
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Need Your Vote!!

I received an email ((and so did many of my favorite quilt peeps, which makes this very exciting!!)) from Sew Cal Gal including me in the nominations for

  • Best Teacher/Instructor
  • Best Author
  • Most influential person in the world of quilting to-date, aka "Lifetime Achievement"

Are you listening to me SQUEEEAAAALING?!? I am SO flattered and honored! There are some great names there!

From Sew Cal Gal’s blog post:

Voting for your favorite Nominees for the 2011 Golden Quilter Awards is accepted here thru March 31st. I hope you will take time to vote, as this is your opportunity to help recognize those that have made our world of quilting so wonderful. Please be sure to follow all the rules, that are listed at the bottom of Sew Cal Gal's post, for your vote to count.
The sponsors for the 2011 Golden Quilter Awards and giveaway are:

These sponsors have generously donated 30 wonderful prizes for a giveaway where those that help with PR, nominate, vote, as well as enter the giveaway for this event, have a chance to win prizes. You are also automatically entered to win a prize in the when you submit a valid vote at the bottom of Sew Cal Gal's post.

If you have not yet entered this giveaway, you may wish to click here to enter.

So want more info? Head over to Sew Cal Gal’s POST and VOTE!

Lisa is picking me up this morning at 10am to head over to Raliegh to go examine some antique quilts up close and personal at the museum! I’m looking forward to this day, we’ve had it planned for quite some time!

Whatever you get up to today, have a good one! ((Yes, and VOTE!!))


Lee D said...

He he he I nominated and voted for you!

Mary Lou Casada said...

Heading over now, Bonnie! LOVE, LOVE the new header and blog look!!
Mary Lou

Paula Z in AZ said...

A WELL DESERVED nomination...on my way over to vote right now!

And to garner a few more votes, I'm forwarding the email to all my friends and posted on Facebook.

WOOT-HOOT and tally-ho ... Lifetime Achievement!

You are an amazing quiltmaker and the Queen of Green, what an inspiration and don't ever forget it!!

deborah said...

I nominated you and voted for you!

julieQ said...

Oh girl...congratulations for being nominated!!!

Jittina said...

Just voted (for you, off course, love your work!).
I really like your new header, by the way.

Jittina, the Netherlands

YankeeQuilter said...

Congrats on the nominations! Vote is in...

Teresa in Music City said...

Of COURSE you are nominated - you're awesome!!! I've voted and I'm encouraging all my sew buddies to do the same!

Donna said...

Must deserved nomination. You have been voted for. Happy quilting!

Kim said...

too late........ I already voted for YOU!
And so have many others!

Happy sewing

dettonlisas@gmail.com said...

I voted for you!!! Thanks for all you do! I love all of your patterns! Thanks

Gwen said...

Love the new header and look! So glad you are back to being you and it loads so much easier. Good luck with the voting!

Browndirtcottage said...

Well sure....I would be MORE than happy to vote for you girlfriend....you deserve it....you have been tireless in all you share and freely give to all us bloggers and quilters!! I give you credit for getting me started quilting...AND...my stash has NEVER been more organized since following your plan concerning this! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Browndirtcottage said...

Oh yee-ow.....love the new header too! Looks more like 'QUILTVILLE'.....

Marsha B said...

I voted a couple of days ago and I voted for YOU!

Loris said...

Love the new header to your blog! I'm off to vote :-)

Leeann said...

love the new header too, now I'm off to vote.

Jo said...

I already voted a couple days ago..couldn't resist a chance to give you a plug! I too love the new header it's so you. I plan to make EVERY one of those quilts!

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I, too, LOVE your new header!! Gotta go - gotta vote - ^..^

Gale Yawn said...

Of course I'm voting for you, Girlie! Who else is half as great? Love all you do, including the new header.

Jeane said...

Congratulations, you have my vote in all categories and as many times as I can vote.

Leeanne said...

Good luck , you have my vote/votes

KaHolly said...

Nice, new header, Bonnie. Because of my passion for scrap quilting, you got my votes!! ~karen

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