I promise! I’m really close to home, so it’s almost like BEING home…only….I get to be in Mt Airy NC for the day, giving a Sister’s Choice Workshop to the Surry Quilt Guild!
And that’s just fine with me…I’ve been home “almost” a week, and a day trip means I’ll be back home by dinner time like “normal” folks!
Did you Know that Mt Airy is the birthplace of Andy Griffith?
I’m packing just a few things…a simple load of books, some of the quilts from the new book for a mini-trunk show I thought we would do at lunch time, and the demo quilt for the workshop.
You know, I have to confess something…I “USE” my quilts. What’s the point of having quilts if you aren’t going to use them? And I love this Sister’s Choice quilt, it’s one of my faves. It’s a simple easy quilt all from the 2.5” strip bin, and used a lot of pre-cut 2.5” squares too, so it’s a fun one to help people start their own Scrap User’s System.
And this quilt has lived on my guest bed for YEARS now…which means it’s been loved and slept under, and washed and used all over again. The border fabrics are starting to fade a bit…it’s getting that well-loved-patina. And I feel guilty because it’s not a crisp clean pristine demo quilt anymore!
But who has time to make a new one?
In preparation for this class, I removed it from the bed, and also figured it was time to change out the winter flannel sheets and put the cotton ones for summer back on there. I decided to pull out a quilt that hasn’t seen the light of day in a while and put IT on the bed:
It’s the ocean waves that I love so much….hello, old friend!
Do you change out the quilts in your home with the seasons? I’m thinking I need to even go around and switch out the ones on the walls, just to shake things up a bit.
It was a warm afternoon while I was remaking the bed, so I opened a window…and look who jumped up to enjoy the view and the fresh air? Emmy Lou!
I tried to get her to pay attention and look at the camera, but she is such a shy girl…
Mean Ole Chloe on the other hand, wouldn’t let me any closer than THIS before storming off in a huff for invading her space. I swear….I’ve given up on trying to win her with kindness. This cat is a BRAT!
Just look at that face…..can’t you see she is calling me every dirty name in the book? Ungrateful wench that she is….I figure she is at least doing her share to keep the rodents at bay!
I also have a confession:
I succumbed….I bit the bullet….I have ZERO will power and no resistance, my reasoning and rationalization won out this time around!
I stopped at the AT&T store today to cancel my “global texting” package from when I was in Germany. And while I was there I was looking at a kiosk of iphone cases that had been marked down from $35 to $5!! YES…$5! But they were all for Iphone 4…not for MY old 3G…but I thought about it. If I bought a new Iphone4 I would have to buy a case for it, and since that case was now $30 off, I was actually saving $30 off the price of the whole package, right? So…..
I am now the proud owner of a new Iphone4….with a cool blue case…the whole reason I need this phone of course, is for the FLASH that the cam comes with and the ability to take better pictures for….well…this BLOG for one thing! We’ll give it the test run tomorrow…..
Time to pack the car so I can get to bed at a decent hour, and have a fun little day trip tomorrow!
I just got an Iphone4 and am lovin' it. I feel like I'm in the 21 century!
Sherry D.
Wow, your guests must feel very special to be sleeping in such as lovely room. How many cats do you have?
You needed the Iphone 4 because it works better the the old 3G. I just got rid of my 3g for a 3gs. I love to visit Mount Airy it makes a great day trip. And I love how you use quilts because isnt that what they are for? I think a little loving on the quilt just makes it better.
I bet Chloe doesn't have bad thoughts about you. She just is enjoying the sun, the quiet and the knowledge she is been fed all the time when she's hungry. Even human children are not always as huggable as we want them to be...
Have a nice day!
love from a grey Amsterdam - and this afternoon from an even greyer Bunnik near Utrecht....
I would love to sleep in your guest room under such a loved quilt. Your day trip sounds great.
Safe travels.... and YEA for your new iPhone... I've not succumbed... yet... *lol*
I don't think I would want my hand reaching out to touch Chloe? She doesn't even look like she wants to be friends. lol
Sandi is on cloud nine.......
I just bought my new iPhone 4 about a month ago and love it. I have a cool new blue case, too! :-)
I had to take a second look at the Ocean Waves quilt you posted... looked a lot like mine at first!
Now that you have an Iphone, you'll be able to download the app of the red and white quilt show in NYC this weekend. 650 quilts from a private collection, all in just red and white. Can you tell how psyched I am about this show? For the rest of you, eastern and otherwise, the details are on the Folk Art Museum's website: www.folkartmuseum.org and there will be details about the apps on their facebook page, I think.
The app will have pictures of ALL the quilts.
Anyone who loves quilts - especially antique ones - has to check this out! For those of us who don't have any of those newfangled gadgets, there will also be a book, eventually.
I love your new header and am so happy that winter is finally over. I know there is an iPhone in my near future. It's great to hear that it can be used for blogging.
I switch out quilts on the walls and on the beds a couple times a year...it is good for them and it gives me a reason to make Christmas, Halloween, patriotic, and spring quilts!
Just love that ocean waves quilt. I saved the pattern from your website but doubt I'll ever have the patience to make one.
Cloe's so pretty, but the expression on her face in those pictures makes her look mean.
I love my iPhone 4! And yes I like to move my quilts around seasonally, or when I'm bored. I just need to make more of them so I have more choice! :-)
You are feeding her and watering her, Right???
Only other recommendation would be some flea treatment that would be applied between her shoulder blades. My five kitties do not go outside yet at the last of the year 2010 we found a couple fleas on my babies! I assumed they came from nose contact at the front door from the two squirrels that are quite tamed or from the two grooming sessions MaggieMae had. I bought the flea killer/sterilizer and pills for each that kill the fleas immediately.
I HATE BUGS!!!!! That is why I am a winter person....
Looks like Cloe has "attitude"... but as you say she helps keep the rodent population down... she is well worth keeping. And she is pretty, mean looks and all.
Isn't it just like Christmas when someone bestows
fabric be it large pieces or scraps on us? I love it! Like you say, it's always fun to see what other's have been sewing with!
I like you need to get back to working out again! Seems the gloomy times have passed somewhat and Spring is trying to come our way... guess that is motivation enough to get me out and about into walking again! Good luck with the trainer.
My sister has a cat that was named Meanie as a tiny kitten. She was then and she still is now.
Chloe is beautiful.
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