
Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Lights, Part 2!

Making The Blocks!

Click HERE for printer-friendly .pdf version!

*note* You must have adobe reader installed to view and print this file. You may need to right click to save, and then click to open it to print it!

In Part 1, we listed the fabric requirements, and all the directions for assembling the main units that go into Christmas Lights. Now we get to put them together into blocks!

Block 1, Block Quarter A!

From the Red Tone-on-Tone #1: Cut 120 Rectangles measuring 2" X 3 1/2". Cut 40 rectangles 2" X 5".

From Random Colored Scraps: Cut 40 2" squares of all colors (I just grabbed these from my pre-cut 2" squares bin!)

Grab 40 of the 52 4 patches (Say that 3 times fast!) and following the picture above, sew a red rectangle to one side of each 4 patch, paying attention to the directions that the colored squares in each 4 patch run. Press seam toward the red rectangle.

Join a 2" square to 40 more of the red rectangles. Press seams toward the rectangle, and add this unit to the 4 patch block quarter as shown. Press seam toward the red rectangle.

Block 1, Block Quarter B!

Following the photo above, Stack black/neutral triangle units as shown, paying attention to the direction they face. Stitch a red 2" X 3 1/2" rectangle to the right side of each triangle unit. Press seam toward the red rectangle.

Add the larger 2" X 5" rectangle to the bottom of the unit as shown. Press toward the rectangle just added.

Arrange 40 A-Units and 40 B-Units as shown and sew to complete 20 of Block 1! I love Asymmetrical blocks, they make really interesting designs as you rotate them in the quilt!

Block 2!

This Star Block also has a lot of motion/action going on!

For this block, arrange the Gold Triangle Units, the Mirror Image Triangle Units, and one center 4 patch as shown.

Stitch to make 12 Star blocks! (Yes, this is the same star as in the picture above, it is just rotated, and I'm feeling too lazy to take another picture! LOL!

On to Part 3!

*Back to Part 1!


Amy said...

Thank you Bonnie for posting this mystery.I am going to use my GO cutter to cut more strips and squares!! have a great week,Amy

Linda Wallin said...

You're the bomb!

SubeeSews said...

That a girl! Keep us busy with another pattern! this was a great choice!

Vivian said...

Thank you Bonnie. I wanted to participate and missed the first issue and never went on line to order it. This will probably be an after Christmas project (maybe New Year's Day). I can't wait to see your finished quilt so I can start planning colors. What a great surprise!

Lovie said...

Too much going on in my life right now to parcitapate in two mysteries. So I am saving the Christmas Lights until after the New Year. However, I am Having problems downloading part 2. Keep getting the message "file is broken and unable to be repaired." Will watch for posting on the Yahoo site, thought you might need to check the file.

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