I had a LOVELY LOVELY drive up today! It was a cold clear morning, but the sky was the most amazing shade of crystalline blue, and nary a cloud in sight. Just BRILLIANT!
I live about 100 miles South of Roanoke, VA, an easy jaunt up highway 220 with scenic highways and byways…….Within an hour of leaving my driveway, I have crossed the Virginia state line, and I’m in heaven!
A View From My Dashboard!
((Good thing I got the car washed yesterday or you wouldn’t see that mountain coming up so clearly!))
I get so excited when I see mountains getting closer. All of a sudden I feel like I can BREATHE. Hard to explain, but if you love mountains like I do, you’ll understand!
Pass one mountain and there is another! Roanoke is snuggled in the midst of the beautiful Blue Ridge on all sides! And though all the hardwoods still are bare, you can sense the sublime beauty of this area! You should see it when it is GREEN! It truly is one of my favorite places on the planet.
I stopped in Roanoke for a yummy Indian buffet lunch at Nawab – I have a 7 or 8 year history with this place. I ALWAYS stop there when going through, and I am never disappointed. Downtown Roanoke is so very walkable, and the historic district is full of wonderful shops and restaurants. I love this size of city! It is much like Winston Salem in size and feel.
The pic at the top of this post is of Lexington, which is about an hour farther up Interstate 81 from Roanoke, so it was an easy jaunt from there. This area is FULL of history!! Take some time to read a little bit here and you will find names you recognize from your history books, if you grew up in the USA.
You will even find a link to the Virginia Horse Center where tonight's lecture and tomorrow’s workshop are being hosted! There is a great conference room up above the horse arena! When it comes to finding meeting places for our lectures and classes and guild meetings, Quilters will leave no opportunity unturned!
The lecture was really fun, and I am now back at my hotel room. I’m pretty wired, so I might sew a bit before going to bed!
How’s this for set up!? It’s quite a large comfy room, I’ve got a desk AND a table! I set my machine up, I brought my tv tray and my pressing surface –set up to the right of the machine, and I put the ironing board at table top level to the left….got myself a U-shaped sewing station!
Little table….2 easy chairs for sitting and doing hand work, and my bins of crumbs and strings just ready for some paper piecing! This is the table I’m sitting at now while typing on the laptop you see sitting there. Ipod is plugged into my travel speakers, and I’m listening to my favorite James Taylor….sipping a nice hot cup of Harry & Davids chocolate raspberry tea. Nice, huh?
There was ONE thing I found silly! I’m sure you’ve had your own experiences with hotel furniture “WHHHAA!???” But look at this:
Nice dresser right? I thought so. Kind of colonial style. ((It is Virginia after all!)) My suitcase is on the top. I don’t know about you, but I like to completely unpack my suitcase and put the stuff in drawers. That way I’m not digging around and making a mess of my clothes. This 6 drawer dresser SHOULD have plenty of space right?
Except it is NOT a 6 drawer dresser --- it is a TWO drawer dresser! And putting my clothes in a drawer meant I might as well have been putting them on the FLOOR because the drawers go all the way down! Is this not the SILLIEST thing you’ve seen?? I don’t know what is worse….to have to bend over that far to get my jeans off the bottom of the drawer, or to just leave it in the suitcase and dig from there! LOL!
To Erin ((Vesuvius Mama!)) & Nancy & Kim --- Thanks so much for the warm welcome and the great company and the fun conversation tonight! I’m looking forward to a great workshop tomorrow and getting to know the ladies from the Rockbridge Piecemakers Guild better!
Night all ---- I’m off to sew a bit!
LOL at the dresser - never seen a set up like that! You have traveling down to an art and obviously comfortable no matter where you go.
Oh Bonnie you are in one of my very most favorite parts of VA. I sure miss being in NC and VA when I see pics like this. I have beautiful Rockies outside my front room windows but it's just not the same
I guess inside I am still a Carolina girl even after nearly 40 years being away!
Glad that you arrived safe and sound. I made a trash caddy today. I also received my copy of Scraps and Shirttales II, so I'm a happy girl. Have fun at your workshop tomorrow.
That dresser isn't so you can unpack your suitcase, it is so you can put your whole suitcase in it, so it is out of the way. LOL> I would have left it packed! You sure do have yourself the traveling station for sure. That is what I need to start doing to when I start moving around a bit again. Love it! You keep me inspired.
got your new book today- it is great. Love your quilts & color sense.
What can life be beautiful.
The first time I saw mountains my face was sticket to the window of the car. I couldnt have enough of them. Where I life we have no mountains.
What a ridiculous little dresser! It looks amazing, but inside...not so much!
Oh, and I'm totally psyched to get to see your trunk show in Germany in 2 weeks...I'm bringing along a friend, and we're pumped! The classes were all full up, but we'll be there for the trunk show (and then drive the 1.5-2 hours home, haha!)! I want to see your beautiful quilts in person!
I am from Roanoke and glad you enjoy the area so much. I hope you can make it back downtown in the spring and summer and see all the farmers and artisans set up. Live music, ice cream made before your eyes, and warm kettle corn-DANGEROUS! If you ever need a welcoming crew or just want lunch dates we would love to welcome you!
Now I understand why my Blue Ridge Beauty turned out so well. I grew up in the Rockies of Idaho. It is easier breathing.
Bonnie, you are so blessed. Roanoke is absolutely one of the most beautiful places on earth. I love the mountains (see them most days from my little town in the foothills of North Carolina). I have family that live in Roanoke and travel there several times a year. I've not been to Lexington in over 30 years so don't really remember it. Have so much fun, your set up is about as big as my whole crafting room.
Hi Bonnie,
I've never seen anyone so accomplished at travelling as you are, Bonnie. You are definitely a professional quilter--all the way. I admire how organized and efficient you are. You've created a mini home away from home in your hotel. No wonder you are always so relaxed and enjoy your trips.
But..about unpacking...are you concerned with the hype on television and internet about hotel creepy crawlies? I know, I am.
Hmmmm, 100 miles, a little less than 1 hour, heavy foot??? :-) When we drive through VA to go to NC, it is like heaven. I love that area. Thank you for taking us along on your US travels - See the USA with Bonnie in her Chevrolet! Can't wait to see Stuttgart!!
Oops, I get it, you got to the state line in less than an hour...mea culpa. Glad you are obeying the speed limits :-)
That was fun to see how you set up a temporary sewing room while on the road. Have lots of fun!
Have a great time! I'm a graduate of W&L; my husband from VMI, so Lexington is one of our favorite places in the world! Be sure to stop by Cocoa Mill Chocolates before you leave! :)
I'm still amazed at all you get done! Thanks again!
No one does it better than you.......making travel fun and homey!
that hotel room is an instant sewing studio!
Safe travels and happy Sewing
Bonnie, thanks for the pictures! I will have to use this set up the next time I travel with machine! Whoohooo!
My sister lives in Knoxville and I go there every chance I get. I also leave a little of my heart there in the Smokies when I leave. My ancestors on my mother's side come from the hills of Tennesee so it is in my blood. Love your sewing set up in the hotel!
I love your blog! LOL at the dresser! But look at it this way, at check out you have only 2 drawers to look in for a forgotten item instead of 6! Have you ever had complaints about the noise of your sewing machine in the hotel room? Or do you not sew late?
Bonnie, enjoyed the dinner with you, and the fabulous trunk show afterwards. It was so inspiring to see all your quilts up close and personal rather just in your books and on your website and blogs.
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