
Saturday, February 05, 2011

And The Winner Is --- ((And Another Surprise Give-Away!!))

Beth Strand of Words & Stitches!

I was so excited to draw her name….and overwhelmed that there were 266 names to draw from! She’s got a lovely blog, and a great trunk show of sawtooth star quilts showing right now, so go on over and congratulate her!

((And don’t stop reading here --- there is another give-away at the bottom of this post!))

It was a lot of fun reading all the entries, some great ideas there. I hope you took some time on the ORIGINAL GIVEAWAY post to read through them!

Here was Beth’s comment:

I'd like to piece "Yellow Fish Rule!" into a quilt for my daughter. When she was little and having trouble fitting in, I used the analogy about school being like a fish tank and when most fish are red or green, it's hard to stand out as the only yellow fish. But as time went on, she would get into bigger tanks...middle school, high school, college, life....and there would be more fish of her color. I've got a quilt started with the fish, but I really need help with the letters! The other thing I want to do is make a quilt with an applique depicting my daughter as a girl scout and sew on all her badges (some that I never got done.) The border of the quilt will say, "Finally, my mom sewed ALL my badges!"

I can sure relate to this post, can’t you? By the time I was in 7th grade, I was 5’8”. I was skinny and gawky with braces and glasses, I embodied the word AWKWARD to a TEE! I was a very tall yellow fish in a sea of red and green fishes. I finally quit growing at 5'9".

Beth, Word Play Quilts will be coming your way as soon as I hear from you and get your snail mail address! I’m excited to see your quilt come together, and I hope you will post your progress on your blog!

I also want to say, that I am just doing the MAILING -- The book was given to me for this Give-Away by Tonya Ricucci herself, and she has autographed it -- so she is really the one you need to thank for it!

I’ve enjoyed the give-aways so much that I think we will be doing more of them. For Instance – When ordering cases and cases of books, I occasionally get ones like this:

mailday 006

These two copies of Scraps & Shirttails II somehow got crimped in the cutting machine and there is a bit of damage to the back covers. The warehouse is sending me replacements, but what to do with other-wise-perfectly-good books like this?!

If YOU don’t mind a free book with a bit of damage to a back cover, leave me a comment here and we will draw for it TOMORROW and it will mail Monday! I’m going to give ONE away in this drawing --- And save the second one for a bit down the road. Ready, Get Set --- Comment me with what you will be sewing on for Super-Bowl-Sunday-Weekend!

As for me, I plan to spend the entire weekend in the basement re-bonding with my machine! Rolling on the floor laughing


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Minniestitches said...

I received your first two books for my birthday last year and your newest book would be a great birthday present this year! Can't wait to get a look inside!!

KrisC said...

Working on borders to finish a top, then on to an Attic Windows (sort of), featuring butterflies in the windows. Would love your book! Love the look of your quilts.

Angelika said...

I just try to get your book for free, even when it is a little bit damaged :)))

Nanabanana said...

I would love, love, love the book!!! Please send it my way!! No super bowl sewing for me....we are having friends over to watch the game. Have a great day!

carolscrapquilter said...

Last night as I watched an LMN movie, during commercials I would dash back to my sewing room and work on a t-shirt quilt for my son-in-law, who has given me the coolest t-shirts from his closet for this project! At the same time I'm working on my Bargain Basement quilt from Scraps and Shirt Tails...love this project! My husband kept telling me to "sit down" and quit running back and forth! Since the New Orleans Saints did not make it to the Superbowl this year, I will not be watching the game...I plan to spend the evening devoting 100% of my attention to my two quilts! I would love to win a damaged copy of the second Scraps and Shirt Tails!

kimland said...

I have my table and chair set up in the living room to rip out my stiches, from my feeble attempt at free motion quilting. Would love to have your book, blemishes and all! Thanks for the chance!

Quilting in the South said...

I would love to win one of your new books. When I go to thrifts shops to look for kids clothes, I look at the mens shirts I walk past in a whole new way thanks to you and your talent.

Denise said...

I'm planning on working on one of the MANY MANY projects I have already started......I would love to be included in the drawing for your book! Hoping to start Roll Roll Cotton Boll when I finish at least one of these, LOL.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Gail said...

I love following your exploits and watching you piece such fabulous scrappy quilts. Friday I had just loaded a quilt onto my frame and quilted out a few inches when - bam!- My quilting machine became ill. Now I have to wait for it to be repaired before I can finish that quilt. Wouldn't the latest Bonnie book be a great consolation?!

Tina said...

I always look forward to reading your blog because it always makes me smile. When I just need a quilt fix I go to your website and browse the patterns. I have been collecting shirts and made a quilt fot my DH for Christmas and he Loves it. I look forward to making more shirt quilts and would LOVE to get your new book.

