I received a couple emails yesterday thanking me for listing the number of sashings and cornerstones needed for the Little Monkey Quilt! You are so welcome! In fact, this is a good opportunity for me to upload a little chart here to help you with future quilts. I did a chart earlier on for “on point” sashing and cornerstones that I find very handy, so here is another one to add to the tips & tutorials section!
This is the kind of thing that I really like to keep close at hand. Nothing is worse than cutting a bunch of sashings only to find you either didn’t cut enough, or---Uhoh! You cut too many, and now what are you going to do with those!? So I hope you can find this useful for reference.
Click HERE for printer-friendly .pdf version!
There are a few more sizes I’d like to add, but for now, this will do!
Block Layout (Width X Length) | Sashings | Cornerstones |
2 X 2 | 12 | 9 |
2 X 3 | 17 | 12 |
3 X 3 | 24 | 16 |
3 X 4 | 31 | 20 |
3 X 5 | 38 | 24 |
4 X 4 | 40 | 25 |
4 X 5 | 49 | 30 |
4 X 6 | 58 | 35 |
5 X 5 | 60 | 36 |
5 X 6 | 71 | 42 |
5 X 7 | 82 | 48 |
6 X 6 | 84 | 49 |
6 X 7 | 97 | 56 |
6 X 8 | 110 | 63 |
7 X 7 | 112 | 64 |
7 X 8 | 127 | 72 |
7 X 9 | 142 | 80 |
8 X 8 | 144 | 81 |
8 X 9 8 X 10 | 161 195 | 90 108 |
I have a fun day planned! Lisa and Shelby are coming to SEW! I spent some time straightening up the basement after the weekend’s Super Bowl Quilt-a-thon. All the fabric is folded and put away, and I even vacuumed! But I have to confess one thing:
The other evening I was talking to my dad while sewing, and had my blue tooth ear piece on so I could sew and talk at the same time ---later on I still had it on and it was bugging me, so I took it off ---can you guess what happened?
I so can NOT remember where I put it. ((!!!)) I do this, and I DO this and I DO THIS! Why do I do this? I put things somewhere where they do not belong, and I lose them. It is the most annoying thing. I should have put it in the case and popped it back in my purse, but did I do that? Nope. I got lazy and laid it down somewhere. And I thought that today’s cleaning frenzy would unearth it. It did NOT.
I need it before I hit the road on Friday for my visit up to Lexington Virginia for the Rockbridge Pieceworkers Guild! I swear, I must be the world’s biggest dork when it comes to losing things. I hope it turns up!
At any rate, we are going to SEW OUR BRAINS OUT! Have a great Wednesday, y’all!
My friends too are coming for a sew say today. We will have lots of sewing, talk and laughing. I so can't wait. Too much fun to be had. I will be working on my RRCB.
I do that all the time with my MP player. Drives me crazy. That and my cell phone. I have to call it when I need it, and have people go all over the house listening for it! Today is a sewing day, I will be finishing putting together my RRCB quilt.
TY for the chart, sewing and cleaning up your quilt room. I love your energy. Do you have photos of your room?
Jeff is always on my case for not putting things where they belong. I am waiting for the day he misplaces something :)
That is so me. I took an old sewing machine to my charity group intending to sew. Got there and no foot pedal. I always keep it in the case. Or I now have the pattern to complete a set of blocks and now I cannot find the blocks. I am trying to be better but it still happens.
Look up! Whenever I do that I usually find it up on something. Good luck, that is so frustrating. How I long for a sew day.
Welcome to my world... i have to put things in their proper place or I never find it!
YAY!!! Just two more days until you get here!!! I swiped the Scrappy Mountain Majesties quilt that I made for my mom for Christmas 2007 off her bed this weekend so I could bring it to the workshop on Saturday. She was very sad - she's slept with it on her bed every night since I gave it to her. That's the quilt/pattern that introduced me to you, you know, and I've been following along ever since. If I bring my books, will you sign them (actually, I think you've already signed one of them). And I understand you'll have your new book and Tonya's book to sell, right? I am so excited to finally meet you!!!
(I hope I don't come across as a creepy stalker - I'm not. I'm just a huge fan!)
I hear you! I bought a couple of $50 gift cards before Christmas as gifts. I still haven't found them. That's $100 gone. I think they must have gotten caught in a pile of junk mail that I've discarded or something like that, because I have been through every drawer, every closet, every cupboard that we have. They are not here. We moved this year, so everything is very organized everywhere. It hasn't had time to get messed up yet! LOL!
