
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Seen Around Quiltfest!

I absolutely LOVE wandering around Quilt-Events and seeing all that I can!

In the lobby of the Convention Center where the classes are, is a gentleman who has been here for years and years…and he, of course, specializes in Featherweights!

Just LOOK at these hot numbers!

Wouldn’t you just love a red-hot-hot-rod Featherweight?

How about a Purple one?

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Or a TEAL one?!

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Or how about my favorite of all? This GREEN ONE?!?

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This one was set inside its own card table……isn’t she a beauty? I will confess, it was hard to pass them by, but I’ve been very very good so far and have not let them tempt me too hard. It helps that I have been teaching a full day workshop every day, and the two nights previous to this one have been busy with evening activities as well…Tuesday night was the teacher’s meet & greet in the evening, and last night (Wednesday) was my dinner lecture!

The dinner lecture was a hoot….I got my dad and Brandon, my helper from Quiltfest to be my holders while I did the talking…and these guys hammed it up so much! It was just really a lot of fun, almost slap-stick. I think everyone enjoyed the evening. You should have SEEN the carrot cake! It was about a mile high…I brought mine back to the room with me and ate it today AFTER class as a snack. In love

Another thing I absolutely loved seeing in my classroom was THIS rolling tote:

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Amie and her friend BOTH had these…their Featherweights fit in the bottom and they were able to load all the other stuff around it…these bags hold A LOT! You can see they have LARGE rolling wheels…sometimes the wheels on totes are just too small to get much good wear out of them…this little goodie was found at a HOMEGOODS store ((or whatever is part of Ross/Marshalls type chain..))

Also seen in class…..

pigeonforge2011 056

The Sister’s Choice workshop requested the students come with each block kitted up so pieces were easy to stitch! This nifty-crafty student used Hair/Binding clips to hold each block’s pieces together! No pins to poke and catch on everything…this is a great idea for those of us who might have tons of these binding clips just laying around!

I took a few pics during the Sisters Choice workshop. Such fun with the colors, the scraps, and the stories behind them!

Dad leaves tomorrow to head back to AZ! I think he will be glad to get to drier, warmer climes! It’s been raining here a lot…the temps have dropped, tomorrow there is a forecast of snow! It has been fine for us sewing away inside, but I know he had hoped to do some hiking or something while here, enjoying the Smokies..but the weather has just not cooperated. That’s okay. We have still enjoyed spending the time together!


Leeanne said...

Oh I want one!!!!! well and the others too....please!!

Daisy said...

I just love that red featherweight! I adore them all and dream of owning one someday. Are those original colours or are they refinished? I'm assuming refinished, but I guess ya never know.


Jocelyn said...

Home Goods has those Totes??? I've got to check this out. What a great way to carry the Featherweight. Wow!

Sgt Zapple said...

I squealed inside when I saw the purple Featherweight. I wish my husband could read my mind. Birthday present, birthday present, birhtday present......it isn't working:(

Georgiegirl2012 said...

thanks for re-inspiring me Bonnie. Seems you are have such a great time - Mags from Wales (as on DJ mailing list many years ago) xxx

GailM. said...
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GailM. said...

I love the colored featherweights. I am the new owner of a featherweight, so I'm just getting myself setup. I bought a featherweight book, a 1/4 inch foot, and I think I really need to go to HomeGoods to get one of these rolling carriers. I absolutely love that Amie font. I have an embroidery machine. If anyone knows the name and source of the font, can you let me know. Many thanks!! gailmitchell@yahoo.com

JudyCinNC said...

Not sure if my will power would have held - that green one - oh my - that should have come home with me. Loved all the pictures. Judy C

SubeeSews said...

I am SURE thhere is room in your vechile for that green beauty and the table. Those tables cost as much as a machine. But they do make a new copy of those tables!

Deborah said...

The green one!!! I know I really don't need any more sewing machines...but that's on my Christmas list. Loved the slide show. I'm teaching a 9-patch class next week and it was inspiring!

gail.designs said...

I "need" the name of that FW vendor. Can't seem to pass up these little babies. I had four black ones and one greenish one. Now, only have two. My sewing group covets them too! The green on is calling my name.....
gauen @ mbc. edu

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

It would be just way too hard to choose between the purple Featherweight and the lime green one.

kwiltnkats said...

You know Bonnie Pink and Lime Green go very well together... Of course so does Pink and Hot Rod Red! Sandi

Beth said...

Fantastic little featherweights! The purple made me sigh, but I really like all blues too, and then the lovely lime green . Good thing that I am not there!
Love the slideshow.

Nancy said...

What really impresses me about these machines (aside from the exciting, beautiful colors) is the fact that he was able to put the stenciled Singer logo and decoration on them again so they look just like the originals!

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