Charlene S said...

I'm still wanting that book.

MiYah! said...

Who does not like free? I would love a copy of Scraps and Shirtails II. Don't our best loved books end up a little scrunched anyway? I have your first book on order and am signed up for your Virginia Bound class with the Black Forest Quilters Guild this month. I have been weeding out our closets and hitting the thrift stores looking for shirts for the class. Now I just need to find some more light colored shirts. My husband and sons' shirts have been in peril! I am looking forward to meeting you.

JustPam said...

I have been sick the last two weeks and hadn't felt up to sewing. Today I want to get my binding on my RRCB. It has been quilted and waiting. This will be the nudge I need to get back to the sewing room. I would so love to win your book!

lin from pittsburgh said...

I would love to get your new book-tattered cover or not. I will be working on roll cotton boll roll as I got a late start on it. I just opened a goggle account and can't seem to add e-mail address (technically challenged) so here it is linmckee@comcast.net. Go steelers!

lori said...

OH!! I'd LOVE a mangled copy of your new book!:-) I have the first...and definitely want the new one. I've got lots of shirting all set and ready to cut and sew:-) I also thoroughly enjoyed the *Sisters Choice* class at Road. You are a terrific teacher and I really loved spending the day with you. Thanks so much. (FUN, Fun to get to spend the day in person after doing so *virtually*!)

Butterfly George said...

Thanks for the info on the blog site. I am quilting on my 20 year old granmothers flower garden and will watch superbowl here. Thanks for the chance to win a great book. Your blog is at the top of my readings. Georgeann

Deb said...

Super Bowl Sunday Sewing will include: 1) a quick Valentine's Day Table Topper, 2) "blinging" up a goodwill sport coat for my 23 yr. old son to wear to Lady Gaga concert this week. He's got me sewing "do not cross" yellow crime scene tape on the back of this jacket!! What a guy~~~
Thanks for the chance to win your new book! I would gift it to a friend, as I pre-ordered a copy for myself. At least I think I did, didn't I??

Jan said...

I'd be honored to win your book. Just finishing RRCB. Love the pattern. Thanks for mentioning the Packers. Hope they win the Super Bowl today.

MJinMichigan said...

I'd love to win your book. I wasn't going to enter since I had already ordered it but it arrived yesterday and I was telling my SIL how much I like every quilt in it so decided to try to win a copy for her.
I'll be sewing mini 4 patches (1 inch finished) for a swap during the Super Bowl.

Andrea said...

I have just had a lovely time reading every one of the 400+ comments before me. Great to see what everyone around the world is sewing. I am trying my hand at appliqué today - not done much of it so far. And of course I would love to be in with a chance of winning your book please xxx

Unknown said...

I hope I'm not too late to enter the drawing. I'll take the damaged book, use it right away and send you a picture of what I've made.

I have been buying thrift store shirts and can't wait to use the next set.

I will be taking buttons off those shirts during tonight's game.

Carolyn in NC

KatyTrailCreations said...

I'm finishing my Shoo Fly String Quilt with the last 3 blocks to be hand quilted during Super Bowl. Gonna have it posted later this week hopefully. Love the baby quilt blocks & I'd use red as it also comes in many shades & varieties. Plus speaking as a childcare provider, baby needs the contrast for visual stimulation. They only see red & black & white at first. :)

Beth T said...

I would love to win your new book. A little cosmetic damage would not bother me in the least

Maureen said...

We may not look so great on the outside, but it's the quality of what's inside that counts! A friend and I will spend the afternoon quilting, then take a break when the game begins to cheer on the Steelers.

EngrSandi said...

Hopefully there will be no football on our TV, but I will be curled up under a quilt, sewing down a binding. the end of this UFO is in sight!

smidget said...

I would love a copy of your book. I have so many 'pieces' of fabric. When I came across your site I was in awe. I have saved, on my hard drive and printed off a hard copy, on how you save your pieces of fabric by size. That is on my 'to-do' list. Thanks for the inspirations.

Unknown said...

It would be great to win a copy of your new book. This weekend I'm trying to finish a large lab quilt for the family moving into a Habitat for Humanity house that my company has been working on.

Cindi said...

I've made a Happy Scrappy Houses top and am cutting scraps now for a Scrappy Bargello. I would love to have this book for more of your wonderful ideas. Thanks for all you do for us.

Carol said...

I would love to win your new book. I bought your others last year for my birthday present to myself. I remember my Mom once saying "You can't judge a book by it's cover"". To which my Dad responded "No but you can tell if it's been read." It was very funny at the time though I can't recall what they were talking about. I am still working on the RRCB and the Cathedral Stars from your Colorado retreat in October.

