
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pictures, Pictures!~

As things from the trip to Oregon settle in, there are more pictures that are exchanged via email with messages like “Love this one of you two!” “Thought you all looked so cute in this one!” “Sending these to you as well!”

And I’m happy to share them here, because they DID turn out so cute, and we had such a great time ((Are you tired of hearing all about it yet?))

I love this picture of Tonya and me in front of one of the Gees Bend quilts at the Stitchin’ Post! It’s just such a Tonya quilt to begin with…..it makes a great backdrop don’t you think?

I'm so proud of Tonya! Her book and quilts made with its inspiration are hanging all over the inside of the Stitchin Post! Way to go, Ton!

And this one….what is a Sisters Photo Op, without the wonderful old style buildings in the background? ((I'm already missing that blue blue Oregon blue sky!))

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Yeah, and that’s my dorky hip bag! ((Thanks to Brit friends, I learned long ago NOT to call it a fanny pack!! LOL!)) I know it looks like I’m wearing a seat belt…but..I travel light! All it holds is my wallet, a chapstick, and an extra crystal light packet for my water--Fashion stops below the NECK as far as I am concerned ;c)

We only had a couple of hours to wander together and catch up because Ton’s caravan was headed back toward Seattle in short order---but we made the most of the time we had together and it was great seeing her in person again!

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I also love this one of Lori, Randy and I in front of Randy’s “Sisters 9 patch” quilt! She was with me that first year that I saw the antique red and yellow top that sparked the desire to make that quilt as a leader/ender project in the first place. And it was SO FUNNY – I didn’t recognize it as HER quilt…I said “Oh look, SOMEONE made a Sisters 9 patch like the one in my book” LOL. It wasn’t until I read this label…..that…well…DUH!!

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It was a very DUH moment, and I have to admit --- the older I get, the more frequent they become. You just have to laugh at yourself to get through it you know? A LOT!


Don’t we look blissfully quilted-out? This is one that Randy took….I don’t remember which day, but we were definitely high on quilt overload! And Lori, I’m still laughing at that bunch of lavender just hanging by the thread…it looks like it is floating in mid air…goofy!!!


Frog Quilter said...

Funny YES. Last year I was in Scotland and we were in a Kilt Shop and I blurted out about the "Fanny Packs" (the sporins) and the gentleman working their got this strange look on his face. I still laugh about that episode and your post today reminded me of it. Great pictures.

Anonymous said...

Not one bit tired of Sisters pics.... it is beautiful country..... amazing backdrop of quilts.... hey the more times we see these quilts the better for us to remember them. After all some of these quilts will be the great masters of the quilt world.

JudyCinNC said...

I have loved "being" at the Sister's Quilt show with your pictures. You have to laugh at yourself, it sure beats agonizing over it. That was too funny - what a wonderful compliment that she made the same color quilt - she must have really liked yours a lot. Judy C in NC

Impera Magna said...

What fun... good friends, beautiful quilts, wonderful weather... glad you all had a fab time!

Vic in NH said...

All the fun you were having is infectious and brightens my day that you shared it with us! Thanks so much!
Vic in NH

Me and My Stitches said...

You know, I wondered what that lavender was doing there! And, I wondered if that was the candy dish that is almost empty? lol...

jayne honnold said...

It's been enjoyable following the antics of you 3 girls on your fun trip to Sisters. That red and cheddar quilt is to die for! I am already thinking I need to start pulling fabrics for one of my own!


Clare said...

Love the photos of you and Ton. I bet you had a great time together.

kfr14819 said...

It's living vicariously through you by reading about Oregon - I may never get to go myself, so am glad to get to see your take on it, hear about it, and see the quilts. You make me smile and want to quilt!

Kim said...

Now that is a really cute picture of you and Tonya....I'll never get tired at looking a quilt pictures either :0). Looks like a great time was had by all. I've gotta put this on my list of must see shows!

Happy Sewing

Beth said...

I always enjoy traveling with you and seeing all the quilts and all the people you meet.
Thanks for sharing.

Tonya Ricucci said...

Was sooo fantastic to spend time with you! I call mine my "belly bag." I miss the blue skies and NO humidity. back to 90 degree sticky weather here - gack.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Someday... someday I am going to Oregon! I love these photos, the fun you had shines through brightly.

Dora, the Quilter said...

I love this post!
But I'm thinking that if you don't want to call it a fanny pack, you won't want to call it a "dorky" hip bag once you look up the meaning of "dork". In any case, thanks for the morning laugh!

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