
Friday, June 10, 2011

Australian Homespun Give-Away!


I was in the process of packing the car for my Florida trip…and look what the postman brought!

It’s the box containing my Jamestown Landing quilt, and the 3 additional issues for this Giveaway!!

This poor box looks like it has come a long way, doesn’t it!? And it HAS! All the way TO Australia, and back again!

I was thinking that I wouldn’t be able to do this until I RETURNED from Florida, but you know what? Since I am hitting the road early and will be on the road all day, it seemed like the perfect time to just throw this out to you!

jamestownlanding 005

And since Sunday is my “Day Off” on this trip….you have until Sunday to get your comments in! I’ll draw the winners while on the road and mail them to you from Florida, wherever I am…how’s that?

jamestownlanding 006

I don’t want to run an essay contest. I’m not going to ask that you leave a comment that states your favorite quilt ever, or your niftiest gadget or technique that changed your quilting life forever, but what I would like is that if you are NOT already a Quiltville facebook friend, that you would leave your comment below, AND also click LIKE on our facebook widget over there in the right hand side panel ------>

I’d love to have you as a friend! It’s a great way to keep connected, and it’s lots of fun!

Feel free to repost this Giveaway on your own blogs, on your own facebook page or email list.


My thanks go to Australian Homespun Magazine for the Give Away copies --- And for the wonderful job they did on the article, the quilt directions, diagrams and the beautiful photography!

Good Luck, Y’all! This issue could be yours! Just leave your comment below!

Happy Quilting!


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Beth said...

I would really love to win a copy of that magazine with your wonderful quilt in it. I am a facebook fan already and a follower of your blog.

Jennifer said...

GORGEOUS QUILT!!! I would love a chance to win the pattern/magazine. I've been following you on Facebook and blog for sometime now. Love hearing about all your adventures in creativity! Cheers!!

DonnaJ said...

Bonnie .. Your quilt is beautiful, as usual, and I'd love one of those magazines...

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

i would LOVE to win a copy of the magazine - but I'm not "into" the Facebook stuff so will pass on that part. Once again, I know I have a snowball's chance of winning - but I'm entering the contest anyway. I LOVE your quilts and patterns!! ^..^

Remembrances said...

This looks like a wonderful magazine! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Carolyn said...

I am already a fan on facebook and I would love to have a copy of that magazine!

Katrin said...

Hi Bonnie!
I´m not a FB - Friend but a follower of your blog.
I like your posts very much ( sometimes I miss a translater because of my awfull english) but mostly I understand! :o)
Have a nice trip!
Oh before I forget: I would like to win a Homespun very much.

Sunny greetings from Germany!

Rita said...

OOhh I love this magazins!! My english is not so good, and I don't understand not always all words, but the pictures says all!
I follow you on Google-Bloggers;)
So I wish you a good Week and best wishes froh switzerland, Hugs, Rita

bea langeweg said...

love giveaways. special if it is a great magazine
thanks ,now keep my fingers crossed to win it
solanumt@shockware.com in canada

Linda in PA said...

I'd love to win a copy of this magazine, but I'm not on facebook. (We had some issues and closed our accounts.) I really like your quilt and am a fan of blue. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie,
Congratulations! I wonder if you ever thought your work would be so well known? You are definitely an INTERNATIONAL sensation! What a STAR you are! I would love to win a copy of this magazine as it is difficult to find it here in our stores. Again congratulations.


Mrs. Sew and Sew - Karen said...

I am already a follower and a facebook fan! Thanks for the giveaway. Safe trip my friend!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt. I love following your blog and your adventures. Sometimes I am exhausted just reading about everything you have done. You are living life to the fullest.

Smeek said...

Look forward to a chance at this magazine.
THanks for sharing.

DebA said...

Love, Love, Love your creativity! This quilt looks great. I would love to have a copy of this magazine.

Jeanne said...

Love your blog and now I officially "Like" it too.

I don't have my own blog but my email is jlgrabowski@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

How fun! Thanks for the chance to win! I do like you on FB, too!

