When kids move out……it doesn’t mean they take the effects of living WITH them! Things like scuff marks and spills and stains and dings, dents, and other marks are left behind!
We’d talked about painting Jeff’s room, but it was kind of iffy when that would come about – however, after leaving Karen’s house on Saturday evening, and meeting DH at a place for dinner that was just DOWN from Lowes….a plan had evolved.
Long holiday weekends are just made for home improvement projects, aren’t they? And usually…I am a bit apprehensive because I tend to think that the project is going to overshoot our ability to get it accomplished in that time frame…which means things will remain UNDONE for an immeasurable amount of time.
For instance --- The roof has been done for quite a while now, but the sun room still needs to be re-sheet-rocked. This is something that has to be hired out and we haven’t found anyone to do the job yet. So it sits.
Painting should be a job we can tackle ourselves….so after dinner off we went to Lowes in search of paint and other accessories we would need to get the job done.
This store is a COMPLETE danger zone! I suppose a man entering this store is much like a Quilter entering the world’s biggest fabric warehouse. Am I right?
Me: “I thought we were looking at painting supplies”
DH: “Yes, but look! There is a 3 cordless power tool set for a great price!”
Me: “Uhoh!” >_< ((Yes the price of painting Jeff’s room just went UP considerably!))
It’s okay. I’ll remember this purchase, and I know I can turn it to my advantage in the future when the need arises!
We chose a color called “antique white”…..it doesn’t look white at all in this picture! It looks more like a dark sand! But that’s okay, I like how it looks in the room….what we are covering UP is that old dirty white. And let me tell you --- who ever thought cheap flat white paint was GOOD for interior walls? You can’t wash it without it coming off! Everything we have repainted, we have been SURE to use a SCRUBBABLE variety. Life is messy. It needs to be scrubbed. Nuff Said!
My job was to do all the corners and cracks with a brush so DH could come back with the roller. It might make me crazy, but I actually like the smell of new paint…it gets rid of all the other aromas that moved-out-children leave behind! A fresh and new start!
Roll those walls! We had to put primer in some spots….and some places needed more than one coat of paint to get an even look.
Just one more spot left! And then the really bad part begins….THE TRIM!
I got to be princess of the masking tape. Believe me, it isn’t as fun as it looks! But I’ve learned that a good tape job is just as important as a good paint job!
Besides, if I could tape…someone ELSE could do the actual trim painting!
We took a break yesterday afternoon and went and saw “Larry Crowne” with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. I loved it! It was just easy, fun, and enjoyable – I don’t care if it is predictable, it was as cute as a button and a great escape from the afternoon heat.
Today is going to be hot as blue blazes, and DH--glutton for punishment that he is--will be enjoying his hot sweaty afternoon out on the golf course – as for me?! I’ll be in the cool of the basement working away at this or the other!
And tonight? I’ll be drawing the winner of the free mini-windmill pattern and template! If you missed that post, you still have time to leave your comment HERE and be in the drawing!
My trim in the basement needs to be repainted too --- but after the past couple of days, I think I’ll leave that for another time. Right now? Id rather sew!
you make me want to paint!
Great teamwork! We could do with a re-paint in most of our rooms, small kids are rough on walls!
I LOVE Lowes! I made myself a quilt holder from the wall with a piece of molding from the garage, a sample of paint, and some cute dragonfly hooks from the hardware section. I go 1-2 times a week. Although, I hate going with my husband. He wonders away from me all the time.
Looks great! We are in the process of building our own house and doing it all ouselves, we are now working on the interior, lots of drywall and painting....it takes away from my quilting! LOL!
The room is looking good.....and we love it when hubby does the painting! Although, I would rather paint than sand! Have a great 4th!
I love the feeling of accomplishment I get after painting a room! When my stepson moved out we found sneaker prints on the ceiling...don't ask me why or how!
Bonnie - I thought you knew!!! All projects husbands do come with a new tool... I can tell DWH what project he worked on by each tool he bought. Some were definitely questionable to the project - but smile and bear it - and come up with a project for him to do. Judy C in NC sends her warmest (literally) wishes your way
LOL My DH's eyes glaze over everytime we pass the tools in Home Depot or Lowes. And they are both right around the corner! Yikes! :-)
Have you tried the magic erasers...awesome for getting spots of almost anything but especially those cheap white builders paint walls...but good for the scrubabble stuff too...Ille Waters swears by them...and lol so do i :>
My daughter and I painted the trim in her room this week, so I can sympathize. Oh, my poor thigh muscles were very unhappy with all the squatting that I ended up doing! Plus the tape ended up pulling some of the paint off the wall. So now I have to repaint that area, too. I would definitely rather be quilting!
Great painting job. Wanna come do mine? ; ) Julia & Tom are a great way to spend a few hours. I may see it again with my hubby.
I think my husband's middle name is "Lowe's". I am a VERY messy painter, so I leave all the painting to him. I'd rather be in my sewing room any day than painting.
I am amazed that you painted that room without a dropcloth???? Anytime I have ever painted it is a big, messy ordeal! Impressive!!
I suspect that your husband gets the same look on his face when entering a fabric/quilt store that my husband gets on his face. We call it the "fabric store face".
And you never know, he might "need" that 3 piece whatchmacallit on some other project in the near or not so near future. At least you didn't get what I got for my birthday last year: a 20 ton log splitter!!!! His story (and he's sticking to it) it that wife is the one that likes the home warm.....therefore anything he buys to support that mission is acceptable! Joy in AK
But he looks so handsome pointing to the power tools...... :o)
I have a couple rooms that need painted... can I borrow him???? It's only 88 in PA :o)
My studio is yellow with white trim, so all my friends know when they enter that it is a sunny happy place to sew. I love your idea of mixing the yellows in the quilt, it will add a little spark to the quilt.
I'm a bigger threat in the 'hardware' stores than my DH!!! I'm always finding things that he could use to make something for me :-)
Looks great! A wonderful canvas for quilts!! In Australia we have Bunnings which seems similar to Lowes! Dennis gets lost in there all the time! Maree St Clair
great job. We painted all the bedrooms this past winter. Tried to email you, but I get rejected. We ate at Olive Garden yesterday and saw Jason. we were in the bar area and that was his job for the day. had a nice chat. he is a very nice young man. you did good. take care, Vicki
The room looks great. My whole house needs fresh paint badly. Where to begin??? Maybe the spare bedroom, it has the least 'stuff' in it.
Maybe I should have a paint weekend too.;)
Nice to see Mr Quiltville in the photos!
I have to go to our hardware store with my husband now as he gets all this stuff and then never uses it! He has been known to get something and then buy the same thing a few months later!
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