
Monday, November 29, 2010

Oscar is HOME!

**Note* Oscar passed away in the spring of 2011. I miss him dearly, and it is a comfort to see his photos pop up occasionally through random blog posts. Oscar, you are missed!

And let me tell you, he is NOT a HAPPY CAMPER!

He looks...well.....terrible. But better than he did when he went in to the animal hospital on Saturday.

The doc showed me his xrays...OY! You couldn't even see his heart or lungs hardly due to all the fluid that had built up. He said when the first started to syringe out the fluid, it just came and came and came, poor guy! No wonder his breathing was so labored. He couldn't GET ANY AIR!

He's been on mega antibiotics, and as soon as they got the fluid off, you could tell that he could breathe so much better.

However, he refused to eat while at the vet.....and I'm out to remedy that. I don't think it will take much to put the weight back on him, he made a bee-line for the bed-side table where his treats are found. He even jumped up there just fine and was purring to beat the band.

So now we just wait and watch. We give him antibiotics twice a day to make sure the infection is completely gone. We feed him to fatten him up and get his weight stabilized. We watch and we wait to see if the fluid returns, which is our main clue for how we are doing.

I know if he was still in bad shape, they wouldn't have called me to bring him home. So I'm thinking positive. It's a good day! It's a good sign...

It's a bad vet bill! >_< (But worth it!) Welcome Home, Oscar....you were missed!


Kristina @ withaKquilting said...

yay for Oscar...and double yay for you. Good news I would certainly say...not the vet bill though. ;0) k

Debby said...

Bonnie, I am glad Oscar is home and send my wishes for a speedy recovery!

Debby said...

P.S. I really enjoyed listening to an old interview of yours earlier today while machine quilting.

Unknown said...

Don't feel bad. I had a bad vet bill last week too. I'm sure happy to hear that your little angel is on the mend. My kitty knows about the cat treats in the night table too! They are so funny. Mine will race to get to the bed ahead of me. Happy Holidays!

Marj said...

My kitty and I will be sending healing thoughts Oscars way. Hope that the trip to the Vet has done the trick.

PNW Kimberly said...

Ahh great news and straight to the treats means an appetite! What Momma doens't wnat to see her baby eat?!? Even if it is goodies!

Michele said...

Vet bills are ruthless, but I'm so glad Oscar is on the mend. I bet he's so happy to be home and have mama fattening him up. I can hear the purrs from here.

Jan Hatchett said...

So glad that Oscar is healing!

Vicki said...

I am SO happy to hear that he's HOME! Great news!!! And I know all your good loving on him will have him back in shape very soon. Happy, happy, happy! So happy for you and Oscar!!!!

Jeanne said...

Healing prayers for Oscar! I hope he's like his old self very soon.

Unknown said...

So glad to hear that Oscar is back home and hopefully fully on the mend

zebracar said...

Yeah! Glad to hear Oscar is back home with his Momma!

LaStitches (Faith Pesson) said...

Me and my two kitties wish Oscar and the rest of the family a speedy recovery - health wise and financially. I know how expensive those hospital stays can be for our 4 legged family members!

Lissa Jane said...

glad to hear your Oscar is home and hopefully on the mend.. I can't imagine how hard it is to give cats tablets.. Our Bailey the Wonderdoggie was at the vet yesterday and we are looking down the barrel of 2 x $500+ day procedures.. yikes.. all i am saying is thank you to me for taking out pet insurance! Wishing your furrycritter a speedy recovery!

KQ Sue said...

You need to come down to North Davidson Vet, in Welcome. Christmas had surgery 2 weeks ago, their worst case scenario price was $250. She is back to better than ever, beating up on the dogs, Simba - 12 lb Peke - Maggie 24 lb Scottiedoodle - Chrissy 2 lb "Black CAT!"

Janet said...

Oh yay! I'm SO glad he's home!

ConnieB said...

I'm glad he's home and feeling better, but boy, does he look ticked off in that picture! ;-) People who think cats only have one expression have never lived with one.

Lee Ann L. said...

I am glad to hear that. I know what it's like to have sickly fur babies and you can't help but be worried. We had big bills when my Chessie was so sick several years ago; but, we are so glad we did it because she's happy and content. It was not her time to go. And, it sounds like it's not Oscar's time to go. That is good news indeed.

Arlene said...