Don't you just HATE that Sherri!? AAUUGHH! You could better have used that money for FABRIC! >_<
It's obvious that so many of us can so identify with "misplacing" things! One of my favorite prayers "Tony, Tony, look around. Something's lost and must be found!" contemporary prayer to St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost. Good luck!
I hope that you didn't wrap it up in some fabric that you were putting away. If that happened to me it would take me an eternity to find it. Here's hoping it will pop up quickly.
I can vouch for Vesuviusmama - she's not a creepy stalker, but she is a big fan, as I am. We are so looking forward to your visit to Lexington. I finished the top of my Orange Crush quilt about midnight last night and photographed it this morning. It will be on my blog shortly. Have a fun day sewing today, and hope you find your bluetooth thingy soon!
My favorite "missing" story is about my friend Sandy. Fot the longest time; 6 months? a year? Sandy could NOT find her 60mm rotary cutter. anywhere. she looked under every little pile, tore her sewing room apart, looked in purses, totes, old retreat buckets, under her car mats~ you name it~ she looked there!. And then come the following Spring it was time to clean out the gargage. She backed her car out into the driveway and commenced the sweeping and restacking of boxes process. And lo and behold~ there was the missing rotary cutter....on top of a stack of boxes sitting on a cookie sheet! Go figure!! She had zero recall of what would've possessed her to ever set a rotary cutter on a cookie sheet, on top of boxes, in the garage....Geeze, what was she ever doing in the garage with the rotary cutter to begin with???!!God help us all~~
Okay when your friends get there have a bluetooth hunt......its probably somewhere right in front of you! I share your frustration then I get mad at myself for all the time I waste hunting for something I should have just put back where it belongs!
Sadly this gets worse as you get older :0(......
Happy Sewing, have fun with the girls :0)
My husband, not you, is the world's biggest dork for losing things. And, he expects me to know where they are. Can you beat that? I dread the day he retires & is home to lose things full-time.
Thanks for the chart it's great, I know I'll use this one. I found my Library card after it was missing for 2 Months (just as well I know the Library staff! I didn't want a new card as I had memorised the number) Anyway I was sure my husband had it as he had taken to pick up an ordered book for me. He wouldn't even look for it as he said he remembered giving it back to me! But yesterday I cleared off his dressing table of junk and there it was. My son lost his camera just before he was flying overseas, we turned the house upside looking for it, and then we found it in the beer fridge in the garage! He had his hands full when he was putting beer in the fridge so put the camera down... lucky it didn't damage the camera. So maybe look in the fridge for your bluetooth. Make sure you tell us where it turns up.
Have you looked in your bathroom? I am always finding stuff in there when I take my shower. We need a remote to find all of our stuff! I bought your book today!
Sounds to me that your forgetfullness is a way of life, I have been forgeting thing for a long time. welcome to the real thing, lol lol
Check your trash can. I looked all over for one of my acrylic templates and then remembered I threw some stuff in the trash. Sure enough there it was. Luckily still on top.
Hi Bonnie I do that all the time ,some days I swear I spend more time looking for things then I do using them,and it does get worse as you get older
Your new book arrived today and it is beautiful as usual. Carol June and Gail are going to be green when they see it. (Keeping the green theme). Good luck finding the ear piece. I just hate it when I do things like that - far to often it seems.
Where do you sit to relax? Look there. I find most of my misplaced stuff next to my chair in the living room. But I still haven't found my protest flag quilt and the Japanese inspired wall hanging I made for my daughter. Those are in Narnia, I fear.
Good luck finding your bluetooth. I too seem to spend a lot of time looking for things that I didn't put back in their proper place.
Bonnie you're not alone in the "Where Did I Put That" club. My husband and I are charter members. Between the two of us we have littered the house and the cars with reading glasses. I am threatening to put up a wall hook in each room that will hold two pairs...one for each of us. Its either that or encase them in a glassed-in wall niche with an axe nearby to "break in case of reading emergency"! BTW, thank you VERY much for the handy-dandy charts. Sew helpful!
Hmmm, nice to know I am not alone! My guild is doing a "border of the month" and it's working up beautifully...but...I finished the step that was done before Christmas and now I can't find the project anywhere!!! I don't know how it can be hiding since it would be in one of those clear plastic storage boxes!!!! It must be right in front of me somewhere...driving me nuts!!!
I lose things all the time in my house. Worst is when I lose the seam ripper! Thank you so much for the sashing chart. So helpful.
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