
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Feet On The Ground!

So here I am, Saturday afternoon --- and I’m HOME ALONE!

I almost don’t know what to do with myself! ((Please note that I said ALMOST!))

Actually it’s more of……there are so many things that I could do, would want to do, that I have a hard time choosing.

Yesterday’s flights were hectic, but I made ALL of my connections, and my luggage made it too. Yep! the pic you see to the left is my poor road weary luggage! It sure felt strange traveling without the quilt bags--- I kept thinking I was leaving something behind!

Yesterday was full of close calls. I had 20 minutes until boarding time when I landed in Denver….run run run run run! When I got to Washington Dulles, it was the same thing…30 minutes til boarding…run run run up an escalator, down an escalator, over another passageway, down another escalator, wait for the train ((HURRY HURRY, TRAIN!!)) and MORE escalators. Is there an airport that has MORE escalators and run arounds than Dulles? I don’t think I’ve experienced one!

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When I got home……I put a little plan in motion that I’d been thinking of since I left Greensboro a week ago Thursday. Do you remember me telling you about Horace, the shoe shine guy at the Greensboro airport? And how nice it is to know him by name, and he always has a smile on his face, and loves to chat when I am waiting for my flights out? ((And it's not just ME --- he knows EVERYONE by name!))

Well, this time as I was waiting to board my flight for Greensboro ((That left over 2 hours late, so I had lots of time on my hands!)) Horace saw me walking by and said “Well, Miss Bonnie --- where are you off to THIS time? I haven’t seen you in a while!” Isn’t it nice when someone knows you by name? I explained that my last few flights had gone out around 6am, before the time he opens his booth…..and my return flights had also been late. And I’d had a few flights that brought me into the other terminal side, so I didn’t go past where his stand is.

I told him that on occasions where I had passed by late, that I’d thought of dropping him a note just to say hi! He got a big kick out of that, and this week, I put a plan in motion. I told him next time I passed his booth I would leave him a hello from me.

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I picked up a fun postcard in Sisters -----wrote a message on the back, and tucked it into his work box! I know it is the weekend, and he won’t find it til Monday, but he said that no one ever “bothers” his stuff --- so I’m hoping it is still there when he starts work on Monday. He has been shining shoes at the Greensboro airport for over 20 years. Can you imagine?

I had a huge smile on my face as I left that note --- I wonder how many people he has a positive influence on, and doesn’t even know it? It makes a HUGE difference when people take the time to know your name. I know because of this that I really REALLY try memorizing who is who in my classes…at least while I’m there. I want to know people by their names. I’m pretty good at faces --- so I’m always working at putting the names to the faces and keeping them there.

Today DH is off taking Jeff’s car back to him in Columbia, and bringing my old Saturn back up. I just did NOT feel like going on a 6 hour round trip drive today. Do you blame me? I just want to be home! It was chore enough to go out to the grocery store so there was FOOD in this house. That’s enough errands for one day!

I’m working on a pieced back for the quilt for the German magazine….pics to follow! Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!


Janet O. said...

Love what you did for Horace, the shoe shine man. A little thoughtfulness can go a long way in a person's life--especially a person that most people take for granted!
Blame you for not going on a 6 hour round trip drive?--I'm amazed you even went for groceries! Don't they have grocery delivery in your area? ; )

Jeanne said...

Very thoughtful thing to do for Horace. I bet he gets a kick out of it. It will make his day.
Glad you made it home okay. Looking forward to more pictures.

Mary said...

Glad you made all your connections! Getting a day alone will come more often with Jeff living away from home now. My Jeff left this past week after being home on Leave. It's so quiet now. Just me and my Quilt Zone to myself- nice...

Jacqui's Quilts said...

LOVE the story about Horace...just makes your day eh to meet people like that!

Jacqui in Canada

Debbie said...

I think we need more Bonnies and Horaces in this world! What a wonderful story and nudge to me to try and be one. Glad you made it home safe and sound. Love sharing your travels.

Amy Laura said...

You are so very kind, Bonnie. Thanks for sharing your Horace story, it makes me want to go perform a Random Act of Kindness! Enjoy your day to yourself....

Barb in Mi said...

How nice - I am sure Horace will be thrilled on Monday!
Please keep us posted on when your German Magazine quilt is being published. Need to get my dad (!!) to buy & send me a copy. Not knowing anything about quilting, he bought a (German) Kaffe book and mailed it to me - even my mom was stunned.

sewkalico said...

I hope his card is there for him on Monday!

Lori said...

How sweet to give back a little for his generous hellos....

Unknown said...

Yes, you are absolutely right, it makes a difference when someone cares to remember my name. It is a sign of respect and tolerance, and gives a sense of value. I really like your post :).

KatieQ said...

When I worked in Manhattan, I used the Port Authority Bus Terminal on 42nd St. Every day I would see the same friendly gentleman at his shoe shine stand. I stopped working to have my son and he was not there my last week before maternity leave so I never got to say goodbye. I never thought of leaving a note.

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Often times it is the smallest gestures that make the biggest impact and you and Horace are beautiful examples of that. Let's hope it's contagious!

bunbear said...

that was a really sweet thing you did for horace! very cool!

Kim said...

Welcome home!
Have a restful time in your own space!
Next time you see Horace take his picture ( or do they say make his picture in your neck of the south?) and tell him you are gonna share it with all of us :0).

Happy Sewing Miss Bonnie

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