Shirley said...

I love your baby quilt you are working on for your sil.....I love the way you are using the 2" squares instead of 4-patches.

I would love to have a beat-up copy of your book...it would only add character to the book.

Linda said...

Wrinkles haven't gotten me thrown out yet, so why a book? We are both still 'usable'! Happy Super Sewing Day everyone...

Amanda said...

My goodness! What a lot of comments!

Well this Friday and Saturday for us in Europe was the start of the rugby Six Nations and I sat and sewed the binding on the Waves quilt and a couple of other bits.

The BBC commentators mentioned several times that they will be showing 'rugby with lots of padding' over here tonight so I could watch it, but it doesn't start until 10.55 pm! Can I sew in my dreams instead?

Kelly said...

I bought the first Scraps & Shirttails book last summer and my son gave me Leaders & Enders for Christmas. I would love to win a copy of this book also. I have lots of shirts saved up to use for quilts - my only problem is deciding which one to do first : )

Debbie said...

Would love to win a copy of the new book!

Yvonne said...

I'll be watching the game and working on an applique project. I love watching a good game, but three hours of football would be difficult without something in my hands.

Anonymous said...

Hope I'm not too late! I'm piecing a backing for a baby quilt, and hopefully basting and starting the quilting!

liz said...

My family and I are visiting US from Australia and will be here for super bowl Sunday. I don't know what to expect but I will be sitting with some hand sewing in front of the TV asking stupid questions such as "but why did he do that?". I'd love a copy of your newest book to go with my other 2 books of yours. I'm a great fan.

Unknown said...

It's what's inside that counts. Can't wait to see!

Vanya said...

Thanks for a chance to win your latest book. Happy birthday - a little late!

KSTaterbug said...

I would love to have this book. It will be treasured even if it is scarred. :)

Sherill said...

I would love to win your book! It is the inside that counts, with people and books!

Sue said...

Waving from the Cdn prairie... I'd LOVE a copy of your new book Bonnie - cover mangled or not -the inside is what counts. I'm tidying cubbie shelves in my sewing room this afternoon (with laptop breaks). Need to get some handwork together for during the game. Not sure if I'll be home or oldest son's for the game so I want to be prepared. Also,Belated Bday wishes to you.

krisgray said...

I have a tulip purse to finish and 24 felt books. I'm using a needle book tute using felt to make sticker books for my son's preschool Valentines party.

Peggy said...

Bonnie, I'd love to have a rumpled copy of Tonya's book. It will fit in with the way I look most of the time. Have fun with that baby quilt - remember that a quilt doesn't have to match the room's decor - it just has to be made with love.

Emily said...

I would love a book that's a little damaged. It will still read the same! Thanks for the chance to win.

Sarah said...

Hi, I'm writing in for my mom, who is a big fan of yours. She's away from the computer but would still love to enter.

patmmm said...

I want to make a quilt with the names of my six grandchildren on it. It would be very special and it would be just for me. Patmmm

patmmm said...

Most of my quilting books end up looking like that because I don't just use them in my quilting room. They are everywhere. I would love to add one more, especially a scrappy one. They are my favorites and I already have your book #1. This would be a great addition.

Barbara C said...

I would love to win a copy of your book. I'm workin on the binding of a quilt I call Splish Splash.

Sue said...

I'm getting ready to machine quilt COUNTRY GIRL quilt (pattern by Miss Rosie's). I've already pieced the backing. As the game starts, I am getting ready to baste the quilt sandwich. Hopefully by halftime I'll be ready to start quilting it. Biggest quilt I've machine quilted, so far, 78 x 85. My new resolution is that I make all my quilts from start to finish, no hiring out to a long arm machine quilter. Got to get off here so I can get back to my important work!!! Would love to win your book!!

omashee aka Barb said...

Damaged books need love too! Many of mine look damaged ala well loved from use. Would love to have your book join my library. Will you be signing it? Please!!

Just Another Quilter said...

Love your stuff. I would greatly enjoy having one of your books so that I don't have to borrow or check books out from the library. I have made a couple of your leader & ender projects.

cannewa said...

Congrats on your new book, I'm sure all patterns will be great as always. Would love a chance at a copy. Thanks!

Char S.

Debora C said...

I would really love to win! Love your blog spot.

Anonymous said...

Pleeeaassseee pick me! I would be so happy to get a copy of your new book....crumpled and torn is just fine! I won't have to worry about the first mark on the cover! Thanks for this opportunity....Sally jspwarren at aol dot com

Cecilia said...

I would love to win your book, if it isn't too late. I don't think it is half time yet. Thanks for the giveaway.

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