
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just a “LITTLE” Walk!

One of the things I love most about coming to Sun River, Oregon is the simple ability to just put on the running shoes, open the front door, and GO. And we do! OFTEN!

I will admit that I wimped out on Sunday ---- I had a low grade headache most of the day and just felt kind of crummy. I think lack of sleep and over excitement just finally made me take an easy day…

But yesterday, Lori, Randy and I headed off in the morning to get some power walking in.

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We wanted to head down by the Deschutes River, and the morning was perfect. Can you smell the pines from here? I wasn’t fast enough with my camera, there were several deer hanging out on the edge of the road, and when they saw us get closer, they all moved off into the brush and disappeared.

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Lori and Randy stopping a bit in the shade! I just love being surrounded by nature. ((However, that doesn’t include the copious amounts of ants that have invaded Randy’s drive way and patio!! I think the world could do well without ants….just sayin’))

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Hot, Sweaty, Dusty, and worth it! And yes, I was the one who thought it was too cold to be out in shorts, so I opted for denim capris….I was regretting it by the time we hit the river, I could have just jumped in! Temps change rapidly in central Oregon. Even though it was really chilly early in the am, it was 80 by the time we hit the river….

How far did we go? 6.6 miles! Whew!!

And in case you think we’ve been slacking on the quilting front? THINK AGAIN!

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The machines have been going non-stop every other minute of the time we’ve spent together.

Lori had to leave yesterday afternoon --- we miss her already! We are like a tricycle with two wheels….we are leaning to one side without her as our third wheel to balance us! And I can hardly wait until the end of August when Lori is joining me as my assistant for the Caribbean Cruise I’m teaching on with Sew Many Places! I know the weeks are going to fly and we’ll be together again soon.


Anonymous said...

Bonnie - thanks for taking us on the beautiful walk with you and your friends. I enjoyed it very much.

Cathy said...

What lovely scenery for a walk. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Hugs

Rosa said...

What a lovey area for a walk.Looks wonderful!!

Marj said...

What a beautiful part of the USA. I love going on runs with you, I don't even get out of breath or sweaty...LOL Wish I was in as good of shape as the three of you are.
I am envious of Lori, she gets to go on a cruise and spend time with you. I'm sure that the rest of July will fly by for you.

Sophie said...

Bonnie, thank you so much sharing, i read your blog everyday when i wake up, i juste want to say, i love what you do and afe. Thks from Sophie France

Ruth said...

This part of the country is amazing! And how do I know? I'm here now and was at the quilt show on Saturday. I met Lori last year and was looking for her and hoping to meet you, but it didn't happen. Boo Hoo! Our DS lives on the west side of the mountains and BIL on the east side in Prineville, with Sisters right in the middle. My DIL, GD & SIL went to the quilt show with me and we had such a good time. My GD is 19 and is going to be a quilter! She has already designed one quilt which I helped her make a few years ago, and loves fabric! Maybe she inherited my addiction!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

It's great to have special time with friends. Enjoy it.

Laurie said...

Bonnie, I'm counting down the days to the cruise! I'll be there with hubby and can't wait to meet you and take part in the workshops.

Ottawa, ON Canada

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