!!
I'd love this book. I have watched Nancy on public television forever!
Also have to say I've enjoyed your blog immensely.
I would love a book my Nancy, she taught me so much over the years.
Enjoy your blog and you have taught me so much and inspired me in my quilting, thanks.
What a wonderful book. I'd love to have a copy to give to our Guild so everyone can get a chance to look at it. I don't know how many times after checking out a book at Guild that I don't turn right around and buy it!
Your history sounds very familiar. My first quilt was a quilt as you go Georgia pattern and I still use my "It's Okay if You Sit on My Quilt" book, actually it is my second copy. The first was lost in my divorce in 1986. LOL, That book meant more than a lot of other stuff. I was absolutely thrilled when my long time quilt buddy gave me a copy as a gift. I would absolutely love a copy of Nancy's book.
Jeanne from CT
Great reference books are so important to have around! Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing the pictures you take of the people in your classes. I loved your trip to Alaska - I feel like I was there with you!
This looks like a book every quilter/sewer should have and I'm a quilter always looking for easier ways to do different projects. Thanks for this generous giveaway. I enjoy reading your blog. Also love your quilt patterns.
I second JCnNC's comment about Facebook only commenting. I am not on Facebook, have no inclination to get on Facebook, and am always very disappointed when these blog giveaways are only for Facebook commenters. Thanks for keeping it old-fashioned for us old-fashioned types!
Another good book for the sewing room! Thanks Bonnie!
I took a class from Nancy Zieman, when she first started and was working for another company (the name has totally escaped me) --- it was probably almost 40 years ago (wow! that is hard to look at). She was as personable and informative as she is today --- a real delight. Would love to "win" her book!
Looks like a great book, Thanks for the giveaway :)
Books and quilting, they go hand in hand, if I had to only pick one, I couldn't do it.
I "grew up" watching Nancy's shows on PBS! This looks like a great book. Thanks for the giveaway. silverthimble@shaw.ca
this would be a great addition to my library, thank you for the opportunity. our possibilities are unending. hugs to you
Nancy Z is one of the best teachers/instructors in sewing that I have watched - she is always teaching me something new. I would love to win her reference book - thanks for the chance.
I also am a Nancy fan from watching her on PBS. Looks like a good book. Kathie L in Allentown
Oh how I would love to win a copy of Nancy's new book. I've watched her show since it began.I always learn something new whether it's a technique, good habit or inspiration. She's great. Thank you for this opportunity. Sally jspwarren at aol dot com
thank you for offering an awesome give away.
Bonnie thanks so much for a chance to win a copy of the book. Hugs
What a cool book. I think this one is going on the Amazon wish list.
I would love to win this book! Thanks for offering!
Jenny in Florida
Thanks, Bonnie, for being part of the Sewing A to Z Blog Tour. Reading the comments really made my day—actually they made my week!
You are my morning wake-up read. I traveled with you through Alaska. I did a cruise with my 83 year old mom, and loved it. Would love to do a driving through trip. Thanks for all the inspirations. I'd love to be in the drawing. Thaks.
MJ from KY
You know I need another book....grin. Love your blog.
Oooh Ooh Ohhh!! Did you see that? THE Nancy Zieman just commented on my blog!! I'm giddy! What a great day! :cD
Thanks for the opportunity to win Nancy's book. I would love to win it.
Quilters can always use another book. You see things that you forgot or sort of jogs your memory. Then you find something that is new and its gets the juices of imagination going. Never a dull time with a different book. Thanks Bonnie. Vickie kuilter33@gmail.com
I'm with you - I love Georgia, Eleanor, Gwen, Nancy and the rest. They helped me along with my love of quilting.
Sherry D
How cool is that to have a give-away. Thank you for doing this and thank you sponsors!!!!
Nancy Z has been a very familiar name for a long time. I remember watching her TV show also. Thank you for the opportunity to win her latest book.
