
Saturday, February 05, 2011

And The Winner Is --- ((And Another Surprise Give-Away!!))

Beth Strand of Words & Stitches!

I was so excited to draw her name….and overwhelmed that there were 266 names to draw from! She’s got a lovely blog, and a great trunk show of sawtooth star quilts showing right now, so go on over and congratulate her!

((And don’t stop reading here --- there is another give-away at the bottom of this post!))

It was a lot of fun reading all the entries, some great ideas there. I hope you took some time on the ORIGINAL GIVEAWAY post to read through them!

Here was Beth’s comment:

I'd like to piece "Yellow Fish Rule!" into a quilt for my daughter. When she was little and having trouble fitting in, I used the analogy about school being like a fish tank and when most fish are red or green, it's hard to stand out as the only yellow fish. But as time went on, she would get into bigger tanks...middle school, high school, college, life....and there would be more fish of her color. I've got a quilt started with the fish, but I really need help with the letters! The other thing I want to do is make a quilt with an applique depicting my daughter as a girl scout and sew on all her badges (some that I never got done.) The border of the quilt will say, "Finally, my mom sewed ALL my badges!"

I can sure relate to this post, can’t you? By the time I was in 7th grade, I was 5’8”. I was skinny and gawky with braces and glasses, I embodied the word AWKWARD to a TEE! I was a very tall yellow fish in a sea of red and green fishes. I finally quit growing at 5'9".

Beth, Word Play Quilts will be coming your way as soon as I hear from you and get your snail mail address! I’m excited to see your quilt come together, and I hope you will post your progress on your blog!

I also want to say, that I am just doing the MAILING -- The book was given to me for this Give-Away by Tonya Ricucci herself, and she has autographed it -- so she is really the one you need to thank for it!

I’ve enjoyed the give-aways so much that I think we will be doing more of them. For Instance – When ordering cases and cases of books, I occasionally get ones like this:

mailday 006

These two copies of Scraps & Shirttails II somehow got crimped in the cutting machine and there is a bit of damage to the back covers. The warehouse is sending me replacements, but what to do with other-wise-perfectly-good books like this?!

If YOU don’t mind a free book with a bit of damage to a back cover, leave me a comment here and we will draw for it TOMORROW and it will mail Monday! I’m going to give ONE away in this drawing --- And save the second one for a bit down the road. Ready, Get Set --- Comment me with what you will be sewing on for Super-Bowl-Sunday-Weekend!

As for me, I plan to spend the entire weekend in the basement re-bonding with my machine! Rolling on the floor laughing


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Thickethouse.wordpress said...

I would love to win this book! I have your other books and am slowly working on Nifty Thrifty. I love scrappy and recycling quilts the best.

Jacqueline said...

If it comes to me already a little smooshed then I wont cry nearly as much when I spill something on it or when the monster (I mean the toddler) gets ahold of it! <3 thanks for sharin!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

What happened to my comment? It seems to have disappeared....Bonnie, I would love to win this book! I have your other books and am working on Nifty Thrifty.

Suze said...

I would love to win a copy of any of your books, since I don't have any. I am trying to decide which one to get. This would solve my problem. I don't know if I will get to sew because I have to make some ribbon and yarn leis for guests we will be entertaining in a few weeks.

ana s. said...

I love your books (and workshops). I have given out your website address all over. Just returned from a 5 day quilt retreat and again gave it out.

Diane H said...

Thanks so much for a chance to win this great book. I'll be working on a birthday gift for a blog buddy (can't say what it is in case she reads this).

Barb Johnson said...

The owner of my LQS designs patterns and fabric for Timeless Treasures. She came up with a great pattern for a "Go STEELERS" banner. I brought the pattern home on Thursday, and DH immediately asked me if it will be done for Sunday's game. So, guess what I'm sewing this weekend......?


Anonymous said...

My sewing machine... sniffle sniffle... is in the shop. I miss it so much, but it needs to be fixed. That is forcing me to spend my weekend cleaning out my sewing area. I hope to spend the big game stitching down the binding on my brother's quilt, and maybe doing some hand quilting.
Thanks for the great quilting opportunities.

Man for all seasons said...

We don't get the Superbowl here in England, but I will be sewing away on the famous Cotton Boll quilt - have all the blocks done, just need to put the together and add that fabulous border! Stephen in London

Sue K said...

A little torn and tattered or a lot torn and tattered...I don't mind. Any book of yours would be treasured in my home!

Hey ... I'm Lindsay ! said...

I would LOVE one of your books ... and it's not on the outside that counts ... it's what's inside ... Just like God looks at our insides ... It would be AWESOME to see the INSIDE of your fabulous book!

Kay said...

It's what's inside that counts. All those Bonnie quilts! Can't get enough of them.
I plan to finish the borders of my RRCB and to work on a couple of Civil War BOWeek from Barbara Brackman's blog.

Trudi said...

