
Sunday, March 06, 2011

Tea & Tell At Helga’s House!

I’m packing up my room in Jackson TN….and had just a moment to unload some more pics off of my camera, and came across more pics! I found the ones the evening at Helga’s house! I looked through ALL the pictures and smiled as I once again saw the faces, and remembered the names of the ladies I spent the past week with!

I also found these pics of me in front of Birgit’s Shop! Do you see the snow on the ground? I think my feet have finally thawed out a bit…but at that time I think they have never been so cold!

I love the display of quilts she had around her entrance door. the colors of the display quilts just stand out so nice against the clean whiteness of the snow. Doesn’t this look like a place you would want to come spend some time? It was so inviting, inside and out!

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I’ve got pics of Jackson too…and I think I’ll upload those next, but these gals are SO on my mind that I wanted to write a bit here before my train of thought goes kaput!In love

First off, I’ve spent the weekend in “stinky green jealous” mode….These wonderful women are away at RETREAT this weekend! When I heard they were retreating in a cloister in the middle of no-where in Germany, and heard tales about the buildings and the history of the place and where it is located and how scenic…I wished I could STAY an extra week and come too! But I’m there in spirit with them! ((Wouldn’t you like to go retreat at a cloister in Germany for the weekend!?? WOW!!))

The day after I arrived in Stuttgart, we were invited for tea at Helga’s house. I’m thinking…tea. Tea is nice. Tea is ladies sitting on sofas and talking a bit….but this was so much MORE than tea!

We got there and the beautiful house was full of quilters. Not only that, but quilters and great things to eat…pies, rolls, cookies….And I had a quick lesson in the wonders of QUARK. If you don’t know what quark is…you can read about it here! The best way I can describe it is between a cream cheese, a yogurt, and a cottage cheese. Maybe sour cream…but it is a wonderful ingredient for fillings in cakes, etc! Fun stuff!

The ladies were fabulous, and for once in my life I can say that I actually DID “Eat Dessert First!” Tea went into a fabulous show and tell, and lots of talking and visiting, and before I knew it we were being served dinner!

As I was going through all my pics, I had a hard time remembering already who’s quilts belonged to whom….But I absolutely fell in love with this one of Helga made!

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It is the absolute CUTEST sewing house quilt I’ve ever seen! I have no idea who the designer was…and that goes with anything I’m showing in this post..they are just made by the ladies of this wonderful group, and I had so much fun seeing them! I love especially the house with the scissors as the roof….but each house has to do with some sewing related item.

Here are the close-ups!

There was so much show and tell I was so blown away! As you are looking at these photos, be sure to glimpse beyond the windows as well. Helga’s house is up on the side of a hill, and it overlooks the open space of the Stuttgart airport. I tell you, I could sit there and watch planes take off and land all day…it was so picturesque!

Helga’s daughter Julia does the most amazing mini quilts! Mini quilts were harder to photograph with the light coming through the windows behind, but I think you can tell by the hands holding them how precious these are!

The last one is not so so mini…it looks large compared to the scale of the really tiny ones..So great to see how she uses each and every tiny scrap!

And there was much more inspiration. Click through these photos to view them. Fix yourself a good cuppa tea…you will need it! There is a chimney and cornerstones that Helga made where the squares finish at something like 1/2”..and it’s a BIG QUILT! I may need to do one of these..it’s fabulous---they ALL are!

It takes a LONG time to edit this many photos for a post! Take it from me..if there are 3 pics, it’s easy to edit them down and write a blog post to go with them…but I can’t choose just 3! I want to share them ALL! I hope you enjoyed it.

While these upload I’m packing my car and heading back eastward toward Knoxville! My dad arrives this afternoon at 4:30…..and I’m looking forward to spending the next few days together! It’s about a 5 hour drive for me today to get him, and then on to Pigeon Forge! This will be my dad’s first quilt show experience. Is he in for an EYE OPENER or what?! I’m curious to find out what he thinks about it all!

Have a super weekend wherever you are and whatever you are up to….I hope you get some stitches in somewhere!


paulette said...

Absolutely gorgeous quilts!! Loved them ALL! Thanks for taking the time and effort to share them!! What a group of talented, creative quilters!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing these. Is #17 one of your designs?

YankeeQuilter said...

What a talented group of quilters! That houses of quilting is wonderful...

Enjoy your time at Pigeon Forge! Hope you Dad has fun too!

Barb in Mi said...

Thanks for sharing all these beautiful quilts! And finally someone who understands Quark!!!
I am sure your dad is going love spending time with you!

Loretta said...

Love all the pics! Thanks for sharing!

I always look forward to reading your blog entries!

I've just signed up for a class you are giving in Nov. 2012!!! I can't wait to actually meet you in person!


Rosa said...

Thanks for all these beautiful photos,the quilt are gorgeous!!That houses of quilts are really beautiful.

Marj said...

I am just blown away at the many beautiful quilts.
Thanks so much for sharing!
It will be fun to hear about your Dad's reaction to spending time with the Quilters. I think he will enjoy it and be amazed at how Famous you have become.

Heikesquilt said...

Thanks for these wonderful pictures.I love Your journey.
and let me tell that QUARK is also good for my broken foot!!!! You can put it into a towel and it sokes the heat out of the foot, it's a miracle and an old houshold remendy but in a cheesecake it's even more tasty.
Greetings from Hamburg Germany where You have to stop next time when You visiting us.
A big hug

Tonya Ricucci said...

Wheee, wonderful quilts. oooh, that house quilt! marvelous. Enjoy your travels and visit with dad.

mtquilter said...

Thanks for sharing ALL the quilt pics. Loved them. Just goes to show, quilting is so universal. Wherever quilters gather...there is fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your trip. I really liked the Schoolhouse quilt with the pieced and applique centers. There are some wonderful quilters in Germany.
Have a wonderful weekend with your dad.

Gail :)

Nicky said...

My favourite quilt is the schoolhouse one already mentioned. I want to make one of these but it looks very complicated. I loved quark cheesecake when I spent time in Germany and all the other cakes as well, but especially marzipan cake - yum!

mtrquilts said...

Oh, Bonnie, What fun you must have had at Helga's house! There are so many wonderful quilts. Thanks for sharing all of them with us.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing all the pictures. Loved them all, such fearless use of color and imagination. Sure wish I could find Quark in the U.S., then I could make a tort like my friend used to make for me.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie reading your post about Germany makes me so very homesick as I sit here reading your post in Australia, the older I get the more I miss so many things from back home.
I will have to take a trip soon and go and visit some of the places you did.


Elaine Adair said...

How I LOVE these slides shows of yours! Better than a movie! I DO appreciate your learning the technology and taking the time to show so many fabulous quilts and projects, especially the different colorations of the same blocks. Many times, I've gone back to previous slide shows, just to get some "mojo" after maybe a not-great day.

Thanks for all you do for the quilting community.

http://thankfullga447 said...

Thank you for sharing Germany, the people really enjoy so many things in life and they love simplicity. But cake and coffee (tea) is very important in their life style. I just loved walking, walking there even in the cold of Feb.

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