Your blog is the only one I return to regularly, and I think that you have kept me going when I have been discouraged in quilting. I'm not a great sew-er, and I have limited time, so I love to just browse through and see your ideas for things that I can do in bits and pieces (I love the Happy Scrappy Houses!!), and dream about things that seem a bit beyond my reach. Thanks for keeping it up, and for "being there" when I need help on how to do something like make half square triangles or a square within a square.
-Melinda (lindy1026@aol.com)
Hey Bonnie ... what a GREAT giveaway! Nancy Zieman has been an inspiration to many of us through quilts and fashion sewing, and my Saturday is just not on schedule if I'm not in front of the TV watching "Sewing with Nancy"... I would LOVE to have her book! And thanks for the fun... you know where to reach me :)
I'd love a copy of Nancy's book. At this side of the Pond we don't have the luxury of too many books like this. Thank you for giving us all a chance to own a copy.
I love this book and would love to win one for myself....thank for the chance.
I would LOVE that book! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I keep hearing about this book and would love to have a copy. Thank you for the chance!
I love quilting with you and Nancy. Wouldn't know what I do if it wasn't for nice ladies like you two sharing your knowledge. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Awesome looking quilt book! It would be a great addition to my library and I know I could definitely learn from it! Thanks for the giveaway Bonnie!
I would love to have the Nancy Z. book. I watch her show if i wake up early enough on Saturdays. She always has such good tips and does convince me I can sew anything!
Sounds like a great book! Your give aways always draw a crowd. My first quilting books were from Eleanor Burns Quilt in a Day series. Another favorite is Marti Mitchell. Love your blog Bonnie. My friends get tired of me relating news from your writing like you are a personal friend. Looking forward to "Cruise News".
I'd love one of Nancy's books! Even if I don't win the drawing, I think this will go on my Christmas wish list. My daughter who is 19 is FINALLY getting interested in sewing and this book would be a great one for her to have. In fact, maybe I'll just get one for her and "borrow it" from time to time :D
Love Nancy's books, have several in my library...always room for one more...Thanks, Bonnie.
So fun to have one of Americas well-known quilters that I quote and name drop to be a Name dropper too! "Sewists" sounds so much better than sewers.
Living in the sticks on the Farm all I had was PBS for entertainment some days. Thanks to the ladies who taught us by Video. Headed over to Nancy's Blog next...
Wow. I have some of those quilt books from 30 years ago too. But I'm not the quilter you are. Sometimes I think I'm just a book collector. I was finally brave enough to enter a quilt in the county fair last week. Progress. I'd love to win Nancy's new book. (Pick me, pick me. :))
I want it! I need it!! Have always been a fan or Nancy Z and Eleneor Burns too. Have bought two of your books--workig on the Scrappy Sister quilt rite now and also one with the shirts.
You are the best!
I watched Nancy Zieman for years on PBS and learned so many things (I was sewing clothing then for myself and my daughter). Thanks for the opportunity to win her book. I stumbled onto your blog a few years ago, and that has inspired me to begin quilting. The scrappier the better.
I would love to add this book to my library. It looks great. I'm always interested in learning new techniques. Thanks for the giveaway. I always read your blog everyday,looking to see what you are up to next.
I have also spent hours pouring over her catalog! I'd love to add this book to my library. It would sit right next to your three books.
Nancy Zieman is my hero! I would love to have a copy of her book.
Thank You for all the blog links! I knew of a couple, but I now have a few more that I will be following. Thanks!
I love Nancy Zieman. I have a few of her books and would love this one. He explains everything in a way that is understood. Terry
Looks like a great book and I love that it lies flat so you dont have to struggle with it while working. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway!
Love quiltbooks, Thanks for this great giveaway!
I would love to win this book! I am a "quilter" but not really a "sewer". I have a wonderful sewing machine that can do all kinds of fancy things but I don't know what to do. I'm sure this book would help. I really want to learn!
I've been following this blog tour in hopes of winning this book but, I have to say your review was the best so far. Thank you.