Damaged, is still readable, and as I love your first two books, this one would be right at home here!

Mayleen said...

Of course, I'd like to win a copy of your latest book! I'm going to be sewing on my selvage spider web quilt tomorrow.

Robin said...

I just finished Roll Roll Cotton Boll this week. It took a lot of perserverance as it was quite a time investment. It turned out great! 'would love to win your gently used book.

Tracy said...

It's what's inside that counts!
I hope to get borders on a purple pansy quilt I have had in the works for entirely too long!

Jen said...

I would love a damaged copy of your book! Oh please, pick me! Thanks!

Julie Kaye from KS said...

Currently I am working on the quilting of Roll Roll Cotton Bowl. I don't think I have ever got to the quilting so fast. I am just so eager to see it DONE. Thank you for the great pattern and the opportunity to win your book. Hope you get lots of sewing time in yourself.

Sarah said...

I would love a copy of this book Bonnie!! I'm working on the binding of my Judy Niemeyer paper pieced Dancing Batiks quilt I just got back from the quilter. I'm going to enter it in our local quilt show later this month, first time I've ever entered a quilt in a show!

Carole said...

I will be crocheting a baby blanket for my niece, baby due at the end of the month. I forgot about her while i was working on RRCB. Don't know who I'll cheering for yet but for sure will be watching the game with DH. I was also a yellow fish. A whole 5'2" in grade 6, the tallest in class, needless to say most past me by.

Blessed said...

Bonnie I would love love love to have a copy of this book. A little wear and tear is no problem at all :)

Becky said...

I've received your blogs as rss feeds for several years now. But now that you're actually going to "give" away one of your books, I had to do more than read. I've signed up with blogger just so I can get the chance to win! My mother always told me to never judge a book by its cover and boy is she right about this one;)

Anyway, I'll be working on a baby quilt this weekend. I have a neice who will be popping soon (girl) and this is a chance to use some of those soft pinks and pastels that I have accumulated.

Sheila said...

I will either work on sewing a wall hanging or hand quilt more on my "Civil War" English paper pieced table runner. :)
I would love to win your book.

Jules said...

Count me in, I'd love to win your book! Aren't we all a bit bummed up? :)

Donna Joy said...

YOu inspire me to use my fabric stash, so I would love to have a copy of your book. Must finish the sashing and borders for one of my quilts.

Beth said...

First, congratulations to Beth. Thank you for sharing the yellow fish story - I was not familiar with it. I will be watching your blog to see it all come together.

Second, I just returned scraps and shirttails to the library and I really enjoyed it. I would love to have scraps and shirttails II, wrinkles and all.

Last but not least, I just finished the cutting the fabric for a Quilt Along. I need to take a quilt break and work on some roman shades. OH, and my block for quilt guild AND I need to make some progress on a baby quilt - LOL there is always more list than time.

Mary said...

Hi, Bonnie--I would love to have the book, especially if autographed! I will be putting the binding on my quilt made with your Carolina Chain Block during the Super Bowl.

Lois Arnold said...

I don't mind wear and tear. Unfortunately, I may not get to sew tomorrow since I have another commitment. If I do, I will be hand quilting a long overdue gift quilt. http://larnold.blogspot.com

Lois Arnold said...

Oops, I really should know my blog address. It is really http://loisarnold.blogspot.com!

Beth said...

Bonnie, Just saw your book today at a LQS and it is fantastic! I would love to win.... if I don't I will order it from you :). I am teaching a beginning quilting class tomorrow afternoon and working on Roll roll cotton Boll when I get home.

Julia Rosalinda said...

Well, I'm rather beaten up around the edges, too, so it would be a good fit. I am sewing an orange quilt for my oldest son. Orange is his favorite colour. It's a great quilt to be working on when it's cold and grey outside. Nyla-Jean, Kingston, Ontario

Nik said...

I spent nearly all day today tidying my sewing room so I would love a crumpled book as a reward please!

Rita said...

I'm going to be binding a few quilts during the Superbowl. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Laura said...

Recycled fabric + recycled books = the perfect quilter! Thank you for another giveaway opportunity. I will be working on the infamous HSTs from RRCB. I want to become a member of the elite 600 club! :-)

VVS Art Quilts said...

I'd love to have S&SII to go with the first book, a bit of wear doesn't bother me. I haven't decided what I'll be sewing this weekend, too many choices, blocks for an exchange, finishing some art quilts, pinning a UFO. Whatever, it will be fun.

dpagel52 said...

I'll be working on a baby memory quilt for our new granddaughter due in May from Fuquay-Varina, NC!!! I don't mind a little wear and tear on my quilt books!!! Thanks Bonnie for the give-a-way.

Irene Onderweegs said...

