
Friday, May 20, 2011

Hotel Quilting!

First off, I didn’t buy that red/cheddar quilt. It was $400, and I’d already spent my limit on the hand crank sewing machine! ((And I am over the moon for the hand crank, so I don’t feel like I missed out by NOT buying the quilt! See yesterday's post for pics of this new beauty in my collection! ))

I did plan ahead for this trip. I’ve got some deadlines and projects were packed up with me….the intent? To sew in between my meetings in the hotel room and make good use of the time in the evenings as well!

I made reservations for my room at a La Quinta in Chattanooga….but you know, it’s HARD to tell from online descriptions!

My Queen room was the tiniest thing I’d ever been in! Literally! You could walk around the bed…there was a small night stand on either side…but That was IT!

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How am I going to set up for sewing in here? The desk is too tall with that chair that doesn’t raise…and I had my sew ezi table with me…..

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I found that I could put the table along one side of the bed….but look at where the chair is? I am literally up against the window unit! Still..how much space does one girl need really? It’s just ONE NIGHT right?

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So, I’m kind of wedged in, but I have a view of the TV….I have my hot water “in the cup” tea maker, so I enjoyed that, some snacks, some episodes of NCIS and I worked on the baby quilt!

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The bed became my design surface as I finished all the blocks and laid them out!

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I cut sashings from leftover strips and pieces, and cut cornerstones out of the black on white FQs that I had brought with me!

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I got as far as the “webbing of the top” stage before it was time to hit the road! This way it was easy to pick up, pack up, and I’ll be able to sew it in my NEW hotel room this evening…..

I’m now in Huntsville AL! We had a great evening last night for the guild meeting, I never laughed so hard in my whole life DURING a lecture!

A great night’s sleep, and this evening I’m all set to sew in my NEW space!

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It feels absolutely spacious compared to the night before! LOL! The top is right there, ready to sew the rows together…

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I just wonder what the maids think when they come into a room that has quilt stuff spread all over!

I’m off to teach a Texas Braid workshop this morning…there is more to upload about yesterday’s time in Chattanooga and my drive on down to Huntsville…might be able to do an “evening edition” post tonight!

Until then..have a great Friday!


Nancy said...

well...when you use your only bed for a design wall it does motivate you to get it to the web stage!! lol

Mary said...

Your sew-EZ table looks great, and iron table right there too. I will definately take a table with me next road trip. I had to got thrift shopping for a side table last time. Glad you got the hand crank machine.

Janet O. said...

I want to know how many trips it takes from your car to your room to bring in all of the sewing gear? I hope you never have to park too far away from your room!

Denise :) said...

Bonnie, we *so* enjoyed your presentation last night! I think the highlight of the evening (laughter wise) may have been the "bigger than a fat quarter" comment. I'm still laughing over that one! I do believe I'll blog about it (along with the corresponding photo) today. Marvelous, marvelous job. Not only were you very entertaining, but I learned an awful lot. Kudos and safe travels!!! :)

Jodi said...

It's so pretty! I love how you quilt whenever, wherever! That's my motto!

Anonymous said...

The lecture last nigth was great Bonnie!! Thanks so much for coming to Huntsville. Not a scrap quilter myself...I confess I am a buyer of those..uggh...Jelly Rolls! Hehe! I do save my scraps for a wonderful friend who is a scrapper. No I am wondering....should I do it?? Can I?? Thanks again and I will see you in class on Sunday and Monday.

Kim said...

Well I have been in smaller hotel rooms but not in this country! Love the way you make the best of it and just keep smiling. Thanks for spreading your quilting sunshine all over us.

I know those Huntsville girls are gonna have a ball in your workshops.

Safe travels and Happy sewing

Idaho Quilter said...

Girl you do get around, I would have not paid the light bill to bring home that sewing machine great treasure you found. I enjoy your travels as always. I also worry about you being on the road so much by your self. Be safe.

Wendi said...

I'm not anywhere near you lectures spots, but I did enjoy this Hotel sewing adventure. You amaze me!

Jocelyn said...

The last time we stayed at La Quinta we said NO MORE!! It was on our trip to Paducah, and we were SO disappointed. The only other time we were this disappointed in a room was in a Jamison in Perry! XXXXX Nope, not us!

Miki Willa said...

I just wanted to let you know how much I always enjoy your travel posts. I love seeing your antique shop finds and reading about your other adventures. Thank you for sharing your stories.

stitchinpenny said...

For just a day or 2 I would forego the housekeeping in my room.

Carla said...

I can't imagine traveling with all that even though I wouldn't mind being able to sew when there's nothing to do when the streets roll up early in some of the places we've been. Hopefully you get one of those carts so you only have to make 1 trip. Enjoyed your post.

YankeeQuilter said...

I think your quilts may be one of the nicer things the hotel maids find in the rooms they clean...

Anonymous said...

Evening Edition..... love it!!! Just think that is going to be an heirloom term soon.... at least the "in print" evening edition... One thing about small space, it kept you "on track".

Nancy said...

Holy cow!!! i wish I had half of your energy... you are amazing girlfriend!

tink's mom said...

Several times I have found myself in a hotel room thinking about how much I could have gotten done if I had packed my iron and feather weight. I am impressed with your planning and accomplishments.

Jean said...

Well, I live in Huntsville. I wish you could just come stay at my house! Where are you???? I am not a member of the guild here - so I guess I did not know you were coming to my hometown. Sometimes, I am so wrapped up in work (school teacher, end of the year) that I have my head in the sand!

KathiP said...

ok - I give up, what the heck is a hand crank???

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

love to feel your energy, and love the evening edition too!

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

You really know how to make the best out of every hour of the day! I wish I had your energy level!
Have a great trip, and happy weekend :o)

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting your terrific "travel log". I know exactly what the maid would be thinking - "I'd rather have one of those quilts than a tip!" ;-)

Brigitte said...

greetings from my 1080 to yours ;-)
Love the sewing mess you made in the hotelroom, looks so cosy. Amazing that you have the energy to sew in the evening after teaching and traveling! my compliments
looking forward to meet you again in California, January 15th!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH, I'm going to the Rd2CA and meet my DJ friends - hugs Brigitte

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