Cherie in St Louis said...

I haven't a prayer of winning a magainze with all the comments you've gotten already and will receive by Sunday, but I want to say congratulations for making it into a down under publication :)

Unknown said...

I would love to win one of these magazines, but I already follow you on Facebook. Have a great time in sunny Florida. Marianne

Laura said...

Blues, neutrals, AND strings!! Oooohhh this is going to be a fun one! I would certainly like you on facebook if I could, but I am not a member.
I met you last week at the Woodlands Guild meeting...I was the one who was waiting outside afterwards for my daughter to pick up. Looks like we both made it home OK! :-) Have fun in Florida!

Carol said...

Love all things blue. And baby Michelle is a precious doll.

YankeeQuilter said...

Love the photo of your quilt in the magazine!

A quilting technique that "changed my life?" It would have to be finally conquering applique! Don't know why I was so intimidated...now I love it!

Mary said...

I clicked on the "like" button but I'm not sure anything happened. I will try again later.
I would love a copy of the magazine. Your quilt is gorgeous!
Hope you have a great time in Florida.

Anonymous said...

Feeling lucky! Love your patterns. Thanks a bunch!

Anonymous said...

what a win this would be to have your published quilt come to me in such a wonderful magazine.
diane in MN

Anonymous said...

Bonnie - I love your quilts and ideas. I was lucky to see you at the Newington, CT seminar and I went home hooked on scrap quilts. I have tons of fabric and wasn't sure where to start. With a new blade in the cutter - I've been cutting like crazy ever since. I would love to have one of these special magazines. Thank you so much! MaryQuilts

Jittina said...

I'm not on Facebook, but I "like" you nevertheless! I would love to win a copy of the magazine.

Jittina, the Netherlands

quilt cookie said...

would love to win the magazine and your quilt is GREAT!!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Another beautiful "Bonnie" quilt. I really, really like this one. I'd sure like to win an issue of the Australian Homespun magazine too. I haven't seen it before but always liked Australian Patchwork & Quilting...gorgeous pics of quilts.

Bjwalsh101 said...

Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine

Anonymous said...

MaryQuilts says:

Hello Bonnie - I am not on facebook, and just posted a comment to tell you how impressed I am with your wonderful work and facinating life. I guess I should leave my e-mail - in case I get lucky enough to win a magazine. I just love your work!! I was so totally inpressed at your seminar in Newington, CT Thank you! msully24@sbcglobal.net

Wanda said...

Thanks Bonnie for the give away. I really would love to see this magazine up close and personal. I've been thinking of subscribing to it but really wanted to see it first.

I already "like" your facebook page! :)


Anonymous said...

Hello i am a quilter long way from you but in the siber spayce near you hugs from sweden märit

Kathy said...

I've liked you on facebook for a long time. Thanks for a chance to win the giveaway.

Amy said...

I would love to win, it's a great quilt and fantastic photo shoot!

merrily row said...

Been a facebook friend and a goggle reader follower for a while. Making your blue ridge beauty for my sister-in-law as we speak using my brother's shirts, he died from cancer three weeks ago. She loves the pattern and the thought of sleeping under his shirts.

Jan said...

Yes, Yes, Yes! Pick me, Pick me. Already your friend on facebook and blog. Always look forward to your post.

Pati said...

I would love to have to have a copy of this magazine, but more importantly, I would love a copy of this pattern. Are you going to publish this pattern anywhere else?

Linda said...

I'm guessing I am already a FB friend, but I'll go check - and if not I'll "like" you! LOL
Nice magazine!

Jan said...

Thanks for the chance to win this magazine with your wonderful pattern in it. I'm grateful to you for your website and blog---I have used your patterns in the past and am always pleased with them! Keep up the good work!!

Jennifer said...

I would love a copy!

Amy said...

Thanks for posting the give-away. Pick me, pick me!

Anonymous said...

Would love to have a copy of the magazine. Love your blog and read it every day. Thanks for including me in your giveaway.

Jeanne said...