What are we doing tomorrow "super bowl" sunday?
Preparing for the dentist, another meeting with the walking league, some laundry and some taxes... there is no super bowl here in Amsterdam! Or, can we include the super bowl salad in it?! Some beans from the can, carrot and leek sliced, sausages and a little oil and seasoning put in and: goal! throw it in the microwave! Super bowl and super healthy!
And the books, aren't we all a little like those books? The outside got bumps, the inside is pefect to suit your needs!
Irene from a stormy Amsterdam.

Jeanne in Ohio said...

I won't be sewing during the actual game because we're going to a party. Before the game I'll be finishing up some FM quilting on one of my numerous UFOs. I'd love to win a copy of your book!

Brenda said...

Wear and tear on a book doesn't bother me. What a great idea to do a give away with it.

QuiltingShaz in Sunny South Africa said...

By the time the Superbowl shows here in South Africa I'll be fast asleep. I'm hoping to work on my RRCB on Sunday Afternoon.
I'm dying to get a copy of your book - while doing the ironing today, I found myself checking all the blouse and shirt labels to see which ones I can recycle into quilts ;-)

lindaroo said...

A little tweaking of the spine will only make the book easier to find! Sometimes it's good to stand out, to be the yellow fish!

Anonymous said...

I have 3 things set to work on for Super Bowl Sunday.
1 - sew more 1" strips together for a slat border
2 - finish up trianles for an exchange
3 - work on applique block during the games so I can look up and watch the commercials.

The other thing we will be doing is eating chicken wings and other things I know we shouldn't but isn't that what Super Bowl is all about other than being 2 weeks beforfe the Daytona 500.
Upstate NY(near Plattsburgh)

mamarazza said...

No Superbowl Sunday here in Germany - so I will try to make Valentine's mug rugs for my friends.
It's important what's IN the book, not the outside! I would be so glad to give a friendly new home to one of your new books,close to the older ones I have from you! Greetings from Stuttgart/D

Jill said...

I will not mind a little tear, in the least bit. I would like to think I will be sewing this Super Bowl Weekend. I plan to sew every weekend, but that seldom happens. If I don't get to my machine, then I know I will be doing some hand piecing while watching the game and maybe to mix things up a little I will pull out a small top waiting for me to hand quilt. Thanks for the chance to win a book. Have fun with your machine.

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

A little wear and tear is just part of life. I'd love a copy.

Mary W Quilts said...

I'm bonding with a sponge and the mop today. Hope to be bonding with some scrappy hexagons tomorrow during Super Bowl, but would love to win the book, thanks, Mary

Elisa (AKA scrapcat) said...

I will have the house to myself so, in between commercials, I'll stitch Little Mss Shabby's Birdie Stitches BOM. It just started last month and I'm already a month behind!

SubeeSews said...

Mine arrived today! I would love to have another copy so I can keep the "pretty" one for posterity.
I plan to do some hand quilting tomorrow. I am doing your FreeHand Baptist Fans on a shaded 9-patch quilt I made eons ago. I am on my third round and they keep going faster and faster. You know why!!!!
Have a great weekend!

~Joan said...

I am sewing binding on my first customer quilt! You can go ahead and just put my address on the prize book--I know I'm gonna win!!

~Joan said...

Go ahead and put my name on one of the envelopes now! I'll be sewing the binding to a customer quilt.

Deb Paris said...

A slightly imperfect back of an absolutely wonderful book ..... would love to have the free copy.

Carol said...

Your new book is a must-have. I plan on ordering it if I don't win a copy. I will be sewing (finishing, maybe) a four patch autumn quilt this weekend. Then I can start a baby quilt for my son's friends.

Quilter Kathy said...

A giveaway of your brand new book...who wouldn't LOVE it?!? I plan to sew some of your crumb heart blocks for Valentine's day...and I'm going to try some LOVE blocks...fun!

Frog Quilter said...

I'll be sewing on my stars and churn dash quilt top. Fun!!!!

Joan and Kevin said...

Thank you for the giveaway.

rcp said...

Wow!!! I'd love to have a copy of your book. It doesn't matter if it is damaged or not.

Elizabeth said...

I am not a football fan but I AM a piecing/quilting fan. I plan to spend Super Bowl evening working on UFOs that have collected. Several are very close to being finished. When they are I won't feel guilty about starting a new project on my "wish to make list". Thank you for ALL that you share. Soon I'll send you photos of my first crumb quilts.

Debbie said...

As long as the book is signed by you, Bonnie, what could be wrong! :) I won't be sewing on Sunday. If I get a chance to do any needlework, it will probably be knitting.

karenfm84 said...

So far I've longarmed a quilt for a friend, started the binding on two others and made stacks of flying geese for a new top. Love rainy days.

Unknown said...

My backside isn't perfect either!

Cory said...

Bonnie, I wouldn't mine a slightly damaged back on one of your books. After all, it's the content that is important. :-) Thank you for this opportunity. Take care and God bless, Cory

Wendy said...

As I said on FB .... no book of yours could be imperfect! I would adore to win one, scratches, dents and all!! Thank you Bonnie for this chance :)

bairdmtn said...

