I came across this one last night and it looks good…I downloaded it right away. I just checked and it’s still showing as free so hurry over and get it while you can!
It’s called Immigrants by Howard Fast.
In this sweeping journey of love and fortune, master storyteller Howard Fast recounts the rise and fall of a family of roughneck immigrants determined to make their way in America at the turn of the century. Quick to ascend from the tragic depths of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, Dan Lavette becomes the head of a powerful shipping empire and establishes himself among the city's cultural elite. But when he finds himself caught in a loveless marriage to the daughter of San Francisco's richest family, a scandalous love affair threatens to destroy the empire Dan has built for himself.
The first of a compelling family saga, The Immigrants is a fast-paced, emotional novel that captures the wide range of relationships among immigrant families during the tumultuous events that defined the early twentieth century in America.
Yes, I’m not opposed to a little bit of romance tucked into the drama, I just prefer not to have anything really blatant..leave SOMETHING to my imagination please! I haven’t read this author before, but I’m going to give it a try :c) I do like historical novels that teach me something about the past as well as pull me into the story.
I awoke early on Saturday morning in Jackson TN…I’ve had a hard time getting my body sleep routine back to normal…it seems as it is edging in the right direction…for a while I was up at 3am…then the next day it moved to 4am…..Saturday morning I was obliged to “sleep in” til 4:40am! What’s a girl to do at this hour in a hotel by herself? I got up and sewed in my room!
At 6am I headed down to the fitness room and did 3 miles on the treadmill. It was raining outside, and a bit chilly so there was no way I was going to go do that outside….but I am aching to be pounding some pavement, even for long power walks…OUTSIDE!
A quick shower, and I was down stairs to set up for my lecture at 8am….because it started at 9. I was amazed at how they had arranged the ballroom to accommodate so many chairs…and members had brought quilts to display all along the back and the side of the room! Tables were draped with quilts, it was a gorgeous display of quilty color! It really touched my heart to see so many familiar quilts made in other people’s fabric and color choices. It felt like a welcome hug!
Karen sent me some “in action” shots she took while I was setting up:
It was so great to meet ladies ((and Gentlemen!)) who had driven hours through the rain to come spend a Saturday with us!
Karen also sent me pics of the quilts from around the room…..they are fabulous! What a bunch of talented quilters!
It is always fun to speak to so many and to watch them nod their heads at things I say or to raise their hands to ask a question. It also tickles me when people sit so seriously taking notes as if there will be an exam after! We all have so much fabric that we want to put to the best use possible…how to manage it all! One look at all these quilts above and you can tell that these ladies Love their scrap quilts and are doing a great job of it!
Don’t we just look SO dapper?! I’m talking about what things to look for when recycling fabric from clothing for quilting….I’m not sure this hospital gown is quite my style, but the print on it is darling….remember! Once you cut it up, it’s JUST FABRIC!! Thanks to the gals who so willingly participated in my fashion show! ((to the left is Micheline, and to the right is BoBo!))
By the end of the lecture, I was getting worried that this table was going to fall FLAT under the weight of the quilts!
After a delicious lunch at Coyote Blue, we went back for an Afternoon Pineapple Blossom Workshop! 41 crazy women in one room with machines going! The room was large enough that we had ample room for everyone to spread out and use the surrounding floor and stage areas for laying out blocks. I just get so INSPIRED to see what people are putting together! I think this is why I love teaching classes that do not involve kits. If everyone made the same thing….what would the surprise be? We’d have 41 identical quilts? This is much more fun, and I love hearing the stories about how long they have had this fabric, or that one, and what other quilts it went in….Scraps tell stories!
Here are the pics from the workshop! If you peek close you will also see a few other things sneak in, like Dixie’s Roll Roll Cotton Boll blocks that she brought to show me
I drove to Knoxville yesterday and picked my Dad up at the airport! The weather is a bit chilly, but today it is supposed to “ALMOST” reach 60…I think it’s a good day for a drive to some scenic overlook areas. We found the best place for BBQ last night, and then did a father-daughter movie night and went and saw “The Adjustment Bureau” and found it very entertaining!