Nice looking book. Will have to check it out more, love that it lies flat. Thanks for a chance to win.
Looks like a great book to add to my library! Thanks for the chance to win.
Dear Bonnie, my favorite quilting person in the entire world, thank you for a chance to win this book by Nancy. She is very talented and I'd love to have her new book.
I recognize all of those names. Mary Ellen's book was one of my first, and I still have it and use it as well. Great for scrap quilters who want to do things their own way!
Well it is a toss up between you and Nancy and Maarianne who has helped me the most in quilting. Hope I win the book.
I just got a DVR, so I can watch Nancy's shows when I get home from work. Before that, it was kind of hit and miss, usually miss. Even though I don't do any garment sewing anymore, I've learned so much to apply to quilting and purse-making, etc. I think it would be so cool if you made an appearance on Nancy's Corner.
I love nancy and watch(record) her shows all the time. Would love a copy of her book!
I watch Sewing with Nancy whenever I can. I would love to have a copy of her book. Thanks for offering it.
Thank you for the chance to win a FAB book!
Hi Bonnie, I always look forward to reading your blog. I love to hear about and see pictures of your classes. I have sewed most of my life and I recognize all the people you mentioned. I have always enjoyed watching any show about sewing. Thanks for the giveaway.
Susan vintagequilter@live.com
Although I've been quilting for years, I haven't been much of a garment maker until recently. My youngest daughter is starting school this week and I'll be making clothes for her as I don't care much for what the stores have out this year. Nancy has been a great resource of how to transition those quilty skills into producing cutie-girl clothes!
can't wait to get a copy- cheryl ozarkcastle@yahoo.com
hey, touble with computer this am. quickly love to win, love nancy, bonnie and all the grand quilters, sewers and seamsters mentioned in your post. :>)
I also love Nancy. Just made an order over the weekend on her web site for some embroidery supplies. I don't know how I would have gotten' along without her and her sewing shows. Thank you for the review on the book.
I would dearly love to win Nancy's new book - she's such a sweet and inspiring lady! I am hoping to resume my garment sewing and could use a refresher, and I think this volume would help me with both my quilting and my garment sewing! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Joy Denise
Definitely want this book!
I learned a lot from Nancy on her old TV show-she is truly a sewing guru!
Thanks for the chance to win. Love your blog and her show.
Nancy Z is a great inspiration for everything sewing related. thanks for a chance to win her newest book.
I am lucky enough to have Nancy's show on my PBS station most Saturday mornings - I never miss it and learn something new every time. I would love to win a copy of this book! Thanks
This looks a great book! I love that it's spiral bound
Sounds like and interesting book..I could really learn from. Thank you for giving one away!
Anything Nancy does is #1 in my book. How much I would love to have a copy of this book, and if I don't win I'm sure I'll be putting it on my Christmas wish list.
Thanks Bonnie!
Ooooh! I would love Nancy's book. I have only recently began quilting/sewing after years of needlework only (embroidery, cross stitching, etc.). This would help expand my knowledge base so much!
I would love to own this book. Looks like another good one to add to my library of quilting books. Thanks for the opportunity to win it and thanks again for all the inspiration you give me!
Frances in RI
Thanks for the chance to win. I love watching Nancy on Saturday mornings!
Would love to have a new book to learn from, thanks for the give away.
I always watched Nancy with great ideas for sewing and Georgia was my go to gal for quilting. I would love to have Nancy Zeiman's book for my library. Donna, LEH,NJ dltquilt@juno.com
I could learn so much from Nancy Z.!