Would LOVE to win your book no matter WHAT condition it is in!! I'm gonna use it to death anyway so it would look that way soon enough! How generous of you!!

Becky said...

I don't mind a bit if the cover is crimped. Would LOVE a copy! I'll be finishing up some mug rugs tomorrow - I lucky in that I won't even have to hear the game at all as my husband avoids sports like a plague.

Lisa said...

I love your blog! I thought about looking you up at Road to CA but got sidetracked with the gorgeous quilts and booths. As I live in Alaska it was the closest we've ever been to meeting. I would love to win your book! Have a great quilty weekend!

vickie in nh said...

What is a little wear and tear, it isnt' like we are perfect either :-) and besides it wouldn't stay perfect with all of the use it would get at my house :-)

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Congrats to Beth on the Word Play win. I don't mind a crumple or a crimp here or there! I'll be quilting on my Mealtime Mantra this weekend.

Joanne said...

I'm working on UFOs Sunday (while watching the game) so I can make room for NEW UFOs, some of which will probably come from your new book! Your books are full of so many wonderful projects that I start one, start another, and then start another before I make myself sit down and finish the first one. The tears in the book are no big deal to me. Now if there were pages missing......that's another story. :-)

Anya said...

It's what's inside the book that matters, so thanks for the chance!

Marge said...

Would love the second book. I have really enjoyed the first one. I don't mind a little wear and tear. The insides are what count, I have a lot of tape at home!!

chook said...

oh I would take one of your books anyday even with no cover please enter me in the draw hugs Beth

Leah Spencer said...

Oh my word... I gasped at the book damage. Makes me want to smooth it out and tell the book it'll still be loved.

VickiT said...

I'd love to be able to say I'll be sewing during the Super Bowl but I will probably be watching the game. If not watching, it will be cooking since I've planned some yummy snacks to eat. If I do end up sewing, it will be some embroidery projects I had wanted to do about a month ago and never got around to doing them.

I'd love to have one of your books, damaged or not. Thank you for the chance to win one from you.

vburr at charter dot net

Gail said...

I'd love to win a book, Bonnie. For economic reasons, most of the books I buy are second hand anyway and a lot of them are missing covers or are very worn but it's the content of the book that's important--you know--you can't judge it by it's cover!

Gail :)

Jennifer said...

I will be working on one of two UFOs tomorrow - depends if I am in the mood for quilting (a king sized bed quilt) or fusing (an Esterita Austin workshop project). I'd love to have a copy of your book!

Anonymous said...

I can soooo relate to your awkwardness as a young girl/teenager. When I left Grade 7 I was close to the tallest girl in the school. By the time I got to Grade 10 was the tallest girl in the school at 5'12"!!! Not surprisingly, my 3 daughters are all tall and I still quote my mum when someone says I(or they) am tall (she was only 5'4"). "No, I'm not tall, I'm normal, everyone else is just short!"
Lizzy Hentze

Janice said...

I'd love to win this book! I enjoy your blog and website; I love your free patterns! I'm currently working on a "Boxy Stars" quilt. Your directions are so easy for this newbie quilter to follow. Thanks for making quilting so fun!

Regina said...

Scratch and dents work for me!! :-) Especially when the inside content is so AWESOME!

Cousin Jill said...

My friend and I were sewing kids quilts today for Project Linus and I'll be sewing tomorrow...it's still snowing here so it's perfect sewing weather!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

It would be perfectly happy sitting here next to its sister, Shirttails 1!! Sisters don't see imperfections! Tracey x

Glenda in Florida said...

Would love to win a copy of your new book. I don't get to sew this weekend--I'm working at the quilt display at the Florida Pioneer museum show. One day down, one to go!

Cousin Jill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Charo said...

I would love to have it, thank you, I will be finishing my sewing bag with a trolley

Jittina said...

No Super Bowl Weekend in the Netherlands.
And sewing? I still need to iron and cut my fabrics, so no sewing for me. :-( But I'd love to win a copy of your book!

Jittina, the Netherlands

Laurel said...

I ordered your last two books for my guild - would love to win your newest. I find your designs incredible. I'm still working on RRCB, I don't know how so many were able to finish so quickly. I'm still immersed in it and scrap happy!

Pat said...

I will be sewing on a quilt for a new granddaughter we didn't know we had. she is eight and her favorite color is mint green. green is my fav too. So I pushed her quilt to the front and am working on it now. I work love to have one of your books.

amy said...

I don't mind a little damage either :) Tomorrow I'll be sewing...hmm, I'm not sure! I finished up 2 baby quilts today, I have a paper piecing one in progress or maybe I'll plan a quilt for a new baby girl on the way.

Judy said...

On Super Bowl weekend, I'm going to be sewing some blocks for a swap I am in. I have 70 different blocks to sew before April 15, but I've already finished at least 20 of them. I guess I won't be getting into any kind of trouble soon!


