
Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Little of This, A Little of That --

I hate to even think that my time in Sunriver is winding down. In retrospect, I’ve accomplished a lot while I’ve been here, but still wish I could have done more!

A bit of a stomach bug has slowed me down a bit, but maybe I needed some slowing down? We were going to go to a music in the park thing last night, but I begged out. I just didn’t feel up to it. And the temps haven’t been exactly WARM either! After 5pm temps quickly drop to quite chilly. It would have been cold in the park, and we still had sewing to do!

As it was, we enjoyed sitting around the gas fire pit on the patio --- YES, it was TURNED ON! ((Is it REALLY July?!))--- and soaking up some of the peaceful nature from where we sat.

These pics of the Deschutes River are from our walk yesterday. Isn’t it peaceful? But even though I feel faraway – All it takes is a phone call to pull me back to reality! Takin’ care of business happens --- Even on a power walk along the river! Randy snapped this pic while we stopped so I could talk!

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In the center of the pic, there IS a snow capped mountain hiding – but it looks like a cloud in the picture! I love seeing mountains covered with snow in freaking JULY!! We are headed back to Sisters this afternoon and I’ll see if I can get Randy to stop and let me take some better pics. :c)

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Up the river, down the river, the view is vast and awe striking.

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I just love this place!

So what have I been working on while I’ve been here? Well MYSTERY stuff for one! And I can’t show you that, can I? But there has been some of this:

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and there has been a lot of this:

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And copious amounts of THIS:

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ENDLESS CHAIN PRESSING! :cD I’m an assembly line girl. I will work one step until all of that unit for the quilt is done, and then I move to the next. We talked a bit about it while we were all here. Randy is a “do a bit of this, do a bit of that, see how it will look together, and go back and do some more” kind of girl….I guess I already know what it’s going to be in my mind, and I Just keep going. It takes a long time before I have enough to show progress, but when it comes together, it comes together fast! ((FINALLY!)) It’s just me pushing it through until done.

And NO --- these three things are NOT from the same project!

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But ONE of the projects just gifted me 600 bonus triangles! NOW what am I going to do with THESE?!

I’m sure I’ll think of something!

But until it is time to pack it up and go home – I plan on doing some more of THIS:

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Just stretching out like a cat in the sunny spot on the floor….admiring Randy’s great newly finished quilt top! BLISS!


Cathy said...

I can't wait to see your mystery quilt. I just loooovvvveeee your mysterys. Until then I hope you feel better. And I will keep making Floribunda blocks. Love it too. Hugs

Me and My Stitches said...

What beautiful pictures - it sounds like my kind of weather! You are making lots and lots of progress :)

Jeanne said...

Looking at all your pictures makes me very envious. Hope you are having a great time and are feeling better soon. Anxious to see what the mystery quilt looks like. Don't keep us in suspense too long!!!!

sewkalico said...

Lovely photos and an interesting read. Hope you feel better now. Randy's top is great and now that I am almost converted to pink, I love those HST's :-)

Betty said...

If your career in quilting ever falters (which I seriously doubt) you could be a photographer. You always take the most amazing pics of the places you travel! Looking forward to seeing all those bits of projects come together into something wonderful!

regan said...

Hope you're feeling better....sucks to get sick while away! Randy quilt top is gorgeous! And woohoo on hitting 2000 followers! Yikes!

Janet O. said...

Beautiful scenery--feeds the soul.
What a chain piecing machine you have been! I just love seeing all those scrappy pieces coming together and imagining what knockout quilt you are making next.
Randy's quilt top is wonderful! What a neat photo of you sitting there admiring it.

Lois Arnold said...

What fun! I'm so totally jealous -- I'd love to spend a week sewing with friends! Love the new leader/ender project, too. That concept has really speeded up my quilt top finishing time, too bad I can't quilt them that way. LOL The scenery in the photos is breathtaking!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

So glad to hear it's cool in some parts of the country. Enjoy it while you can. Very humid here in NE, though it's been overcast the last few days so not quite as hot....but it's coming. The river scene is so pretty and peaceful. I'd love to just sit there and read.

Your bits & pieces of sewing have aroused my curiosity. Book/magazine projects, I suppose. too bad that bag of HST aren't red/neutral. You could send them to me just to get rid of them (RRCB):)

Anonymous said...

If you enjoy snow capped mountains in July, then you will certainly have a photo feast/opportunity when you come to Alaska!. We have plenty of those available for your pleasure! Love your photos of both scenery and quilting. Your chain piecing looks like my sewing room. Back to rectangle wrangle.....and off of Facebook! Joy

Andee said...

Doing the happy dance that you even said the word mystery! Though I am still working on RRCB (step 5 today!) and am just starting SMM, I will be ready when you are!

Julia said...

Hope your feeling better now...no fun being sick while away from home.
Isn't it amazing at how much more scraps can come off scraps that one's trying to use up..
Love Randy's quilt top.
Julia ♥

Teresa in Music City said...

Oh yuk!!! So sorry you've been sick! And away from home too - double yuk!!! But.... ecstatic to know that you are planning another delightful mystery for us! SO enjoyed RRCB and really looking forward to the next one. Worked on my pineapple blossom blocks today - yay!!!

Teresa in Music City said...

P.S - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Randy's quilt top!!!

veerle said...

Nice pictures! I'm jealous of the scenery! Kind greetings from Belgium :)

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