I know the feeling when you animals are hurting! Glad to see him home and under your loving care, that will definitely make him feel better. Get better soon Oscar!

Denise :) said...

I'm so glad he's home and feeling better! I have to admit, though, I did a double-take when I saw your post title. We lost an Oscar last week; he was the 7.5 pound bass-king in our pond. He finally took someone's bait! LOL! :)

Millie said...

Glad to hear Oscar is home and better. He will surely eat more at home.

The NCQ said...

Glad to hear that Oscar is home and is feeling better. The vet bills in NC are out of control! They are double what vets charge for the same services in Michigan!

Vicky F said...

Poor Oscar!! Poor Oscar's Mommy!! You must feel the pain every time you look at his beat up little self.
Sending lots of healing purrs your way.

Nancy said...

So glad to hear he is home and they were able to relieve his breathing.

Hugs to oscar!

Quiet Quilter said...

Yea! for Oscar....

PatSloan said...

awwww....what a photo of him too!! fingers crossed!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

So glad Oscar's feeling better & could come home. He DOES look a little POed thought. My kitty is laying on my feet right now, doing his best to keep me warm on this cold, blustery Nebraska night.

Unknown said...

Oh Bonnie, that is wonderful! Oscar is on the mend!


Linda said...

Ohh,Oscar! So glad he's feeling better. Vet bills can be scary but pets are worth every penny!

ytsmom said...

Just read about Oscar; so glad he is doing better. I, too, have a white cat who is the best, and also has lots of medical problems. He just had a stint in the hospital, too. Here is to our two kitties, and there future good health!

ytsmom said...

I can't believe I just misspelled their (used the wrong there)!

Lynn said...

Poor baby! He doesn't look happy in the photo but I know he is happy to be home. No likes to stay at the hospital!

Helen in the UK said...

Sending lots of good wishes to Oscar for a full and speedy recovery :)

Carole said...

So good to hear about Oscar's recovery (even if it comes with a bill, ouch). I bet he will his old self in a matter of days :-)

Kay said...

I'm so glad that Oscar is home! When you hadn't mentioned anything in your blog for a couple of days (I was checking often) I was a little worried. I'm sure you'll be spoiling him.

TheaMinPA said...

good to hear that Oscar is on the mend - that must have been so scary - don't you wish vets worked for quilts? (big sigh) if only!

SubeeSews said...


Lucy said...

Oh gosh , poor oscar. I hope he will recover soon. He is so sweet

Beth said...

Go Oscar!! He will be well in no time.

Lori said...

Ok, Oscar really does look PO'd!!! lol He needs pampering and lots of treats and I'm sure he'll be just fine!! Poor guy Maybe a little boiled chicken will appeal to him? I'm glad to hear he's home with you!!

Lori in VA

Cherie in St Louis said...

Oh, the best of news...Oscar gets to come home. I don't leave you many comments, Bonnie, but I read your blog all the time. I was so sad when I read Oscar was not doing well. Btw, after several years of wanting but not actually doing one of your mystery quilts, I've jumped into RRCB and have competed steps 1 & 2. Perhaps it was actually meeting you in person at the Shipshewana retreat :) In any case, I'm glad this time I finally started one.

Marlene said...

So glad to hear Oscar is home that would be awful to loose two beloved pets in one year. And I know all about vet bills my cocker spaniel has been to "college" twice to the vet school for allergies to just about everything....Keep the positive thoughts

YankeeQuilter said...

He'll be back at "fighting weight" soon...amazing how quickly Brownie's weight goes up and down. I think I've put at least one of my Vet's children through university....

Miriam said...

I hope Oscar makes a swift recovery!

SheilaC said...

Hugs and prayers for Oscar!! And hugs to you too :)


Jean said...

Poor little guy! Your making me tear up! I hope that he is doing better even though it's only been a day or since he got home. He didn't want those strangers feeding him... especially after what they did to him! Poor thing... glad to see he is home with the people who love him! Hang in there... how on earth you got anything done at all is beyond me!

Margeeth said...

I am very glad to read that Oscar is home again. I hope he will recover completely.

LeKaQuilt said...

I'm happy to see that Oscar is home and fine.

Tonya Ricucci said...

thank goodness Oscar (and you!) are doing better!!! lots of love to you both!

Jenny Carroll said...

So happy to hear he's home and doing better. Like human children, it is hard to be happy when our fur kids are not feeling well!

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