Jane said...

I'm kind of rumpled and wrinkly and damaged myself so I certainly don't mind it in a book. I like to think it adds to our charm!

quiltmom anna said...

Can a quilter ever have too many quilting books with ideas to inspire- I don't think so- Thanks for the opportunity to win your lovely new book Bonnie. You are going to make two someone's very happy when their names are drawn.
Thanks so much for the chance.
Warmest regards,

Vicki said...

I would love to win your amazing book! Every Super Bowl Sunday I host a Super Bowl Sew-In by having my quilting girlfriends over for an afternoon party! Everyone brings their current projects and we catch up on life and eat beautiful hors d'oeuvres. (real "girly" food!) This year I've made them all little needle cases....shhh! Don't tell! Bonnie, if you can hop on an airplane to Connecticut, we'd love to have you come join us! Key Lime Pie for dessert!

bistry said...

Wow Bonnie! I would love to have a copy of the new book. Tomorrow on Superbowl Sunday I will be trying to catch up with my backload of quilts to be longarmed (unfortunately not one of my own)
and hopefully doing a little bit of hand applique
if I meet my work goal before the game is over.

Carole Diehl
Altoona, PA

Anonymous said...

I too love your books. cut or not! The cover doesn't matter....kinda like the outside of a person, it's what's inside that counts!

cityquilter grace said...

an imperfect book would fit perfectly with my scraps and such, be glad to take one!

Katie said...

I tried to comment from my phone but I don't think it worked. I don't see it here. So I don't believe I'm double dipping.

I would Love to win a copy of your book. The cover doesn't matter, it's what's inside that's precious. :-)

Ila K. said...

Scratch and dent sale? I'm all over that!

I'm hoping the weather cooperates so I can attend a Superbowl Mystery class 60 miles away!

cityquilter grace said...

oh, and superbowl sunday i'll be basting and sewing on scrappy borders for a boston commons quilt!

antique quilter said...

I will be working on my courthouse step quilt, I am determined to finish this quilt this month and using what I have, I am amazed at how many of my shirting strips I have used! yes it is a scrap busting quilt!
have a great weekend!

SusanB said...

I read your blog every day and would love to have a slightly bruised copy of your book.

laquaqltr said...

Thank you for this opportunity. I am hoping that this offer extends to your fellow Canadians. I appreciated your comments about how the weather stops at the border.

Becky said...

Tomorrow is a get-together with ladies who went on a quilting retreat together in September. We are meeting for soup, sharing and lots of laughter. We also have made black and tan blocks for a swap. We call it our "Rottweiller swap." I'm excited to spend some time with these ladies once again. It will be a Super Sewing/Soup Sunday.

Annette said...

I would love to win a copy of your book! I saw you give a trunk show in Spring Green, WI and enjoyed all your quilts!

kt said...

I will be working on quilts for my two boys using some novelty fabric with soldiers from the Revolutionary War--both boys loved the fabric, so I'm trying to stretch it into quilts for both of them. Thanks for the chance to win--I hinted to my husband that I'd love one of your books for Christmas, but he didn't quite get the hint, unfortunately. Guess I just need to ask him next time!

Hilda said...

I'm hoping to get a friend's quilt loaded and get it done tomorrow. I need it finished to take to her in Phoenix when we both attend an annual quilting retreat.

I don't mind a blemish on a book...I'd love to win!

Girltwin64 said...

A book is a book and the inside is what counts!!

Ariane said...

I would love to win this book. What's a little damage!!! I would love it still!! I'm going to work on my Dresden quilt. Hopefully I'll get quite a bit done!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Vicki said...

I am going to be making little sissors/thread holders that go on your neck. helping a friend make 250 for QSC Spring Meeting gift. Then back to finish my RRCB, I hope.

Pauline said...

Free is good! Make that GREAT! I'm one of your biggest fans! Nothing about my life is perfect and a non perfect book would fit right in and be loved and used. Pice Me Please!

Laurel H. said...

Oh, no, I most definitely do not mind a crimped binding, so please enter me in the giveaway!

Bev said...

I would love your "imperfect" book! It still would make great quilts! I love all your quilt patterns.

julieQ said...

Hey Bonnie-cakes!! Thank you for a chance to win one of your fabulous books!!! See you in Fort Worth!!

Leeanne said...

Nothing in life is perfect! please, please put in the draw.

Annie said...

Your one of the best quilters - I love following your work. I am always happy with the quilts I make from your patterns ... please keep sharing your ideas. Thanks ....

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

I would love to win a slightly damaged copy of your book. As for what I'm going to be sewing this weekend, I'm going to be sewing string blocks on my newly refurbished Singer 401A.


Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

If I work on anything during the Superbowl (I hate to miss the commercials) it will be cutting strings for the Roll, Roll Cotton Boll quilt. I finished ironing the neutrals yesterday (bought more at a thrift store today, of course) and I'm ready to cut and get started. I've already cut the foundations. I'd love your book. I've already found a quilt in it I want to make, I just haven't bought the book yet.