Do you ever sing that song "On the Road Again"? You are such a busy lady.
Jeanne in CT

Linda said...

I'm a magazine-a-holic....I'd love to have a copy of this one.

Hilda said...

I don't do Facebook either, but I sure enjoy your blog. Looks like a great magazine. Me, me, pick me!

Maude said...

I'd love a copy of this magazine !!

Leah Spencer said...

Toss my name in, I've never heard of this magazine before.

Vanya said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Read your blog faithfully each day. Thanks for the inspiration! Enjoy the beach!

hared said...

I would LOVE to win this magazine! Thanks for all you do! As some others have said, I don't do Facebook, but I definitely "Like" Quiltville and Quiltville Quips and Snips and YOU!! :-)

Gina in Missouri

Anonymous said...

I would love to receive a copy of this magazine. Thanks for ALL you do!


Becca said...

I'd love to be in the draw-it's always fun to see a new quilting magazine. I'm already a facebook fan and keep up with you there.

Lisa said...

Bonnie, My favorite quilt is a hexagon flower garden in the traditional, old-fashioned flower design pattern. The arthritis in the hands makes it hard to bind a quilt so I don't see myself making one, but I do love seeing the design you are working on and your progress. I don't facebook....maybe someday when/if I have g-kids photos on it. :) Lisa-Alaska

Anonymous said...

I also love blue quilts and would love to get this magazine.


Susie said...

beautiful quilt and beautiful setting for the picture.

Katherine said...

You do some amazing quilts! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Laurie said...

I would love to see the details of this beautiful quilt :) thanks for a chance to win! Laurie


Tamie said...

I like you ( and have for awhile) and would love to win a copy of this magazine.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, you did it again! I LOVE the quilt. I follow your blog and just might have to join facebook...I'd be so excited to win!


Karen M said...

I would love to win the magazine. I am loving following your blogs and checking out your website.

Maribeth said...

I love this quilt and would love to win the magazine!

Cathy said...

I would love to win a copy of the magazine. I'm friends on both your facebook pages as well as a follower on your blog. I just adore you and your quilts. Have a great time in Florida. Hugs

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this give away. This Homespun looks great again.
I hope you'll have a safe and great trip.
Dutch hugs,

PS now I gotta find out how to add you as a friend on Facebook :-)

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

I'm already your friend on Facebook and would love to win this magazine because I love blue & white, this quilt, and string blocks.


(But my Facebook is under my real name.)

Shelley said...


Judy in Michigan said...

I would love to win a magazine especially since it has the pattern for your gorgeous quilt. Thanks and I do LIKE you !!

Marla Southers said...

Love the quilt! Would love the magazine!

Lin said...

The quilt I'm working on is my favorite quilt at the time!

Anonymous said...

I love this quilt and the magazines look wonderful! Stay cool in Florida!

Dinah said...

I have reserved a copy of this magazine but would love to win it! I am a follower and "liked" you on your blog but am not on Facebook. I love to see everything that is Bonnie Hunter! Congratulations on the Australian magazine spread and thank you for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy!
elley at zakula dot com

Frieda said...

I would love to win one of the magazines. Your quilt looks amazing. I read your blog regularly and will now go friend you on facebook.

Anonymous said...

I am a follower on FB and I would love to have the magazine. Thanks for the opportunity to win one.

Diane kat438@gmail.com

Kd Brown said...

I already like Quiltville on Facebook. Congratulatons on this accomplishment. It looks like a great magazine!

Linda (Petey) said...

Awesome is the word for the magazine, quilt, and you, Bonnie. Have followed you for a long time, but will become your friend too!

Marcia W. said...

Hi! You are visiting my home state of Florida - perhaps you can swing by our house and leave a copy of the magazine! Your quilt is wonderful. Please enter me into the drawing for a copy of Homespun. We liked you on FB under my Mom's name (Margaret mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com)

Diane said...

I have already friended you on facebook and enjoy your posts. Have a safe trip!!

WoolenSails said...

