
Friday, July 01, 2011

Late Night Edition–Free Kindle Book!

I just got back from Karen’s…had a blast of a day! And while I was trying to catch up on email, etc….((Wow! Lots of comments for the free pattern give away..Yeah!!))......I came upon this freebie. It says Free July 1st. That’s today! There is only a couple hours left of July 1st where I am sitting, a few hours later if you are on the Westie Coastie..so I’m sending this out here quickly.

I love intrigue, and the description caught me!

A Cure to Die For: A Medical Thriller, by Stephen G. Mitchell, is free in the Kindle store -

Book Description:

A genetically engineered cure for the common cold turns out to be a cure for cancer. It threatens to put a major pharmaceutical company, along with about half the medical community, out of business. They will stop at nothing to destroy it before it destroys them.

Amid harrowing kidnappings, manhunts, political and corporate intrigue, Wall Street corruption, drug addiction, suicides, arrests and terrifying escapes--in the Montana wilderness, in the high-tech world of Houston, Texas, in the political cesspool of Washington, D.C., in the teeming jungles of Mexico and on a 26,000 square mile Indian reservation--a man and a woman fight to survive the perilous journey where the fate of a healthy planet hinges on the survival of a tiny seed.

A crisis of medical and corporate greed sweeps the country. The government and the media conspire with the medical industry to keep a miracle drug off the market. The book is a medical thriller that is part adventure, part mystery and part love story; a novel about two people who stand against a broken world.

I just downloaded mine. If I don’t like it…well, the price was right, right?!

We had so much fun today, We are headed back over to Karin’s house Saturday morning ((Tomorrow!!)) to DO IT AGAIN!

When I walked in the front door a bit ago, Ferris Beuhler was on TV.....LOVE THIS MOVIE! When the "Shake it Up Baby" parade started, I had to run into the living room and dance it out with DH....whoowhooo!

That's enough for one day..I’m off to bed….

Night all!


Mavis said...

Thanks Bonnie! I love your suggestions for free kindle books. Keep them comin'. This one looks very intriguing. I'm going to grab my kindle right now!

Bless you! And then back to my sewing room. I just started Floribunda tonight and am love, love, loving in.

regan said...

OMG Bonnie....that's our favorite part, and we have to dance to it, too! Too funny! This book sounds great! Thanks for the info.

Paula Kay said...

Bonnie, Thank you for the time you put into your blog. I love it, Can you please tell me how you find all those free book? I just got my kendle and am still learning how to use it. Please, can you explain how you find all these books/ Thanks for your quilting insights and your reading suggestions. Quilty Hugs, Paula

Leslie said...

What would I do without your great freebie suggestions? It's on my Kindle. Now we'll have to see if it's a worthwhile read. But as you said, the price was right.

Fran said...

Thanks for the heads-up re. Free books, much appreciated.
Cheers, Fran in Tasmania

Fran said...

Thanks for the heads-up re. Free books, much appreciated.
Cheers, Fran in Tasmania

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