CindyB said...

I would love win a book that is already broken in so I won't feel so bad when I get chocolate stains on the covers. Thanks for a great give away!

Barbara Black said...

I promise to take good care of your damaged book!

Diane said...

Please enter my name in the drawing for the damaged book, love all the sharing you do on your blog. Thanks.

gail.designs said...

Most of my quilting books are dog-earred and what I like to call well loved. It's not the cover but what's inside that I love. Isn't that like all of us?

yorkie mom said...

Love slightly damaged books. would love a chance to win the book. Thank you.

Marcia W. said...

My comment didn't post for some reason - I would enjoy having one of your books regardless of what it looks like outside - it is the inside that counts - especially if you autograph it. After reading your blog, I am doing leaders - but not sewing so much so isn't accumulating (yet?) Thanks for your generousity. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com alternate email address

Carol Sc said...

Does it not simply amaze you how many comments you get? especially when there is a giveaway! I would love a copy of your book --- would no doubt damage it myself, with the rapid turning of the pages. I plan to be cutting apart shirts, during the Super Bowl --- I love football and can cut and watch at the same time, without doing too much damage to the goods! quiltschon@att.net

Mama Spark said...

Who wouldn't love a copy of this amazing book? I sure would!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Grandma said...

My mother always taught me, "Don't judge a book by its cover". It's what is on the inside that counts. I hope I win. I really enjoy your books.

Karen said...

I would never let a little rip stop me from enjoying a great book!! Congrats again.

Miki Willa said...

I would love to win your book. I pretty much sew only from scraps and small pieces. I also have a pile of shirts to take apart to add to my stash.

quiltlady said...

I have so enjoyed your blog and the mystry quilt on line. You are such an inspiration. I would love to win a copy of your latest book.

Cheryl U said...

Would love to win one of your books!

Ariane said...

Oh!!!! I would love to win a copy of this book. I don't mind a little tear. I hope to work on my dresden quilt tomorrow. I will try a quilt as you go method for the first time. Hopefully it looks good. Thanks for the chance to win.

PeggyinNO said...

I won't get off of work til 5:30 tomorrow, so I will probably not work on anything, just enjoy the game and commericals! Although, I do have a queen size Hawaiian applique quilt that I can work on if the game isn't up to par!! And I would love your book, boo boos and all!!! I would give it a very good home!

Anonymous said...

I'll be working on my baby son's quilt; I'm appliqueing his initials onto it in a square that I didn't have enough of the intended fabric for. I always seem to make my quilts more interesting when I have to solve a problem or mistake in them, so I guess I should be glad when they don't work out as planned!

Sue said...

Love the idea of having a chance of winning your book. A little bit of damage will turn out to be good news for someone out there. :)

Cheryl Willis said...

Great Idea of a give a way- who wouldn't want a one of a kind- future classic. cw

Katie Z. said...

I will be hand quilting my daughter's bed quilt, as I am laid up with a sprained/broken ankle and can't sit at the machine yet (yuck!). I hope I win so I have something to read/drool over!

Janet said...

I wouldn't mind a bit if the book was a bit crimped! Kinda like me, lol!

Jo said...

I would love a free book.

Louise said...

I'll be going to a Bowl party with DH, but I'll have time before that. I have two identical baby quilts (donation quilts) that need borders so I may work on those.
Too bad about the books but I'd still love to win a copy!

Unknown said...

As a long admirer of your work i would love one of your books....if it was here today I would be lying on the couch reading, forgot I was 40 yesterday and spent the afternoon running around the beach with a 3 and 8 year old! can't move my ankle!

Paul said...

I am finishing RRCB made mostly from old shirts. I have learned much from you Bonnie, and would love to have your new book... even if it has a few flaws... after all, all of those shirts did!

Mom2four said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
thequiltedmitten said...

winning this book would make my day, or my year even.

Karen said...

I agree, don't judge a book by it's cover! Thanks for the chance to win.

WoolenSails said...

I will be working on a little heart for my daughter, so she has something she can hang in her small apartment.


gina said...

hello Bonnie, please enter me in the draw for the damaged book. I love your quilts and have just finished roll roll cotton boll! thank you! Gina in sunny Oz!!

gina said...

hello Bonnie, please enter me in the draw for your great book! I love your quilts and have just finished roll roll cotton boll! best wishes from Gina in sunny Oz!!

Shannon277 said...

I attended one of your trunk shows last fall and was inspired! Tomorrow I will be stitching my blocks into rows to assemble my Kiss in the Corner quilt. I used some brights for my kisses to make the stars sparkle - lots of light blue neutrals look great with the stars. I can't wait to see it come together. I would love a copy of the book.

Anita said...

I adore books, a bit of wear and tear doesn't bother me at all!

Claudia said...