I love the australian magazines, lots of unique projects in them.
I liked you on facebook!


Eileen said...

Wow, 278 postings! I saw your beach pic on FB! Very, very cool, Bonnie. The first time on a beach each year is so special-watching the waves, digging your toes in the sand, feeling the sun hitting places that have been covered all winter. MMMM..............
Have a great trip!!

Potpourri said...

Congratulations on your international article, you really are a world-class designer and quilter. If I am not selected for a magazine I'll keep my eyes peeled for one in a few months time at the newsstand.

GeeGee said...

The only way I could become an owner of this magazine would be to win it, thanks for giving me a chance. Have a safe trip, I know it will be enjoyable!

Loris said...

Hi Bonnie, Well, alas, I'm not on Facebook so I can't friend you there...but I do look for your blog posts and enjoy your friendliness there :-)
Have a wonderful trip!

Sue DeHaan said...

Bonnie, As a real homebody quilter, I've enjoyed following your travels, it looks like a lot of fun! I'd be happy to follow you on FB, too. Hopefully I'll have better luck with that than getting blogger to let me post this comment!

Sandra Coleman Clarke said...

Hi Bonnie, Love your blog and congratulations on being in the Aussie Magazine. I am already a friend on facebook.

Patty in NV said...

Gorgeous quilt..would love to win a copy of the magazine!! Love your blog and it has encouraged me to walk and enjoy nature more. :)
Patty in NV

Jindi's Cottage said...

Please don't count me in the giveaway as I don't need to win the magazine as being an Aussie I got to pick up my copy when it hit our newsagents on Wednesday morning...couldn't wait until after work, had to get it on the way...and your quilt is gorgeous...love love love it...
And I don't do the Facebook thing otherwise I'd click for you...
Good luck to everyone, I'm sure whoever wins a copy will be very happy...

Louise said...

Bonnie - I love your quilts and have been a fan for a few years now. I would TREASURE a copy of that magazine! I also pressed the "like" button.
Enjoy your Florida trip!

Anonymous said...

Let's see: in my favorites --
Quiltville.com ? check
Quiltville blog? check
Quiltville FB page? check
Quiltville Yahoo group? check
Made a Bonnie K. Hunter quilt already? Check (2)
Implemented the "Bonnie Hunter cutting" system for my scrap pieces? check
Use Leaders and Enders when I quilt? check
Signed up for the Quilt Camp in October in Maine? check
Stalker? probably could be considered that.... In spite of these things, I love your quilts and enjoy your blog tremendously. Have a safe trip to an from FL, Bonnie. Looking forward to October.
Faye Bushey, abusyquilter@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for you generosity, both with the giveaway and with your patterns. They are so easy to follow!

Deanna in KY

Vivian said...

What a great give away!

Mariel said...

I would absolutely love to win this mag! I am already friends with you on FB and read your blog every day! Thanks for all the sharing you do. You are so kind to us quilters!

Patti said...

Good idea with FB! I'll pop on over there when I'm finished here. Have a good trip to Florida with lots of fun there too!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt! I'd love to have the pattern.
Sharon - ssauser@dishmail.net

Heirlooms by Ashton House said...

Congrats on having your beautiful quilt featured in the magazine. And thanks so much for the kind giveaway.

kwilta said...

All the quilts you make Bonnie encourage me to feel thats one I must make. Would love to be a lucky recipient of one of the mags.

Katrin said...

Hi Bonnie!
I wish you a nice trip, enjoy it!
I´m not a FB friend but I follow your blog since a few weeks. It´s great! I can´t understand everything ( sometimes I miss a translater) but mostly it´s ok.
And yes, I also would like to win an Australian Homespun! :o))

Greetings from Germany!

Anonymous said...

I love the Australian Magazines and your quilts. What a deal that would be to win.

judyjj said...

Love your quilts! I am in a scrappy mode these days. And already a FB " like". Thanks for this opportunity!

Carolyn in Kentucky said...

I am already a friend on Facebook. I would love to win a copy of this magazine.

Melody Ann said...

