
Friday, March 25, 2011

Where Everybody Knows Your Name ---


I’ve spent the morning getting back into a routine I’ve let some-what-slide over the winter months---I went to the GYM!

It wasn’t anything I let intentionally slide, winter and travel and holidays just kind of got in the way, and though I kept up with workouts in hotel fitness rooms, power walking outdoors when I can, going to my actual HOME-GYM just kind of took a back seat to everything else that has been going on in my life.

This morning, I was up early, and I turned down every excuse that could keep me from going. I know I feel better about ME when I exercise. I know I am doing something GOOD for my mind, body & soul when I am pushing myself. I need NEED those endorphins!

But I was nervous, and a bit shy about walking in there….it had been several months since I stepped foot in the place. But you know what? I was greeted with open arms! They still knew me by name, and I got hugs and squeezes. I was told “I missed you, I was worried about you!” by more than one person. I was told I look fabulous by others. Is there anything else better for what ails our broken hearts than to know that people care?

SO, I’m back on track. I have an appointment with my physical trainer on Monday ((Oy! She is going to make me hurt, I just know it!)) and I know that taking care of my body physically is going to help me stay healthy enough to keep doing what I’m doing when I’m on the road.

Sometimes we lose sight of taking care of ourselves because our plates are too full with everything else. Don’t I know it! But it is so true, if you don’t take care of yourself, who will?

The little sign at the beginning of this post?? That comes thanks to my friend D who had had ENOUGH of my posts of spring already, and wanted to send some snow my way. That made my day too! Little things.

I also received a delicious lavender sachet and card from Victoria. It smells so LOVELY! I’m keeping it here in my desktop area so I can surround myself with aroma-therapy!

Rondi, you sweet sweet girl, your card also touched my heart very much and I want you to know how much it is deeply appreciated. I’m keeping it for always, especially for when I need a pick-me-up. Thank you for thinking of me.

alabama_mar_2011 048

See this box of scraps?! It is chock full of strips, squares, rectangles, pieces parts and all a sundry! This box was waiting for me when I returned home from Alabama!

Annette, you crazy girl! She writes:

“I’ve learned so much from you about putting together scrap quilts but this big “tub” of squares, etc was and is overwhelming!

Please use them in some of your projects, incorporate them into quilts for a new book or pass them along—“

I hope she knows that this is a HUGE welcome gift! It is so fun for me to paw through other people’s scraps and see the fabrics, especially the ones that are “new-to-me” and find a place where they will go in a quilt. I will have a great time sorting and dreaming and planning and sewing. Thank You!

And OH! I now “KNOW” what I’m doing for filling in the remainder of the hexagon star medallion! Just wait just wait just wait!! Sometimes simple is best, but I think this is going to be awesome in its just-a-bit-more-than-simplicity! I spent some time yesterday ironing scraps of red/green/neutral to fill my travel busy bag again, and I can’t wait to see how this is going to come together…..

SO—I best upload this now. I’ve got a massage at 1:30, and that is much needed too. I feel like I’ve been wearing my shoulders up around my ears and they need to come down.

Have a Super Friday everyone!


Betty said...

There's no place like home! That box looks like a treasure chest to me. Glad you have some time to catch up and re-energize. I don't know how you manage to keep up your busy schedule. You have inspired me to get on my treadmill, so off I go. I hope you have a great weekend!

YankeeQuilter said...

I am hoping to go back to the gym on Monday...first time since the holidays! it is a little bit scary....

Marj said...

Sounds like you are getting back into your regular routine. That box of strips and squares looks like fun. My mother sends me her excess when she gets tired of them. Can hardly wait to see how you put together the hexagon quilt. Keep your chin up and keep on smiling.

Katrina said...

You are so right about taking care of yourself! It's great to get back into a fitness routine and your body will thank you for it :-D

debbie m said...

Just don't let that personal trainer hurt you too bad. I've actually discussed this with my physical therapist and she assures me that if you exercise enough to cause deep muscle pain/soreness, you've done more damage than good. The body will build up quicker by starting easy. A little tenderness is ok :o) and as you said, if you don't take care of you no one will.
Ohhh, what a lovely box of scraps. I made crumb blocks until 2:30am Monday night tuesday morning! I know, that's not taking care of me, lol.

Jo said...

Good girl...keep taking care of yourself!

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

Nice to hear you are "back on track" again, it feels good to get to exercise a bit. I try to do so myself, and it feels so great when you do!
Have fun with the lovely scraps, what a treat!
So sorry to hear about your sweet furball. I know how you feel, and I agree with you, they are not only a pet but also a dear friend. But we take the good memories with us, you know.
Wish you a great and creative weekend.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Maybe this is a bit off-topic, but I just wanted to tell you I got your newest book this week and have already picked out a couple (or more) that I want to make. :) :) I also noticed that the red cow jumping over the moon fabric appeared in at least a couple of the quilts. How much of that fabric did you have anyway?

Barb in Mi said...

Good for you - so glad you were welcomed in your home gym! Will head off myself in a few minutes: no TV at home means no sweet sixteen coverage, therefore go to the gym and watch from the elyptical... Will cheer for N Carolina/ for you, ok?
Can't wait to see your hexagon quilt solution!

Lois Arnold said...

There is nothing better than coming home and getting back to your normal routine -- especially if that means you get to sew!

Sandy Beach Sewing said...

Bonnie, I'm just like you...I love to go thru other peoples scraps. You just never know what treasures you will find. Of course there is always the "I have/had that fabric way back when." I hope that you are doing better and everyday gets a little easier on your grief.

Gwynette in NW Arkansas said...

Ohhhhh, a massage sounds wonderful!!! I hate that shoulders around the ears feeling.

I for one can hardly wait to see what you are doing with your hexagons. I am curious about how you will 'finish' your 'star'. Will you applique it to a larger piece of fabric??

Eager to see it come together. Thanks for showing it.

bingo~bonnie said...

I'm sure you are feeling like a kid at Christmas with those "NEW 2 YOU" scraps.

I have a BIG box nearly bursting at the seams that I've been putting parts and scraps into to send your way...I won an Arrow Sewing Cabinet from fb and that was a great motication to clear out and make room for it - and lots of stuff got tossed into the "Bonnie Box."

The only reason I've not yet mailed it is b/c my Mailbox & More store lady told me that her prices fluctuate with gas prices...so it's gonna be a while before I get up the nerve to take it in and find out how much it's gonna cost to ship it to ya... Gas here is $3.45/gallon so I'm waiting for a break and hoping her prices go down to...

Love from Texas! ~bonnie

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