
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hello, Tuesday!

How did it GET to be Tuesday already? I’m not quite sure, but let’s just say that Sunday, as a day off, flew by while I enjoyed the Florida sunshine and surroundings!

The street scene you see here is of Ybor City, where we went for dinner Sunday evening...that part of this post continues further down the page, so continue reading!

I missed a whole day of posting yesterday ((Monday)) as I was just NOT here to write!

Could be I just NEEDED a time out for this?

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I took some time out Sunday afternoon for a massage – and though it sounds blissful, and mostly was…my main objective was some deep tissue work because of a knot in my right hamstring that has been causing me issues. It really bothered me after my walk/jog Sunday morning…and I just didn’t want to deal with it the rest of this week, so I planned myself a visit. I have a membership to the Massage Envy in Winston Salem, and what I like about it is that I can visit any massage envy anywhere, so it works with my travels. The therapist was great…even if she did bring me to the point of tears a time or two! It’s 2 days later now, and I can really feel the difference.

It’s like this…..our cars need oil changes, lubes and filters, tires rotated, etc to keep running. Our bodies need the same. You gotta take care of it to keep it functional. I use my body hard. It’s not just about pampering, but maintaining function as well!

I chose THIS location in St Petersburg, because it was only 4 miles from THIS:

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White sands, gorgeous aqua blue ocean, dark blue sky…..and a bit of room just for me to do this:

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Are you tired of seeing my legs?!? I planned this so beach time happened between 4-6 pm when the sun is not so intense. I can’t do more than 2 hours….I don’t EVER sit still for that long! But I read my kindle, I dipped into the ocean and out again….read some more…got really HOT…and went way deep swimming! It really was nice.

Sunday evening I had a dinner date with Bev and her hubby! We went out to Tampa’s Ybor City and walked the historic streets before enjoying our dinner at a Greek place….

Look at these hexagon sidewalks!!

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Some of them even have names and dedications on them, so you can purchase your own little part of the sidewalk and say what you want to say. There were quotes, inscriptions, names and dates, and memorials for loved ones long gone. Some of the sidewalks had white on black..and others:

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Black on white!! I think you can see the name and date on this one….lower left hand corner.

It was a very fun place! We dipped into the Columbia restaurant for refreshments and to look around! The décor was beautiful!


You have to walk through….just to see the tile work inside, it was incredible! The Columbia was established in 1905 and has quite the history in this area.

We eventually ended up at our Greek Place…the Acropolis Taverna! We walked right in to find a couple of guys who were playing Greek music and supplying just the right ambiance. The food was terrific, and we were also entertained by THIS lovely……do you know how hard it is to get a picture of a belly dancer that is NOT blurry? LOL!!

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Almost got the skirt in motion there! Maybe we should try it one more time!

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It was just really fun, and the food was great! After this big adventure – the massage, the beach, the trip out to Ybor City for dinner…I was asleep by 10:30pm!! Which was really okay….I had to be up for a Love Shack workshop, followed by dinner out, followed by an evening lecture…..and I needed my sleep!

I’ve still got pics of the workshop to edit down….that will have to wait til next post! And this morning I’m moving on to Sebring for my 1pm lecture there…time to pack up the hotel room and move on to the next town!


Saska said...

Looks like lots of FUN to me! Glad you're having a good time.

Crunchy Diva said...

what a fun place. i have to agree massages are IMPORTANT! i have osteo-arthritis in my right hip, and get a massage at least once a month. the greek restaurant looked like a fun place. i belly dance & my boyfriend says the same thing hard to get a picture of me that isn't blurry...lol. the hexagon sidewalks were are very cool.

Teresa in Music City said...

So lovely to spend a leisurely Tuesday morning with you and a cup of tea! Thanks for sharing Florida with us - Have a great day Bonnie! =^..^=

Judi said...

The Columbia is one of my favorite restaurants. Their signature salad is to die for. I can't complain about the white sangria either!!!

Jackie gilbert said...

Sounds like you had a great day! I'm with you on the massage-I go to ME too, and consider it as important as getting my hair trimmed- keeps me in shape especially after long hours at the sewing machine! Love the hexagons, too!

Qpatches said...

REALLY NEAT...something has been CALLING me to FL...been there many times over yrs with 2 sisters living down there...your pic's make me want to be THERE NOW!! THANKS...OH and MASSAGE sounds like heaven now!!

Jeanne said...

Sounds like you are having a good time. Doesn't the hexagon walkway make you want to start a new quilt? Very inspiring!

Kim said...

Maybe you can take a spin on the race track in Sebring!
Oh those beaches look terrific.......cool and rainy here in Pokeytown.
Have a great time, safe travels Bonnie

Happy Sewing

Deb A said...

Glad you are enjoying the beach. We were just down there at Sank Key in Clearwater... and ate at the Columbia the day before we left! Aahhhh... I miss the beach walks, warm water and the sound of the surf already. I may have to grab some blue,teal batiks and play a bit.

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