Tomorrow QuiltFest activities start happening! It’s going to be a fun week!
The Immigrants is a reprint of the 1977 novel by Howard Fast I saw that one too and knew I had read it a long time ago but as it was free I downloaded it yesterday.
I enjoyed the pictures. Looks like a good way to spend a rainy weekend.
Amazing that there is a quilt guild 20 miles from where I live and the first time I hear about it is on your blog.. Jackson, TN is my local newspaper and TV stations. I buy fabric from the stores there and have never heard of this guild or any others around here. Thanks for sharing this, I would not have known about them otherwise.
You get me in soooo much trouble with these free books! I already read the last one! LOL
Thanks for taking me along!! I loved every moment of it!! Now I must go back and have another look at all those wonderful quilts!! Take car!
Have fun with your dad!
It looks like another terrific and colorful workshop!
Enjoyed your post so much today. It is such a treat to "tag along" on your trips through the internet. It really starts my day off right. Take care!
I la,la,love all the photos that you are including after your workshops now - the format is fantastic and the candid shots make me feel as if I'm right there looking over everyone's shoulder as they work! :)
What a great idea of the guild's show-n-tell to throw over chairs around the room for others to come take a closer look later in the meeting! I'll have to suggest that to my guild here!
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
You will love the book--I read all his books years ago and they are great family sagas!
WOW! Those are some VERY talented quilters in that group. I love everyone of those quilts!
Have a great time with Pop!
Have a great time with your Dad...barbecue YUM! I'm wanting to see Rango (how silly Johnny Dep playing a cowboy chameleon! Adjustment Bureau is also on my movie list. Have fun at the QuiltFest. Sandi
Hey Bonnie! That is the EXACT hospital gown my hospital uses where I am a nurse!! Hmmmm...
Amazing quilts for show and tell and amazing work in the workshop.
OMG you are making it hard for me to focus on the papers I have to write. I have not read Immigrants in many years and now need to re-read it LOL! Thanks for sharing.
This might be the most diverse selection of fabric styles I've seen in any of your workshop slide shows - some very creative and adventurous choices. I can't even narrow them to my top fav five, there are so many great combinations. Those ladies in Jackson sure have their scraps working hard for them!
Thanks for the heads up on the free kindle books. I just purchased one and it is a definite love affair. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of the quilts. Penny
Different Generations... But I took my daughter (to be) to the movie on Saturday night. Teen Chick flick - "Beastly". But I must admit, it wasn't a bad movie... In fact, I liked it.
Taking my son to see "The Adjustment Bureau" this weekend... Can't wait, that's more my style!
What a fantastic job you have, Bonnie! I can only imagine how great it is to see each and every one of those blocks take shape. It would be like having dozens of your own blocks coming off your sewing machine all at once with all those great colors and prints! Satisfaction overload. Lots of warm fuzzies, eh? LOL!
See you at the Pigeon Forge show! What's the name of the barbeque place in Knoxville? Always looking for some good 'que, but can never find any to quite match good ole TX smoked brisket.
I hope you enjoy your time on our side of the mountains! Have a great QuiltFest!
Your Trunk Show was wonderful! We had about 25 members of Quilting in the Grove drive 2 hours in the pouring rain to see you. Bonnie, you really inspired all of us. Everyone spent Sunday cutting bricks and squares. HA! Had a great time! I would love to attend one of your workshops. Maybe next time.......
I enjoyed getting to meet you face to face finally! The pix are great - I'll have a few more on my blog in just a bit. ;)
Hope you're having a good time with your Dad!
LOVE the way the group displayed their quilts on chairs - saw lots of 'Bonnie' patterns in amongst! Always love seeing all the different colour combos people use in your workshops. Thanks for taking the time and trouble to share the pictures with us :)
I love the Pineapple Blossom block, I am going to attempt to make it after I finish the Heartstrings X quilt.
You certainly have been blessed with energy. Have a great day...
excellent book and it has a series to it read it many years ago.
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