I will be working on a scrap quilt. I would love to win your book. Thanks for the opportunity.

Avon said...

Would I love a gently damaged book. What an awesome offer.:p count me in?

Unknown said...

Sunday is our Monday so we don't get to watch the game until the replay later in the night. But in pregame sympathy I am sewing some paper pieced blocks i started at our day retreat last week. I love the unthinkability of it!

Nancy said...

Slightly damaged books are no problem at all for me. I often buy used books in less than perfect condition from the library bookstore. I'd be thrilled to have this book on my bookshelf.

Good day to you.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Since I"m on orders to not buy anything quilting related a win of a damaged book would be the world to me! I can't wait to see it!

TheTrueFrancine said...

This is the first weekend in a while where I've found time to sew. I started the Bloggers' Block-a-palooza Quilt Along today. One block done, hopefully two more tomorrow.

Bonnie said...

I already have your other 2 books and this would be a great addition! I plan on making some mug rugs and keep working on some ongoing projects this weekend. Enjoy getting to know your machine again! lol

The Quilting Cat Lady. said...

My quilt guild had a super bowl sew together today, it´s been about 13 years now we have had these. Everybody loves it. Tomorrow I am going to get my RRCB batting cut and the backing ready for quilting next week. I would love this book, like I love the first one. I bought two of that , 1 for me and 1 for the quilt guild library ;-)
Alda, Fl

Unknown said...

This weekend I will be working on my 'Orange Crush' mystery quilt. I'm on step three and working mine in fall colors, and though I've seen yours and other's finished I am still excited to see how the colors in mine look when I put it all together. As always, thank you for the patterns!!

Happy sewing!

Jill said...

I would love the book, damage or no damage. Thanks for the chance.

judyjj said...

I'm a volunteer docent at our local museum tomorrow, which is the PERFECT place and opportunity to pin baste two quilt tops.

Sarah Martin said...

Aaah! Pre-disastered, very good! I am sure looking forward to reading the insides of this one. If it's anything like the first 2, I will love it!
Thanks for all your good work!!

Mom2four said...

I just collected about 20 or so mens XL-3X long sleeve shirts from a thrift store for $.50 each!! WHOOT! So I am going to be busy unsewing them during the Super Bowl. I'd love a not-so- perfect book!

Claudia said...

I just finished two quilts, so I need new ideas! (Not really, one life is not enough for sewing all I ever wanted, but every idea is welcome)
Thank you for all your books!

Trudi said...

Pick me, pick me as I never win anything!

Grammasheri said...

Bonnie I would love to win this book. I've been following your blog for awhile now. It makes me smile...you are such a positive person. I want to purchase your Leaders and Enders book, too. I'm inspired by the lovely scrap quilts you make.
For Super Bowl Sunday I will be sewing on an applique quilt I'm making, a pulling together all of the samples/supplies for a beginning quilting class i'm teaching. Fun!

Anonymous said...

You and Tonya are very generous. The giveaways are so much fun!

Renee G said...

I'm hoping to finish up a few minor sewing projects I have around and do my first block in a block of the month quilt.

Debbie said...

I'll be stitching Valentine blocks and an Adult Cuddle Strip quilt for my son.
Looking forward to your new book ~ give-aways are great!

Hedgehog said...

Bonnie, you are so generous! (And not only with the give-away!)

Limbania said...

Thanks for the giveaway. There will always be room for one of your books in my sewing room whether flawless or not.
2 and 5 year olds would raher watch cartoons or Disney movies than superbowl, and while they do that, I'll stitch as fast as I can. Happy Sunday and Blessings.

Sharon said...

Oh, I'd love to win your book. I sure don't mind a little crumple or two. I have a few myself! LOL

For the Stupor Bowl, I'll be doing some handwork, as I love to watch the ads. I have some vintage grandmother's flower garden blocks that were given to me, and I'm appliquing them to make a table mat. And when that's done, I'm blanket stitching a wool basket down.

Patty in NV said...

Really would like to win your book, I already have the first two...and that is why I'm working on Blue Ridge Beauty. It is so amazing and testing my newfound skills. This will take awhile, but so worth it. If I don't win, I will need to save up...but I will get all your books! Thanks, Patty in NV

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Throw my name in the hat...I'm sure that whatever damage is there can be fixed with a little sticky tape! :o)

Pat said...

Love your books!

Wendy said...

I would absolutely love a copy of your newest book. I'm working on the quilting of a pinwheel quilt with a black background and lambswool black batting. I'm about half way through.

Heather said...

Hi Bonnie, Congrats on the new book. I will be stitching on a scrappy pink and brown tumbler quilt I started too long ago ..... It's about half done, and I should be able to make a dent in the rest of the piecing.

Teri said...

I think this is your best book yet. Your border options really add a lot to the quilts. I will be working on a laptop bag today (If I survive baseball practice) :)

Dru said...

