
Monday, July 25, 2011

Like a Bunch of Wild Animals!

I made it home last evening with only an extra hour spent in Chicago. YAY!! I’d consider that “pretty much” on time as far as delays go.

I just stitched hexagons all the way home…making progress on my filling in around the medallion. More pics of that to come later!

((Note to self -- Cut more NEUTRALS out before next road trip!!))

Our weekend was spent at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa. I’ve been informed that it is pronounced BEEEWWWWWNA Vista, Not Bwayna Vista! This always cracks me up! I remember moving to South Carolina, and the first time I went to meet Siobhan and Tonya in Augusta, GA….I was told the neighboring town, Martinez, is NOT called MARTEEEEEENEZ, It’s Martin-ehz. Weird. Especially for someone who grew up in the Bay Area of California, and everything has hispanic roots and it definitely would have been MARTEEENez. :cD

So..back to the university! Our classrooms were in the science building! And we were greeted by copious amounts of…….TAXIDERMY!!

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It was really very cool, as far as stuffed animals go. I can see why the students would find the science department an interesting place for hands on learning! Biology of all creatures, you know? This guy was saying “Keep away from my fat quarters!!”

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This guy was saying ---- “I know I left my rotary cutter somewhere!!”

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This guy was saying “Yes, I do believe you can cut stripes off grain and mix them with polka dots!”

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This one was wondering whether she could mix batiks and animal prints together ;c)

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And THESE animals were having a great time even in close quarters! They came from Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Missouri and beyond. And we sewed!

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I will say, that this retreat wins hands down ((or is that bottoms down?!)) for the BEST SEWING CHAIR AWARD! Everyone had comfy office chairs that we could raise and lower to whatever height we needed. And when you are sewing like a bunch of wild animals for 2 days straight, we need good chairs!

Friday’s workshop was Pineapple Blossom……and we had many blossoms in many colors going on. I love this class, the blocks are easy, the designs made with them are striking, and you can change up the options to create even more different looks!

It was an incredibly fun day! We left the heat and humidity outside, and stayed in and sewed our brains out! And if you happen to spy some little bow ties in the pics above....Some industrious someone was using them as leaders/enders! YAY!

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I love this pic of Jo from Jo’s Country Junction and her daughter Kelli……Like Mother, Like Daughter, look at that long line of chain piecing!!

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Here’s Jo laying out her blocks in the hallway! Aren’t they looking yummy?!

Jo, Kelli, Amy, Kathy ((all of the 14 Kathys LOL!)) Janell, everyone --- Thank you so much for the terrific welcome and a fantastic weekend!


Me, Amy and another of Amy’s online friends, Anne! Amy came from Wisconsin, her friend from Missouri!

There are more photos to post, but I’ve got a pet sitter coming by to interview for taking care of the animals while DH & I are in Alaska in a couple weeks. ((ALASKA!!! I am so stinking excited I can barely stand it!))

Stay Tuned…more to come later!


pcflamingo said...

I love your slideshows! Pineapple Blossom is a favorite pattern (what am I saying - ALL your patterns are my favorite) - I particularly liked the lime green and purple one in this slideshow. I have made it in a pink/yellow/orange color combination, but that lime green & purple is calling to me...

cityquilter grace said...

love the purple ones! makes the white background look soooo boring...and i believe i spied a bow tie in there too..

YankeeQuilter said...

Looks like a great group...I may try a pineapple blossom to clear out a bookcase of batiks that I haven't touched in two years!

Janet O. said...

Love Jo's pineapple blossoms.
What an interesting setting for a bunch of wild women and their sewing machines.

Debbie in SC said...

Alaska! I am so jealous. We went last year and loved it! Great shop in downtown Anchorage called the Quilted Raven and also one in Palmer but can't remember the name right now. We stayed at the Anchorage hotel----it is haunted too. Great place and the people everywhere were just so welcoming and wonderful. Enjoy it...extra for me.

Jo said...

Hey Bonnie thanks for showing the good side and not the back side of me.... :) Kelli and I had an amazing time.

Karen said...

So glad you had a great time in Iowa. My DH and I just got back from Alaska and we had a wonderful time. It is so beautiful and lots of fun quilt shops too.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, you will love Alaska, the weather this time of year is fantabuloso! And the scenery to die for. Glad your pet sitter worked out, one less thing to be concerned about. Have a wonderful trip to AK.
Faye B, Maine

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, there are a couple of great quilt stores in the Anchorage area: The Quilt Tree on Benson Blvd, in Wasilla: it's Sylvias Quilt Depot and in Palmer it's Just Sew which is a sister store to The Quilt Tree. HOpe that you get to head to Anchorage after your Delta Junction Classes! Joy in Wasilla

Michelle said...

Looks like you all had a great time and I'm totally jealous.

Sandra Kaye said...

Love the pineapple blossom. Of course , you haven't put out a quilt that I haven't loved. All your quilts a wonderful. ---hugs---Sandie

Leslie said...

Where did you grow up in the SF Bay area? I'm currently living in Alameda, CA. A little factoid about Alameda......there is a street in town called Versailles............if you don't pronounce it "Ver-Sales", they know you are not a native.

Judee said...

Love the talking animals!

Deb A said...

Wow... every time I see pictures from your workshops I want to start making one of my own! I really need to finish some things so I can finally make one of these pineapple ones this fall. Thanks so much for all your patterns and inspiration. I love reading your blog and seeing where you are traveling and what you are doing. Enjoy the trip to Alaska.

Nane said...

You should have draped a quilt over a bear for the photo op. You will love Alaska!!

ana s. said...

I am from Anchorage AK and my brother still lives there. He delivers mail in Anchorage and checked out the quilt shops for me. I love the whole area.

I went to a quilt retreat at Mt. Denali Park in the 1980s. Gail Garber was one of the featured teachers.

Anonymous said...

Alaska was awesome. Try not to miss Denali National Park Wilderness Tour. The railroad trip from Skagway to Fraser BC was breathtaking. Sit on the left going from Skagway and on the right coming back. You won't regret it! Oh and eat as much Salmon as possible because you'll never find Salmon that tastes that good!

Brenda said...

Your seeing all the animals that had been made to look real, made me remember going to a friends house - talk TAXIDERMY!! They had birds and little creatures all over their house!! Then I saw a dog - laying there all curled up and I asked if they had stuffed the dog too?? She laughed, called the dogs name and it moved!! But boy, it sure looked like all the other ones!!!!

I would love to go to Alaska!! My hubby's family did that years ago and when I saw the pics, I knew I wanted to go see it too!!
Have a great time!!! I really hope this is for fun and you are not teaching there.... although, the ladies up there would LOVE that!!!
Have a great time and hope this person will be good for your anunals!!

Julie Fukuda said...

I love that pattern everyone is making.Do you think it could be done by hand? And, plese excuse me for looking so dumb, but when these quilters come, do they have to bring a sewing machine?
You will love Alaska.

Tonya Ricucci said...

looks like fun! it was even worse for a poor co-worker of mine who's last name was Martinez - he just did not care for that town's pronunciation.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

There's that old BEUUUUUUUUna Vista/BWAYNA VEESTA argument that goes on in good ol' W-S too. Love the stuffed animals and their comments, too funny!

Comfy/adjustable chairs are worth the price of admission in any sewing/quilting classroom... what an extravagance that would be. Was the lighting good, too? Oh, my... heaven!

Beth said...

Another amazing slide show. I just love all your patterns. It is so much fun to see all the different fabrics and fabric combinations.

Everyone that I know who has been to Alaska says it is fantastic.

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