I have only been quilting for 3 1/2 years but have sewn most of my life. Quilting was a whole new way of sewing for me. My favorite quilt so far is RRCB. It taught me so much more about quilting that I would not have experienced otherwise. I have never made hst or sewn using paper. I would never have succeeded at the 600 hst if it were not for using the paper template. I am kind of anal about my sewing/quilting and the paper template helped to keep my hst square. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of this magazine, your quilt is beautiful.

rockgranny said...

I'm already a follower - I really enjoy reading your posts!

Jantine said...

I would LOVE to get my hands on this magazine to have a proper look at your quilts and other things...

KaHolly said...

It's a beautiful quilt! And I'm sure an awesome magazine. Those Australians do things right over there!!! I already am a follower of your blog, but I don't do facebook. ~karen

Love Of Quilts said...

I would love to win this magazine. Trish

Anonymous said...

Let's see, in my "Favorites" are:
Quiltville.com? check
Quiltville blog? check
Quiltville on FB? check
Quiltville Yahoo group?
Made a Bonnie K Hunter designed quilt? check (2)
Use the Bonnie Hunter Leaders and Enders method? check
Use the Bonnie Hunter "scraps to stash" system? check
Attending Quilt Camp in Maine with Bonnie Hunter? check (Can't wait for October!)
Love the blog entries, Bonnie, have learned a lot from you and you entertain us with your many journeys. Love the new quilt in the Aussie mag. Keep up the good work. Have a great time in FL
Faye Bushey abusyquilter@yahoo.com

Nancy quiltin' momma said...

Hi Bonnie, I did not know that Homespun magazine even existed! It would be great to see it and of course because you are being featured in it! Love your quilts and your quilting adventures!

Anonymous said...

Love the new pattern. Would like a copy of the magazine.

Carole D

~Kris~ said...

I definitely like Quiltville and now we are friends on Facebook! How neat.

bistry said...

Love the new quilt and would like a chance to win the magazine. Already a facebook friend.

Carole Diehl

Judi said...

I so love reading your blog, Bonnie. Hoping to get to meet you in person someday.

Melissa Labella said...

Just love following your blog. Don't know how you find the time! Keep up the great work and congratulations on being published in Australia. How fun!

Helen in the UK said...

I'd love to be included in the draw for the magazine. I'm already a follower of your blog, but am not on Facebook. Hope that's ok :)

Barb in Mi said...

Love the quilt - and now I like you on FB. Have fun in Forida!

Mommarock said...

Well, I hope you are asking for the favorite one we have ever made, I don't want to sound conceited. I am so pleased with the completion of my hexagon quilt top. It isn't a whole quilt, but I just finished the top yesterday.. with some last minute changes, and I am so very excited!! I just love it!

Helen in Switzerland said...

It looks like a great magazine - please put me in the draw - I have my fingers crossed!!

Denise said...

The quilt on the cover of Homespun is beautiful. But then I love all your quilts. Looking forward to following along on Facebook. By the way, the baby is an angel!

babiesdoc said...

please sign me up for your give away


M.E. Hubbard said...

My son has worked for the last hour getting me set up so that I could post this comment....and also commented that I'd darn sure better win one!!!

Carla G said...

I already like you on facebook! :) Thanks for a great giveaway!

Blogless me said...

This is such a lovely quilt - fresh and warm at the same time. Maybe you'll consider including it in the giveaway as a bonus treat ;-).

MaryBeth said...

I've been following your blog for a while now and really enjoy your adventures. Have fun in FL and thanks for the chance to win.

Mary said...

I am already a Facebook friend, love the quilt on the mag cover. I've been to Barnes and Noble 3 x already looking for the mag! They do carry it, but this issue is not yet on the shelves. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

C'mon lucky 323!

Jeane said...

I probably won't qualify because I don't have Facebook. I follow your blog and have done 4 of your mystery quilts. Your designs are the best.

Carlapatch said...

