
Monday, February 28, 2011

Old Stuttgart!

I wanted to post some pictures of the oldest area of Stuttgart! Very close winding streets, with trees trying to bud out into spring, but it is a bit early yet here.

After teaching yesterday at Nadel und Faden, we walked through the area to look at the old buildings! There are also sculptures and carvings and I wish I had more time to take it all in!

Here I am sitting on a statue in the corner of a little square. The public areas are also dotted with really interesting water fountains that are old and still functional…clean drinking water! I hope you will enjoy flipping through the slide show.


This is the OLDEST building in Stuttgart! Don’t you just love the half timbered buildings? There are some wonderful ones here. This one was actually a Cloister run by nuns. From what I gathered they helped the poor women of the area…


It was built in 1463!!! 1463!!! Just pinch me…isn’t this WONDERFUL!?

Here is the rest of the photos….I enjoyed this trip so much!

There may be some duplicates in here….It posted before I could remember to remove what I wanted to remove…it’s late here and I have to leave for the airport at 4:30am so I’m kind of in a hurry to post this.


This is my sweet friend Aby standing next to the Old gate of the city! Crazy woman, it’s freezing out, and here she is in a skirt and pantyhose! Those who live here are a tough breed, that’s for sure! I’ve really loved spending the time with Aby…..we’ve spent the last 2 evenings sewing and chatting and singing to whatever was on the CD player! She always has a smile on her face and can be found whistling a tune at any given moment. I’ll miss her!

Valerie came from Paris with another friend Caroline from the states! Brigitte came and stayed for 3 workshops and a lecture, and we enjoyed a dinner out just the three of us chatting and talking. Brigitte and I figured out we have known each other since the beginning of the Dear Jane Explosion, probably about 11 years...this was the first time we met in person but it felt like I've known her forever.

I'm sure I've left some out...not intentionally, and I'll remember things and write more about them as I gather my thoughts.

Tomorrow my flight goes from Stuttgart to Heathrow in England! I wish I could get off the plane and do some visiting….I’ll be waving to my friend Karol Ann even though she is hours and hours away up in Yorkshire, at least I am in the same country! It was fun meeting her in person this week too.

I fly from Heathrow to Chicago, and finally from Chicago to Greensboro, getting in at hopefully 5:30pm with NO DELAYS!

Some of the quilters said it was too bad I didn’t have more time to sight see….but I tell you what, the friendships I’ve made and strengthened while I’ve been here mean MORE to me than any touristy thing I could have done. I loved seeing what real life is like here and spending my time with these amazing women!

And I’m definitely coming back! Count on it!

Wednesday? I’m taking a well deserved JAMMIE DAY! Well except for late afternoon when I’ll be a guest on Mark Lipinski’s Creative Mojo radio show! Stay tuned for more details on that…you don’t mind if I do a phone interview in my jammies, do ya? Winking smile


Cheryl Willis said...

PJ day for everyone! glad to hear you trip was a success, enjoy the ride home. cw

Becky said...

I guess it'd be OK but it makes me worry that you may go into a "men's PJ Quilt" phase. LOL

Anonymous said...

I just want to thank you for sharing your expericences with us. You've been my quilting idol for sometime now and sharing your travels and pictures is a great experience. Oh and the reading list. Love it. I'm a sony person of my e-reader. But I read my kindle books on my blackberry. Thank you

LintLady said...

Dear Bonnie,
I wish you a save trip home.
When you come back to Good Old Germany next time, I try to manage to come and see you!
Have a nice comming home.
xx Doris

cityquilter grace said...

after a trip like that, jammies are not optional, they're required! enjoy!

Roos said...

I see that you have real German Weather *LOL*.
But it is a beautifull countrey.
Roos from the Netherlands

Impera Magna said...

Wishing you safe travels and NO delays!

Marj said...

It's supposed to rain, so PJ's for all who are able to just stay home. You deserve it after all your travels and adventures. Safe travels and rest up while you can.

Stephanie said...

I would like to thank you for the free book download alerts. I lived in Germany twice and boy do I miss it.

Beth said...

I was in Stuttgart in 2005 on a business trips with the guys and by week-end I needed time to my self so took the train to Stuttgart each day over the week-end. The city is beautiful and easy to navigate. I also admired how clean the city was with great recycling centers. I stopped at a coffee house and realized that to-go cups were far and few between. Wonder how Starbucks handles that.

Glad you enjoyed your time. Germany is one country that I would enjoy living in. Safe travels home


RachelC said...

It was absolutely fabulous to have you here in Stuttgart! I wish so much that I had been able to take your classes...HUGE SAD FACE. I had many things going on this weekend, unfortunately. You were a delight, and I hope sometime I will be able to see you again. You are right about Aby...she is a delightful woman, and we all love her dearly. What a delightful addition to our already great guild. I will be leaving Stuttgart in a few months, and I have to say, that the quilters in this wonderful town has made this a very special tour for me. I will be sad to leave. Thank you for agreeing to come...it was great to have you! I hope you have a safe and uneventful trip home! Happy Quilting!

sewkalico said...

What a great time was had by all. Enjoy your jammie day (I had mine yesterday!) And NEXT time you'll have to come via Yorkshre!
ps Hope you saw me wave back, Love Karol-Ann

Bonnie said...

We were in Germany this summer, although not in Stuttgart. However your pictures brought back good memories of the towns we visited. Everything is so clean and neat there. Hope you had a safe journey home!

Lori said...

It looks like a gorgeous town Bonnie!! Safe travels!

re'New said...

I nominated you for a "stylish blogger" award! Come on back to my blog and check it out! Only 4 little things to do...
1. Thank and link back to the person who sent you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award

Carole said...

Well I guess you're on the plane now (6:30 european time). Have a safe and nice trip and enjoy your well deserved pyjama day !
I blogged about the trunkshow Friday night if you're interested to read about it.
It was really lovely meeting you. (by the way, I chuckled and I was delighted to read that you thought I had come from the States... no, I'm 100% French - so this must mean that I have a good accent !)

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