I'll take a slightly damaged book...thanks! As for sewing, I'll be working on some quilted nightstand covers.

Anonymous said...

For Super bowl sunday, I will be working on my very first "real" applique quilt( instead of a smallish table runner, it is a whole bed sized quilt yikes!)I would love to win one of your books...I absolutely love your scrappy quilts.

Maggie Szafranski said...

A little bit of damage is fine with me. You really have to love everything, because not everything can be perfect!

Sam said...

Hi as I'm from Australia, not sure what the super bowl week-end is, but this week-end I have been travelling 400kms and back to tke my husband to have his back fused at hospital. He's flying back - too painful to fly - so I am going to try to get a lap quilt finished. I am making it for the oldies I work with. I work at a respite centre for people with dementia, and they are really lovely to work with. I have been making a scrappy/string quilt - a variation on your string quilt, and now it needs to be quilted and bound. There is probably just time to get it done before hubby returns and I need to care for him. Thanks for making this possible. Sam

Shelley said...

Still pluggin' away on my RRCB. Worked all night so will try to sleep some today. Hubby and kids are skiing. Not a Superbowl family. Would love to have your book, in all it's chewed up glory!

Debbie Lou said...

Hi, Bonnie!! I would love to win a copy of your new book. What a giver you are. I am on the last phase of RRCB. It's coming together and I can't wait to see the finished product. Your ideas are very inspirational and I look forward to seeing your new book. They are always a delight. Thanks for the giveaway.

Judy in OKC said...

Rats! Wish I had seen this post yesterday! If you haven't already done the drawing, I'd love to have a chance at a book. I love your patterns! I read your blog every day and enjoy hearing about your travels and adventures. You're always such a quilty inspiration!

Judy in OKC

SandraC said...

I would love to win the book,Bonnie! I hope to do some sewing to day, not into football but looking forward to a new episode of Glee after the game!

QuilterMary said...

Getting a new book that is already a little love worn - how great is that!!

~Kris~ said...

Wow! Thanks for another giveaway.

No sewing for me today. I live in Green Bay and will be glued to my TV.

Go Pack Go!

Me and My Stitches said...

I think I will work on some Civil War Love Letter blocks today! I haven't done any for awhile and it is always fun to make a few!

Betty said...

I work at the local (rural) post office, and I have seen what the machines can do, it is so sad to have a book (or item) placed in one's box. I would be happy to receive your book, and enjoy your work.
I will be hand sewing binding on a couple of quilts, I love all sports. My team didn't make it so I will be pulling for the underdog...

Joyce said...

I wouldn't mind a little crumple on the back of the book. It's what's inside that counts! :)

Unknown said...

I would also like to be entered.

Reenie said...

Thanks so much for this generous giveaway! I plan on putting some 240+ flying geese together for a border. I can relate to that book...I look fine from the front, but look at my backside...sheesh! lol

Jantine said...

When you get to use a book it might damage too. So I do not mind a bit of damaging on the outside, the quilts inside are still the same!

Gwen said...

I will be working on a baby quilt for my goddaughters first baby due anyday. I am using the leaders and enders to put all the scrap blocks together with all the leftover pieces that are from the gifts that I sewed for the baby shower. Thank you for being so generous with your time and talents to inspire me to use those special fabrics to make a one of a kind quilt for this special little person, I hope that I am able to have it finished for her when the arrival time comes.

Kathy C said...

Love to win your book- I have lots of scraps to use up!
I will not be watching the Superbowl - or quilting- I do have lots of UFO's to finish- instead I will be out fridge shopping with DH.

I Quilt for Fun said...

Would love to the be the "lucky" winner of a slightly damaged book. Cotton Boll didn't make a dent in my strips. Super Bowl for me will be with my first lollypop block (Kim McLean's pattern) -- appliquing the last of the circles. Can always look up for instant replay and listen the rest of the time. Perfect!
Jan at iquiltforfun.blogspot.com

Chris said...

Congratulations on your new book! I just found out about you in a class about using resale shop plaid shirts for awesome quilts. And I LOVE you books! I'm going scrappy, trying to use up my stash - but it sure is taking a long time!

Diana Davis said...

I can't imagine anyone having a problem with a little crinkle!! It just gives the book more "character" LOL. I'd love to win a crinkled copy!

Gamawinkie Renea said...

I would LOVE to win your book. Your blog is fascinating to me.

Kim said...

You are such an inspiration. I love how you think outside the box. It would be terrific if I could add your new book to it's sister - Adventures with Leaders & Enders - in my library.

Laura said...

I would enjoy your new book. I have a number of quilt books that are not "perfect" since we has water back up in the basement last year! (Who's perfect anyway? Certainly not me!) I enjoy your blog also

Jeanne said...

This give away is so you. Reuse, Reuse, Reuse.
Thanks for the opportunity.
On the baby quilt, have you thought of a green that has many shades and includes the mint? You might get that punch your looking for?

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