Hi Bonnie, great day at the beach. Believe it, is very cold here now, at Brazil's south... I really would like to win the quilt you did but, if it is not in the contest, the magazine is wonderful too,and I can do it by myself!

lori said...

Love the quilt...and would love to get a copy of the magazine. Looks like a really good one. :-)
crossing my fingers

miss-linny said...

The best tool I have ever learned to use is a rotary cutter

Anonymous said...

I love that quilt.

I'm not on facebook and never plan to be on facebook. I'm kind of old fashioned and don't like all my info everywhere on the net. I like to stay a woman of mystery!

Cathy L

Note: blogger keeps taking me in circles when I try to leave a comment so posting as anonymous.


Ptquilter said...

The quilt is gorgeous. Would love to win the magazine. As always, thanks for being so generous.

Anonymous said...

Your quilt in this magazine is just beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.



Anonymous said...

What a beautiful country-blue quilt! Thanks for the giveaway. Of course I'd love to win!

Bekah R. said...

Love the Quilt! And I really like the blue border!

Anonymous said...

great quilt magazine- interesting as it is from another country.enjoy your swim

Terri said...

I would love to win. I am already a FB follower of yours. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I love Australian stitchery!

Ray said...

Hi Bonnie, I'd love to win one of the "give away" copies. I've always loved your patterns and am so very happy for you and all your successes!!!!

Maja said...

This is a wonderful quilt. I love your scrappy designs and I would love to have this magazin.
Enjoy Florida and come back well.
Maja from Germany

jagarland said...

gorgeous quilt Bonnie. hopefully one day, you'll publish it in a US magazine on on our quiltville list.
Joan in GA

Shirley said...

Every quilt I make is my fav so how do I decide? I guess double delight since it was my first BH quilt. However RRCB is wonderful also. But I'm going to choose Christmas lights. It is the best I have made and beautiful. TY Bonnie Yes I follow every move you made. Shirley sbartee@msn.com

sarman said...

The anticipation is building


Katie said...

Ooooo. Love it! I have a bucket load of blue and neutral triangles left over from another project just waiting to be used! :-)

SandyG said...

The quilt is beautiful. Would love to have the magazine and make this quilt for my son.

Ann said...

Nothing says comfort like a wonderful quilt to snuggle with. Thanks for the chance to win this magazine my FB friend.

Gale said...

Bonnie, I've made so many wonderful comments and google doesn't want me to post any of them! Argh! I'll say once again I love you and I want this magazine and now I'll fight the computer once again.

HelenMarie said...

The jamestown landing quilt looks awesome! I would love to win a copy of the homespun magazine so I can make one myself. I have some shirts and strips remaining from the RRCB string blocks and I had such fun making them! I know this one will be fun too! Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

Sherry said...

Bonnie, LOVE the quilt! My family roots are in the Jamestown, VA, area. Can't wait to make this one!

Sherry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sherry said...

Bonnie, LOVE that quilt! My family roots are in the Jamestown, VA, area. Can't wait to make this one. Will be hitting your Facebook button also.

Anonymous said...

I'm already a fan on Facebook. Love the new quilt in the Autralian magazine. Would love to win a copy! I would follow your color recipe exactly because I love the colors you used. Safe travels! Sally in SC jspwarren@aol.com

Susan said...

love a giveaway - and I'm a sucker for a great magazine!

Candace said...

I'd love a copy, and you could hand deliver it, I'm in Florida, lol. Hope to be at your Lakeland Trunk show/lecture.

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy of the Australian magazine to see what it is all about, as well as getting your pattern in this one.
bgk44 @ msn.com

ekbuckeye said...

Kudos for having one of your pretties in the Aussie magazine!

edakid said...

I am a follower and would love the chance to win a copy of this beautiful magazine...thanks, Edna

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful quilt, Bonnie!
Donna D., Hemet, CA
ladynredd2003 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Now, what I should do is just go to the Newsagent up the road and BUY the magazine. LOL. But I would just so love to win it! Your blog is so inspiring, and sometimes so funny. Spend too much time reading about you and your exploits, and not enought time sewing. Dasha

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