
Thursday, July 07, 2011

Farmer’s Market, Anyone?

Yes, I’m filling up the “auto post” capability to be sure you don’t miss me too much while I’m gone! I know it will be a few days before I can post anything about the Sisters Oregon Quilt Show…..and these are things I didn’t get to post before leaving…so I’m spacing them out!

On our way home from the movies on Sunday, we stopped at the Farmer’s Market for some sweet corn. I’d never been before, even though I’d passed it hundreds of times --- it’s right off the interstate on my way to the airport and back. What an amazing place! ALL of those blue-roofed buildings were full of good stuff!

I was blown away at the wonderful array of fresh fruits and veggies-- The market is HUGE!

Of course, it was Peach and Watermelon and Corn season ----

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I loved just seeing how things are displayed! There is really an art to that…..you don’t want your produce just priced right, PRESENTATION is everything! TRUE!?

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Black Berries and Golden Queen Corn! YUMMY!!!

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A wide array of different squashes…..aren’t the colors wonderful?

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LOVE the beautiful sunflowers! I didn’t bring any home because I am not going to be here to enjoy them….but Sunflowers are a favorite!

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Look at these gorgeous peaches!! Is your mouth watering yet? Mine is…I can just feel the peach fuzz as I bite into one, and wipe the juice dripping from my chin!

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THIS is what we came for! I tell you, I remember buying corn in summer where it was 8 ears for $1.00 at the store. It was 12 ears for $5.00 at the farmer’s market --- but we gladly paid it. THIS was the best corn I remember having in a long long time…..the kernels were white and sweet and just popped off the cob when you bit into them.

Is there anything else that brings back childhood memories like chomping on an ear of sweet corn dripping with butter, salt and pepper? ((And put some Slap Yo Mama on it if you want a really tasty treat!))

We enjoyed the corn along with some grilled steaks, and finished up the evening with a beautiful watermelon that we had chilled in the fridge.

I’ll definitely be visiting the Piedmont Triad Farmers Market again!


Janet O. said...

Wow, that puts out little local farmer's market to shame! I love fresh produce, but our growing season is short and most of our produce won't be ready for some time. We grow a small garden with herbs, corn, squash, watermelon, cantalope, cukes, peppers, raspberries, strawberries, carrots, lettuce, onions and tomatoes. (Sounds like a lot, but we don't have too much of any of it.) Just harvested the first strawberries yesterday. Nothing can beat the taste of a berry right off the plant!

regan said...

Wow, Bonnie! Our Farmer's market is 4 pop-up tents.....and a couple of tables out in the open! I could have spent all day at yours! And all that produce looked SO good! Can't wait for ours to come in! It will be a while still! Here in New England, the saying for corn is...."Knee high by the 4th of July!"....and ours was....so we won't be eating any until at least the middle of August! Can't wait! :o)

Nanna said...

I love the Piedmont Triad Farmer's Market! Everything is so good and fresh there!

nancy said...

oh my, I had to look up what "Slap yo mama" was. Never heard of it before. That is a funny name for a seasoning mix. Never seen in California and definitely not in Japan where I'm originally from.

June said...

Those peaches look so inviting as here it is the middle of winter, New Zealand, and how wonderful they are sold by the bushel!! We have gone totally metric. Now I have that song on my brain - "I love you a bushel and a peck....."

Anonymous said...

Where is the "JEALOUS" button anyway? Growing season in Alaska does not allow for such wonderful things as Peaches. That's one of the things I really miss from living in Orchard country....but we do have killer cabbages here!
Hope your trip is going well. Joy

Anonymous said...

What is Slap Yo Mama? I grew up in Ohio and have never heard of it...I must live a sheltered life? LOl...
Have a great time in Oregon...

Terri in st. Louis

kfr14819 said...

I, too have never heard of Slap Yo Mama - is it a Southern thing???
Farmers Market - great, aren't they? We're lucky to have quite a few all over town in Omaha, NE. Need to start frequenting them. Thanks for the reminder!

quiltmom anna said...

Those are glorious sunflowers and what yummy looking peaches- We have been enjoying some corn too but the best season for corn here is late August when we get corn from the southern part of my home province of Alberta.
Have fun at Sisters- I am sure it will be a grand time.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bonnie! I had to smile when I saw that you'd put Slap Ya Mama on your corn. :) Try it on an avocado - heaven! Sue W. said she saw you when she was in Humble, and you gave her a big hug. It made her day. :) Let me know if you need another can (case?) of SYM. ha If your followers are unfamiliar with it, it's the basic seasoning from Ville Platte, LA that I (and many other Cajuns) cook with. It makes your food taste so good, it'll make you want to "Slap ya mama!" Maybe that phrase is just a Cajun thing? I still hear guild members in Beaumont commenting about your presentation and workshops. Crumbs and letters are showing up in quilts. :)

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