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
Bonnie, I have been watching Sewing With Nancy since the very early days. I used lots of her ideas for my kids while they are growing up, and some of them are grandparents now. She is a tremendous teacher, and I always appreciated that she wore the outfits she was teaching, or sometimes had a model if it was for children. I have several of her books and use them a lot. I agree that she is a classy lady. My family all know I am a big fan of hers, even had a son-in-law shopping with my daughter who said he wasn't 'Sewing With Nancy', just to show that he didn't understand what they were shopping for. I appreciate so much those who are willing to share their crafts with the younger generation. I'm not in the school loop anymore, but don't think they offer home ec like they did when I went, so they have to learn from someone. And you, Nancy, and many others offer great teaching in different formats so that there is something out there for those who really want to learn. Thanks to both of you.
As I am mainly self taught, I know that I often do things the hard and very long way. I'd love to win this book as you can teach an old dog new tricks and I'd love to know how to do things the proper way!
Bonnie, you bring back memories although mine in quilting, when my library started, don't go back much past 1999. JC Penneys trips to their fabric department always excited me. I had a great teacher in my Mom through my seamstress years. Simplicity and Butterick in cataloged every which way what made up my library. Eleanor Burns is nearly my neighbor...my first quilting book is one of hers. Hope I'm lucky on Thursday. Sandi
This book would be a great addition to my library for two reasons! One for me and the quilting tips, and secondly for my daughter who is very in to repurposing clothes and making something new for herself. She still needs to learn some of the basics such as hems, and Nancy's book would be great for that!
Thank you for this great give away.
Great book - thanks Bonnie and thanks to Nancy too! I love books bound that way and have taken several of my books to be rebound at an office supply store. It's a couple bucks depending on the size of the book, but so worth it!
Linda - lksanner15672@yahoo.com
I've been a fan of Nancy's books and notions for nearly 20 years. Her books never go out of style and I'd be very happy to add her newest one to my sewing library.
I love you and Nancy both and would love to win anything from either of you.
I would love to have this book, I too, have watched Nancy for years and learned many things from her. The first sewing book I bought for my granddaughter was hers...
Thank you Bonnie, love you too!!!
I'd love to win the book - it looks great. :)
This looks like an awesome resource to add to my library! Heaven knows I can use it!
Georgia Bonestel was also MY first intro to quilting on TV, from NC public TV! Who wulda thunk it would lead to all this and Quiltville.com as well!
Here's my 2 cents to maybe win.
Looks like a book I could use! (And WILL use.)
Count me in.
Jittina, the Netherlands
I've watched Nancy Zieman almost since her beginnings on our local PBS station. She provided me with great tips at the perfect time when I was sewing for my kids. Other quilters and seamsters have come and gone through the years but Nancy has been a constant and dependable instructor. Great looking book!
Eleanor Burns and Nancy Zieman are two I've followed since I started sewing too! Maybe we should start calling outselves "textile enthusiasts" since there are so many nuances to what sewing/quilting can be.
I still watch Nancy's show on TV. I also own several of her other books, one of which is called "Fitting Finesse". I use it so much that I took it to Kinkos to have the spine sliced and a spiral binding inserted. I would so LOVE to add this book to my collection! :o)
Looks like a wonderful book and I would love to be the one to win - please enter me in your draw - I love everything that is Bonnie K Hunter related!!!
Anne Marie Pearle
Thanks for doing this giveaway Bonnie. I have watched "Sewing with Nancy" shows and enjoyed them. Nancy is a treasure to the sewing world as you are to the quilting world. :)
Oh yes, please, do put my name in the hat. I would love to win this book! Thank you for the helpful review and, of course, for hosting this giveaway...
Wow. There are A LOT of comments here! Love watching Nancy Z. on PBS and would love to win her book. Thanks!
I have watched Nancy Zieman FOREVER! Would love to win her book!
Bonnie, my bookshelf has all the books you mention, plus your three and many of Nancy's. I've been a quilter since the 70s. I'd love to add this one! Neena nkirsch@earthlink.net
Would like to have this new publication. Interesting that it obviously contains many aspects of sewing. Should be a good one for your library.
I would love to have this book in my library. I'm relatively new to quilting and sewing so this would be used quite a bit. I also love the way the book lays flat. Thanks for the giveaway.
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